The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 03, 1903, Image 3
MM rss momb mmjm i D * wh ^ n Perry, Thursday, December 8. LOCAL NEWS, When You Want THE BEST GROCERIES Banks—Cater. GALL ON W. B. Sims. Fresh Dove the best, at and Picnic Hams, W. D. Day’s. Pam For Bent. A good Farm, consisting of 800 acres hi good state of cultivation, 7 miles west of Perry. Address P^O. Box 88, Perry, Ga. WARREN D. NOTTINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 355 THIRD 8T. MACON, GA. Will practice in the several courts, Federal and State. Special attention given to causes in the courts of this oirouit, TBT. Loans negotiated on improved farms at lowest market fates, and on most lib eral terms. Business of fifteen years’ standing. More than three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH, No. 814 Second St., Macon, Ga. At about 9 o’clock last Wednes day morning, November 25th, Mrs. Priscilla Virden Elliott died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cheekj, near' Small Aoademy. The burial was iu Evergreen cemetery at Perry Thursday af ternoon. She was born in Upson county, Ga., on April 6th, 1884, (Miss Priscilla Virden.) On March 10th, 1858 she was married to Mr. Thomas Elliott, and thereafter she lived in Pike county until 1894, Then for three years she lived with her sen-in-law and daughter iu Macon rouuty, her husband and oue daughter Having preceded her to the “Better Land.” During the last 8 years she lived in Houston county, most of that time in declining health. \ Of her immediate family only one daughter survives her, Mrs. W. J. Cheek. Since girlhood she was an ex emplary member of the Method ist church, her life being in word and deed in thorough harmony with her profession of Christiani ty. Though continually ill five or six mouths prior to her death, she bore her afflicton with Chris tian fortitude, knowing that health oould not be reoovered. She was indeed a good woman, true to duty and her obligations to God and mankind. Her life was well-rounded in all that makes true Christianity, and the memory of her most ad mirable oharaoter iB a rich legaoy to those who loved her. While the sincere sympathy aocoaded by many friends is ear nest and true, only Divine Will can'give consolation to the bereav ed daughter and other ^relatives'. A truly good woman has been called to her eternal reward. Seasonable Seeds. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Seed Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Crimsori, Red and Burr Clover, Hairy Vetch and best Winter Grasses Onion Sets, and a full line of Garden Seed. Write and get prices, or call to see me. H. Weight, The Seedsman, Third St., MACON, GA.; K BY A BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Faro Raid. 500 ~ * FREE Courses Offered. Board at Cost. Write Quick QEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE,Maoon,G&. YOONS WAN. m ON THE PATH Of r THE RICH. AND. f Y0U WILL FIND THAT THEY ALL STARTED WITH A lNK ~ XOUNT 4 per cent on Deposits tUL^ounded semi-annually. HOME SAVINGS BANK, Am erioan National B auk Building, Ma con, Georgia. A Chain of 8 Colleges owned by business k||_ X men and indorsed by business men. UIU U Fourteen Cashiers of Banks are on aur Board of Directors. Our diploma means something. Enter any time. Positions secured, | Draughon’s X? 1 Practical... t 3 Business... (Incorporated, Capital Stock 5300,000.00.) Nashville, Tenn. L Atlanta, Ga. Ft. Worth. Texas, s Montgomery, Ala. St. Louis, Mo. . Galveston, Texas, Little Rock, Ark. A Shreveport, La. For 150 page catalogue address either place. If you ©refer, may .pay tuition out of salary af ter course i3 completed. Guarantee graduates to be competent or no charges for tuition, HOME STUDY: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, etc., taught hymail. Write for 100 page BOOKLET on Home Study. It’s free. A marriage that is of much in terest to the people of Perry was that of Mr. Fletoher Sydhey Ca ter to Miss Kathleen Banks on Wednesday evening, November 25th, at the bride’s home in For syth, Georgia. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue cloth, carrying a beautiful bouquet of bride’s roses. She is a lovely young lady of the bru nette type, possessing many per sonal charms. The groom, who is the seootid son, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher S. Cater, who fox? a num ber of yearfc made their home in Perry, is a young man of sterling qualities. After the ceremony the bride and groom were given a reoeption at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cater iu Macon, brother of the groom, where sixteen mem bers of the family enjoyed their hospitality. Ou Fri,day they left for their future home iu Atlanta, where Mr. Cater is engaged in business, being secretary and treasurer of the National Lumber Company of that city. Friend. Musical Concert At Byron. Musical lovers will be given rare treat Friday night, this week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ezell in Byron. The concert will be by Misses Peek and Overbeck of the, Macon Sohool of Music aud Miss Julia Goodall. These ladies are musical artists, and are given unqualified endorsement by musical oritios who have heard them. We understand the benefit wiL be devoted to sohool purposes. Usual price of admission. Concert will begin promptly at 7:45 p. m. Friday, Deo. 4th, 1908. An excellent program of vocal and instrumental music will be rendered. These artists command applause and afford much pleasure whenev er heard. —Within the last six weeks two new bridges in Houston coun ty have been completed by Con. tractor J. A. Walton; one at C H. Thompson’s mill and the oth er across Mossy creek on the Per ry and Macon road, * known as Woolfolk’s bridge. The propos ed bridge across Bay creek on the Fort Valley and Perry road has nob yet been commenced. —At 8 o’olook Thursday morn ing, Deoemher 8rd, Miss Emmie Florence Means ot near Marshail- ville and Mr. Anthony Cowart Pate of Grovania will be married at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wil liam Means, grand parents of the bride, near Elko. Many friends throughout Houston and adjaoent oounties will heartily extend con gratulations and best wishes for their futurtf welfare. We under stand Mr. Pate has arranged to build a residence at Grovania, and will engage in mercantile business on his own account. —The dwelling house on the Green Fitzgerald plantation be tween Elko and Henderson was destroyed by fire at noon last Thursday. The house was occu pied by Mr. Joe J. Jones and fam ily, and we regret to learn that all their household belongings and clothing, except the clothes they wearing, were burned. It is supposed the fire was caused by rats, as it origiuatod in the ceil ing over a shed room in which there was neither a chimney nor a fire place. —We now have in operation at our shop, a first olass Grist Mill and can grind meal, grits or cracked corn as you may wish. We grind for the regular toll, (bushel for bushel;) We also have a wood yard and can furnish, in cue horse wagon loads, stove wood, nicely split and ready to burn, at 60 cents per load. Wood for fireplace, sawed to any desired length, 50 cents a load. > Southern Hay Press Co. —Boys and Girls winter .Shoes Look out for the best wearers. You will find them here. L. M. Paul’s. —Mr. W. Hemingway was at Eufaula, Ala., from November 9 to 14th, aud judged the poultry at the fair held by the South east Alabama Poultry Associa tion. He is an expert concern ing pure-bred poultry. —Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls for sale or exchange for seed. T. S. Chapman, Perry, Ga. —A niceHue of Ties at 25c, 85c and 50c at Edwards & Marshall. —Best Salt cheapest at Fred M. Houser’s. —Cotton Flannel in all the grades at Edwards & Marshall’s. All kinds fresh Groceries and fresh.Canned Goods; Best Pearl Grits just received at W. D. Day’s. Everybody knows when they’ve got rheumatism, but those who have never tried it can’t imagine how quickly rheu matic pains are relieved by applications of Ramon’s Nerve and Bone Oil. 25c. -WAXEED—FAITHFUL PERSON TO CALL ON retail trade and agents for manufecturing house having well established business; local territo ry • straight salary $20 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previo us experience unneces sary ; position permanent; business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Supejintend- ent Travelers, 605 Monon Bldg., Chicago. —Best Chilled. Plows and-Plow Castings of all kinds at Fred M. Houser’s. WE CURE MORPHINE HABIT. We Have Discovered a Marvel ous Remedy for Drug'Habits And We Give It To You Frer. > We bave found a marvelous remedy for restoring to perfect health, men and women suffering from the awful curse of drug habit. It matters not how long you have had it, how or when you got it This is no ordinary drug or method of treatment. We are constantly curing the worst cases of drug habit known and give an unqualified guarantee to cure any case undertaken by us or refund your money. We urge every person suf faring from this terrible disease to write us and we will send free a bottle of our marvelous remedy. . We urge physicians having refractory cases and all who want to be cured of this awful curse to write us today. All correspondence con fidential in plain envelopes. Address Manhattan Therapeutic Association Dep’fc B., 1135 Broadway, New York, City. THE EMPIRE STORE 8 SPECIAL PRICE SALE THIS WEEK On Tailor Suits, Jackets, Furs, Sweaters, Waists and Skirts, MclntosJies and Rain Coats| Blankets, Comforts and Table Linens. Cordnroys and Velvets. All Kinds of Dress Goods aiid Silks. NTo such assortment of Holiday Goods ever offered in Middle Georgia as are shown here. Come to see us, or write for any of these goods at special prices. MORE ROOM. LARGER STOCK. Having moved into a more commodious store (A.B. Small's old stand) and very much increased our stock, we are bet ter able than ever to supply the people with heoes of every grade. ■ Every pair guaranteed to be as represented. SPECIAL BARCAINS IN SAMPLE SHOES. We buy and sell for cash, consequently our prices are low. Mr* H. V. Balkcom, the experienced shoe salesman, is with us and will be glad to see and serve his friends. SEE OUR SHOES AND YOU’LL BEY. THE PERMENTER SHOE CO., 421 THIRD STREET, MAOON, GEORGIA, & MV n PBRRriY, GA. 1 O. R. Mann, Pres. R. L. Gates, V. Pres. L. F, Gatbr, Cashier Directors—F. M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A. Smoak, J. N. Tuttle, 0. R. Mann L. F. Cater, R. L. Cater. Every facility for transacting a general Banking Busines yjljitdjjcnjaminsi? C MAKERS#AEVyoRK Correct Clothes for Men Benson, Walker and Moore’s Wmm represent the meet advanced ideas in fashionable clothes. This applies to the material and handiwork that enters into their making. The steady and healthy growth of our sales shows the trend of public-, opinion and confirms our assertion that meritorious merchandise will secure the patronage of the partic ular and critical, yet appreciative- clothes-buying-public. Write us. Us Wm Wm Benson, Walker & Moore, m ' 420 Third Street, -to-Date Clothiers, :: MACON. GA*