Newspaper Page Text
NO. 47.
c. i. vmin
By a liberal policy and honorable methods I have
built up the largest Cotton Commission business in Macon,
Ship me your Uotton and get the best returns.
c. zb. wiLXiiniTC3-i3:-A.i!^:
Pictures and Art Goods of All Kinds.
I carry the largest and most complete stock of goods in the
south. Our work is thd best and pfioes the most reasonable.
Special Attention to Mail Orders.
107 Cotton Avenue.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Macon, Georgia.
Pure, clean seed wheat will make you
better wheat and more of it, and we will
get more wheat to grind or more to buy.
We will clean your wheat free, give
you screenings and all.
We are selling Blue Stem Tennessee
Seed Wheat at cost.
Valley Roller Mills,
Harris Mfg, Co., Props. Fort Valley, Georgia
St. Lonit Republic.
With reference to the use of his
name as a presidntial candidate,
Senator Hanna is quoted in a
press telegram as follows: “I an
nounced right after the Ohio elec
tion last week that my attitude
was not modified by the outcome
of the campaign. I was not a
candidate before the eleotion and
am not a candidate now and
.will not'be.”
Whatever criticisms may be
made at Mr. Hanna’s expense
the fact remains that “Uncle
Mark,” as his friends call him, is
a matt whose Word is as good as
his bond. Every reason exists
i:or believing the interview au
thentic. Accordingly it appears
that the publio safety may go on
the assumption, just as before
Hanna and Herrick piled up such
majority in Ohio, that Roose
velt will be the next Republican
Beyond a doubt powerful influ
ences ar£ pressing upon the Ohio
Senator to break faith with the
President, retreat upon his previ
ous assurances of allegieiice, and
play his cards for the nomina
tion. Many business communi
ties look upon Roosevelt as “un
safe” ; Southern Republicans are
bitter against him; labor looks
at hinv askance., In all of these
quarters Hanna stands high. Con
sequently the effort to boom him
is a natural and a logical thing.
Democracy is as well able and
prepared to meet the one man as
the other. This is not so much
the question. Publio interest in
the future, ,of 1 these two men is
rather romantic than political
Roosevelt is the mdn born with
that splendid asset—a luck star
first Police Commissioner in New
York, then Assistant Secretary of
the Navy, then lifted into promi
nence through his Rough Riders
and the Spanish War; elected
Governor of New York by “the
skin of his teeth;” side-trackeci
by being shoved into the vice pres
idency; and finally given the
reins, hustled into power by the
tragic stroke of fate by whioh
President McKinley received
death wound at Buffalo. Han
na’s career has in it little of this
spectacular quality. As a husi
ness man he worked and worked
hardjin politics he earned promi
nence by his i matter-of-fact“push’
and persistence; he has been “be
hind the soenes” for years while
others have had their names on
the tickets.
Everything to build with, from brick to shingles, inside and
outside, Can save you money on lumber, sash, doors,
blinds and building material of all kinds.
405 & 407 Poplak St.
They are active, accommodating
and courteous.
Send them your Cotton. They are honest in their dealings
and wise in their judgment.
dZ CO.
President James Monroe, who
gave to the United States the fa
mous doctrine to which President
Roosevelt is devoted, waited from
six to ten years before recogniz
ing the independence of the Span
ish colonies in South America af
ter they had declared themselves
free. He wanted to be sure that
their governments were stable
and able to maintain themselves.
But President Monroe was an old-
fashioned fellow with, conserva
tive ideas. The present day di
plomacy recognizes a new repub
lic before it has even formed a
government and is yet in the
hands of a junta.
Not a Sick Day Since*
■* “I was takeri severely sick with
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts
of medicines, none, of which re
lieved me. One day I saw an ad.
of your Electric Bitters aud de
termined to try that. After tak
ing a few doses I felt relieved, and
soon thereafter was entirely cured
and have not seen a sick day
since, Neighbors of mine have
been cured of rheumatism, neu
ralgia, liver and kjdney troubles
and general debility.” This is
what B. P. Bass, of Fremont, N.
G„ writes. Only 503 at Holtz-
claw’s Drugstore.
The New Trespass Law.
Albany Herald.
The open season for hunting
birds and other game is now at
hand, and sportsmen, as well as
‘pot hunters,” should inform
themselves as to the ohanges in
the law with reference to posting
lands made by the legislature at
its last session.
The new law makes it easy for
land owners to post their lands,
and it will no doubt result in the
posting of lands very generally
throughout the state. The law
is easily enforced wherever the
land-owner wants to do it, and
hunters must be careful not to
hunt on posted lands without the
consent of the owners.
Under the law the county com
missioners of eaoh county must
furnish.the clerk of the Superior
court a register for the use of
those who desire to post their
lands. The land-owner must first
put up two notioes on his lands,
calling attention to the faot that
hunting and fishing 1b prohibited.
He then calls upon the clerk of
the oourt and registers his land,
giving a full description of it.
Prom and after that date it will
be unlawful for any person to
hunt with dogs, firearms or in any
other way on suoh lapd, or to fish
with hook, net, Beine, or, in any
other w«y in any stream, lake,
pond or lagoon on such land.
The law provides that, if suoh
notices as are posted beoome des
troyed or defaced, this shall not
be cause for defense.
The law also provides that when
tax receivers of the counties begin
making their rounds they shall
register all persons who desirp to
post their lands. Except when
the tax receiver is on his rounds
with the register, it shall be kept
in the office of the. clerk of the
Superior court. For registering
those who desire to post their
lands the olerk or tax receiver, as
the oaoe may be, is entitled ^o a
fee of 25 cents for each person
Excusion Bates to Winter Resorts,
Via Central o£ Georgia Railway,
Excursion tickets are now on
sale at all tioket stations on the
Central of Georgia Railway to the
Winter resorts in Florida, Cuba,
Nassau, etc. Tiokets will be sold
daily up to and including, April
30th, 1904, limited to May 81st
1904 for return passage.
The Central offers superior train
service and schedules to Florida
For tickets and additional in
formation apply to nearest agent.
BarRnnah Nows,
The affairs of the United States
Steel Corporation are being shown
up pretty thoroughly by the news
papers. There seems to be an
impression that something is im
pending in its affairs; hence the
attention it is getting.
It appears to be pretty well
agreed that the aotual value of
the properties of tho corporation
together with its good will, is
about $600,000,000. If these fig
ures are approximately oorreot
then there is more than $700,-
000,000 of water in the Beourities
at their face value. About $400,-
000,000 has been squeezed out
during the last few mouths. The
idea seems to be that no dividends
will be paid oh the oomnqion stook
on the next dividend paying day,
and that it will not’ be long be
fore only 5 per cent, will be paid
on the preferred stock.
As a matter of fact, however,
the # corporation is still earning
more than enough to pay a divi
dend on the common stock—a 4
per cent, dividend. And there is
a great reduction of expenses go
ing on. It looks as if the corpo
ration expected hard times iu the
steel trade atid was preparing
fof thein. And then there is
talk, that the BteSl corporation
has fallen into the hands of Mr.
Rockefeller who proposes to make
money by hauling its products
over lines of railway in which he
is interested. Of the mouy ru
mors afloat it is difficult to get at
the truth.
Subscribe for the Home Journal
The United States Senate pow
shows a clear division between the
two great parties. Every senator
is either a Republican or a Demo
crat. In the new Congressional
Directory there is not a member
of the Upper House who writes
himself down as Populist^ or Inde
pendent,or any other side-issue in
politics. There are 57 Republicans
and 83 Democrats. That makes a
full Senate of 90 members. This
condition of all the seats being
filled has not previously existed
for several years.
Stepped Against a Hot Stove,
A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson,
when getting his usual Saturday
night bath, stepped back against
a hot stove, which burned him se
verely. The child was in great
agony and his mother could do
nothing to pacify him. Remem
bering that she had a bottle of
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm in the
house, she thought she would try
it. In less than half an hour after
applying it the child was quiet
and asleep, and in less than two
weeks, was well. Mrs. Benson is a
well-knovm resident of Kellar,
Ya. Pain Balm is an antiseptic
liniment and especially valuable
for burns, cuts, bruises and
sprains. For sale by all druggists.
Our Time to Laugh.
The Montgomery Journal notes
that a Wall street.paper has made
careful investigation of 100 trust
companies and the fall in the.
price of all their stooks. These;
100 trusts were nearly all of the
industrial sbrt engaged in manu
facturing. They , were going to
combine, reduce the cost of pro
duction, sell goods oheaper and
be great, beneficent organizations
working for the publio welfare.
Men were found who believed
their stories, aDd bought their
stock to the amount of $4,090-,
047,450. Think of it! These'
people actually paid more than
four billion dollars of their mon
ey into these one hundred con
cerns. The value of these stocks
is now $2,880,087,657, so they
have lost $1,758,950,798.
These were the men, riqtes the.
Journal, who wanted “money
good in Europe.” and who took
so much pride in their superior
knowledge that they called every-
bpdy who didn’t agree with them
lunatics.—Dawson News.
The number of Europeans who
speak English has doubled in a
century, so that 27 per cent of the
population of Europe is English
speaking. There are far more En
glish-speaking people outside En
gland—in the United States, Can
ada and Australia—than in En
gland; and now that English has
beeu made compulsory in India,
about 800.000,000 people have
been of are in process of being
A Runaway Bicycle,
Terminated with an ugly cut on
the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin
Grove, 111. It developed a stub
born ulcer unyielding to doctors
and remedies for four years. Then
Buoklen’s Arnica Salve cured. It’s
just as good for burns, scalds, skin
eruptions and piles. 25c at Holtz-
claw’s Drugstore.
—— — '
A pumpkin of the , pie brand,
weighing 102^ pounds will be ex
hibited by Oliver Ferrill of Liber
ty, Mo., at the World’s Fair.