The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, September 22, 1921, Image 2

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THE HOME JOURNAL Price, $1.60 A Year, In Advance P18LIC1TY VALUE. Published Every Thursday Morn,ittg Official Organ of Houston County, ^JOHW BN & JOHN Li HODGES. Perry, Thursday, Sep. 22. Grumbling bat “disagreeableness.” — O — Middle Georgia farmers can make money by learning and us ing the lesson of peanut culture. o ——— The idler has no right to grum ble about hard times. Abolish idleness and the times will come better. None of foreign polices endors ed by Ex-President Wilson have the public good will of the present federal administration. ad- that the the Ga. t The members of union labor or ganizations seem to think they are absolute matters of the wage busi ness. The latest crop estimate places the 1921 cotton crop at 6,500,000 bales, and prices went higher at once. If is always good policy to talk about what you know is good, Publicity is always good when a good purpose is to be served- You can put it another way, it pays to advertise. A case in point of interest to the people of Houston county, be cause this county is part of the territory now proposed to be vertised. ■ J Impressed with the idea produces nothing publicity is indispensible to promotion of any business, Secretary of the Dublin, Chamber of Commerce, and other citizens of that city decided to or* ganize the Twelfth District De velopment Association, with head quarters at Dublin. The permanent organization of this association was perfected Tuesday, September 20th. The Twelfth Congressional District of Georgia is composed of fourteen counties and Houston is one of these counties. Hon. W. W. Larsen, of Dublin, is thiii Representative of this -.Dis trict in Congress. The purpose of the association is to advertise the district as a whole, and each qounty as a dis trict unit of the whole district. As outlined by the prime pro moter of the association, the pro gram will be much the same as that of a State Chamber of Com merce It is not the purpose of this ar ticle to go into details other than to say that the purpose is to point the merits of the district and eaoh county, before the people of other sections of Georgia, as well as oth er purposes* This, of course, will bo done attractively and continu ously. The main general purpose is to promote development of the material interests of the -several counties of the district and the district as whole Such promotion of development of resources has been used ia prac tically all the states of the United States and in all the progressive counties of the states. In no case has there been failure where the methods of advertising were attractive,, and the subjects worthy. From the smallest to the great est article of commerce, product of farm and factory, fortune has been gained through persistent adver tising. There are notable instances in nearly all the states and the fact has been demonstrated that publicity is a tremendous force in promoting development and gain ing wealth for the promoter and lasting popularity for the article advertised. There are no limitations to such promotion, other than that no claim should be made that cannot be sustained. Stick to the truth, tell in attrac tive style and development will surely follow. They don’t say it, and will not think it audibly, but the U. S. Ad ministration is moving tbward the League of Nations, under another name. Space for thirteen county ex hibits has been arranged for- the Georgia State Fair to be held at Macon from October 27th to No vember 6th inolusive. At a mass meeting at. Dublin last Saturday, a protest was voted against the reduction of the public school term by the Board of Edu cation. Senator Penrose, the boss Republican politics, is quoted saying the tax revision bill will be passed by the U. S. Senate by next November. ' • O The members of six Federated Railroad Shop Grafts Uunions at Chicago have voted to strike against the wage reduction ordered fcy the' railroads last July. The -walk-out is . postponed until the new labor rules are promulgated. The President and Secretary, of District 17 of tlio United Mine Workers of America wanted for connection with the recent armed insurrection of miners on strike, surrendered to federal authorities at Charleston, West Virginia, last Satnrday. The Tifton Chamber of Com merce and others of that section of Georgia are making a “drive” to increase the popularity, of the 'National Highway for motor car travel between Macon and Jack ssonville and other points in Flori <da. * Thirty-Five men and three men and three women have been invited by President Harding to attend unemployment conference at Washington City next Monday. All have accepted. Secretary Hoover will be Chairman of the •Conference. The women delegates are: Ida Tarbell of New York, .Mary Van Kieech of New York and Elizabeth Christman of Chi- <»go. ■u. J WheiI the leaders of labor un ions are forced by law to recognize *he rights of other laborers, strike (disorders will close- A jury ver- dict at Fitzgerald last Friday pre sented a telling lesson. A striker who disorderly joined others in in terfering with employees of the A. B. & A* Railroad was convict- ©d;irotd sentenced to 3 months in jjaaland 1 year on the Georgia State Farm. Twenty-five others are under indictment for the same offense. Six others are under in dictment for murder in connection with the death, by shooting of En gineer Reed. Dominion government for Ire land may soon prove the solution of the effects being made for fac tional peace in Ireland. Irish pride is of peculiar composition and therein lies the greatest difficulty of agreement between the govern ment of Great Britain and the fac tional classes of Ireland. I -""Pm-. i —— The first campaign speech in Macon by a woman was delivered at the mass meeting last Monday night by Mrs. Charles C. Harrold, candidate for Alderman. The Tele graph says a thousand women heard the “maiden” speech of the first woman candidate for a muni cipal office in Macon. Mercier Refused Access To Germany Paris.—The Intransigeant has re ceived a report that Cardinal Mercier has been refused permission to cross Germany to attend the Catholic con gress at Warsaw, on the ground that the .German government is unable to guarantee him safe passage. Twenty-Five Killed In. French Wreck Lyons, France.—Twenty-five persons are reported to have been killed and sixty injured when an express train running from Strasbourg to Lyons was derailed recently near this city while running at the rate of 50 miles an hour. TO PUT NATIONAL HIGHWAY OH MAP A party of prominent Citizens and official of Tifton visited Per ry last Thursday afternoon for the purpose of conferring with citizens hereon the matter of advertising the National Highway and pro viding suitable maikers for the highway through Houston County. In an informal but earnest maner Tifloniles ask the -co operation of the'Citizeus of Perry, and the Commissoners of the County in giving the National Highway its rightful place among the great interstate highways through this section of the state. The. visitors were assured of the co operation of Perrry in mraking the Highway and providing a share of the fund to place the map of the National Highway in the Tourist Blue Book* * 'Each County is to mark the telephone poles along the National with a broad band of yellow with the lettering N. H. in black on the band, and the Commissioners of Houston will be asked to do this. The National Highway has now been taken oter by tho state Highway Department in every oounty from Atlanta to the Florida line and is in excellent condition. It is entitled to a greater share of tourist traffic, and will receive a greater share when it sad vantages and advertised and suitable mrrkers placed along the route, say the boosters The Co-operation of all the other towns along the route and being received by the Tifton people in their campaign to really “put the National High way on tho map,, Those who visited Perry Thurs day were; T. E. Philips, Oounty Commissioners, Golden, Secctary Algee of the National Highway Association A. C. Tift, Attorney Denssniore Editor J. L Herring of the Tifton Gazette and City Manager Hargrett. IN MEMORY OF JAMES T. PRESCOTT On Saturday, morning Sept- 3rd James T. Prescott, conductor on the Southern Road, was instantly killed by an engine at Cordole, It appears that, while making u p his train iNepqratory I o ^taking his usual run, lie was taking the number of the ears, and as he stepped backward to get out. of the way of bis train, he stepped directly in the path of ,a revereing locomotive. Mr Prescott was the only son of Mr and Mrs J- JP. Prescott, de ceased of Kathleen, Ga., and was reared in this county; Like hie father, ho was well known in Houston and was held in higest esteem by all who knew him He became connected with the G. 8 & F. R. R. about fourteen years ago and had been conductor for twelve years. His work was highly appre ciated by officials of the road. This was shown by the feeling way in which the Superintendent spoke of him. He said, Mr. Prescott was “one of the very best men in my employ. A man who in his en deavor to give satisfaction, always attended strictly to business.” Mr Prescott was 37 years of age and unmarried. Of the immediate family he is survived by three sisters; Mrs J. T. Adkins of Ameri- cus, Miss Mary Prescott and Mrs J. T. Langston of Kathleen. He also leaves two aunts, sisters of his fart her, and other relatives to mourn his premature death. The remains were laid to rest in tho family lot of the cemetery at the Factory Baptist Chureh. Funeral Services were conduct ed iu the presence of many friends anjd fellow-workers, by Rev- J. H. Roberson of near Perrv, Tho. Pall bearers were Messers B. B. Barker. O* V- Leggett, A W.Gooden, .T. O. Evans, J. A. Maddox and J. E Johnson all of whom were conductors on the same road and seemed to feel deep ly the death of their comrade. The many frieuds of the sorrow ing family extend their sincere sympathy to them in their be reavement. It should be com forting to them to romember that God makes no mistakes and his commands can but be obeyed. His work is finished aud the All Wise Father has called him homo to await tho resurrection morn. A Friend* Veteran of Civil War Still Hale and' Hearty GEORGE D. SHAW, Springfield, Mass. “To say that I feel twenty-five, years younger, twenty-five years healthier and twenty-five years stronger express what Tanlac has done for note hotter than any other j way I can put it,” said George D. | Shaw, veteran of the Civil War, who now lives at 321 Walnut* street, Springfield, Mass. T am now seventy-eight years old and I don’t hesitate to say I have never known a medicine to equal Tanlac. For fifteen years I was subject to attacks of indigos- iion that were so bad at times I would have to lay up for a week or two. For a long time I lived on crackers and milk alone as nothing else agreed with me. “When I started on Tanlac I weighed only one hundred and seventeen pounds and my days were thought to be numbered.! I’ve been so wonderfully built up, I now weigh one hundred and forty three poundsand my stomach is as sound as a dollar, In fact, I believe 1 could eat the old army rations again without it hurting me in the least. “I never urns a chano of saying a good word for Tanlac and I wil’d like to i rge the boys of the “Sixties” who are not feeling right to give it a trial, for I am sure it would put them in Tine again just as it has me. For a man of my age to have no physical ailment, to be well and strong and enjoy life as he did twenty-five years ago, is certainly something to be thank ful for and there is nothing too good 1 can say for Tanlac.” “Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere.’’ Advertisment. CHAMBERMAID LONGSTO ACT roily Moran, famous the world over for her “Sheriff Nell” come- dios, adds to the gaiety of nations and the fun of Bebe Daniels’ latest Realaifc picture’ playing the role of an awkward hotel chambermaid who has motion picture ambitious. Walter Hiers has the role of clerk at t he same hostelry, and so it is small wonder t hat the heroine, a sales girl, has a very lovely vacation when she stops at that hotel. “Two Weeks With pay” is the name of the picture, and Manager Swanson of the Strand Theatre, has booked it for Friday. —Hay wire at H. P, Houser’s. AcEtelyne Welding at McLendon Auto Co. . —FOR SALK; House and lot. Apply Sales Bureau. Home Journal Office. Opposes Plan Of Open Appointments Columbus. — Columbus Methodists ace opposed to the suggestion made by Editor King, of The Wesleyan Christian Advocate, “of open appoint ments, openly arrived at,” in select ing pastors who have expressed them selves, regard the proposed change in the method of appointing pastors as impractical. Detectives Recover 14 Stolen Autos Atlanta.—Reports given out recent ly by police officials show a total of fourteen automobiles recovered Blnce September 1, while eleven ar rests have been made and eleven more cars stolen. The docket in re corder's court will contain about four teen names of persons charged with the theR of automobiles. *“*Wire fencing at H. P. Houser’s -New Fall bats at H.p. JHouser’s FOR SALE My farm 4 miles from Elko on RF D, place is wired in, well timbered good pasture spring water. See me before buying. Apply Mr O C. Morgan, Elko, Ga. Houston County. * 666 cures Malaria, Chiil and Fever, Billious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, or money refunded CHAS. S. VANCE, CiribENCiNran and Surveyor. C OUNJTY surveyor, [Houston County Georgia. Box 475. Phone 193. Ford Truck for sale practically new, new Cord -tires on Rear, school Truck Body A. M. Anderson, Perry Ga# 696 breaks a cold quicker Shan a n jr remedy we know. —New Fall shirts at H. p. Houser’s 666 has more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the mar] ket, but no one wants imiaations. Thorough bred Rhode Island Red cockerels for sale, bes strain drop postal for reservation. R. E. Dunbar Jr., Byron R. F. D. os call Dunbar,