Newspaper Page Text
NO. 49.
c. s. wkmmmm&M
By a liberal policy and honorable methods I have
built up the largest Cotton Commission business in Macon,
Ship me your Cotton and get the best returns.
a. ib.
Pictures and Art Goods of All Kinds.
I carry the largest and most complete stock of goods in the
south. Our work is the best and prices the most reasonable.
Special Attention to Mail Orders. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
■w. 3L.1
107 Cotton Avenue. Macon, Georgia.
is best promoted by being well provided with
Furniture, Carpets, Shades, Etc.
of the best grades and most attractive styles.
It is also necessary and desirable that there be
Stoves, Lamps, Pictures,
and kindred articles of House and Kitchen Furnishings.
All these and more are sold in the latest styles and at
correct prices by the
W. C. SHEFTALL,] President.
458 Poplar St., MACON, QA,
Pure, clean seed wheat will make yoi
better wheat and more of it, and we wil
get more wheat to grind or more to buy.
We will clean your wheat free, give
you screenings and all.
We are selling Blue Stem Tennessee
Seed Wheat at cost.
Yalley Roller Mills,
Harris Mfg. Co., Props.
Fort Valley, Ceorgia
Everything to build with, from bride to shingles, inside and
outside. Gan save you money on lumber, sash, doors,
blinds and building material of all kinds.
Home Mission Items.
Written for The Home Journal,
The Board of Missions of j Jack
sonville, Fla., is having fine re
sults, One of the chief features
of their work is a reading-room
to which comes regularly 21
monthly, and 12 weekly maga
zines, ^and several daily papers.
An average of 25 persons avail
themselves daily of this and oth
er ohoioe reading matter. A dai
ly noon prayer meeting, also re
sults iu much good. Definite
prayer is being requested and of
fered. Often do these hearts
praise God for answered prayer.
An Ounce of Preventive—
Mr. W. P. Blasengame, Thom-
asvilJe, Ga., has recently given to
the City Board of Thomasville a
thirteen-room house and pro
ceeds from 50 acres of land. It
is called, the Vashti Blassiugame
Industrial Home for Girls, in
memory of his mother.
Mrs. W. H. Johnson says, “I
find that nearly four-fifthB of our
fallen girls or orphans, have
only one parent.” Many of these
outcast children were left or-
Dhans when too old for Orphan
Somes. 1 hey are left to drift in
the oold world or be tossed about
by its pitiless winds. This new
movement is for this olass of
girls—a work of prevention, rath
er than rescue, No greater need
is before us to-day.
Another Open Door.—
The Thomasville Board desires
to make this the property of our
Board, as soon as we ban accept
it. They now oonsider it ours,
and a branch of our work. The
Home is in charge of Miss Annie
Heath, one of our new deaconess
es. Every room in the house has
already been furnished by differ
ent ones, some in memory of lov
ed ones. Horses, cows, pigs and
money came in unsolicited, and
already God’s approval is stamp
ed upon this new step. Oh, that
we might rise to our privileges,
and open wide the door of this
refuge for many helpless mother
less girls, who need a home and
training for life’s duties l
Supt. of Literature.
Death of an Infant.
Written for Tito Homo Journal.
Friday morning, November 27th,
at about the dawn of day, the
Omuipitent sent a messenger for
a jewel He had on i earth. This
jewel was little Inez, the infant
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching re
volt and Berious trouble in your
system is nervousness, sleepless
ness or stomach upsets. Electric
Bitters will quickly dismember
the troublesome causes. It never
fails to tone the stomaoh, regulate
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank the kidneys and bowels, stimulate
Ra^e. She had been spared to
their care for nearly two years,
when the Lord sent his angels to
bear her spirit to Him,' and she is
now in the realms of Eternal Hap
Littlo Inez was a sweet child,
the idol of her parents’ hearts,
the life of the household, the pet
of relatives and friends. We know
her voice will be missed, her lit
tle ohair will be vacant, aud her
littlo toys will serve as reminders
of the darling that is gone, but
the Lord’s will must be done, and
no man can hinder.
While everything that human
hands oduld do was done for Inez,
it availed nothing and the dread
ed disease, membranous oroup,
did its work quickly: The little
body was buried at Sardis church
in Bibb county.
If we had the power, we would
oonsole the parents,—mother es
pecially. We ban sympathize
with them, and may the Lord
bind their broken hearts and heal
their wounds.
Dec. 1st 1908. G. T. H.
A Timely Suggestion.
This is the season of the year
when the prudeut and careful
housewife replenishes her supply
of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
It is oertain to be needed before
the winter is over, and the results
are much more prompt and satis
factory when it is kept at hand
aud given as soon as the cold is
contracted and before it has be
come settled in the system. Iu
almost every instance a severe
cold may be warded off by taking
this remedy freely as soon as the
first indication of the cold ap
pears. There is no danger iu giv
ing it to children for it contains
no harmful substance. It is pleas
ant to take—both adults and
chidreu like it. Buy it and you
will get the best. It always cures.
For sale by all druggists.
Simultaneously with the boom-
tng of the cotton market there
has been a boom in the price of
8ourkrout. As cotton has soared
sourkrout has made sensational
leaps. Is it possible that there
is the same close relationship be
tween cotton and sourkrout that
we used to bb told existed be
tween wheat and silver? —Savan
nah News.
A Hand-blistering Task.
It is enough to blister one’s
hands just to contemplate the
job that confronted the men who
swept floor of the mammoth Pal
ace of Agriculture at the St. Louis
World’s Fair. When the con
tractors finished their work re
cently all that remained to be
done was to sweep the floor. It
never dawned on anyone how
great the task was. Oaldwell and
Drake, the contraotors, ordered a
dozen brooms and set 12 men to
work. When night came their
inroads on the great expanse of
28 aores of floor space was scarce
ly noticeable. They increased
the force next day to 40 men and
ordered 100 brooms. These 40
men yrorked ten days before the
big flbor was thoroughly swept.
«*-•-•» —-
If you see a man on the street
carrying $140,000 in a satohel,
don’t jostle him, by accident or
othrewise; better cross the street
to make sure. In New York the
other day a boy of sixteen failed
to observe this precaution and
narrowly escaped being shot. The
man with the satchel was a bank
messenger, aud when the boy acci
dentally bumped against him, he
thought he was being held up.—
the liver and clarify the blood.
Run-down systems benefit partic
ularly and all the usual attending
aohes vanish under its searching
and thorough effectiveness. Elec-
trio Bitters is only 50o, and that
is refunded if It don’t give perfect
satisfaction. Guaranteed. Holtzs
claw’s Drugstore.
The Macon Telegraph.
Published every day and Sunday,
and Twioe-a-Week. by The Maoon
Telegraph Publishing Go,
Subscription Daily and Sunday,
$7.00 per annum. Daily exoept
Sunday, $5.00 per annum Twioe-
a-Week, $1.00 per annum.
Best advertising medium in the
bity Rates furnished on appli
lion, $3.00;
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very
expensive. Occasionally life it
self is the price of a mistake, but
you’ll never be wrong if you take
Dr. King’s New Life Pills for
Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache,
Liver or Bowel troubles. They
are gentle yet thorough. 25c, at
Holtzclaw’s Drug Store.
Subscribe for the Home Journal
Fight Will Be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing
their ears against the continual
recommendation of Dr. King’s
New Discovery for Consumption,
will have a long and bitter fight
with their troubles, if not ended
earlier by fatal termination. Read
what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss.,
has to sayjabout'it: “Last fall my
wife had every symptom of con
sumption. She took Dr. King’s
New Discovery after everything
else had failed. Improvement
came at once and four bottles en
tirely cured her.” Guaranteed.
Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles
fre’e at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore.
■ : —
The Palaco of Agriculture at
the St. Louis World’s Fair is the
largest building ever constructed
to contain a single department.
It is 540x1660 feet, and contains
more than 28 acres floor space.
The Inside Inn is 400 by 800 feet,
but as it is three stories high its
actual floor space exceeds that of
the great agriculture building.
Tak* IaxaUt# Brom* Qaluin* Tablets. All
etZLtaMMBUtAattttar If It Mto ttou.
5.1T eatovara rigaatom It •> aaoh bos. 26a
Old Sharpe Williams,
eight years old; by the ga
four full quarts $8.50 express prepaid
George J. Coleman llye, guaranteed
six years old; by the gallon $2.75, four
full quarts $3.00 express prepaid,
Anvil Rjre, guaranteed four years old;
by the gallon $2.50, four full quarts $.75
express prepaid.
Clifford Rye, by the gallon $2.25,
four full quarts #2.50 express prepaid.
Old Kentucky Corn, guaranteed eight
years old; bv the gallon $8.00, four full
quarts $8.25 express prepaid.
Old Pointer Club Corn, guaranteed
four years old; by the gallon $2,50, four
full quarts $2.75 express prepaid.
We handle all the leading brands of
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the mar
ket, and will save you from twenty-five
to fifty per cent, on your purchases.
Send for Price List and catalogue.
Mailed free upon application.
Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co.,
606-508 510-512 Fourth Street,
Macon, Georgia.
Rates, $,2.00 Per Ba^.
Special attention given
Transient Trade.
Christian Union Herald,
a strong, religious, seven-column paper,
devoted to the moral and material ad
vancement of the colored race, with an
extensive circulation.
Published Weekly at Savannah, Ga.
Subscription $1.00 Per tear.
BEY. W. A. DINKINS, Editor,
P. E. Fort Valley District.