Newspaper Page Text
Perry, Thursday, May 21.
Picnic Season.
I Offer you at low prices
everything for picnics.
Ali kinds of Pickles,
Sauces, Condiments,
Crackers, Fancy Cakes,
etc., etc.
W. B Sims.
Special Mention:
Wight’s Can Georgia
Cane Syrup.
...Q-ALL AT...
Richter’s New Cafe,
413 Third St.« Macon, Ga.,
Two Doors from Exchange Bank.
Meals served at all hours
both day and night.
Best Dinner in Macon fot 25c
All delicacies of the season
served to order.
Readers of the Home Journal have
speoial invitation.
may have been our predelic-
tionsjwith regard to soliciting
business, we believe it is no
longer considered a violation
of banking ethics to ask for
that which we would like to
have, and acting on that the
ory that what is greatly worth
having is certainly worth ask
ing for, the
Home Savings Bank
is better prepared than ever
to handle the business of the
people and solicits )Our ac
count, promising all the cour
tesies that are extonded by an
obliging and carefully [con
ducted banking house.
Loans negotiated on improved farms
at lowest market rates, and on most lib
eral terms.
Business of fifteen years' standing.
More than three million dollars in loans
negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed.
No. 314 Second St., Maoon, Ga.
Farm Loans
We consider good farm lands the best
security for loans. We can make such
loans promptly and at lowest rates. If
Security Loan & Abstract Co,
m!acon, ga.
Thos. B. West,
Sec. and Att’y.
POSITIONS GUARANTEED, under reasonable
Spinster Club.
one we came near passing away.
J^Ohl how important it is that
we, the Spinsters of Perry, should
learn to do everything well.
Mrs. Hugh Lawson proved her
self the most original artist in
the crowd and was awarded the
first prize, a beautiful hand paint
ed recipe book; while the second
prize,a large box of marshmallows
was drawn by Miss Gussie Riley.
A most delightful salad sourse
was served us by Misses Killen
and Holleman, to which we all
did full justice.
The shades of night were fall
ing fast when [we said goodbye,
each going home to dream of the
many pleasures of the afternoon
spent with Miss Russell.
The next meeting will be with
Miss Amelia Rogers on Tuesday
afternoon, May 26. 0. E.
Mrs. Oater Entertains.
you wish to borrow let us hear from you.
conditions. May deposit money
for tuition in bank till position is secured, or
give notes, or contract to pay out of salary,
and without security, after course is completed
and position is secured. Our facilities tot se
curing positions, and the proficiency of our
graduates, are strongly endorsed by business
men from Maine to California. Our 150-page
catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Ad
dress Dranghon'a College at either place.
Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta, Oa. A Ft. Worth, Texas;
Montgomery, Ala. i[ Galveston, Texas.
Little Rock, Ark. 0 Shreveport, La.
No Vacation St. Lotus, flo. Enter toy time
Most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kina in the world. Author four
text-books on bookkeeping*. Four weeks books
keeping with ns equal to] twelve by the old plan.
Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We
expend more money securing positions than, al
most any business college takes in as tuition,
Cheap board; car fare paid. CATALOG FREE,
PENMANSHIP, Me., aoocesslSiij
taught by mail or no charges. We
give better Home Study Conrse Hia-i
SO per cent of the busmens colleges
Castoria For Infants and Children. ;
Elko Etchings.
On the afternoon of May Oth.
at the home of Mrs. Laura S. ‘Kil
len, the Spinster club was most
royally entertained by Miss Lois
Out of doors the weather was
threatening/but when once with
in the house we were made to feel
that there was indeed one bright
spot in the dark, cloudy world.
On every side there were fra
grant flowers and smiling faces to
welcome us, while behind the
punch bowl stood Mis^ Houser,
waiting to serve us with delight
ful fruit nectar.
As soon as what business we
had was transacted, Miss Russell
asked that we all take part in a
“Mother Goose” contest, which
was delightfully amusing.
Dainty hand leaflets were given
each guest on which we were ask
ed to write some Mother Goose
rhymes. Well, this wasn’t so
awful hard to do we thought, bub
when we were told to illustrate
Last Thursday afternoon, be
tween the showers, quite a large
majority of the ladies of the club
met at the home of Mrs. L. F.
Cater. The presence of a number
of young ladies lent additional
charm to the pleasant occasion.
Lovely va'ses of poppies, lillies
and sweet peas and pots of rare
plants helped to make the pretty
home a bower of loveliness.
Perhaps the most attractive cen
ter was the Zurich bowl, where
Misses Lula Houser and Lois Rus
sell dispensed delicious fruit nec
The game contest kept us quite
busy for awhile looking in myste
rious hiding places for the an
swers to the puzzling conundrums.
The lady who was first to hand
in her card properly filled out was
the winner. Mrs. B. C. Holtz-
claw won the dainty little tie and
presented it to Mrs. Huddleson of
Forsyth,who was the guest of hon
Delightful refreshments jof
cream and cake ’were served to
the guests,
All too soon the gloom without,
in striking contrast to the bright
ness within, reminded us that it
was time to ,say good-night to the
hostess whose genial hospitality
had provided for us so much
Editor Protem.
By Big Sandy.
The rain has at last ceased and
we are now having some pretty
days again.
Mr. J. L. Eubanks, formerly of
Emerich, Ga., has moved his fam
ily here and is now occupying the
Graves residence on corner of Oak
and Third streets. We are, all
glad to have them with us. “Em-
erick’s lossjs Elko’s gain.”
Mrs. J. F. Houser and Miss
Elma Houser spent several days
in Maoon last week visiting rela
Miss Marilu Grace was called
home last week on account of her
sister Lucy being ill. We are
glad to note that she is fast im
Misses Julia and Clara Eubanks,
who are attending school in Per-
ry, spent Saturday and Sunday
with home folks here.
Prof. J. A. Green went to Una-
dilla on business last Saturday.
Mr. H. E. Marshall visited spe
cial friends in Dublin Sunday.
Mrs. S. E. Means has returned
from an extended visit to Vienua.
While there she was the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. B. D. Bryan.
Rev. J. J. Hyman passed
through here last Friday enroute
to Henderson, where he preaohed
Saturday and Sunday at the Bap
tist church.
Miss Emmie Means of Marshal-
ville is visiting relatives her.
Miss Willie Dennard is visiting
friends and relatives in Dublin.
Mr. 0. E. Eubanks went to Per
ry to-day (Monday) on business.
Mr. W, L. Means spent Satur
day and Sdnday with his family
in Macon.
Mr. W. E. Means went to Ma
con last week on business.
of the Valley,
American Beauty,
Pride of Georgia,
"We use the best winter wheat.
Have the newest and best equipped mill in Georgia, as
good as any anywhere.
Our miller is a skilled expert of 30 years’ experience.
Results are Satisfying.
Try our flour and you’ll be satisfied with no other.
There’s a reason why
is better than water-ground meal .
Bonaire News.
0. R. Mann, Pres.
R. L. Cater, V, Pres.
L. F. Cater, Cashier
Directors—F. M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A. Smonk, J. N. Tuttle, C. Ri Mann
—Dr. R-. Holmes Mason, re
cently of Macon, is now a citizen
of Perry, ready to do dental work
for all who need his services. He
is a graduate in the theory and
practice of dentistry, a young
man of pleasing address, and
comes well endorsed by people
known to our readers. His office
is in the Wells House. See card
in this issue.
Are You Troubled With Any Skin Disease?
The continued cold rains have
not only retarded farm operations,
but have damaged the stands both
of corn and cotton, many farmers L. F. Cater, R.,L. Oater.
having to plant at least half of
their cotton over.
The small grain is very poor, Every facility for transacting a general Banking Business
especially on the sandy lands.
Still, a few have very fine oats.
School will close next Friday.
Perhaps with an old-time exami
nation and barbecue. Mr.JCheves,
the|priuoipal,has conducted a good
school and the patrons are pleased
with him.
Mrs. J. S. Taylor of Pope’s Fer
ry is visiting her childhood home.
Misses Leclair Watson and Lily
Morgan, from Pretoria, Ga., are
Williams Brothers are prepar
ing to put up a shingle mill.
Mr. G. L. Slooumb has pur
chased machinery for an up-to-
date ginnery.
May 16.
Eczema Ointment
: : : Will Cure It.
ci poiYfi omt'
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Scald Head, or auy other
Pnrcittc Skin Disease.
All Who Use It Once Recommend It,
Price 25 cents.
For Sale by all Druggists.
—The cotton crop of Houston
county has increased graduallj
rince 1899, according to the fig
ures of the U. S. census bureau.
From the latest cotton ginning
bulletin we get the following fig
ures of cotton produced in Hous
ton county: For 1899, 20,782
bales; 1900, 21,587 bales; 1901,
22,696, bales; 1902, 24,689 btfrles.
In 1900 there were 192 round
bales ginned, and this was in
creased to 1,198 in 1901 and fell
back to 1,025 in 1902.
—The Banner Photo Co., of
Macon, will open a photo studio
in Perry (Masonic Building) in a
week or ten days. For a few
weeks, to introduce their work,
you can get 24 small photos, in
four different positions, for 25c.;
nine half cabinets, one position,
for $1.00. These pictures are the
latest productions in the photo
graphic art.
W. D. DAY,
Farmers Supplies.
—Hon, H. A. Mathews and
Hon. C. G. Gray left on Wednes
day afternoon for Philadelphia
where they will spend several days
attending an educational congress
in the interest of the Fort Valley
I have just received one carload of the
Best Patent Flour from Illinois mills,
the best wheat country in the world, that
I will Offer for - - $4.65 Per Barrel
cash. Second Patent at $4.40 cash. I
guarantee every sacK to be the very best
flour made or money refunded. Try It.
—Judge Hurst informs us that
the pension application blanks
now in his office are for new ap
plicants, and not for those now
on the pension roll, It was not
the editor’s fault that this dis
tinction was net made in the no
tice published two weeks ago. We
gave it just as we received it.
High and Industrial School for, .... Hi ...
colored people.—Fort Valley i have 15 Bfols. Fine, Bright Ga. Cane Syrup for sale
Men’s Low-cut Shoes. A pret
ty line of Patent Leathers and Vi-
ci Kids; all grades from $1.75 to
$4.00. L. M. Paul’s.
Take “just a mite” of Ramon’s Tonic
Regulator nightly and you will be pleas
ed with the effect. That tired, exhausted
feeling will disappear, there will be no
cause for headaches, pains in the back
or side. When the organs are in a. heal
thy state one has no cause for complaint,
and that is just the state a systematic use,
of Ramon’s Tonic Regulator will pro
duce. 25 cents.
I also carry in stocK Corn, Meat, Oats,
Meal, Lard, Tobacco, Farm Tools, "Wag
ons, Buggies, Hardware, Sugar, Coffee,
Bran, StocK Food, &c.
Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
K. W7 Ghoyje’s signature is on each box. 25c.
I am also in position to furnish anything in.
the Dry G-oods line—Ciothing, Shoes, Hats,
Bears the
or any goods you may need. Call on me. I can supply
your wants at reasonable prices for cash or on time. Your
trade will be appreciated.
Store !No. 1, Brick Block. W. D. DAY, Perry, Ga