The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 28, 1903, Image 7
— , ’ —'— 60 YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes, You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver ; and bladder remedy. It is the great medi- i cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi- " nent kidney and blad der , specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright’s Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- id has proved so successful in chase relief an every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this? generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. ,The regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root. News Prom Gunter. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. Dr. T. K.THARPE, DENTIST, PERRY, - . GEORGIA. Grown and Bridge Work. All classes of Dentistry. Offle adjoining Express Office, South side of Oourt House Square. WARREN D. NOTTINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 355 THIRD ST. MACON, GA. Will praotice in the several courts, Federal and State. 1 Special attention given to caused in the courts of this oirouit. H. A. MATHEWS. A. C. RILEY. MATHEWS & RILEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, PORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Practice in all the Courts. Loans negotiated and Lnnd Titles abstracted. Collections on all points. Seourity Bonds f urnished, v J. D. MARTIN, Sr., JEWELER, Perry* Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office in Masonic Building. C. z. MoARTHUR, DENTIST, PORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. ~w. “ H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassongame, 0-ITIOB OVER DOW LAW BANK, FOR? 1 VALLEY. GEORGIA R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions The family bottle (60 cents) contains a. supply for a year. All druggists sell them. D RAUGHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGES. Schools of national Reputation. Draughon’s Practical Business Col- leges, located at Atlanta, Nashville, St. Louis, Montgomery, Little Rook, Fort Worth, Galveston and Shreveport, are schools of national reputation. They are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to California. Prof. Dragh- on, who is author of four text-books on Bookkeeping, and proprietor of these in stitutions, doubtless expends more mon ey for securing positions for his students than almost any one business, college in this country takes in as tuition. He guarantees positions under reasonable conditions, and will allow a student to deposit money in bank till the coarse is completed and position secured. Four weeks course of Bookkeeping in his col leges is equal to twelve weeks in any col lege that does not employ his improved methods of teaching. His Colleges also offer special advantages in Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. It is gen erally conceded by those who are in po sition to know that Prof. Dranghon’s success in the Business College work has been greater than that of any one else. His superior course of instruction and his speoial facilities for securing posi tions are almost an offset to competition where the merits of his work are known. His illustrated catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Address J.F.Draughon, President, at either of the above men tioned places. CASTOR IA Forlnfanlswd Childra The Kind You Han Always Bought Everybody listen, and feel invitod to a festival to be ghen near Gun ter, at Ben Hul Academy, Saturday, p. m., June 6th, 1903. Refreshments will be served, and there will be rec itations by some young ladies and school children, all for benefit of the Baptist Ohurch, Hardison. Hope many will feel enough interest to come. Refreshments will be served from 3 o’clock untill a late hour. We are all glad tb know Mrs. Will Giles is improving again. Misses Willa and Ula Hardison will be home next Sunday from school at Forsyth. We will all be glrid to weloome ijhem. Mrs. Homer Lowe has returned from Macon, where she visited rela tives. Mr. Jerre Williams of Macon was at Sabbath school at Hardison Sun day with his brother, Burke Wil- lisms. Messrs. R. S. and C. W. are pre paring to operate a threshing ma chine. J Get your grain ready, gen tlemen. i Mr. W. B. Jordan is down in specting the church he is having built at Hardison graveyard. Rev. Oatisey is to preach the first sermon at this church on the 3rd Sunday in June. Mrs. Allen Hardison and Mr. Glosson, her brother, visited her daughter, Mrs. 0. M. Avera, Sun day. Mrs. Jeff Parrott, wife of our old teacher, was gladly welcomed at the closing of Prof. Gaminage’s school May 22nd. Everybody remember the festival at Ben Hill June 6th. A Seldom Visitor. Bonaire News. Celebration of Jeff. Davis’ Birthday, and Bestowal of Crosses. The Daughters of will celebrate Pros. Davis’ birthday on Wednesday, June 3rd, at 8 p. m. in the Masonio hall at Perry. All are cordially invited, especially the veterans. Program. Judge 0. 0. Duncan, Master of Cer emonies. Prayer, Rev. J, W. Simmons. Reading of rules for the bestowal of crosses, by Judge Dunoan. Song, Maryland. Reading—Beauvoir, the Home of Davis—Mrs. Houston Houser. Address, Mr. J. P. Duncan. Reoitation—The Conquered Ban ner—Miss Oorinne Baldwin. Bestowal of Crosses, r Song—Dixie. Mrs. C. T. Lawson, ) « Mrs., Sarah Feagin, j Dunbar Dots. Bv UNO. By Brown Eyes- As it has been some time since I have seen anything in your val uable paper from this place, thought I would let you hear from our neck of the woods. It has stopped raining and we are having some fine weather now for farming, and the farmers are making good use of it, cotton chopping being the order of the day; some few are through while others have just commenced. Mrs. J. S. Taylor of Pope’s Fer ry, has returned hofne after a two weeks visit to her mother, Mrs. S. E. Slocumb. Miss Gertrude Sasser has re turned home from Locust Grove, her school closing May 22nd.,. Miss Emma Slocumb visited friends at Kathleen a few days last week. Bonaire school closed last Fri day with an old time examina tion and barbecue. The writer regrets very much that he could not attend, but from reports it war a most enjoyable affair. Our efficient teachers, Prof. Cheeves of Zenith and Miss Hemingway of Perry, left the next day for their respective homes, but we hope t^ have them with us again next year. N \ Mr. Floyd Frederick and Mr. Crof Watson of Wellston passed through town Sunday night going north. Just ask them at what hour they arrived at home and how they reached it. Crof says they hit those crossties “natur al.” Mr.„0. H. Watson of Cutler, visited Jhome folks at Wellston Sunday and was due at Bonaire on the Shoo-fly that p. m., but when the train arrived Mr. Wat son was not there and from re ports circulated, I think there was a great disappointment to one of Bonaire’s fair maidens, but all came around all right. He had not forgotten how to walk and when he did arrive things were all smiles again. Miss Emma Slocumb, Messrs. J. J t , and Cleveland Slocumb, Cheatham Watson, Mort Baskin, Carl Bateman, Ed and Dr. B. Williams of Bonaire attended thy picnic at Union Academy last Saturday. All report a nice time and I guess they had one, as it took John Slocumb and Carl Bateman two days and nights to get enough of it. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Willingham Mrs. B. L. Willingham, aud Mrs. W. H. Felton, of Macon, visited relatives here this week. Mr. H. T. Arnold spent Satur day and Sunday in Atlanta. Miss Mattie Brantley of Savan- uah, after a pleasantjvisit to rela tives here, isyisit-ing in Atlanta. Mrs. Tom Simmons and her beautiful little daughter, Frances, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Simmous. Mrs. M, L. Dunbar of Atlanta is visiting her mother, Mrs. Han cock. Mrs. T. J. Slappy has returned from Savannah, where she spent sometime as the guest of her brother, Mr. Stubbs. Mr. P. D. Willingham of Ma con, was out this week on busi ness. T. L. Butler visited fowers- ville Sunday. There seems to be quite an attraction there for him. Byron and Dunbar crossed bats here Monday evening. The score stood 11 to 18 i*r favor of Byron. Mrs. J. J. Whitfield and chil dren of Hawkinsville have return ed home after speuding sometime with her parents. Mr. M. B.|Aultman of Miami, Florida, visited relatives here last week. Mrs, D. H.JHolleman is at home again after spending a while with her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Dorsett, of .Vlacon. Rev. Mr. Barrette of Meroer University preached here on the 10th of this month. Mr. T. J, Slappy has just fin ished his new dwelling. They are now snugly domiciled in it. Miss Fleta Hancock entertained “The Que Yive Flench Club” very charmingly Friday evening. Pro gressive flinch was played until a late hpur when delicious refresh ments were served. Mr. J. W. Aultman has just re turned from Tampa and other points in South Florida ,where he made a short visit for the pur pose of investigating the fruit and vegetable lands of that jstate, but after a thorough examination, he returns to Dunbar with the con viction that Houston is the best the union aud forthwith en- —The best Poultry Powders, Magic Food, at W. B. Sims’. - 4 )'m Lawns in all colors for 10c pec yui-J. Eewards & Marshall. .Bears the j Signature Buy Your Medicine from Dr. J. Y. Hobbs, Cut-rate Druggist, imd save 25 to 40 per cent. Wampole’s Codtiver Oil, 70/, Wine Cardui 70/, Peruua 70/,‘Hobbs’ Sarsaparilla,70/, Cas- toria, 25/, all Liver medicine 15/, Liver Pills 15 and 20/, Medica- mentum, 5/. Send for price list. Fort Valley, Ga. m hances the value of his land. —Heretofore at commencement exercises in Perry, young friends of the students have thoughtless ly gone behind the curtains aud engaged in conversation, thereby causing inconvenience and delay. Prof. Driskeli hopes there will be nothing of this sort next week. —Fresh Baker’s Bread on Wed nesdays and Saturdays at W. B. Sims’. —Linen Hats at 40c. Edwards & Marshall. —Now is' the timo to stretch your Hammock if you have one. If you haven’t one, call on us. The prices—$1.00, $1.25,, $1.50, $2.25, $8.0Q, $8.25. L. M. Paul, Plow Goods of any kind at Fred, M. Houser’s. —Nice line xnen,s drop stitched and Fancy Half Hose. Edwards & Marshall. —Numiully’s Fresh Candy at W. Ji. Sims’. —New Linen collars just receiv ed at Edwards & Marshall. Close price on Hoes at Fred M. Houser’s. WANTED—YOUNG MEN to proparo for Gov ernment Positions. Pine Openings in all De partments j Good salaries; Rapid Promotions; Examinations soon; Particulars Proo. A30-3m iNTEK-STATEUoit. Inst., Cedar Rapids, la. —“Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. ‘Force,’ a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden but sustains, nourishes, invigorates.” Ready to Accommodate All Who Need. —You will find thu best Geor gia Cane Syrup at w. D. Day’s. The way to fftrard against “summer oomplnints,” which weukeu and debili tate. is to place the liver on guard by a course of Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. Twenty five doses for 25 oents. BARRED P. ROCKS. Eggs 'rom pure stock. 50c for 18. MoM. Ratney, Perry, Ga. Caskets, Coffins, UndertakersYSupplies. My stock is being received daily, and we are ready to sell at the Cater Store. Everything new. Prices right. \ R. L. Marchman, v * IFexx^r, <3-a,. Tlx/ I=la,cs To Six•y Staple Groceries, Stock Feed, Farm Supplies, Bagging and Ties is where the stock is complete, the goods of best quality and the prices right. MY STORE IS OF THAT KIND. I invite the farmers of Houston county, and other readers of the Home Journal, to give me a share of their patronage. GOODS GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. m T. E. MERRITT, 461, 463 & 466 Third St. i . / . • l'i MACON, GA. 559 Cherry. Macon, Ga. OUK SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE). The Prettiest Goods that were ever brought to Macon are Now Ready for Your' Inspection. Tne Wool Dress Goods Department is replete with new fabrics, such as Yoile, Mistral, Etamine, Crepe-de-Chine, Canvas Cloth, Mohair, Bagonett, Kanava, Hop-Sacking> Crynolet, Crepe Cheviot and others too numerous to men tion. . ■ ,>•& - :VS$ BLACK AND dOLORED SILKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, White and Colored Muslins, dainty, sheer and beautiful. Lace Curtains, Bedspreads and Hosiery. A visit from the people of Houston and surrounding counties is earnestly solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wvmm : ' imm LESSEE’S, 550 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GEORGIA J. T STEWART’S PRICELIST. $3 00 3 00 2 7ft 3 00 2 7ft 3 00 276 ExPESSAGE 4 quarts Lewis “GC” Rye 4 “ Yellowstone Kyo 4 “ Dunn.s Monogram Ryo 4 « Murray Rill Rye 4 •« Wilson Rye 4 “ Paul Jones Rye 4 “ Woodford county Ryo 4 “ Bose Valley Rye 1 gal Jug “ “ “ 4 quarts Mill Creek Cabinet Rye 1 gal jug *' ** “ 4 ‘ Express prexaid on two Gallons or more $2 Goods to |anine address. 1 gal Jug 100 Proof N 6 Com $2 "0 I ' 1 gat Jug < *1.1 V A drown Rye No 2, si 7* 1 gal Jug 90 Proof NO Com 17» j 1 gal .lugNew England Rum No 2 2 00 1 gal Jug Ola V A Brown Bye No 1 2 00 | lgal Jug Holland Gin 2 Off Satisfaction in Every way, or Money Befnnded, ART, 416 poplar Street, Btaeon. «». $5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 400 400 3 75 4 00 3**0 PREPAID ON 4 quarts Old Harvest Cora 4 quarts Horse Shoe Bye. 1 gal Jug fi “ “ 4 quarts Jeff Clarke Rye lgal Jug “ “ « 4 quarts Anchor Gin lgal Jug “ “ 1 •• « 1 “ “ ■0 -jglSI ■rmk New England Rum No 1 3 Off Old Harvest O .ru 2 J.T . Ah J ft', A/Ar !' (i wm rani