Newspaper Page Text
Sidewalk meanings.
OhriBtmM at Ferry.
Teachers’ Notice.
—Merry Christmas to all.
— MiBS Lula Hurst is Bpending
a few days with frieuds at East
—Mr, Sam S. Tbunsley of At
lanta is making a Christmas vis
it to his parents in Perry.
—Mrs. S. A. Killen has return
ed to Perry from an extended vis
it to relatives near Quitman.
—Miss Madie Davis returned
home last week from Cox College
to spend the Christmas holidays^
—Mr. Clyde Day ol New York
city is spending the Christmas
holidays with home folks in Per
—Mrs. J. J. Marshburn spent
several days last week with hor
sister, Mrs. 0. 0. Irby, in Oolum
—Prof. S. H. Reese of Brewtou
was a guest at the home of Mr. J.
J. Marsh burn Tuesday and
—The Houston Public schools
and the Perry school will begin
the spring term on the first Mon
day in January.
—Mr, E. K. Braselton and wife
are in Perry visiting the family
of Mr. M. A, Edwards, father of
Mrs. Braselton.
nnrlihln fiviJ The public schools of the couu-
that Christmas °P 0U Sl# ty ffe 1904
hand. The sporadic' The colored teachers will meet
r me iu Perry on Saturday, Decem
ber 26th. The white teachers will
mest me in Perrv on Saturdav,
Of course Santa Claus rtfl !*">«“*. 2nd ’ 1904 ' TeaoherB
make glad the hearts of the chil
dren by his usual Christmas
morning visi,t to all the homes.
Already there
dence in Perry
time is at
explosion of fireworks began sev
eral days ago, and more > than
usual business activity prevails.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Watson
of near Wellston were guests at
the home of Mr. I, T. Woodard
at Perry last Saturday.
—Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Driskell
of Buena Vista are iu Perry for
the holidays, visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Houser.
—Messrs. J. W. Douglas and
D. T. McClellan of Sumter, S. 0.
visited special frieuds .east of
Perry several days last week.
—Mr. Courtney Hodges, who is
a student at the N. G. A. College
at Dahlonega, is Spending the
holidays with homefolks in Perry.
—The young men of Perry will
be the hosts at a reception to be
given at the Wells House next
Wednesday night. Deoember 80th.
—Miss Irene Murph of Mar-
shallville was in Perry several
days last week and this, the guest
of her cousin, Miss Oorinne Bald
—Messrs. Rob, and Jaok Holtz-
olaw,students of the Georgia Col
lege of Technology, are spending
the holidays with homefolks in
—Among the hogs killed by
Mr. W. B. White near Myrtle this
season was a Poland China pig 18
months old that weighed 800
—Mr. John L. Hodges, who is
in business in Atlanta, will be
with homefolks in Perry from
Thursday afternoon to next Mon
day noon.
—Mr. G. A. Miller, formerly
of Perry, reoenty of Maoon, is
Prom 11 a. m. to 12 m on
Christmas day there will be relig
ious services at the Methodist
church, and ail are earnestly in
vited to attend.
At each home there will be the
regular Christmus dinner, though
we have noticed that exceedingly
few turkeys have been offered
for sale in town.
At the court house Christmas
night, there will be a Christmas
tree under the auspices of the
Perry Sunday Schools. Santa
Claus will appear in costume
promtly at 7:80 o’clock and dis
tribute the presents previously
placed on the tree. Whether or
not there will be any further pro
gram, we are riot prepared to say,
but as all arrangements have
been made by competent commit
tees, it goes without saying that
the oocasion will be immensely
enjoyable. While the Christmas
tree is being provided especially
for Sunday School children, all
presents furnished will be put on
the tree and delivered as directed.
No one will be excluded from the
pleasure of giving, or receiving,
a present" through this medium.
It is hoped all the presents will be
delivered to the committee iu the
Superior court room during Friday
morning, December 25th. No
formal invitations have been is
sued,but all are expected to atteud.
Saturday night Deoember 26th,
there will be a masquerade party
at the court house, arranged by
the Perry Spinsters Club and
managed by several matrons. No
individual invitations have been
issued, but all friends of the spin
sters will be welcome and all the
young people will be expected to
appear in masque. Each.person
will be requested to give at the
door his or her true name, as well
as the name of the character as
Next Monday evening the ladies
of the Methodist church will give
a Parlor Entertainment at the
home of Mr. Fred M. Houser.
Admission ten cents; ohurch ben
On Drcembr 80th, there will be
reception at the Wells House,
elected for 1904 must be present
as directed, unless providentially
G. W. Smith, 0. S. 0. H. C.
Christmas for Everybody.
A nicer and more elegant line of
articles suitable for Holiday pres
ents was never shown iu Perry
than I have received for the trade
this season. Something to suit
young and old, male and female,
with a wide range of choice: We
can spit vour taste as well as your
purse. Come and see, ftt
Holtzolaw’s Drug Store.
If constipated or bilious, call for Ra-
lAn’e Par»n1atni« and hn nnpf.fllll
our olerk’s give you Ramon’s; nothing
o good. 25o.
Merxy Christmas!
Spring Term, 1904,
Perry Public School
Begins the first Monday in January—
4th day—and continues 5 months.
Incidental fee for resident pupils $2.50;
non residents, $8.50.
Prof. Karl G. Campbell, Principal.
Misses Marie Nunn and Amelia Rog
ers, Assistants.
This is a graded school of high order,
and under competent instructors it read
ily ranks with the best high sohools of
the state.
The incidental fee must be paid in
cash to the secretary and treasurer of
the board, Mr. B. C. Uoltzclaw, before
pupils will be permitted to enter the
It will be more beneficial to the chil
dren, more agreeable to the teaohers and
more satisfactory to the Board of Edu
cation and parents if eaoh child is per
mitted to enter on the first day of the
term and not be allowed to miss even
one recitation during the entire session.
Good board oan be obtained in private
families at from $8 to $10 per month. , k
Any other information oan be obtain
ed by addressing either of che under
signed. R. N. HoltzoijAw, Pres.
B. C. HoMzoiiAW, rieo. and Treas.
now in
given by the young men of Perry.
To this function individual invi-
yitatious have been issued.
There will 'be several receptions
at homes of citizens and, alto
gether, there will be much gaiety.
Nearly all the sous and daugh
ters of the town, now in business
or at school elsewhere, krill be at
home for at least a portion of
the holidays, and there are many
visitors in town.
It is a notable fact that compara
tively few Perry people leave home
to spend Christmas, but many
business with the Singer fri en d s annually oome from other
Sewing Maohiue Go. at Birming
ham, Ala.
—•Messrs. J. W. and Wiley
Haddock of Brooks county are
spending Christmas in Perry with
relatives, the family of Mr. W.
H. Norwood.
—The Sunday School children,
and others who are not children,
anticipate a big time with the
Christmas tree at the court house
Thursday night.
—Last Frid«v evening Mrs. L.
P. Cater entertained several la
dies, neighbors and friends,at tea
in honor of Mrs. W. E. Vaughan
of Alameda, California.
—Mr. Sam D. Rogers, whose
business headquarters for the last
year has been at Birmingham,
Ala., is spending the holidays
with homefolks at Perry.
—Masters Tom and Walter
Follendore of near Perry are
spending Christmas in Wilkin
son county, near Gordon, with
the family of their brother, Mr.
Will Follendore.
places to spend Christmas here.
The occasion calls for peace
good will and innocent enjoy
ment. May th^re be nothing of
gross indulgence here.
Fred. M. Houser’s.
In getting ready for a new year of
course your land ought to be turn
ed over well and oats ought to be
planted. To do this you need
These you will find at
Fred M. Houser’s
616 Cherry St., Macon, Ga.
—It is not expected that the
boys will be quiet during Christ
mas,: but they should be careful
not to injure persons or property
in “shooting” their fireworks It
is unlawful to shoot anywhere in
the business section of the town,
—Houston's share of the Pub
lie Sohool fund for 1904 is esti
mated to be $16,485.66. From
the way this information is given,
we are not certain that the shares
of the Fort Valley and Perry
schools of the general fund are
included in the above figures.
—Mrs. W. E. Vaughn and sev
eral children of Alameda, Cali
fornia, are visiting relatives in
Perry, Mrs. Vaughn is a daugh
ter of Mr. B. O. Kendrick of
Henderson, and niece of Mrs. S..
D. Rogers and of Mr. L. F. and
Dr. R. L. Cater of Perry.
—Rev. T. E. Davenport, wife
and three daughters reached Per
ry last Thursday afternoon. They
were given cordial, welcome and
at once installed in the Method
ist parsonage. The daughters
ar& Misses Frances, Mary and
Elizabeth Davenport.
—Last; week we stated that Mr.
A. F. Smith had purchased Mr.
S. L Norwood’s country home
and 200 acres of land near Perry.
Since then the trade has been de
clared off.
Men’s Water-proof Leggings 25c
Silk Baby Caps. 25o and 60o
Best 5o Laces and Trimmings.
Lamps with best Burners and Chimneys.
Maddook’s Porcelain, the goods that do
not craze.
10-Cent Counters.
Fine Dolls. Fine China Plates.
Blue Enamel Boilers.
Seamless Gray-mixed Hose 75o doz,
Closing out Fine Chamber Sets with
Jars at. $6.00 set,
Santa Claus
May Old Santy fill your stocking
to the top!
Ii you’ve left off buying your Christ
mas presents until the eleventh hour
call on us. Perhaps you can find
sbmething that will strike you as
just the thing.
We won’t mention any items, but we
have everything that a first-class,
up-to-date department store carries.
I®. M. Paul’s.
'Tha n Ins.
To those who have so kindly pat
ronized us this year we wish to ex
tend many thanks, and assure them
that their patronage is very much
Very best wishes to all for a
merry Ohristmas and a happy New
Year. Yours truly,
Southern Agents for Whiting’s Fine Correspondence Paper.
Bibles, Blank Books,
Magazines, Newspapers.
Fine Stationery, Engraving,
Fountain Pens, Etc., Etc.
It’s all right if it came from Coleman’s.
for handling Cotton
courtesy, fair treat-
My Warehouse will be open us usual
for the fall.of 1903. With my usual
ment and long experience in the cotton business, I hope to
merit your patronage, which at all times shall have my
careful and personal attention in selling, storing, etc., etc.
Charges reasonablo for insuiance and storage.
Bagging and Ties always on hand.
I also nave in stock a nice line of Hardware, Stoves, Wash
Kettles, small wares, etc,, Flour, Meal, Hams, Corn, Oats,
Bulk Sides, horse and cow Feed, Bran, Sugar, Roasted and
Green Coffee, Rice, Lard, Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, Bug
gies, Wagons, Harness, a fine line of Whips, Slip Harness
and various other lines not mentioned, x am in position to
furnish anything you need. %
Call on me, I thank you for your patronage.
W. 3D. 3D .A. “5T,
Store Ho. 1, Brick Block.
To Cure a Gold in One Pay
Cures Grip
In Two Days.
Take Laxative Bromo jOiprihie.’i'ariete.
Seven Million boxes sold in past 13 months. Tills SfgSS3$IKr0 9
©n every
!b©% 0 25co