The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 27, 1923, Image 1

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\ ' JOHN H. HODGES, Prop*; DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE a Yosir In Advance PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA M THURSDAY, PEOEMbER 27, 1923. is No. 53 4 jbKf ;26 VGE OF ADJOURNS WITH ANy INCOME i—BILLS PASSED S OF' — v News Items Gathered Here c From 1 All Sections j '* The State ... -fter 38 days of existence, xtraordinary session of the Geor- general assembly came to an end ly with the adoption of both * of a joint resolution to ad journ sine die. * K Adjournment left‘the Lankiord vtom etitutlonal income talt measure 1 , most ‘uportant of the various bills, consid- —Vat the session, last, by inability | two houses-fto agree Upon tttmdtnents made biy the house. The sventh and final conference commit- on this bill reported its inability: jnce the bolshevik revolution, > the .Russian question is receiving open- minded attention at the white, Thi exchange of views begun by Prqo- ident Goolidge in U1b recent message . ' i. , , y y k ^v jV y ° Ano 'an agreement. important ..ljieasu pass in the house i lx equal in the house early ip, the but the senate amended defeat its purpose ftnd, le recent session finally refused recede from its position; ."•"■$ jvemor Walker stated that he felt "lecesaary for him to make any comment on the session just expressed my pgsition as clehrly I could in the message I read to > assembly," said the ... governor, ie house, by adopting the resolu- i instructing its committee to re {to the senate on two amend? its to the Lankford bill,; asking the — a.-. ___ _ a j.1. . CQCLIDOE DESIRES AN EARLY i " SETTLEMENT WITH THE .SOVIETS jFIrst Exchange Of Notea Brings The < Promise Of Bolsheylkl government To Stop Propaganda Washington.—For the first time to congress, the ty/V 7 v -.7 IT, ,v * r" .. reply of Geoi'gd Tchitcfrerin, Soviet foreign minister, promises to leaji to negotiations men! Tchitcherin ; 'pronouncement, • re-, a on the part of the Russian government tp^ discusB the nMAnHdih'Ofs PNctiiWilnp* rninMnnn nn Mih relations on thfe «eife outlined by President Coolidgcj s. message to Weigh ihinir ernment to the non-interfeYianc^ and announces u . tlnte a settlement i geheralreciprbcit^. .? ' . This v government will rep’ - to the communication outlining aL ’ its minimum demands andftlnvltuA-- the soviet go ment to bemiore specific regardlnj. Preside 14 dge is desirous of resuming with Russia. He wants tbi 'me question set- speec ‘be heat of po- iticai camp. negotiations of i delicate matter more difficult. The president has noted an jncrealing Interest in th^fRusplan question ab a of ( RUssiA 'made by CJSHEGON MINISTRY REPORTS; SUCCESSES FOR THEIR RE- 8PECTIVE ARMIES TOWNS RECAPTURED Heavy Fighting In . The East And ' •* 'Southwest Is Stili Being Waged, j], ' Hard Fighting Reported . , Mexico City—The situation in Mex- cq , still remains pbscure, owing to I lack of .authentic news. Advices from ‘•Mexico City directoafe badly delayed. niost* of them coming by courier to bpr’dbr ! pbihts', ! and' requiring"@everaf ****■'■& 'transit., '"V <‘ r V*' | he laiekt' dispatches from. ,'Mex- ty and 'rromj'eyo|tttibhary i fl(3Ui*cL es ! lii Vera Crhz! eidimd ,bfsucc.bssej .*» r. J <I»L 1. t. M i. seems certain.- The 1 Bd'Vernfheht! that* 'the Obregomi troops, httYb 1 teoaptiirbd 1 the' town , of Pubbla, 1 'whilb" thd TeMld ad-‘ mit'havdL fightingl i«f going! rin'foif' Marcos, .with !i thP"d6'<jlSiVb itot' tfloireached, ;altKbbfeb'< 1 it' l g aakerteii 1 hatbtho federal fokces’ hdVb 'Rjsd ; i and haviB ahkhddned' ihAfchhbe’ Pu.ehht't ahH 1 Sah > Mkrbbs bird by^Tecedlng in favor of the house T _ pltion on the third, concurred in my jsition. The position its members' jok in. Adopting the resolution coin}. mkA .waft. Irvine. The senate, how- many senators and congressmen last a h - M - * summer. These visitors hav^/brought view /fur- sembiy Pawed Jiy AUembly dib^EUn— 1 This creates a new “"artment in the state gov- the purpose of auditing •'depi exi ing ditures of aU state rentte Enforcement Bill— a new state department (purpose of collecting delin- back unanimous verdict that ihe SO viet regime is firigly headed'and that its fall is improbable. Therefore, 1 President Coolidge ough opposed to the 1 fundamental tenets of bolshevism, nevertheless re- aliset that as a practlcal matter, the United States will have to do busi ness with the soviet government if it does with Russia at all. He is will ing W shter into relations with Russia " a certain fundamental princl- are ac res due on special, leritance taxes and others, j Exempt New Industrias HY likds leading dirbct’ tb °th¥ will' *ctl >,v.^<.1L L! Lu/ 1 aL< ,H •’ |*«1 U 4' .....air ^presitferii CWegoh 1 , Vtfb'ted’ been 1 on.' this ! bect'dr' With • ’thW ttjoops,. of Who# tiibre ‘are : Bkid-'t’o ftfb 1 mm?* $ all departments, even to the >ir forces, h4s reEtinied to 1 tlib bapitki. ’ " \ [Practically' 1 nbiiiiiig. , 1 hwispme through, with regal’d to'the situation la: other bb^lonbv.ofliaff>TeftuBWw^agb~ ro^Jbbtwccn Vera Cruz and t oooooBwooDoonaopnnbaoooo'g’obbiSDaKfsaonBwacrKffinnnvisacaosM*. flu We are Qn the Job from January to January, twelve months; ii | You can buy One Slack or A Hundred Tons, or More, any day in ihe! year and get prompt delivery. Our Customers got this, kind of Sei viceivi'hout r V 'v : rt joy any Extra Cost* i i> “IT’S WHATS ir that Counts.” i itMO I- • - iUtilM.i'J... , Ul 1. K-,i i yfl ■■jJm .jar. •'. mjSmii! '■£*r , . . r-. 1 ivff'd* i ,, , HEARD JBRpfUERS. i i Cracie t’ertilizers^ „ S gMBg0MBBBWBgBBBBBBBBBnB0BBj»PBBgpqiiBBgBn>gaflgaglCIBBBO n« ' ,'v i 1 i'!in n.un (t iW Jmi.iuI fprCallat i.ib yi <.n’ J . w. e are p,r tfiai to fill all orders lor Hay Ti£s, ; Syrup BarreU,' Crockery and Enamel om local and state taxa- lei^irst five years, on a local isis capital apparently of: operations, for the present at least. ^Vashingtbn.—^Official ( diSp|at’ches rb- ceived by the Mexican embassy from Mexico City say the federal forces occupied San Marcos and this has plqgsed them in a position to out off the ‘'retreat" of revolutionist forces from Puebla. The reports say Puebla wqs stormed by the fedbrals, but other dispatches f say that point, has been evacuated by tho revolutionists. Mexico Cjity.—Revolutionary forces evacuated Puebla and federal troops occupied Uie city, according to an nouncement of the war department. ; Washington.—The revolutionary: movement in Mexico has not operated to change the policy of the American government toward Mexico, it is an- oounced 2t Jhe, wh^e house'. j President Coolidge still is hopeful 4hat the conventions resulting from the , recently negotiated recognition igreement may be ratified promptly' - 1 ian Spec Cigar and Cigarette, is provides for collection ‘ii by neW'^eWnuO id provides that neces- of collection are to be' of the receipts. ,• ;5 r ct—This provides for revenue i from other taxi the state pd valorem tax ikes Imposed i under otheri Insisting thatithej BOvlet, leaders take the 1 'initiative themselves. : ,n w*’* Brnr, Chi( 1 cago.—The feature picture was, approaching. £ne. oi its most thrilling moments. Joe/Krikaukos; high up in' the balcony, h&iymteA With suppressed excitement. ^ly the, screen herb Book Resohition—Provides lakihg of contract 'to purchase, k tor the next two years, option clause on free text Measures Whlch .FalU budget Bill—Was to have state budget commlsa ito arged powers. Tabled. Income - Tax—Was to have submit- proposal' for state income tax to pie. Lost ,when two houses failed agree on (amendments.. A took a running juriip from the high. Dlungad, i straight' into : j the. roaring .geyser below. - ' They picked loseph/up f out;-of .the | orchestra pit; he'd aimed for the geyser, but missed. i ‘grlfcAtikdtf ( ' i> Whtf v «m(^tfkd : a 'fractured. irm'.flhd'imte ■ injiirios' 1 and' : had jpfained.the,ankle pf a girl whom he grazed en route, was. taken to the isyghop'athlc .'fibspitlUJ where he con- Jj^id hu :atffl|(»pta!|6 dive into the ?eyfej% j.4 f| ' .fi - r ; the senate. Although the Mexi-; .‘an situation has been expected to bo; taken up at the first ‘ cabinet meeb| mg,"it is declared it was not discussed; md this is cited as evidence of the! faith of officials here that .the pres-j 5iit Mexican government will 'retain! its; position; ■ ■ ■" ' Demarids Klan Minister LeaVe Reserve; St. Loufs, Mo.—The executive cpm-[ rniitee of the ( Bt, Louis the * 'Vne o f1r\r\+&A a 1*00.. Town In China Is ‘Sacked And Fired Pekin, China.—Bandits scaled thpi wall of Likwania, in southwestern Ho- ftey. unaries u. n.u iuu*. Sli.n lecturer;'and'fdrmerly rector' of ; i local Southern Methodist Episcopal! jhurch, it is announced. The'resolU^ don' 1 declares' .the > klan to be an un- ft.merican; organization. -Rev; 'Mr. Md-! 3ehee recently was • denied reappoint-. me]ttt to the' Ideal' pastorate because if his 'klan 'activities;' ; : 11 ] Our Hardware line is complete and we carry stock; oi..Groceries inand can there- El your needs in these linea to your *. <) I J. nr- inn ,r.'i if imSkrn FARMERS FRIEND.' PERRY^-GllEORGiA HEAF 0? ! • . ! ;«i fysm .’saH ?Wssm Stakes anc ! ' :> | . . I , > , | 'v «h Meats of ; ii Service. Grocries. E. F, BARFIELD & CO. ’ •i ( j t'd V, r • * i ji III IntJ'l yjff 9] J ind it In m : '!S 7 ,1 Mr. Peach Grower Ski; !|?i j*r»Iji.l r\-ys (Hi & 1 If Ta: ite tax "pur: r hope of reaching “intangible” proper, ty. Tabled. Free ^choo: text h|&g&ri . , . schools. Adopted' only in extremely modified form. Repeal of Tax Equalization Law— rince and looted and ^burned' •Fine Eleven For Attack On Editors . ^uttg^t, A A^k.^rpYen. t me,9. mg two., jus,tipes ,pf, the,.peape, indictr 1 ;iori at Lachokow, in Hupeh province, | across the boundary line from thq oh Ik- ^ ; Kni : Jury. hero, .CJ \ »n' Fraud Charges Texarkana, Ark.—Twelve - indict ments, ten of which were against oil! Passed in house but killed in senate!“ en on ch f rg es of using the mails! *■ ' . Z 7 • ■ . ... I. L A Id-mnnctlnn nUh n.. n , n . by refusal to recede from vnenta. . yj.- The BIKb Btetutory Inco: 8iifeE«s.iM a mm& M.msa jentiy j iq,, .connection with , an attack pdn rjthe editors, of, i!he. f rep. press, .a i ..oi TTrooVlT, noTOflnanflr nleadfld'..eruil- ocal,„^pekly, nbwspap^r^.Riea^pd'. igqii-, :y to rioting,.nndzWUhiouS 'iniPQhief : md I’M- (>* \ ... di-.Sr JuIhT «->Li t.l Ito* Fatoows, V f .V ?^cca,n.; fWgitu. PRivn?,**; pondon.-rrThe • Daily .Mall’s Tamgiers joTTOspohdent i. sends < nthei i announce^ ment , of the - .death at the motorltfus ; -=- * '— • 1 >• ■■‘ip ( ' ,.'jH , . .. . - • : f'. . ‘ • . .-.'Z V'T ■ A connection with promo-1 js, were returned by the! jury here. Names of | Moorish chief;-'Raisuli. It is- sus-: -ted were withheld tem-j ^^ted, according|to this - dispatch,.’' — - * ^hat RaisuU was poisoned- j at t home now. We have Spr^JjJateriaj ind, Hardie Spray Mactinesamaf parts, hw- i "1 K ‘Ing, in : hj'i toiii'll'M<y > • I' . . te: ^ needed ,haw> LimeBiilphur Solution, Soluble ’ U ’ r Compound and Oil Emulsion, ■ j,h 'or .Orchard Supplies' of all kinds see 7,11, i Hi H hm\- . fd VT/; • . ...i rus,r‘'tj 1 ,sl' '■/) ><„; I INDISTINCT PRINT ill ■ .!> ; v; n J’ ■ .:;yyCx : i0?$y ■~ •Tv'ly.; \ ■H