The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, September 22, 1921, Image 3

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ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF LAND Georgia, Houston County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Houston Coun ty, will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in October 1921, at the Court-house door of eaid county, between the legal hours of sale, the following tracts of land in said county to wit: All of the following described lauds known as tha $jtf G. Marshall Place in Houston County, Georgia, tf> wit: The whole of lot No. 87 contain ing 202% acres, parts of lots Nos. 105 and 106, same being the parts of said lots lying in the forks of Mossy Creek and Snake Branch and containing 101% acres more or less; also forty-nine and two-fifths acres of lot No. 74 being idl of Vt No. 74 except that 162.07 acres sold previously to F. P. Smith under deed dated Oct. 18, 1902 and re corded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior. Court of Houston County, Georgia in Deed Book 2x page 231; 31 acres more or less of lot No. 73, said 31 acres being South of Mossy Creek and being North and West of the public road leading from Perry to Macon, Ga. and East of the land of said lot No. 73 sold previously to F. P. Smith. All of the above dewribod lands be ing in the Tenth District of Hous ton County, Georgia and. aggregating Three hundred eighty four & thir teen twentieths acres more or less. Also the following described lands known as the Tivola Fruit Farm in Houston County, to wit: That parcel of land known as the Holtzclaw Place in Houston Coun ty, Georgia containing 864 acres more or less composed of lots and parts of lots of the 18th district by original survey, , now the Lower Town distict to wit: All of lot 66 East of the public road leading from Perry to Hayne ville; all of lot 66 except 60 acres in the Northwest corner thereof; the West halves of lots 61 and 62 and all of lot 63 except 66 acres on Southeast corner belonging to the Tivola Fruit and Land Co; also ail of lot 22 lying North of the public road leading from Perry to Sandy Ridge Church (at Kathleen) ;) also all of lot 240 in the Tenth District of said county, now the lower Elev enth district, lying West of Mossy Creek. Also the following described land located near Myrtle, Ga Houston County, to wit: The following described property cf the Ohio Fruit and Land Co. situnt ed, lying and being in the 9th dis trict of Houston County, Georgia and being all of that lot or parcel or tract of land known as lot No. in Hie subdivision of the property of •Jbi Fruit and Land Co, made by W.T, Johnson, Cival engineer starting at an iron stob in the S: ith west corner of said lot and running Ea«t 2970 feet to an iron stake at the intersection of the railroad and wagon-road; thence West 2970 feet to an iron stake, thence South 2970 feet to starting point, said lot being bounded on South by lot No. 5. pur chased by Mrs. Nina B. Mathews, cn East by lot No. 4 purchased by Jas, R. Kinney; on North by Wood; on West by Blewster, said lot contain ing 202% acres more or less, a copy of the plot of said sub-division of the Ohio Fruit and Land Company, made bv W T Johnson C E. being attached to deed by said party of ihe first part to Geo D Anderson the purchaser of lot No 2 of said property. Also lot No 3 of same map and sul- divUion as referred to above tame eom- prissng 202 1-2 acres more rr less. Also that house and lot in Fort Valley occupied by Mrs. Alice S. Crandall as her residence to wiit: That town lot in the town of Fort Valley, Houston county, Ga., fronting South on Church street 107 3-10 feet and bounded as fol lows: North by the premises of M. A. Brown, South by said Church street, East by the premis es of J. A. Evans, and west by the lots of O. G. Singleton and F. C. Houser said lot being that bought by F. A. Branch from Mrs. C. C. Riley and containing one aere more or less. Also the following described lands known as the Dinkins place to wit: That tract of land in the Tenth District of Houston county Ga., comprising the west; half of lot No. 174 containing 101 1-4 aeresl SHERIFF’S SALES, more or less and the northeast cor ner of lot No 147 containing 501*21 Georgia, Houston County, acres more 01* less also 50 acres of Will be sold before the Court House the east half of lot No. 147, said K°° r \ iu %** ciL ? of , Perr y. Houston, ’ 1 Oouuty, Georgia, during the legal • nnoi O - — -.hour* of sale on the first Tuesday in of 202 1-2 acres more or less, it | October, next, the foiling descilbed being the. same land formerly own ed by Wm. G. Dinkins. Also that house and lot in Gano* ville bought by John A. Houser to wit: That house and lot in Gano* ville bought by John A. Houser la . n i™ n t aiuiu S in the aggregate of | hour l s ;, f 8ale o5 the m Tue8day “ in J described property, nil in Houston County, levied onus the property of J. A. lierry, to satisfy un execution from the City Court of Houston County, and returnable to the Nov. Term ot City Court ini favor of F. C. Day versus J. A. Berry: All that tract or pare 1 of land in the City of FerVy County of Houston, State i , ,. _ . , , iS.7 i *>f Georgia knovn and distinguished j same fronting 70 feet by 200 feet according to the map of the said city, as 1 and bounded as follows: Bound* | P arl t,f Block (F) and described as ed on North, South and East by fol,OW85 ^ ron,in * l un Washington Street, property of Fort Vnlley industrial School aud on West by j said lot, and running south on Wasumg- John L. Brown lot. ton Street one hundred und five feet Also the following described W th ® u f« « h « fu “ length cf said lands lrnnwn «ih fh« W *3 lo Ball Street four hundred and lands knovn as the VV. o. iatman I twenty four (424J feet and nine inches lots to Wit: thence North along Ball Street one (No. 1) That tract of land hundred and five feet (105 to corner of known and designated as No. 108 on ! ho George McCailey lot, thence East plot o, survey made by O. L dree* mMglSttittUS forW. F. Gano and fully desenb- led as follows: North by jTh. ed as follows: Bounded on North I Estate and GeorgeMcCalley lot, East by Houser , _ .. . jy lot, I east by street running from Mar-1 Wellington street. South by lot of Mr» shallville and Fort Vnllav n.,W| n Laura Killen and West by Ball Street) snaimue anapQrt valley Public that tract OP pnrcel G f land ? , iuuted road to Geoigia Fruit Packing Go s iu the City of Ferry, Houston Couutjr yards; on Southeast by Marshall- Georgia at the intersection of Kitchen ville and Fort Valley public road: and Ball Streets, iu said City, bounded on Southwest by lot bolongiug to Sf H Hou“er Mrs. W. S. Tatman and conveyed b y lot of laud owned by J. A. Berry to said Crandall in a deed, on conveyed to him by G, B. Weils and Northwest by railroad cut, said Ba, l Street. The land conveyed lot fronting Mawhallville nndS'*"*l&flHj“* “ c ? l !i 1 ' y Fort Valley public road 80 feet I <*>ntuini»g<mo air. more or le»«. and running back to Railroad I Also at the same time all that land ?tr *h»™ 0 .S’h. bei ?L r tangula u«°vou" m shape and being the home and I no re or less and bounded as fol lot occupied formerly by W. S. - - - Tatman as a residence. (No. 2). Also that tract or par cel of land lying and being in the county of Houston, State of Geor gia and lying and being situated as follows: Beginning at a point on Mhrshallville and Fort Valley public road on Northwest side 80 feet Southwest of Mill street, run ninig thence Northwest along lot sold by F. W. Gano to W. S. Tat man, 272 feet more or less to Rail road street, thence alongsaid street Southwest 80 feet thence South east 272 feet more or less to said Marshal I ville and Fort Valley pub lic road, thence Northeast along said road 80 feet to point of begin ning. Said lot containing 1-2 acres more or less, same being the lot lying Southwest of lot sold by F. W. Gano to W. S Tatman and conveyed by said Tatman to N. Crandall. Terms of said sale to be cash. Said administrator reserves the right to accept or reject any one or all of said bids as in his judge ment seems to be for best interests of said estate: Said sale to be continued from day to day if necessary until property is sold, ‘ This thelst day ofSeptember 1921. LOUIS L. BROWN, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Alfred Shepard deed. New Line of Tires and Tubes just received. We can now furnish you with any Style of the Best Make and Lowest Price. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. How about that Nobby Cord for your Truck. follows: North by lands of J. J. Jones und O. B. Wei bore East by lands af Old Fcngan Est, and the old Ki»g place, aud on the West by lands of Mrs Brannan, levied on and sold as the property of Geo, M Burgess, to satlfy a fi f« for State and County taxes for the year 19S0. Also at the same time and place, one Republic Truck model 12 levied on and to be sold as the property of )E P Rowe, to satlfy • Bail and Trover action pend ing in tha City Court of Houston County and returnable to the May term 1921 thoreof in favor of Fourth National Bank of Macon Ga, vs. E W Rowe. T. S. CHAPMAN, Sheriff. Ge6.. NOTICE TO HEIRS-AT-LAW. Georgia, Houston County. J. B. Bartley having applied to the Ordinary . by petition asking that Mrs. Sarah Elizabrth Wright, as Admini stratrix of the estate ot B, H. Wright, deceased, late of said County, be re quired to make to him a deed to All that lot in the City of of Fort Valley Georgia, fronting 85 feet onMiller Street, and running bade in a westerly direction « uniform width of 85 feet for a distance of 208 feet; said lot bounded on the Rapt-, by Miller Street; North by lots of Rosa Lou Murray and A. O. Riley ; West by the Culpepper lot; and South by the lot known hs the Hobbs or Put. ten lot; tlie same being a part of the T. II, Russel lot, in pursuance Of a bond for title, made by the said B, H, Wright in his lifetime to the said J. B, Bartley, the said J, B. Bartley alleging that he has fully met his obligations in said bond. This is to notify A. J. Wright, Mrs. John S. Anderson, Urban H. Wright, C. F. Wright, Claude E, Wright, and Sallie Blanche Wright by and thru her Guardian Mrs. Sarh E. Wright, the law of the said B. H. Wright, deceased, to be and appear at the October Term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of Houston County, and show cause, if any they have, or can, why the said Administratrix should not be re quired to make said deed as prayed for by the said J. B. Bartley, petitioner. .Tnis August 15th. 1921. I. T. WOODARD, Ordinary. ORDINARY'S CITATIONS. Houston County, Georgia. Mrs Minnie L. Staluaker, lAdmini statrix of (he estate of J. W. Staluaker late of said county, decreased having applied for lenve to sell the lands of said deceased. This therefore to notify ail perSonS irterested that, her.' application will be hdard < n the first Monday in October 19211 this Srpt„ 5th 1951. James T Atkins having applied for letters of Administration on the estate of J T Prescott, lute of Houston County; deceased, this is to notify all persons inteiested that his’ application will be heard on the first Monday In October 1921. This September 5 1921. G. D. Tucker, Administrator estate of T F Tucker represents to this court that he has fully discharged the duties of -said trust and has -applied for letters of diamisson. This is therefore to notify all persons interested that his application will be heard on the first Monday Oct,, 1921. This September 6 1921, W O Watson Administrator of J R Watson, deceased, late of Houston. County having applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate this is therefore to notify all persons inter ested that his application will be heard on the first Monday in October 1921 This September 6th 1921. WILLARD SERVICE We are prepared to recharge and rebuild all makes of Batteries and have Service Batteries to fit your car, Will test and fill your battery with water free. New Batteries in stock at all times. McLendon Auto Co. CALVIN E. McLENDON, Prop’r. PERRY - 666 quickly relieves Constipa tion, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpic Liver. A. M. ANDERSON, PERRY, - - GEORGIA. With Picking Sheets, Baskets, Steelyards, Seed Forks, Seed Scoops, And For Sale CheapOne smoothe running five passenger standard make car. Will trade for real estate or good piano. Addres, P. O. Box 133. Perry, Ga • Mary J, Bnrfield having applied for letters of Administration on tha estate of George M. Barfield late of said coun ty. deceased. This is therefore to notify all persons interested that her applies tion will be heard on the first Monday in October 1921, this Sept., 5th 1921 The appraisers appointed to set aside year’s support out of the estate of . W. Stalnaker, late of said county de ceased, to Mrs Minnie L. Stalnaker and her six minor children having filed their return in this office. This is therefore to notify all persons interested to fill objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Oct., 1921 or said return will be made the Judgement of this court. Richard E. Jones, Administrator of the estate of W. H. Jones,, late of eaid county, deceased, having applied for leave to sell all the lands of said de clared. This is therefore to notify all persons interested that his application will be heard on the first Monday in October 1991. This Sept,, 0th 1921, C. M. Mathews. Administrator of the estate of E. S. Mathews, late of said county decased having applied for leave to sell all the lands cf said deceased. This i* therefore to notify all persons interested that his application will be heard on the first Monday in October 1921 this September 5th 1921, C. M. Mathews, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Susan E. Mathews, late of said county, deceased, having applied for leave to sell all the lands of said deceased. This is there fiirfe to notify all persons interested that his application will be heard on the first Monday iq October 1921 "This Peptember 5th 1921, I. T. WOODARD, Ordinary. Wagon Harness, Bridles, Lines, Gsar of all kinds, Leather and Cotton Colors, Back* bands, Hames and Traces. For the Hay Season, with Hay Forks,Hay Wire, Hay Pulleys. Full Line of Groceries at Low Price. Plows and Farming Implements of all Kinds. Seed Grain, Wheat, Oats, and Rye. See us before buying, we can save you money. @10. c. JTHE H USTLER Phone 31