The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 24, 1903, Image 6
. Death of Mr. H. W. English, FROM Tlie Cause of piatiy^ig Sudden Deaths. Ihere Is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- «... v-u. tiVQ Id any sudden ! deaths are caused by i it—heart disease, 1 pneumonia, heart ! failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance the ; kidney-podsoned 1 blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. * Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. {If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and'scald- ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis- covery and a book that tells all about it, both Homo of Swamp-Root, sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember /the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's / Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Mr. Henry W. English died ab his home near Fowersville last Thursday.. He was about 40 years old, a most excellent gentleman and an energetic and progressive farmer. He had been in ill health a year or more, and for several months had steadily approached death, having been afflicted with consumption. He leaves a wife and several ohil- dren to mourn his death and with them many friends sincerely sympa thize. Considerable trouble is being caused by the will of Mr. Henry B. Plant, the millionaire railroad mag nate who died in New York in 1889. By that will the greater portion of the testator’s property was to be kept intact until the children of an infant grandson should be old enough to receive it. A feature of the contest now before the courts concerning the will is a petition to fix the legal residence of Mr. Plant at the time of his death. It is esti mated that the property involved will aggregate $80,000,000 when the heirs receive it. -Eggs hav6 been exceedingly scarce in Perry and since early fall the price here has advanced from 12£ cents to 80 cents a doz en. Nobody knows what’s the matter with the hens, but the scarcity of eggs is a distressing fact. We have heard no com plaint concerning the physical condition of the hens, but they have quit laying to any satisfying extent. As a result of this scar city of eggs, there will be a scarc ity of cake, eggnog and similar good things during the holidays. —Mr. Russell Moore died at the home of his father near Port Val ley last Friday, after an illness of about ten days. He was about 27 years old, a printer, and had been connected with the Leader, publisher of the Enterprise, and just prior to his fatal illness sev ered his connection with a large printing establishment in Atlan ta. Besides his father and sever al brothers, he leaves a wife and young son to mourn hie loss, and with them their friends sincerely ,sympathise. One Price to Everybody. MACO" . GA. f Peach Trees for Sale. Wg have a few thousand Elber- ta June buds for sale. Refer by permission to Bank of Canton, Galt Nursery Co., Canton, Ga. Farm for Bent. A two-horse farm in the Tenth district, good land and necessary improvements, for rent for 1904. Apply to, or address, L. 0. Howard, R. F. D. Perry, Ga. Municipal Taxes. Property taxes of the town of Perry are due. The books will close on December 20th. • Please make payment on or before that date. J. R. Miller, Clerk. —You can find some nice Ster ling Silverware suitable for pres ents at W. D. Day’s. The sugar plant of the DeSoto Company, near Americus, just com pleted at a cost of probably ten thousand dollars, is'almost ready to begin operation and will manufac ture fifteen thousand gallons of cane syrup immediately. The entire syr up output will be shipped to Fairi- bault, Minn., where it has been con tracted far already. This company will plant seyeral hundred acres in sugar cane next year and manufac ture sugar upon a large scale.—Tel egraph Correspondent. ..-i Recorder Nottingham has an nounced that men who get drunk on the streets of Macon and are ar rested, must pay heavily for the privilege. After having fined a white man $25 for being drunk and disorderly, he said; “If you are plain drunk on the streets it will cost $10. If you get drunk and talk too much it will cost $25,” —Mies Clifford Burr of Fort Valley and Mr. W. D. Corey of Presque Island, Me., were mar ried on December 16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown in Fort Valley. The Tel egraph correspondent says the marriage was to have been an elaborate affair, but owing to the recent illness of the bride, only near relatives and intimate friends attended. We join the friends of the bride in extending cordial congratulations and best wishes. —Our line of Stoves has never been surpassed in quality and price. Give us a trial and we willi ^ 0 ^ e 5 n , ment °fti thftn a self * a P’ Republicans as well as‘ democrats are condemning Roosevelt for his precipitate recognition of the so called “Republic of Panama.” It is believed by many that Roosevelt’s emisaries in Panama encouraged the secession. Certain it is recognition was accorded before there was any make you a regular customer. Edwards & Marshall. WANTED—FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established bouse in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $20.00 per week. Money for expenses advanced. Position permanent. Bus iness successful and rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn Street, Coicago. a z. mcarthur, DENTIST, PORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. DrTKfAT G-. OATTIS, DENTIST. Residence and Office at, Wells House, PERRY, GEORGIA, Drs. J. M. & ,R HOLMES MASON DENTISTS, 354 Second Street, MACON, : : rGEORGIA. “wTh. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. orFIOB OVER DOW DAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA pointed committee. The democratic senators have de eided to abide the action of a cau cus whenever that action is sustain ed by a two-thirds vote on any question. Previous pledges to con stituents, instructions from state legislatures, or when a question of constitutional construction is involv ed, are specified as exceptions to the rule. —The religious services at the Perry Methodist church Christ' mas morning, beginning at 11 o’clock, will be pertinent; to the occasion, The minister’s talk will emphasize the fact that the day is the anniversary of the birth of Him who proclaimed ‘peace on earth; good will to all maukind,” and should be observ ed in a Christ-1 ike spirit. The songs will be selected to suit the service. Everybody cordially in vited to attend. How»s*T1iis£ We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Cotarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Prop’s, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions m i de by their firm. Wxst & Tuuax, wholesale Druggists,Toledo, O. Warding, ICinnan & Makyin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall’s Gathrrh Cure is taken internally,acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tee system, rriee 76c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are tne best. GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, BICYCLES, } MECHANICS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, CHINA, CROCKERY, STOVES, and a great variety of NOVELTIES. Best Goods, Correct Prices. Colombia seems determined to fight for sovereignty over Panama, and Roosevelt has commanded that the United States array and navy shall maintain the independence of Panama. These antagonistic deola rations mean war, unless the diplo macy of European powers be used to preserve peace. 2—*-%-*— — The auditorium to be erected ear ly next year in Macon will be occu pied as a postoffice and United States District court room while the new government building is in course of construction. This feder al building will be built mainly of Georgia marble and granite. In the United States over 16,000 free rural mail delivery routes had been granted, up to June 30th last, and one-third of these are in Iowa; Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. Georgia has more of these routes than any other state represented entirely by democratic congressmen. Excursion Bates to Atlanta! Ga., via Central of Ga. Railway. Account annual meeting Southern Educational Association excursion tickets will bb on sale at all ticket stations on the Central of Georgia Railway, to Atlanta, on December 30th, limited to January 3rd, 1904 for return passage. The Central offers very attractive achedultia.aud train service to Atlan ta. For uad farther particulars apply to nearest agent. C. HUHN, 520*529 Mulberry St., MACON, GA # —800 buslnls Best Texas Rust Proof Oats for sale at W. D. Day’s, If You Need an Engine (2 to 300jh, p.) Ensilage Cutter, Crist Mill, Feed Mill, Corn Sheller, Wood Saw, &c M call on or write me. I have the best line on the market and at wholesale prices. Complete pumping outfits installed. WILSOBI HEMINGWAY, GEORGIA ..We Can Take Care.. - - ’ i -- - of the Christmas buyers. We have The Right Thing for Every Person, The Right Price for Every Purse. A beautiful assortment of pleasing gifts perfectly adapt ed to the wants and requirements of our patrons. Everything fresh and sparkliug with the brightest new^ goods of the season. JFe appreciate a call even without a purchase. T. X_i. PIZLTC ZE£E23 ZEB SO FORT VALLEY, GA. Do not Fail to Visit the LOWE FURNITURE COMPANY S — At small cost, or great, you can get a nice Christmas gift at Holtz claw’s Drug Store. —Fancy and ^Family Groceries, Fruits, Candies, Fish and Oysters every Saturday. Mrs.O.Kunz. Every tiling to go regardless of cost. Some of these goods were not touched by either fire or water. We offer Stoves, Sates, Sideboards, Chairs, Diaing Tables, Wardrobes, Bed Room Suites, Lounges, Couches, Blankets, Comforts, Easels and Lace Curtains at prices un- Odd Dressers, Washstands and Beds $t All kinds fresh Groceries and fresh Canned Goods; Best Pearl Grits just received at W. D. Day’s. —Best line of Gents’ Furnish ing Goods in town at Edwards & Marshall’s. —Cotton Flannel in all the grades at Edwards & Marshall’s. Public Sale OC Real Estate. GEORGIA—Houston County. By virture of a Power of Sale contain ed in a deed executed by W. M. James to Newton J. Ethridge which deed is re corded in the Clerk's office, Superior court of Houston county in book No, 3, Folio 541, will be sold the first Tuesday in January next, during the legal hours of sale at public outcry before the Court house door at Perry in Houston county, to the highest bidder for cash th» following described property: That house and loc in the village of Ganoville, near Fort Valley in the Ninth District of said State and County, fully described as follows: Bounded on the North by lot occupied by Ike Whitfield; on the East by the Scuffletown road; South and West by road leading from Scuffletown road to the Fort Valley High and Industrial School: said lot being known as the An drew James lot and being one acre more or less. The deed under which said sale is to be made was executed to secure an indebt edness therein describe^, |upon which is due full principal and interest to the Baid first Tuesday in January next, Two hun dred and fifty-two dollars and twenty- four cents ($252.24), andTwenty-five dol lars ami twenty-two cents ($25 22) attor ney’s fee and 87.15 for this advertise ment . nd s .i ! sale is made' for Use purpose na specified in the d<-« d i.o? col lecting and reidizmgsaid amouut. Good and sufficient title in fee-simple will be made to the purchaser or purchasers at said sale. Newton J. Ethbidgb. W. B. Biboh and B. J. Dashes, Att’ys* Dec; 3,1903. Rug8, Pictures, heard or before, your owp price. LOWE FURNITURE COMPANY, 457 AND 459 SECOND ST. Macon, :: Q-eoxgf: SMOKING JACKETS $5.00 TO $15.00. WHITE AND ..BATH ROBES.. 5.50 TO $25.00. HOUSE COATS >.00 TO $15.00. ...Neckwear 50c. to ALL MADE BY ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. THB BEST THINGS TO GIVE A MAN. SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. W|1 WILL PLEASE YOU. The Up-to-Dati Clothiers, 420 Third Street, :: MACON, GA, ■