The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 01, 1923, Image 3
This bonk stands guard ceaselessly providing your funds with protection THE CLOTHE/ /HOP 454 CHERRY ST. ' SAFETY service is our only c:z::;;: Our Bank is built on it Our efforts center around it Our success depends on it REMEMBER We give Ford Tickets HOUSTON BANKiNG COMPANY “The Bank of Service.’’ PERRY, ------ -GEORGIA. 1 t0$ Mfit&d t0> k — UtltuUll STARTLING VALUES IN v.-A’ ■■ ■ .;/■/:• 'Jv'p.y. ■ ■ ■■ New Fall Overcoats MEN! You can count on a sure savings at our j store as we sell only for cash and one price. You don’t have to pay for the man that won’t pay. OVERCOATS $20 and $25 SUITS $20, $25 and $27 $4 to $7 HATS $2.85 1 ,lj W- H 1 -- fta tfcSvflf '''lit ■ 9 OUR TREES STJCOED WHERE OTHERS FAIL 5 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE JUSTIFY OUR CUM I 0 Selected, vigorous, well rooted Buds and Grafts^ 6 of all the best varieties Plant the More as an ea»-- B S- . ly, heavy, annual bearor—the variety with s £ no regrets. 8 | FLORIDA NURSERIES 5 W W Bassett, Prop., - - Monticello, Fla. TAX COLLECTOR’S APPOINTMENTS I will be at the f* blowing places on the dates named for the purpose of collecting state and county ta<es for 1923. Because of the late date on which I received the tax, it will he impossible for me to make more than two rounds, so 1 ask the tax payers to plea.-e meet me on these trips and pay your tax before the books close on Decern er 20tlj. and save the cost and Worry of the Fi Fas, Ppwersville-Monduy, Oct. 29th. a. m. Dunbar-Monday, Oct. 29th. p. m. Fort Vylley-Tuesday Oot. 30th. allday Henderson-Fnday, Nov. 2nd. a. m. Elko, Friday, NxV. 2nd. p. m. Wellston-Saturday, Nov. 3rd. a. m, Byron->aturday, Nov. 3rd. p. m. Perry-Tuesday, nov. 0th, all dav. Gruvania Wednesday Nov. 7th. a. m. Haynevill-Wednosday Nov. 7th. p. m. Kathleen-Thursday Nov. 8tl>. a. m. Bonaire-Thursday Nov. 8th. p. m. Claude-Friday, Nov. 9th. a, m. Heard-Friday, Nov. 9th. p. m. Griers Store-Saturday Nov. 10th 11 a, m. Tucker’s Store-Saturday. Nov 12fth a. m Mathew’s Store-Monday Nov. 12fth. pm Hattie-Tuesday, Nov. 13th. p. m. Houston Factory-Tuesdav Nov. 13th p. m. Forr valley Wednesday Nov. lath, all day • Mvrtle-Thursday, Nov. 15th. a. m. y T. E. Tharpe, T. C. TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS In the District Court of the United States for the Western Di vision of tiie Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Lewis L. Hen derson bankrupt in bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Lewis L, Henderson of Unadilla, in the district FARMS FOR RENT Several one and two horse farms in high state of cultivation just out side the city limits of Haw- kinsville, Ua Good land, good houses, good fences. 1 Merritt & Anderson Bros Co-, Hawkinsville, Ga. —LOST—One ladies gold wrist watch on black ribbon bank. Lost Friday on sireets of Perry. Five Dollars reward will be paid to finder at the Perry Loan & Sav ings Bank. _250 Happy Home Dresses; all ginghams, 98c at Swanson’s. —If you have the blues and have a grudge against- the world you can exchange it for a laugh next Friday night at the carnival. Acetylene Welding at M iLendon Auto Co In The District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern Disi riot of Georgia. In the matter of 0 J jhn Irwin slooum 0 In Bankruptcy Bankrupt. 0 Under and by Firtue of an order passed by the R feree in Bankruptcy in the above stated case and court, the under signed, as trustee in bankruptcy will sell ai the store-house of said bankrupt at Bonaire, Houston County, Georgia on October 30, 1923, at eleven o’clock a. m. Eastern time, to the highest bidder fpr eon »|.y 0 f Doolv a-nd »AkS DR d0SCribed properly "aforesaid, bankrupt.^ • The eniiro stock of merchandise, con-1 Notice is hereby given that on sisting of dry goods, shoes, clothing, as October 20th, A. D, 1923, the well as all Uie siore fixtures of the hank- | sa j(J Lewis L Heudei’SOn wbose rupt, togetlu-r witli all the notes and| m-it-wiml nlaoe nf husinpss Ih in accounts due the bankrupt as of the date , P 1 ? 06 P* M| n |f s 18 m of sale. Also, about eighty (80) head of j Houston County was hogs, mere or less, <me (l) two-horse duly adjudicated bankrupt, and wa S :)n - , ,, 'that the first meeting of his of®h efeJl anil fern b|«r?"e5 will be bM at Macon,In from all lines, any valid lines to be at- . Bibb county, (aCOrgia, ill room 304 tacned to the proceeds, | Grand Opera House Building on The successful bi-ider is required to Nov-,6tll,1923, at 11; 30 o’clock in deposit ten per cent (10 per cem) of his f orpnoon w hif*h time the sairl said bid at the time made and if said sale 101 VY 011 ’ u wuicn Hme tue- Saia is not confirmed the amount will be re- creditors may attend, prove their funded without, deductions. The said elaims, appoint a trustee,.examine sale will be made subject ?o confirmation. I tij e bankrupts, and transact such This 17th day of October 1923. I other business as J.-T. Sisson, Trustee in Bankruptcy, oiner Dusmess as Bonaire, :Ga. Asks More Active Aid' For Veterans Cincinnati, Ohio.—America’s wound ed and disabled veterans of the World war can be converted “from a liabil ity to the United States government in the matter of dollars and cents,” into a group of assets, if rapid and effective means of assisting these dis abled veterans in their problems of education, rehabilitation, vocations and welfare are adopted by the gov ernment, according to James G. Mc- Forland, national head.of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War. may properly come before the meeting. The bankrupts are required to be pres ent on that day for examination. Macon Ga.,this Oct. 23,1923. J N TALLEY, Referee in Bankruptcy. —250 Happy Home Dresses made from a good grade of ginghams beautifully triraed, only 98c, now on sale at Swanson’s. $25,000 Loot is Secured By Bandits Philadelphia;—Four armed motor bandits held up Kennedy Brothers’; pawn shop in the business section: 1 of the city and escaped with jewelry] and cash estimated at $25,000. The] holdup occurred one block from a po-| lice station. —Have you got your costume for the carnival all ready? If not get busy or you’ll be out of luck next Friday night. —FOR SALE—Four large Bos ton Ferns, A.pply to Mrs. O F Cooper, Perry Ga. GIN DAYS, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, , Perry Warehouse Co.,. Perry, Ga. SYRUP BARRELS AND SYRUP CANS Waiting for you at /: ■ CEO. C. NUNN’S Hay Wire, Light and heavy^ Wagons, Plow Gear and Plows Remember we carry Oats, Rye and Wheat for seed. Come to see us or call us up for your supply We have some good values in Pigs, Shoats : andfc- Sows, also a nice young Milk Cow and Young Calf. We will buy your Peas, Corn, Hay, Velvet Peanuts, Hogs ajid Beef Cattle. See us befors you 6ell arid before you buy. Aife can help each ether by trading together. GEO. C. NUNN ’ THE OPPOSITE DEPOT wmMm Lr-s-v;-' SBJK'-jKtAsi' £ PERRY, GSSfc-