The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 24, 1903, Image 2
BHB| III 1111IMHI W1WI11 MW ::■■■■■■■ . ' •'■ ’ •■ Perry, Thursday, December 24. Our New Methods! Pastor. LOCAL NEWS, Xmas Goods. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE -pack- All kinds of Fine Gandies age goods a specialty An abundance of all the Fruits the market will afford Everything for Fruit Cake and Fruit Oake' already baked Don’t fail to see my stock; it is the best that money can bny* W. B. Sims. Rev. T. E. Davenport preach ed his initial sermou at the Perry Methodist church last Sunday morning; preaching again that night. The text of the morning sermon was: ‘‘Seek first the king dom of God and his righteous ness, and all these things shall be addfcd unto you.” At the conclusion of the ser vice he talked directly to members of the church, asking their cordial and active co-opera tion in all church work. He ad vised earnestly that all business and social action be guided by the 11th commandment: * What soever ye would that mOn do unto you,do ye even so to them.” Then there was introductory greeting by those who had not previously met the pastor. A most favorable impression has been created, and it is confi dently expected that cordial co operation and Christian fellow ship will prevail. Parlor Entertainment. The ladies of the Methodist church will a Parlor Entertain ment at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred, M. Houser on Monday night, the 28th inst., to which a small admission of ten cents will be charged. .The pro ceeds of this entertainment will be used for church purposes. The program will consist of reoita- th< tions, readings, songs, iustrumen- : tal music, eto., and will be ren dered by the best talent of Perry. The public is cordially invited to attend and assist in a good cause, being assured of a most enjoyable evening. CITATION TO OPEN ROAD. GEORGIA, Houston County. Whereas, R N H oltzolaw, A E Barnes, J F Logan, et al, have filed their appli cation for a new public road in the Low er Town and Lower Eleventh districts of said oounty, beginning at a point on the Perry and Hawkinsvilie publio road and running east by the station of Tivola.eto. (Said road more fully described in the September minutes, 1908, of the Oounty Commissioners Court of Roads and Revenues for said oounty); and whereas, the reviewers appoints for said road have marked off the same conformably to law, and have reported that said road would be of publio utility: Now, therefore, this is to put all per sons qn notice that said application will be finally heard and aoted upon by said Odunty Commissioners* Court of Roads and Revenues for said oounty at the next term of said court, to be hold on the first Tuesday iu January, 1904. 0. E. BRUNbON, Clerk* —On January 9th, 1904, the Harris House and six other items of real estate belonging to the es tate of the late H. 0. Harris, de ceased will be sold at Public out cry before the Dow Law bank building in Fort Valley, if not previously disposed of at private sale. WARREN D. NOTTINGHAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 855 THIRD ST. MACON, GA. Will praotice in the several courts, Federal and Stn^e. Speoial attention given to causes in the courts of this oirouit. 3^C02^TEl"3r. Loans negotiated on improved farms at lowest market rates, and on most lib eral terms. Business of fifteen years’ standing. More than three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH, No. 814 Second St., Maoon, Ga. L. S.Tounsley, Attorney at-Law, Per ry, Ga, ^correspondent for Houstpn county I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Seed Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Crimson, Red and Burr Clover, Hairy Vetch and beeft Winter Grasses. ...... Onion Sets, and a full line of Garden Seed. Write and get prices, br call to see me. —Mrs. M. L. Elkin of Lexing ton, Ky , who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. S. Tounsley, in Perry, has gone to Atlanta to spend Christmas with her daugh ter. She will return to Perry to spend the remainder of the win ter. —Mr. Rufus E. Tounsley, for merly a resident o? Perry and-a nephew of Mr. L. S. Tounsley, is now editor of the Tampa Demo crat, a new newspaper candidate for public favor in that section of Florida. —Mr. and Mrs. Green Pollock visited relatives iu Houston last Sunday and Monday, they having moved from this county to ( Rome, Ga., in 1808. He was in Perry Monday for the first time in 85 years. —Some Houston farmers say the labor question will be more acute next year than ever before, but others say the ex-renters must work for the farmers or move out. —Miss Mabel Gurr* who is i student of Monroe Female Col lege at Forsyth, is speeding the Christmas holidays with her par ents near Perry. ' —Miss Leone Marshburne, who has been teaching school at Brew- ton, LaurenV county, returned home Tuesday afternoon. —Mr. W. Gordon Day of Bal timore, Md., is spending the holi- idays with the family of his par ents in Perry. —Some of the “boys” have been exceedingly regardless of the feelings of other people in their noise making at night. They have used something to imitate a can non in the noise it makes, and it is exceedingly distressing to those whd desire quiet. One night* the explosion of this “instrument” was doubtless more extensive than was expected, and two houses on Evergreen street, the homes of Judge S. T. Hurst and Mrs. Bet- tie Stafford, were injured. —We now have in operation at our shop a first-class Grist Mill and oan grind meal, grits or oraoked corn, as you may wish. We grind for the regular toll, or exohange a bushel of meal for a bushel of corn. We also have a wood yard and can furnish in one-horse wagon loads stove wood nicely split and ready to burn, at 00 cents per load. Wood for fire place, sawed to any desired length, 50 cents a load. Southern Hay Press Co. To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain’s Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz of Detroit, Mioh., says: “They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloat ed feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels.” Therefore people in this community who need just suoh a medioine. For sale by all drug gists. Every box warranted. —Best line of Shoes for the money. Mens’ Shoes from $1.00 to $5.00. Ladies’ Shoes from $1.00 to $4.00, at Edwards & Marshall. —You can go further and fare worse. Buy your Santa Claus at Holtzolaw’s Drug Store. H. Wright, The Seedsman. Third it., MACON, OA. Good Young Mules. BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Faro Paid. 500 FBEB Courses Offered. _ Board at Cost. Write Quick GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE,Macon,Ga. YOONS MAM GO ON THE 'PATH OF 'THE RICH, AND. 'YOU WILL FIND 'THAT THEY ALL STARTED WITH A m :count 4 per cent on Deposits compounded semi-annually. HOME SAVINGS BANK Am erican National B ank Building, Ifiacon, Georgia. I have|for sale a select “bunch” of young Kentucky Mules, as good as were ever brought to this mar ket. Gall at once and secure first choice. Prices right. Yours to please, G, W. Winn, Perry, Ga. Good Mules, Right Prices. The mules arc here for Houston farmers, and the prices are right. Come to see me and you’ll buy if you want a good mule, a pair or more. Mr. George S. Riley will be glad to see and serve you. C. M. Branan, Poplar Street. Macon, Ga. DON’T FORGET That we have Bargains in Shoes, Bargains in-Flannelletts. Bargains in Eiderdowns; Bargains in Overcoats, Bargains in Men’s Coats Vests. Bargains in Boys’ Suits, Bargains in Ladies’ Capes and and Jackets. L. M. Paul. Fresh Water-gorubd Meal, Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls at Fred M. Houser’s. —See our line of Clothing before buying. Edwards & Marshall, Advertise in The Home Journal, WANTED—SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PER SONS in each state to travel for house estab- iisoed eleven years and with a large capital, to call on merchants and agents for successful . and profitable line. Permanent engagement, i Weekly cash salary of §18 and all traveling ex- ; penses and: hotel bills advanced in cash each | week. Experience not essential. Mention refer- i ence and enclose self-addressed envelope. to30 | THE; NATIONAL, 821 Dearborn St., Chicago. -Full line of Fire Works. JMrs. O. Kunz. Bagging and Ties, Plows Plow Gear of all kinds at Fred M. Houser’s. and Best Green Coffee 10 lbs. for $1 at W. D. Day’s. ✓ Everyb6dy knows when they’ve got rheumatism, but those who have never tried it can’t imagine how quickly rheu matic pains are relieved by applications appl of Ramon’s Nerve and Bone Oil. 25o. WE CUKE MOKPHINE HABIT We Have Discovered a Marvel ous Remedy for Drug'Habits v And We Give It To You Frer. We have found a marvelous remedy for restoring to perfect health, men and women suffering from the awful curse of drug habit. ' It matters not how long you have had it, how or when you got it. This is no ordinary drug or method of treatment. We are constantly curing the worst oases of drug habit known and give an unqualified guarantee to cure any case undertaken by us or refund your money. * We urge every person suf fering from, this terrible disease to write us and we will send free a bottle of our marvelous remedy. We urge physicians having refractory cases and all who to want to be cured of this awful curse write us today. All correspondence con fidential in plain envelopes. Address Manhattan Therapeutic Association Dep’t, B., 1135 Broadway, New York City. Subscribe for The Home Journal. A Merry Christmas to you. The Macon Shoe Co. A M per on ah above rtunt, $85.00. The season’s best styles and most popular weaves found in this lot. r | per suit for 85 suits; ■uiJ regulat price of these $12.50, $15 & $18. New goods, and all big bargains per suit for 15 suits 11U U °* the latest outs and iWV most dersirable sell ers. Sold for $20, $26 & $27.60. THE EMPIRE SPORE: GREAT REDUCTION 21 TAILOR SUITS Absolutely the besi; stock of these gar- . meats to be found in central Georgia. Styles, oolora and sizes right; prices surprisingly low. for baby, little daughter or mother; all desiroble styles - and shades. $1.25 to $6.50 for small sets. $1.25 to $25.00 for neck pieces for ladies. ■ ■ ■ ■ $1.26 to $6.50 for infants’ and misses’ wraps. Full line and all shapes, Cheap. CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. No greater variety or better assortment of Holiday Goods ]have ever been placed on sale in Macon as can be found in our store now. Presents for the babies, little tots, school obildren, grown ups, mother, father, grandparents or friends oan be seleoted with out any trouble and with but little money. maul & O. R. Mann, PreB. FEmnnY*. ga. R. L. Cater, Y, Pres. L. F. Cater, Cashier ■m im Directors—F. M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A. Smoak, J. N. T,utfcle, O. R. Maun L. F. Cater, R. L. Cater. I Every facility for transacting a general Banking Business. results from purohashing goods at our store. We sell H WmM Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gents’ Furnishing Goods. ifSBSI mg' WM OUR STOCK IS LARGE AND CHOICE, OUh PRICES CORRECT. OUR TIME IS AT TOUR COMMAND. Try us. We will satisfy you. S. L. McWilliams. J. E. Yates. G. P. Rankin. ... /