The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 03, 1903, Image 5
—■> but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, hogs EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can how it will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced* f People who have torpid liver find li’fe misery. All they need is a mild remedy like AND TONIC PELLETS. The Pill stimulates the Oliver to its proper work and the Pellets invig-i Vorate the system. In short, they both assist / Nature, as a medicine should do. VA ®\^Complete Treatment ° n| y 2 5 cents. ESTABLISHED IN 1881. THE OLDEST WHISKEY HOUSE IK GEORGIA. . Old Sharpe Williams, guaranteed eight years old; by the gallon, $3.00; four full quarto $3.50 express prepaid. George J. Coleman Rye, guaranteed six years old; by the gallon $2.76, four full quarts $3.00 express prepaid, Anvil Rye, guaranteed four years old by the gallou $2.60, four full quarts * express prepaid. I Clifford Rye, by the gallon $2.26, four full quarts &2.50 express prepaid Old Kentucky Corn, guaranteed eight years old; bv the gallon $3.00, four full quarts $3.25 express prepaid. HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES Via Central of Ga. Railway. During the Holidays excursion tickets will be sold between all tick* et stations on the Central of Georgia Bailway at rate of a fare and a third The Democracy that Wins. Washington Correspondence. It is generally conceded that the democrats must carry the states of New York and New Jersey in the Zs 25Tntn fortbYZnS Z7nn »«t presidential election in order to plus 26 cents for the round trip(no . ft • whole ticket to be sold for less 'than I wiD> Ooooedmg that those states 60 cents not hslf ticket for less then are absolutely neosseary for demo 26 cents cratio success next year, it may be interesting for the demoorats of the Exoursion tickets will also be on country to know the kind of demoo- sale from all stations on the Central racy that must control in New Jer- of Georgia Railway to pointB on Ley next year if we would win that connecting lines south of the Ohio state. and Potomac and east of the Missis-1 An illustration drawn from the sippi rivers, as follows: last congressional eleotion in that Tickets will be Bold to the general I state last year will suffice to give public December 23, 24, 26, 30 and them that information. In one of 31, 1903, and January 1, 1904, lira- the congressional districts that waB ited to January 4, 1904 for return democratic, the demooratB nominat To teachers and students led a man named De Witt Clinton passage. of schools and colleges, upon presen tation and surrender of certificates, I December 16 to 22, 1903, inclusive; | final limit January 8, 1904. For prompt and reliable service | see that your ticket reads via Gen- Flanagan, a man of wealth, refine ment and social distinction. He rep resented only those things that re publicans like and of which they are not afraid. He was endorsed by Grover Cleveland, who lives in his . . . /i' T?aii«,o W a „„ diatriot, and who made a speech for tral of Georgia Railway. Any agent L. • . . . . W . R Old Pointer Club Corn, guaranteed four years old; by the gallou $2,60, four full quarts $2.75 express prepaid. We handle nil the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the mar* ket, and will save you from twenty-five to fifty per oeut. on your purchases. Send for Price List and catalogue. Mailed free upon application. Altnrayer A Flatau Liquor Co., 606-508 510-512 Fourth Street, niacon, Georgia. of the Oompany will cheerfully fur nish additional information on re quest. ■ — - - Better Than a Plaster- TIslO Place To Staple Groceries, Stock Feed, Farm Supplies, Bagging and Ties is where the stock is complete, the goods of best quality and the prices right. MY STORE IS OF THAT KIND. I invite the farmers of Houston county, and other readers of the Home Jqurnal, to give me a share of their patronage. GOODS GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED • Jk2i • XVXJji JrLJTLX X X j 461, 453 & 455 Third St. MACON, GA. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound on the affected parts is better thau a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or him, the first he had made since his retirement srom the presidency. Not withstanding all this, and the furth er faot tha Mr. Flanagan spent large sums of money, he was defeated. On the other hand, in another dis trict that was normally republican by about 4,000 majority, in which the republicans nominated the mil lionaire thread manufacturer, Bar bour, and in which the democratic chest. Pain Balm has no superior j nomination went begging, the dem- as a liniment for the relief of deep-seated muscular and rheu matic paius. For sale by all drug gists. iarr rices Keduced 20 Per Cent on our present stock of Pianos and Orgaus, to make room for fall stock. Some fifty new Pianos of tha very best makes. Also a num ber of Upright Pianos, slightly used, from $100 to $200. Automobile Tickets given away with every purchase. Have secured the services of Prof. Snyder of New York, an artistio Piano Tuner of national reputation, and with our Mr. W. M. Adams, lump)} and a slap in the face of mo- who has been with us the past year or more, can put your Pianos in] nopoly and trust domination and ocrats won a splendid victory. After the nomination in this district had been declined by a number of demo crats, a young demoorat named Wil liam Hughes, a lawyer without mon ey, but with charaoter and brains and real democracy, accepted the nomination as a matter of party honor. He announced from the be ginning of the campaign that he had no money with whioh to buy votes, and said he did not want a vote that had to be purchased. He also said that if he were elected it would mean a real democratic tri- ZE3". m. ZBJL^IFIIEXiID, Cor. Second andjBPoplar Sis. MAGON, GA MIDDLE GEORGIA AGENCY FOR AMERICAN FIELD AND HOG FENCE first-class order on short notice. All work guaranteed. Gall and secure one of these Great Bargains in Pianos. F. GUTTENBEROEU & CO.. 452 Second Street, MAOON, GEORGIA, A Remarkable Bargain the rule of the predatory rich. He roundly denounced all those things from start to finish of the campaign, and the result was that he was elect ed by the honest men of the district A year’s Subscription to PEARSON’S 1 MAGAZINE Your choice of any one of the following books originally issued . ioo ) Both for :d at 1.50 j $1.25 Cyrus Townsend Brady FOR LOVE OF COUNTRY “ An intensely patriotic tale,” »ays the Outlook, One of his best. Frank R. Stockton THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HORN “ His best work.’’—Boston Advertiser George W. Cable JOHN MARCH. SOUTHERNER A celebrated story of the South Edward eoolebton THE CIRCUIT RIDER •‘Fresh and vivid portraiture,” says the Christian Union Frances Hodgson Burnett THAT LASS O’ LOWRIES A novel of international reputation E. W. Hornung THE ROGUE'S MARCH *• A noteworthy addition to romantic literature.” —Chicago Tribune Clara Morris A PASTEBOARD CROWN A vigorous and popular novel of the New York stage by 3,900 majority, a change of 8,000 votes in the district. 1 That should teach the democrats of the country that if they hope to carry the state of New Jersey in the I next presidential election they rnuBt nominate a man for president who j stands for the things and the kind of democracy that “Billy” Hughes stands for or they may as well hang their harp on a willow tree. A look over the field of men mentioned for the nomination on the democratic ticket will discover to the acute ob server of the times the man who fills the bill. BLANCHE WILLIS HOWARD THE GARDEN OF EDEN ‘A fascinating, powerful novel.”—Boston Beacon Harrison Robertson THE INLANDER “ A novel of remarkable power.”— New York Herald Richard Hardino Davis GALLEGHER AND OTHER STORIES "Gallcgher" is the story that made the author famous Arthur R. Ropes ON PETER'S ISLAND An exciting Russian story Robert Louis Stevenson ST. IVES His last and one of his finest novels Molly Elliot seawell THE HOUSE OF EGREMONT 1 Romance filled with the two great qualities of loyalty and love ” Thomas Nelson Page PASTIME STORIES “ The old Virginia flavor could not be used to Octave Thanet THE HEART OF TOIL “Not only good, but excellently told.”— London Daily News finer effect NOTE—The acceptance of this offer not only secures the publications and books mentioned, but it also entitles you to the privilege of buying for one year books at discount prices. As this plan includes practically the entire fiction product of every American Publisher, the magnitude of the proposition is readily apparent. S. O. Davidson, an attorney and member of the Alabama legislature, is the inventor of a patent stone which is made of dirt, sand, slag and cinders, and which, he says, is available for anything from the manufacture of a beautiful inkstand to the construction of ,a skysoraper. A company has been organized and will engage in the manufacture of the material in various shapes to take the place of stone. It is called “Terraola.” A FEW WORDS ABOUT PEARSON'S MAGAZINE FOR 1904 Pearson’s Magazine appeals to every member of the family. In the words of a subscriber, " It is the easy-to-read Magazine." It is different from any other maga zine, and by that quality, although less than five years old has taken its place amongst the very best sellers. Its field is a .general one of wholesome entertainment and instructiveness. ’ Following are four of the special features for 1904 : TOM NAST, CARTOONIST WALL STREET METHODS OF “FINANCE” By HEfiBV GEOBGE, Jr. A number of true accounts of some of the Wall Street “deals” by which the savings of the many have been sacrificed to satisfy the cravings of the few. Read these articles and realize the wisdom of the advice of the Late Governor Roswell I. Flower to a party of his friends to “keep your money in your pocket." By ALBEBT BIGELOW TAlfiE Illustrated by the choicest of the world-famous cartoons of the man who has been described as the greatest molder of public opinion ever known, The biography of Na MODERN INDIAN WARS _ ..e biography of Nast is veritably a world’s pic ture of the times when history was warm in the making. _ THe Overthrow of the Tweed Ring— The Civil War Period—The Horrors of Slavery—The Reconstruction Pe riod—The Greeley Presidential Cam paign—The Garibaldi Campaign in Italy — The Great Heenan-Sayers Fight In London—The Blaine Pres idential Campaign The Confederate Home at Beau voir, Miss., formerly the residence of | President Jefferson Davis, waB opened for the reception of impov erished Confederates on Tuesday, December 1. Forty indigent veter- I ans have already applied for admis sion. Capt. James Stone of Missis sippi has been named as superin tendent. The home will be present- j ed to the state of Mississippi at the next meeting of the legislature, in January. By CyBX/S TOWMSEJVD BBABV A brilliant and thrilling history of the hostile frontier of the past forty years, giving justice to the public service of such men as Miles, Lawton, Crook, Forsythe, Custer, Carrington, McKenzie, Howard, Wheaton, Davis, Sully, Baker and others;—taking Indian fights out of the category of boys’ story books and dignifying tfi-m wi.h nrnn,r nlace in the history of our are a few of the important headings upon which jr eight papers are buift. the series of six or THE REVELATIONS OF AN INTERNATIONAL SPY Which ran in Pearson’s through the first six . months of 1903 will be resumed in January, 1904. This new set of detective stories has been arranged for in response to the demands of thousands of readers Seri— mu- r.-: them with their proper place in the history < nation. A series of six or eight articles. Subscribers to this combination who‘want m can add 49 cents for each book required. Send your orders to regretted the termination of the first author still stipulates that his name u Secret. L.-ci one book from above list PEARSON PUB. CO. 2 to 20 Aster Pla.ce, N. Y. G» Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight | with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to sayjaboutit: “Last fall my wife had every symptom of con sumption ^he took Dr. King’s I New D;ecuvery after ov^ryihiug else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles en tirely cured her.” Guaranteed. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles [free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. semen. ErSES Regular Style Stays la in. or 6 In. apart 55 INCH. S3L RL Special Hog, Herso and Cattle Style Stays (a In. or 61«. apart Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. \ Is practically ever lasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is nut on it. Does not mutilate, and pigs. .AND 'Drawing-Room Vestibule Sleeping Cars BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM. COLUMBUS. ATLANTA. MACON. AUOUSTA AND SAVANNAH. GA.. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY. GA. Pullman Sleeping Cars between st louis. Nashville. Chattanooga, Atlanta. MACON, GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE. FLA. ’.Parlor Cars on Day Train BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH. GA. W. A. WII\J»U«rM,! VlCE-PRCBIGCNT AN* TRAfflC MANAGE*. *». C. HAILE, . , OENERAL PASSENGER AGENT.* - r. si. ROBINSON, 1 'assistant general passenger agent.