The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 01, 1923, Image 4

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Georein, Bibb County.
Notice is hereby given that, after the
due publication t ore f bb provioed by
law, the undersigned, as guardi n of
Pauline Dargan Wi liugham, will present
to the Honornble H A M athowB or the
Honorable M D Jo es, Judge of the
Superior Court of Kibb County, Georg a,
at the Court House in said Courty* on
the 3rd day of November. 1923, an ap
plication for an order to sell for r> -in
vestment the lollowing described proper
ty: An undivided one-sixth (1-6) inter
est in that tract or parcel of land situnt-
Georgia, Houston County.
Unde' and by virtue of power of sale
contained in a certai ■ deed to secure
debt, dat'd October 20th 1919, and re
corded in the Clerk’s ffice of the Su
perior Court of Houston County Georgia
in deed boo Number 24 folio 162, from
'V R Webb to A A Smoak. Will be sold
during the leanl hours of sale on the 6th
day of November 1928. before the Cmut
Hou-’e do r in I’erry Goorgia at public
out the highe't bi td'-r for cash the
following described property:
All that tract or parcel of land being
fifty (50) acres of land being all of lot |
cd in the Upper 5th District of Houston i sol „„ of thf |lu $ lo road from Hen-
County, G' orgin, and containing in the derson to Elko G orgia and a regular
aggregate Pour Hun'ired and Borty-five pamllelagram 706 feet, wide across
(445) acres, more or Iobb, and being all; the entire and extreme wo-tern part of lot
the oast half of (ot forty-eight (48), con- 330 also thirtv three acres of land in lot
taining 0110 Hundred a d one and Three- j o£ ] and No 33) j n th . New , 3lh district
to ths (101.3) aefes, more or less; all of ot Houston Cou> ty Goorgia being a
lot No. Forty-"in* 1 (49) except Twenty- ] pnrallolagram south of the road from
itwonnd Sixty-four Hundretbs (22.04) Henderson to Elko Georgia bounded on
acres in the northwestern corner cut off t | ie n0 rth by said road, on the cast by
„a n ,„i lands of Mattie Engram, south by lot
5 ^vltW P?hiu y Twnntv-ono linos ft ” d W0Bfc b y tho 1 '*" ,H nfW B Webb
Ft. Vftiloy Public Road ; k ewe8t 8 | de of 8 ,, id par dlelagram is
(21) acres, more url.-ss, J he , *® utb : j parallel to and 706 feet from the west
tnr ,Mf 0, 'nff hv side of said lJNof land nd the width of
h.,t™ nil said parallolagram is 539 feet, also ap-
f M°: lil J'Jli Fd i| proximately 24^ aces of land, being
.. . }\ ir ^nrou g ir, *t.. 8.57 chains in the north west corner of
three-quarters (38 3-^ «OttS infi.®*® lot of land No. 331 in said district and
southeastern corner of It No. T ly C0Unty< tho north boundary, is the lot
(3°) and beinu ad of said lot out off by j. the we8t boundary is the lot line
the said new road way ot the, Macon and and ’ on8t boundary is the land of Mattie
F ° r l Va icy uh ic «“ d J 11 .*® Engram, said last name is across the
wostomh.lf of lot No. Seventy-oignt Wosfc8ide of lhe i ond owned bv Perry
new road way
Valley public
- P n * D Willi™ moro full y described In deed of Emma
frura 1 D Willliigham^and P D Willing- Webb ot< ft]> to w R Webb , md re( . orded
tantn, Jr. f> to H B ' in deodbook No. 22 folio 251 and deed
J?"'® 9jj!g ?4°Sfio f sS The book No. 22 folio 87 0. Clerk’s Office of
Supotior Court, book 14, folio 332. Iho Houstbn Superior Couifc and the do .
reason for making said application is , ajs . s?!L 0 _ o
that said ward owns only an undivided i_ 08 ® I s a P apfc
one sixth (1-6) interest, tho said lnnds
are expensive and troublesome to keep
up and yield only a very uneortain and
variable income, and lhe other owners
desire to sell the same.
Guardian for Paulino Dargan Will
of this deed to socure debt as the ae
curate description. Said land will be sold
for the purpose) of paying a debt evi
denced by a /certain promisory note
executed on October 20th 1910 and due
October 20th 1024 by W R Webb to A A
btnoak nr order for tho principal sum of
$1200.00 together with five interest cou
pon notes for tho sum of $96.00 each
and dated October 20th 1019 and payable
; on,October 90th 1920, 1921, 1022, 1023
and 1924 oonsectively.
| And wltorens- in said deed to secure I
1 debt, the said Webb greed and gave the ■
Bolt Ordained by the Mayor and powor to said A A Smoak. that if any of'
Aldermen of the city of Perry, and it is said interest notes should become due
hereby ordained by the authority of the and is not promptly paid when any of
Baino , them matures, then the entire, debt slm'l
0 , bocomo due and payable at once, if the:
Section l. said a. A. Smoak shall so elect, and be-
Tltal from and after the passage of come operative, and ,
tills ordinance it shall bo unlawful for Whereas, said 3 Interest notes have
auy any person to eonstsurt or erect any matured and was not promptly paid when
gasoline or oil filling-station within the they matured. The said A. A. Smoak has ,
UmitB of the city of Perry, oxeopfc within elected and declared t'no whole debt due 1
tho fire limits of said city of Perry. and payable, ns per the power vested in I
ii .. „ a him under said deed to secure debt, and
. cctio 2. I Wherpas; said A. A. 'Siroik having'
Be it further ordained by the authority oleptod rind declared under the power
nforeRald, that from and uftor (lie pas vd^tod in him in said deed to secure debt
salt > of this ordinance, it shall be un- the whole debt due and payable, at once
lawful for any person to usn us a gasoline being the principal sum of $1200.00
or oil filllin:-stitionany onildlng alic idy and the snm of $268.04 inter-'
ost to November 6th 1928 “it fooimr tho '
day of sale” together with 10 percent
constructed or erected within the limits
•of tho otty of Perry, or to dispense
gasoline or oil for motor vehicles within Attorney’s fees and costs of collection as !
the limits ot the city of Porry, except contained in s lid deed 1
within the fire limits of said oily of Perry. Tho sab 1 notes provides for tho pay-
Q . « rao it of r.M costs of collection, including
Beet on o. 10 por cent of principal and interests as
Bo it further crdnlned by the nuthorty Attorney’s foes. The total amount now
aforesaid, that from and after tho p is- due and payable on said notes being
e of this ordinaoe, it shall b« unlaw- $1900.00 principal, and $266.64 interests '
wiire Ol , ....
ful for any person to constrvct or erect together with tho costs of this proceed
oil fUliug-Htntion any- ings as provided in
o limits of the oily of debt.
said deed to secure
any gasoline or
Mere within the ,
Perry, unless tho same shall be construct- The procoeds from Bald sole will be
of brick, con'cete, irou or other fire-proof applied first to tho paymhnt of said note
anaterisl. and the costs of this proceedings and tho
A \ balance if any to said W R Webb, a
HeLU " ' ' deed to tlio purchaser will bo made by
Any person violating the provision of the under signed us stipulated in said
fthia ord nance shall be punished as pre- seourity deed. This Ootober 3rd,1023,
.scribed in the oh iter of tho city of
Perry and the Ads amendatory thereof.
Approved October 17, 1923.
0. E. Brunson, Mayor.
S. P. Crowell, Clerk.
M. Kunz Attorney.
Georgia Houston County
, , I Edwin S Davis having, applied
This is to notify all persons concrned ] 0 ttors of dismission as Executor of
that the undersigned will complete their estate of John Wilson Johnson deceased
contract on concrete bridges at Echocon- thi» is theref' re to cite all persons con-
nee, Bibb-Houston counties, known ns cerned to show cause if any they can why
Fodoral Aid Prct No. 221, • and will b is application should not. he granted at
call for final settlement tor same on or the Court ofOrdinary on the first Mon-
about thirty days from date, and that all duy j n November next. This October
claims for labor, materials or supplies 9tb 19 o 3>
have been settled, or will bo settled on
or about 80 days from date, and that any
claims for non-payment of any such
accounts for materials, labor or damages
must be presented must be presented to
Einmott Houser. Ordinary.
Georgia, Houston County.
W P Ballard having applied for letters
of Guardianship of the minor children of
8. R. Shi, county Engineer, Bibb county Annie Peari Wimberly deceased, this is
Macon, Ga., or E. N. Parker, Division therefore to cite all persons concerned
Engimer, Slate Highway Dep’. Dublin
vGa., on or before said 30 days from date.
•- This October 7th. 1923,
Atkinson Construction Co., Thotnos-
•ville, Ga.
GIN DAYS, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Perry Warehouse Co.,
Perry, Ga.
to show cause if auv they can why his
application should not be granted at the
Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in
Noveinbor next. This October 9th. 1923
Emmett Houser, Ordinary.
More For
Your Money!
"I was pale and thin, hardly
able to go,” says Mrs. Bessie
Bearden, of Central, S. C. “I
would suffer, when 1 stood on
my feet, with bearing-down
pains in my sides and the lower
part of my body. I did not rest
well and didn’t want anything
to eat. My color was bad and
1 felt miserable. A friend of
mine told me of
The Woman’s Tonic
When it comes to
actual value, whether
you buy a wood-insu
lated Willard—the low
est priced reliable bat
tery made—or a Willard
Threaded Rubber Bat
tery—the finest
you get more for your
money than you can get
in any other make of
and I then remembered my
mother used to take it.. . After
the first bottle 1 was better. I
began, to fleshen up and I re
gained my strength and good,
healthy color. 1 am feeling fine.
I took twelve bottles (of Cardui)
and haven’t had a bit of trouble
Thousands of other women
have had similar experiences in
the use of Cardui, which has
brought relief where other
medicines had failed.
If you suiter from female ail
ments, take Cardui. It is a
woman’s medicine. It may be
just what you need.
At your druggist’s or dealer’s.
E 92
Inisurancb On FXrm Property
A Specialty
Malaria, Pilea. Sick Headaches Coathra
Bowels, Dumb
, Ague, Sour Stomach,
and Belching, your food does not
•asimilate, yon have no appetite.
wTutt’s Pills»
will remedy these troubles j/
Georgia, Houston County
In ptirsuanco of on Act of the General
Assembly of the state of Goorgia at the
Inst regular session of tho same and ap
proved on the fourth day of August
1923, a special elec inn is hereby called
to be held in said county on the 1st Wed
nesday in December 1923 to determine
whether the qualified voters of said coun
ty will vote to abolish or retain the City
Court of Houston County.
At said election voters who wish to cast
their ballots lor the abolishment of suit!
court shall have written or printed there
on the words “Against, City Court” and ’
tlio.‘e who oppose lhe abolishment of
said coui'l shall have wjitten or printed
on their I allots the words “For City
Court**, Bullets, tally sheets, and blank
returns will be furnished to the election
manager-. Witness my oiliciil signature
this October 15tb, 1928.
Emmett Houser Ordinary of Houston
Clothes wash cleaner
and whiter, and last
longer when you use
red Se al Lye to soften
the wash-water. Laun
dry soap goes a lot
farther, too.
Thoroughly dissolve
Red SEAL Lye in water
before putting clothes in.
in the house; it has many
every-day uses.
Write for booklet. Full
directions in
each can. Bei
sure and buy
only the genu
ine Red Seal]
P. C. TomionACo.,
Acetylene Welding at
M iLendon Auto Co
I am prepared to Loao Money <
Real Estate without Commission.
A. A. 8MOAK,
3rac, Porry.Gn,
FOE SALE:- Corn. Huy, Counw.
Meat, r un, Lurd. Sides and Shou)
dem. Apply
A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga.
Georgia, Houston County.
W P Ballard having apolied for letters
of guardianship of the miner children of.
Annie Pearl Wimberly deceases, this is'
therefore to cite aUL••persons concerned to
show cause if any they can at the
Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in
November next. This October 1, 1923.
Emmett Houser, Ordinary.
The GUY that puts the SURE in
your Insurance.
305-306 Citizens & Southern Bank
Telephones 1142-3514-w
J.JST.Kalish - - F. H. Johnson
“Optical Specialists”
565 Cherry St..
Macon, Ga.
loans ON FAitM LANDS.
We are prepared to done loans
prowptly on Farm Lands. 6 per et.
Perry, Ga.
Attorney* & Councellorc at Law.
Practice in AU Courts.
The throb
bing ache of
a bad bruise
is a warning
that delicate
fibres have
been injured
Sloan’s Liniment send3 straight to
* them the increased blood supply
they need to repair them, reliev
ing the pain, clearing up the con
gestion. Get a bottle from your
druggist today—35 cents.
$loan , s Liniment—kills pain!
Pbrry, Ga.
Strayed Hog: Black Boar Hog .
weight about 75 pounds taken up. It costs no more to get the best
' • ' policy aud the most efficient ser
vice so why not get it. Am just
on iny premises. Owner please call
-SEED OATS—For sale. Apply for same * w L Henr y> Ga -
G O Harris, Perry, Ga.
FOB SAL E —One seven Thursday and Friday,
’room house. Weil adapted for Perry Warehouse Co.,
Perry, Ga.
ttwo families
GIN DAYS, Wednesday,
Apply at this office, i
as close to you asyo ur telephone.
Attorney and Counsehob
At Law
Perry - Georgia.
Wn Practice In Both State
and Federal Courta.
PIANO For Sale—We have
near Perry, a fine piano, slightly
used and partly paid for, which
we will sell to party willing to
complete remaining monthly pay
ments. Send name and address
for full information. Cable Pia
no Co., 82-84 Broad Street At
lanta, Ga.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Georgia, Houston County.
Will be sold before tbe couit house
door at Ferry Houston County Georgia
on the first Tuesday in November 1928
between tbe legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder for cash the following
property to-wit.
1 McCormick Binder levied on as the
property of James Allen Smith to satisfy
a ft fa from the City Court of Houston
County in favor of Merrett Hardware Ce
vs James Allen Smith. This October 1,
T. S. CHAPMAN, Sheriff..
—FOR SALE—Abruzzi Seed Rye
at $2.00 per bushel. Call on me
at home or at B H Andrew & Son.
C A Thurmond, Perry, Ga*
—FOR SALE—The W L Henry
home on Macon street with all
GIN DAYS, Wednesday
Thursday am
mppV*|Perry Warehouse C».,
X Smoak, Perry, Ga- I Parry, Ga.
X f