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When you come to see our Suits you would bring
your wife. She ktiowsl If we were not sure of
The Macon Telegraph.
Published every day and Sunday,
and Twice-a-Week, by The Ma^on
Telegraph Publishing Go.
Subscription Daily and Sunday,
$7.00 per annum. Daily except
Sunday, $6.00 per annum. Twice-
a-Week, $1.00 per annum.
Best advertising medium m the
city Rates furnished on appli
Hotel Arcadia,
Rates, $2.00 Per BaY-
Special attention given to
Transient Trade.
a. <1. SPARKS. agent.
H Christian Uhion HerAld,
a strong, religious, seven-column paper,
devoted to the moral and material ad
vancement oftho oolored rnoe, with An'
extensive oiroulation..
Published Weekly at Savannah', Uft.
Subscription $1.00 Per tear.
REV, W. A, DINKINS, Editor,
P, E, Fort Valley District.
I have had occasion , to use your
Black.Draught Stock and Poultry MedU
cine and am pleased to say that I never
used anything for stock that gave half as
good satisfaction. I heartily recoin*
mend it to all owners of stock.
J. B. BELSHER, St. L'odli, Mo.
Sick stook or poultry should not
eat oheap stook food any more than
sick persons should expeot to be
oared by food. When your stook
and poultry are sick give them med
icine. Don’t stuff them with worth
less stock foods. Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver;
It cures every malady of stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can
of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medioine and it will pay for itself ten
times over. Horses work better. Cows
give more milk. Hogs gain flesh.
And hens lay more eggs. It solves the
S roblem qf making as much blood,
esh and energy, as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign model, sketch or photo of Invention.for 1
Cfree report on patentability. For free book <
Opposite U. S. Patent Office*
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may
quickly ascertain cur opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communion-
tlons strictly conDdentlal. Handbook on Patents
sent froo. Oldest acenoy for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge, In tho
Scientific American.
A handsemely Illustrated weekly. • Largest cir
culation ef any scientific journal. Toi-ras, $8 a
year; four months, $1. Bold by all newsdealers.
MtHtN & Co. 361 *"*'"’’ New York
BtaaeA OSee, MVK, Washington, D. C,
The Big Corn Crop.
Columbus Knquirer-Lun.
With a probable yield of 2,318,-
000 bushels of corn this year,
whioli is the estimate made by
the government statistician, the
crop is considerably larger than
it promised to be at one time.
This makes the largest corn yield
in the history of the country,
save that of last year, when it
reached the enormous figure of
2,528,640,000 bushels. The years
previous to the present year, when
the orop reached two billion bush
els, were 1889, 1891, 1896, 1$96,
1899, 1900 and 1902.
As estimated by the depart
ment of agriculture last winter,
the value of the corn crop of 1902
on Deoember let of that year,
was a little over $1,000,000,000 on
the farm. The orop of 1908 will
be under that mark, but on the
recent average of prices, it is
thought, tho department will be
justified, wheu it makes its fig
ures up for December 1st, in plac
ing it at over $900,000,000. No
other agricultural product closely
approaches this in value. The
farm value of the wheat of 1902,
on December 1st of that year was
placed at $422,000,000; oats at
$808,000,000, hay at $642,000,-
000, while the value of the cotton
orop was below that of the hay.
Commenting upon the big corn
orop of the present year, the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat ‘ says it
will be of vastbeuefit te the ooun-
try in many way 0 - “It will,”
says, the Globe-I>ejmooi'ftt, “insure
frehBonable prices for food, a large
revenue for the farmers, a heavy
export trade, good business for
the railroads in transporting it
from the* points of production to
those of consumption and a plen
tiful supply of feed for , stock
There . is a reasonable certainty
that meat prices will be kept
from advancing beyond the pres
ent line. Corn figures in an im
portant way in the prices of meat
The failure of the orop of 1901
did a great deal toward sending
up the cost of meat in the latter
part of that year and the first
half of 1900.”
As shown in these columns sev
eral days ago, the southern States
were blessed this year with a oon
siderably larger yield of corn than
they were last year, which, in
view of a short option orop, is
very gratifying to the people of
this section.
Exeusion Rates to Winter Resorts,
Via Central of Georgia Railway.
Excursion tickets are now on
sale at all ticket stations on the
Central of Georgia Railway to the
Winter resorts in Florida,* Cuba,
Nassau, etc. Tickets will be sold
daily up to and including April
80th, 1904, limited to May 31st,
1904 for return passage.
The Central offers superior train
service and schedules to Florida.
For ticketB and additional in
formation apply to nearest agent.
Nature “makes all things beau
tiful in their time. Every one of
life’s seasons, when life moves on
Nature’s lines, has its own charm
aud beauty. Many women dread
that period whon they must expe
rience change of life. They fear
that face and form may suffer by
the change, and.that they may
flail to please those whom they
love. The value of Dr. Pieroe’s
Favorite Prescription in this cri
sis of woman’s life lies in the
faot that it assists Nature. Its
use preserves' the balance aud
buoyancy of the mind and sue
tains the physioal powers. Many
women have expressed their grat
itude for the help and comfort
given by “Favorite Prescription’
in this trying period. Its bene
fits are not passing but perma
nent and conduce to mental hap
pinessas well as physical strength
— . •
Each crew of a naval vessel
consists of seven men besides the
oaptain of the turret, who has
general charge. There are two
guns in each turret, so that when
in action there are in a turret
fifteen men. At each gun there
is a pointer, a trainer, a sight
setter, a rammer man a hoist
man, a breaoh look man and a
loader. Each has his station,
and the seven men practically be
come part of the gun, working
together like a machine. .
A glass or two of water taken
half an hour before breakfat will
usually keep the Bowels regular
Harsh cathartics should be avoid
ed. When a purgative is needed
take Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They are mild
and gentle in their action. For
sale by all druggists.
alio United States Dead-Letter
lice is the receptacle of many
letters to Santa Claus from.young
sters all over the country. Some
of these amusing arid pathetic
epistles are reproduced in the Wo
man’s Home Companion for Do
Is a twice-a-woek NEWS paper, published on
Monday and Thursday of each week, with all
tho latest news of the world, which comes over
their leased wires direct to 'their office. 1b an
eight-page seven-column paper.
By arrangements we have secured a special
rate with them in oonneotiou with
and for $2 we will send
-Semi-WeeklY Journal-
and the
Southern Cultivator
This is the best oiler wo have ever made our
friends and subscribers. You had u otter take
advalitage of this offer at once, for The Journal
may withdraw their apeoial rate to us at any
The Semi-Weekly has many prominent men
and women contributors to their colon.
among theth being Rev. Sam Jones, Rc .«c-
i iLewis, Hon. Harvio Jordan, Hor ..u Tem-
pleOravos and Mrs. W. H. Felton, uealdes their
crops of effleient editors, who take care of the
news matter. Their departments aro well eov
eved. Its columns of farm news are worth the
the price of the paper.
Send direct to this office $2.00 and seonre
the three above mentioned papers one year
me peiueemeesH ui uur cioines we WOUIa IIOt dare
invite her. Name your ^uit Price and let hei de
cide whether or not we show you the best money’s
worth obtainabln. Our qualities begin at
Star Clothing Company.
4 quarts Old Harvest Corn
4 quarts Horse Shoe Rye.
1 gal Jug “ “ “
4 quarts Jeff Clarke Rye
1 gal Jug “ “ »
4 quarts Anchor Gin ' 300
1 gal Jug “ *• 2 75
1 “ “ ufc New Eugland Rum;No 1 3 00
1 “ “ Old Harvest Corn 2 75
Express prexaId on two G-aUous or more $2 Goods tolsamojaddress.
4 quarts Lewis “68” Rye
4 " Yellowstone Rye
“ Dunn .8 Monogram Ryo
“ Murjay Hill Ryo
“ Wilson Rye
“ Paul Jones Rye
“ Woodford county Rye
“ Rose Valley Rye
lJug “ “ “
4 quarts Mill Greek Cabinet Rye
1 gal jug . •* “ “
1 gal Jug“
s Mill
4 00
3 76
1 gal Jug 100 Proof N O Corn $2 00
1 gal J ug 00 Proof N O Com 1 76
1 gal Jng Old V A Brown Rye No 1 2 00
1 gal Jug Old V A Hrown Ryo No 2,
1 gal Jug New England Rum No 2
1 gal Jug Holland Gin
Satisfaction in Every way, or Money Ref nude ..
J. T, STEWART, 416 Poplar Street, Mfacon, Ga.
Gougns, uoids, uroup,
Grippe and all other Throat
!3 ^
and Lung Troubles
It quickly stops coughing, tickling in throat, difficult breathing
and pain in the chest and lungs.
It immediately relieves the spasms of Croup and Whooping
Cough and effects a speedy cure.
It contains no opiates or other poisons and can be given with
safety to children and delicate persons.
It contains no harsh expectorants to strain the lungs or astrin
gents to dry the secretions and cause constipation.
It prevents Pneumonia and Consumption, strengthens the lungs
and cures LaGrippe and its after effects.
It will cure Consumption and Asthma in the early stages and
give comfort and relief in the most hopeless cases.
It is pleasant to take and at once produces a soothing and
strengthening effect on the lungs.
A Chattanooga Druggist’s Statement.
Robert J. Miller, proprietor of the Read HouseDrug
Store, of Chattanooga Tenn^ ’ TA r than in
more merit m FOLEY S HUINui VW on-
any other cough syrup. The calls for it multtply wo
derfully and we sell more of it than all otner g
syrups combined.”
For sale Tby R. L. CATER, Perry, «».; J . O. MANN, Elk©, sad F. F. WAL JfiK*
A Severe Cold For Three Months.
The following letter from A. J. Nusbaum, of Bates-
ville, Ind., tells its own story: “I suffered for three
months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared me
some medicine, and a physician prescribed for me,
yet I did not improve. I then tried FOLEY’S HONEY
AND TAR, and eight doses cured me.”