The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 28, 1903, Image 3
m •v. ••• ' ■ Tse ff0Mm COMMENCEMENT AT PERRY. m Perp.y, Thursday, May 28. LOCAL NEWS, Cool Drinks I am serving the public with Goea Cola, Coneord Grape Juice, Milk Shakes, Ginger Ale, \ Lemon and Lime Ades. Your patronage solicited. Respectfully, Wtm Sims. ...CALL AT... Richter's New Cafe FOR LADIES . AND . GENTLEMEN, 413 Third Si., Macon, Ga., Two Doors from Exchange Bank. W NEVER CLOSE. Meals served at all hours both day and night. Best Dinner'in Macon for 25c All delicacies of the season served to order. Headers of the Home Journal have special invitation. ( H. J. RICHTER. Whatever... may have been our predelie- tions]with regard to soliciting business, we believe it is no longer considered a violation of banking ethics to ask for that which we would like to have, and acting on that the ory that what is greatly worth having is certainly worth ask ing for, the Home Savings Bank MACON, OA.. is better prepared than ever to handle the business of the people and ^solicits jour ac count, promising all the cour tesies that are an obliging and carefully (con ducted banking house,. The present school term and year of Perry Public Sohool will 1 close next Thursday, and there will be commencement exercises tha!t morning and night, followed by a musical concert Friday night. The programs have been arranged as follows: THURSDAY MORNING. Prayer Rev. W. Simmons. Chorus. Salutatory Mary Lou Rainey. Duett Sadie Weldons and Clifford Heard. Declamation i Sam Hodcies. Piano Solo .. Hallie Hbmimgway. Recitation • • • * Kathryne Hurst. Piano Solo Allie Houser. Recitation Clifford Powers. Vocal Solo Nona Cooper. Recitation. Madie Davis. Piano Solo Julia Eubanks. Declamation Ned Davis. Piano Solo Mary Davis. Declamation. .Rob Baldwin. Valedictory. .Hallie Hemingway. Delivery of Diplomas., .Hon. Robt. E. Brown. Chorus .Alma Mater. THURSDAY EVENING. Chorus i. 8th Grade. Tom Thumb’s Wedding. .Primary Department. Declamation Lott Touusley. Flag Motion Song .4th Grade. Recitation : Cater Rogers. Leap Frcg John • Five Little Boys. Thief of Time Six Boys. Piano Solo Sadie Wellons. Fan Drill 6th Grade Where He Put His Arm Georgia Hurst. The Love of a Bonnet 8th Grade Girls. Recitation Stella Cater. Precious Pickle 9th Grade Girls. Music. FRIDAY EVENIHG. Chorus—Sweet Twilight Hour.. ...Part of Class. Piano Solo—Lullaby Miss Eva Dasher. Piano Duett—Fra Divola. .Misses Bessie Dasher and Cora Chapman. Piano Solo—Danoiug Butterfllies... .Miss Lucy Lee Vanlandinghani. Piano Solo—Sailor Boy’s Dream .Miss Lizzie Houser. Vocal Solo—Swing Song Miss Estelle Edwards. Piano Duett—Sounds From the Ball- Misses Stella Cat&r and lone Smoak. Piano Solo—Twilight on the Mountain Miss Louise Dasher. Chorus—Whither Little Maiden .\ Little Girls of Class. Piano Solo—The Mountain Spring Miss Nona Coop4r. Piano Solo—Sut un Theme Allemand .. ... .Miss Madie Davis. Piano Duett with Mandolin—Flower Song— Misses Hallie Hemingway, Louise Dasher, Georgelle Simmons. Piano Solo—Valse Brilliant. Miss Allie Houser. Piano Duett—Lucretia Borgia— Misses Geral Barker and Beulah McMiohael. Cornet Solo—A Mother’s Heart r Mr. E. K. Braselton Vocal Solo—Love While You May Miss Georgelle Simmons Piano Duett—LaJollie Parformeuse— Misses Mary Davis and Allie Houser Piano Solo—ValBe DeConcert Miss Kate Hurst Piano Solo -Consecration of the Flags Miss Julia Eubanks Vocal Solo—Selected / Miss Maybelle Dasher Piano Duett—Marche DeTroubadours— Misses Kate Hurst and Nona Cooper Piano Solo—Last Smile.. Miss Mary Davis Vocal Solo—Tell Me Cupid, What is Love.... Miss Estelle Edwards Piano Duett—LaFilleDeMadam Angofc— Misses Julia Eubanks and Madie Davis Chorus—Softly Falls the Moonlight Whole Class When You Out Wheat wt Loans negotiated on improved farms at lowest market rates, and on most lib eral terms. Business of fifteen years’ standing More than three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH, No. 814 Second St., Macon, Ga Farm Loans We consider good farm lands the best security for loans. 'We can make such loans promptly and at lowest rates. If you wish to borrow let us hear from you ' Security Loan & Abstract Co MACON, GA. J. J. Cobb, Thos. B.' West, President. Sec. and Att’y. pnemnu? GUARANTEED under reasonable rUdlllUllv conditions. May-deposit money for tuition in bank till position is aecnred, or give notes, or contract to pay out of salary, : and without security, after coarse is completed and position is Secured. Our facilities for se curing positions, and the proficiency of onr graduates, are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to California. Our 150-page catalogue will explain all. Send'for it. Ad dress Drattghon's College at either place. Let us mill it for you, aftdr it dries ten days. We Grind for Toll in Large or Small Quantities, Under a milling arrangement with the railroads we are en abled to pay freight one way, without any charge to the customer, on all toll grinding. Ship your wheat'prepaid, we ship your flour and bran next day freight prepaid. It’s a convenient way to mill. Having the Best Equipped Mill in Georgia, and with a capacity of 600 bushels daily, we can give you prompt and satisfactory service. W© im Ymv Swrpto Wfto©8t at l®Ffe©t or you can send it to us all at one time, and we will furnish you flour and bran as you need it during the year, so yon can always get it fresh ground. Wagon yard and plenty of room for the wagon trade. ...Valley Roller Mills... HARRIS M’F’G. COMPANY, Profr’s., FORT VALLEY, GA. Try VALLEY CORN MEAL.' DRAUGHON’S PRAOTIOAU BUSINESS^* ' Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta, da. D| Pt. Worth, Texasi Montgomery, Ala. Galveston, Texas. Little Rock, Ark. U Shreveport, La. No.Vaeatioa St. Lotus, flo. Eater any time Most thorough, practical and progressive ishools of the kind in the -world. Author four —*- —*ngv Four ■weeks book-* > twelve by the old plan. „ coarse shorthand, etc. We expend more money securing positions than al most any business college takes iri' as tuition. Cheap board; car fare paid. CATALOG FREE. HOMESiUfiYiSSMf ~ PENMAN S H IP, etc., successfully . taught by mall or no charges. We give better Home Study Course than 50 per cent of the business colleges give bypersonal instruction. Write for prlcelisfcof Home StudyCour, DRAUGHON’S BUS. COLL., Na*‘ Honor Roll, Ben Hill Sohool. 1st Grade—Henry Berta Hardi son, 91; Henry Ulna, 90; Lena Hardison, 91. 2nd Grade—Fannie Dupree, 90; Gurvis Holleman, 92; Allie Har dison. 8rd Grade—Annie Hardison, 90; Minnie Robertson, 92; Cleon Murray, 9i; Vinie Walton. 90. 4tli Grade—Loula Welsh, 92. 5th Grade—James Lowe, 98; Wesley Hardison, 92; Ennis Har- deson, 91; Frank Ingram, 90; Ru.- tha Davie, 98; Ethel Hardison, CO. 6th Grade—Elsie DuPree, 90; Mamie Hardison, 90; Beulah Ulm, 90; Leuda Hardison, 90; Joe Da vis, 91; Minous Hardison,.90. 7th Grade—Lizzie DuPree, 94; Alma Hardison, 92; Clara Hardi son, 98; Leila Hardison, 97; Dora Ulm, v 90. 8th Grade—Eva DuPree, 98; Myrtile Ulm, 92; Bertha Short,94. Livery Business for Sale. A fair price will buy my entire Livery Stable business, horses, carriages, buggies, etc. Come to see me.' v G. W. Winn, Perry, Ga. Ice Cream Freezers. Two styles that represent the best that’s made—White Mountain and Arc tic. We have either in 2-qfc., 8-qt., 4-qt., 6-qfc. Prices right. L. M, Paul. Take “juBt'a mite” of Ramon’s Tonic Regulator’nightly and you will be pleas ed with the effect, That tired, exhausted feeling will disappear, there will be no cause for headaches, pains m the back or side. When the'organs are m a heal • thy state one has no cause for complaint, and that is just the state a systematic use of Ramon’s Tonic Regulator will pro duce.- 25 cents. CASTORIA —Tax Reoeiver Thomson was in Perry Monday and Tuesday re oeiving tax returns. He has com pleted his regular appointments but will be at Heard next Satur day morning and at Bass’ store that afternoon. Then he will proceed at once to make out the digests. While Mr.' Thomson has made no calculation, he thinks the returns will aggregate a mate rial increase over the returps of last year. Returns will be re ceived at his home pp to June 20tli, when the books will be final ly closed. — —During the school year that will close next week, Mrs. J. W Simmons has successfully and satisfactorily taught a large clfisgs of music pupils at the Perry Pu6 lie School. Friday, evening, June 5th, she and her pupils will pre sent^ well-selected musical reci tal, embracing vocal and instru mental music, showing the profi ciency of the pupils and the abil ity of the teacher. We have seen 'the program and unhesitatingly say it is good. —Mr. M. 0. Balkcom, a popular dealer in Hardware, Macon, Ga., had recently moved into a larger and more convenient store than that formerly occupied. He is now at 802 Third street, near the American National 3ank corner. His stock of hardware, farm uten sils, kitchen furniture, etc. has been materially increased. See advertisement. —Fresh Cream Cheese at ■ W. B. Sim-s’. • TO CURB A COLD IN OWE DAY PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS O. R. Mann, Pres. piiaxirmir, oft R. L. Cater, Y. Pres. : I ■ -■VmSHSI ■ L. F. Cater, Cashier Directors—F. M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A. Smoak, J. N. Tuttle, O. R. Mama L. F. Cater, R. L. Cater. Every facility for transacting a general Banking Business. Are Yon Troubled With Any Skin Disease? WATTS Eczema Ointment Will Cure It. at Hivmt 4flT IS BjpftiBf RiUASLi. IT IS GUARANTEED TO CURE. Eczema, Salt Rheum Itch, Ring Worm, Scald Hoad, or any other -Pardtlo Skin Disease. All Wlio Use It Once Recommend It, Price 25 cents. Bears the Signature : .of For Sale by all Druggists. LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG CO, PROP'RS. MACON. GA. > * ‘ ’ w. E>. DAY) HEADQUARTERS FOR Farmers’ Supplies. I have just received one carload of the Best Patent Flour from Illinois mills, the best wheat country in the world, that I will offer for - - $4.65 Per Barrel cash. Second PatenWit $4.40 cash. I guarantee every sacK to he the very best flour made or mpney refunded. Try It. I hare 15 Bfols. Fine, Bright Ga. Cane Syrup for sale. I also carry in stocK Corn, Meat, jDals, ' Meal, Lard, Tobacco, Farm U ons, Buggies, Hardware* ~ Bran, StodK Food, &o. mm Coffee, I am also in position to furnish .anything in the Dry Goods'line—Clothing, Shoes, Hats, or any goods you may need. Call on me. X can supply your wants at reasonable prices foy ; sh or trade will be appreciated. Store No. 1, Briek Block, W. D, DAY, Perry, Ga on time. our