The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 20, 1923, Image 1

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5 _*° IW ”• MQP6ga » grai^r. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS MID CULTURE *1.50 a Taw In rnr y^L. Hu, 'S SEAT PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA. t THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1923. insurgents who seek to OUS1 “SWIVEL CHAIR FARMERS" LOSE OUT IN VERY FIRST TEST Mndonment Of Railroad And T« Legislation Is Urged By James R. Howard—Some Did Not Vote Chicago.—Insurgents -within the American Farm Bureau federation were defeated in the first test 61 Strength of the factional fight on the invention floor here when- the direc tors refused to Beat John F. Burton •a director from Oregon. The vote, upholding the majority report of the credentials committee, FEDERALS DELIVER COUNTER STRIKE M EX ICAN LOYALIST TROOPS ; tear tamaulipas from j revolutionists TEPIC IS TAKEN BY REBELS • President's Forces .Capture Victoria .Without Firing Shot—Huertlsta Leader Makes His Escape ; Nogalez, Arizona.-rToplc, capital of the state of Nayarit, Mexico, has fall- jen Into the handB of the rebels, ac* | cording to unconfirmed advices re ceived here from Topic. I The garrison at Topic, in Nayarit, Mexico, divided, and two hundred sol* diers rebelled and attempted to cap ture the post, according to advices SENATE REJECTS I * TAX AGREEMENT j HOUSE POSTPONES ITS VOTE ON INCOME TAX BILL TO LATED DATE STATE NEWS OF INTEREST Brief News Items Gathered Here And There From All Section* Of The State was 38 to 6 against Burton, with received here. Gen. Anatollo Ortega, Indiana, Kentucky, Utah and Wyo- , chief of military operations in Naya* “— supporting him. Texas dele- 1 rif, who was in command of the gar- and a halt dozen others from rathern states, generally regarded as ligned with the insurgents, did not Die. Burton, at present a member of executive committee from Utah, jams one of the leaders in ousting J. r .CoverdaIe as secretary of the fed* ■ation. He was not returned by Ttah as a director for 1934, but ob- rison, was reported seriously wounded. Gen. Manuel Daigez, commanding' officer under Carranza during the lat ter's regime, is reported to have led the uprising. Brownsville, Texas.—Three • thou sand federal troops from Monterey, under command of General Ainaro, j have captured Victoria, capital of Ta- ilned the directorship from Oregon. Sit was shown, however, that he is a owner in Utah and not in Ore* maulipas, and are in control of the southern part of that state; according to unofficial reports reaching Mata* moros. Cesar Lopez de Lara, goyer- Tho spread of the movement' led! nor 9 f Tapiaulipas, an adherent of Walton Ptteet and Aaron Saptfo, Adolft> de l a Huerta, is reported a (Who seek to oust the “swivel chair P ris °her at Victoria. * — - The troops entrained at Monterey farmers" now in charge of the fed- on and confine the organisation and captured Viotoria without firing ;to co-operative activity, seemed to a s hot, reports here Bay. There have have been checked to such an 'extent been no reports of disturbances in that the insurgents Will.abandon the Monterey or any towns in Nuevo Leon fight to defeat 0. A. Bradfute, pres- and northern Tamaulipas. Ident, for re-election. Every effort j Vera Cru *> Mexico.—The column of bq made to secure control of the ! revolutionists proceeding by way of tecutive committee and elect a Sa* •Peteet man as secretary, how- lerahle excitement was caused secret caucuses by announcement ‘ in DesMolnes that a resol,b- d be introduoed in the Iowa condemning the executive for discharging Coverdale, the Iowa farm bureau would raw from the national organize iould the 1924 committee fail istate the deposed secretary. Iowa membership is one-fifth of ' national federation. - .• rgenta called an executive ae» >f the board of directors to at* rearrange the program, pro-' ltlng Coverdale from taking the floor aa a delegate from Iowa to de fer a scheduled address in his own the Inter-Oceanic railway for Mexico City is taking with it four batteries of 75 milimeter guns and. four bat teries of machine guns, in addition to ammunition for-both categories. The column was able to increase its gun power from pieces obtained from the San Juan de Ulua castle and from the warships in the harbor here. Another column of troops, to be un- the personal command of Gen ;der th« _ B .. . •eraT Guadalupe Sanches, is being form ed, and will go toward the capital by way of the Mexican railway to aid the columns already advancing. Saplro and Peteet urged adop- their co-operative marketing rogram in addresses from the plat form. Abandonment of railroad legislation, and of tax legislation was urged by is R. Howard, president of the >nal Transportation institute and head of the farm federation, 'ihould be a settled policy for, not subject to change, he iproved efficiency of rail ttion is the only hope for' rate reduction and the amins act's provision for “re- railroad profits above 6 per’ operated in the interest of c,” Howard declared. Theatens Death Of The Farm Bureau Chicago.—The American Farm Bu reau Federation, the world’s greatest organization of farmers, is threatened with complete breakup as the result of a factional fight on the eve of the opening of the annual convention. In surgents, embracing federation lead ers from most of the southern states and led by Walton Peteet, of Texas, marketing director of the organiza tion, and Aaron Sapiro, cooperative marketing counsel, of San Francisco, charge maladministration of the fed eration by "swivel-chair farmers,” and demand concentration on cooperative marketing. For Killing bucks In Airplane Iemphis, Tenn.—lulling ducks with! airplane is the novel charge that MbAS been placed against W. M. Mc Connell, at Vicksburg, Miss., accord ing to J. E. Perry, federal game war den here. Mr. Perry returned recent ly from Vicksburg, where McConnell was arrested on instructions from the department of agriculture at Washing- King Victor Closes Italian Parliament Rome, Italy.—A decree closing the present parliamentary session has been signed by King Victor Emman uel, it has been officially* announced. The dissolution of the chamber Is ex pected early in 1924. The Messag- gero says Premier Mussolini decided upon the dissolution so as to appeal to the country, the elections for a new chamber of deputies to be held in .the sprin'g. Atlanta.—WIBt gave promise of an adjustment of the differences between the house and senate over the pro posed income tax received a hard jolt when the senate positively recorded its opposition to a conference report that sought to adjust the differences between the two houses. On a record vote the senate reject ed recommendations that it recede from its position with reference to the word “net” in the text of the original measure, and to the “credit clause,” which the bill originally con tained. Although a two • thirds vote was required to accept either of the forty going proposals of the conference committee, the vote on one Indicated a bare majority of one, and on the other there was a tie. In both in stances approval of the conference report by a two-thirds vote fell thir teen votes short of the required num ber. The report of the conference com mittee was read in the house just before the noon recess, and Speaker Neill announced that he would call the report up for a vote later, stating that authority to set the .time had been given him in a report of the rules committee previously adopted by the house, and he was havipg the con ference committee’s report read mere ly for the purpose of giving the mem- members an opportunity to think over the report The conference report to which the senate baa disagreed contains four recommendations, as follows: 1. That the senate accept the house amendment striking the word “net” from the original bllL I. That the senate aeoept the house .amendment striking the so-called “credit clause” from the measure. . 8. That the house recede from its amendment striking the scale of ex emptions provided in the original bill. 4. That the text of the original bill be amended by reducing the ad valo rem tax rate from three mills to two mills. The Benate rejected the fourth proposition also after a significant remark by President Carswell to the effect that under the rules the rec ommendation had no place in the conference report, since it involved a matter not in dispute between the two houses. He said, however, he had no disposition to deny the senate an opportunity to express Itself and would, therefore, submit the recom mendation. It was defeated by a vote 33 to 8, Tag senate accepted by unanimous consent the one recommendation of the report in which the house receded from its amendment respecting ex emptions. oom NMB9MHnMWnaRBM0mMMnH igh Grade ■■■ | We are On the Job from January to • January, twelve months each year. You can buy One Sack or A Hundred Tons, or More, any day in the yqar and get prompt delivery. Our this kind of Service withoeft any Extra Cost. “IT’S WHAT’S IN THE SACK THAT COUNTS.”' Fire 8even Perish In Farm House Wallaceburg, Ontario.—Seven per sons perished in a fire that destroyed Heavy Grain Crops Near Montezuma Montezuma.—The drouth which pre vailed here for more than two months has been broken by general rains throughout this section, and the indi cations are that much more grain than usual has beep sown, the farmers choosing this method to offset the short corn crop. The marked rest lessness which prevailed among the negroes;, last fall has not been noticed/ this year, and, while there is the usual moving from one plantation to anoth er, the lure of the North seems to I have lost its, popularity. Much fall HEARD BROTHERS. 1 Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, . GEORGIA. If Its Bargains You are looking for Call at J. W. BLOOD WORTH'S and find them. We are prepared to fill all ordem for Hay Ties, Syrup Barrels, Crockery and EnamdU ed Ware, Gun Shells, Stoves ana Ranges. Our Hardware line is complete and we carry dbm largest stock of Groceries in Peuy and can ii fore fill your needs in these lines to your best advantage. J. W. BLOODWORTH “THE FARMERS FRIEND.” FERRY, - GEORGIA. HEADQUARTERS FOR Stakes and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. atapie and Fancy Grocries. Prompt Service. Phone 12. E. F. BARFIELD & CO. j PERRY, GA. . Peach Grower the farm house of Harry Babcock I “TIL ‘T «.««« «... 5 i: / , plowing is under way, and, encourag- tdn. According to‘the game warden, aear^the Village of dharlemoine. The i u .u McConnell piloted his airplane at victims w«r* k w Mgh price of cotton, the airplane at great height until he located a flock of 4 u °bs- Then he swooped down Babcock was away when the fire trap among them, killing them. ped the family. Vivwuo were airs. BabCOCk, flBriKfgiir£ ._, , , , children, her sister and her child farmerS seem t0 haVe determIne<1 to Brownings Frrtd On Self - Defense Schooner Seized Wtf'h $200,000 Liquor ^Saltl^oCi^-Jchn Browning, son. *ew York.-The Dutch schooner pf John M. Browning, firearms inven- ze e \ 0 ad was seized off Fire Island by Jor, and Marriner. A. Browning, who ^ coast guard cutter Lexington and have been on trtal for the Blaying of ^ captain and crew were held for Benjamin F. Ballantyne, John _ Brown- delation; ot the prohibition laws. In Ing’s brother-in-law, were acquitted by £ er ^ aa £ound 2 ,500 fuse all weevil preventive measures for next year's crop. I jury recently' The jury was out twp to*®* Takes Own Life,Rather Than Work Savannah.—James Walker, a negro orphan boy of fourteen years old, kill ed himself here rather than cut stove- wood. He lived with an aunt, who requested him to cut a “tmm of wood.” Instead he went into the house, found! i loaded revolver and fired into his' head, dying soon after, at a hospital can get anything in Orchard Supplies now. We have Spray Material of avp| g kind, Hardie Spray Machines and parts, Spray needed now, Lime Sulphur Solution, Sulphur Compound and Oil Emulsion. For Orchard Supplies of all kinds see p ■■ mm. rry Warehoiue . ■' : ; . ’ ■ indistinct print