Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 04, 1924, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL JOHN L. HODGES, Publisher DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1870 VOL. LIV. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 No. 4i) NEWS OF THE CHURCHES METHODIST Oar Preacher and Pastor, Rev. W. K. Dennis. who was appointed to serve the ferry Methodist Church for another year asks for just a little spa'^e this week to ex press his very siueere pleasure and gratification in the matter of this appointment. The people of this church, as well as all the people of this fair little city, have been so uniformally kind and courteous that one couid hardly fail to be appreciative. Certainly the churcJi during these past two years has done its part faithfully and well, and this Preacher has only one regret and that is that has not rendered larg* er and better service. This card is just to thank our many friends for the kindness and co-operation s<> generously given and to express again the full pur pose of heart that is ours to give to the good people of this com munity our very best in every possible way. We ask most earnestly the mor al support aud co-operation of every person who has the highest interest of the church and com munity at heart. Let us give our bost and the best will come back to us. Every member of the Methodist Church in Perry is specially urged to be present at che service next Sunday morning, Dec., 7th- The sermon at Hi is hour will be intend ed particularly to help, all those who desire to give aud receive the largest possible service. PRESBYTERIAN i Presbyterians in Houston Coun ty are very much interested in a Church Wide Program forSunday December L4th at which time a cash offering will be taken accord iiig to the plan of the General As sembly of t lie Presbyterian church in every Presbyterian church in the South, for additional and im proved equipment in the Home and Foreign Mission Fields. The plan adopted this year is for each congregation to be asked to contribute to a designated ob ject and all churches in Houston County have been asked to accept in connection with this Equip ment Fund the following causes: Foreign Mission Fields. West Bra zil Chapel, Home Mission Fields, Highland Institute,Guerrant,Ken tucky. The churches in this county ask ed to participate in this program are:- Fort Valley Church, Fort Valley and perry Church, perry. Rev. f. W. Smith is the pastor of both churches. HiLLCREST HOTEL OPENS WITH ENTERTAINMENT Mr. and Mrs Charlton Hancock enfc rt lined finite a number of their friendsoa M onday evening at tlieir new home, the Hillcrcst Hotel. The guest were delightfully en tertained with music and after wards served with delicious re freshments by Mioses Brnistineand Evelyn. the attractive daughters of Mr.and Mrs. danoot'k. The guests all predicted a bright future for the new hotel. It has been very attractively turned into a hotel without loosing the attrac tiveness of a home, that has given Pleasure to so many perry people. Mr. and Mrs. ilancock and family are quit? an addition t? our town *"d we are sure that all who have 'hegood fortune to stop atHillcrest Hotel will be delightfully enter twined. A Guest, ELKO NEWS Miss Margret Smith, of Thomp son, spent Thanksgiving with her sister Mrs. L. W. Ilouser. Mrs. K. B- Davis of Byromville. and Miss Gena Riley, of Fort Val ley spent Suuday night with Mrs, Davis's father, Mr. J. H. Grace. Mr. J. D. Grace returned last week from Cornelia, where he had be in working for the Cousoldated Apple Growers Exchange. Mrs. Lawton Houser spen t Saturday in Macon. The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Elko Methodist Church met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. 1 J. T. Lewis. THEATRE TO BE IMPROVED AND RE-OPENED The Strand Theatre building, recently purchased from the Hous ton Banking Compauy bp Messrs. Beckham and and Bloodworth will be repaired at an early date ac cording to announcement of the new owner. Comfortable seats will be in stalled and probably a balcony built to increase the seating capacity. When this work is com pleted the Theatre will again be opened for business, COMMUNITY CLUB FAIRS SUCCESS Some one said a Fair is the in dex for a community. If this is true, and it must -be, Houston County should be proud of the contribution her colored farmers citizenry makes to civilization. The display of farm crops, live stock, poultry, dairy products, canning, sewing, and reports rendered by club members were an honor to any people. As material rewards for efforts, ? and to inspire com 111 uties to great er activity, the County Agent secures from the generosity of white friends Messers A- Davis, A R. Talton, J W, Hodge, W. m. i Wimberly, the merchants, banks, | business interprises and friends of perry and these communities where |these fairs were held $110,00 in cash and merchandise. [ On October 29th under the gold en harvest sun, the ever depend able Neboitis carried their pro ducts to the Kings Chapel com munity where both displayed in the beautiful Kosenwals school a worthy sample of their years en deavors. Our white friends, Mrs. J H Davis and Mrs. H T Beall who judged the exhibition were unstinted in their praises of the ; progress of the colored people of Nebo and Kings Chapel communi ties. At Henderson Friday Nov. 3lst t h? people determined to out do| former fairs bad both sides of their spacious church tastily be-l decked with fine exhibition of home products, display of farm products, and the yards a splendid display of live stock and poultry, which bespeak thrift and economy, two essentials for progress. The white judges, mis. Hodge and Mrs. Wimberley were at their wits end to tell just which shonld have the blue ribbons, a creditable fair in deed. Demonstrator. A Good Substitute If one rnn't look either handsome or intellectual, one should at least he able to look dignified. Record for Reading 8Lxty-four members of a church tn Council Bluffs, la., reading in 15 mfnnte relays, from 6 o'clock in th? mornfng until 11:15 at night, com pleted the New Testament in one day. BA1R0?PIERCE A marriage of interest to a host of friends iu this county was that of Miss Julia Catherine Baird of (irovania and Mr. Carlton Craw ford Pierce of Perry which was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. K. L. Baird on Wednesday afternoon November 20th. The ceremony, attended only by relatives and a few close friends of the parties, was performed by Rev. K- ii. McGregor of the (irovania Methodist Church. Mendclshou'n wedding march was played by Mrs. i Lymon Baird of (irovania. Im mediately after the ceremony the young couple motored to Mac n and from there went by rail for a short bridal trip. Since their return they are at home to their friends at the resi dence 01 Mrs, !S. T. Hurst where they have an apartment. The bride is the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R L Baird of (irovania; the groom.a son of Mr. and Mrs, \V. K. Pierce, of l'erry, is Deputy Sheriff of Houston County. Both parties have numerous friends throughout the<*01111 ty who are extending sincere good wishes for happiness. Making Casein-Lubricating Oil Emulsion On The Farm In making the cold pumped lu bricating emolsion for use in con trolling the San Jose scale 011 peach trees as outlined in a circu lar issued trom this laboratory 011 October 20th. 1024. growers are particularly cautioned to mix the calcium caseiuate and water to gether first before adding the oil as it is impossible to get a satis factory cold pumped emulsion if the oil and calcium caseiuate are mixed first. As a matter of facjt when the oil, water and calcium cascinale are mixed together an emulsion results which will not mix with water when diluted aud if used may result in serious injury to peach trres 011 account of free oil. If the directions below are closely followed in preparing the cold pumped material a safe, cheap, and effective emulsion will result. Red enjiue oil or oil of similar grade 30 gals. Water 15 gals. Calcium caseiuate 4 lbs. The following equipment is nec essary; Two 50 gallon barrels; 1 duplex or triplex pump, and one 3 or 4 h. p. engine (the ordinary power sprayer with suction attach ment). The 4 pounds of calcium casei nate is thoroughly and rapidly stirred in about 2 gallons of water. This mixture is then placed in a barrel and the additional 1'I gal lons of water added and stirred again. Place suction hose in the 50 gallon barrel and start motor. When the pressure registers 200 pounds, allow the ingredients :o be sucked through the pumps and out through the spray rods, either with discs removed or with discs having a 3-1C inch apperture, into another 50 gallon barrel. If de sired, one rod can be shut off soj that all the material passe? through | one rod. This material should pass, through the pumps under pressure; at least three times. Lubricating oil emulsion made from this for-1 mula will not hold np long and should he made np daily a* re quired. Government and State Laboratory. Fort Valley, <?a. ? Hay baling tien, both heavy and j light. H, H Andrew ?od Son High Grade Fertilizers Wc are On the .Jog from January 10 January, twelve months each year. You can buy One Sack or A Hundred Tons, or More, any day in the year and get prompt delivery. Our Customers got this kind of Service without any Extra Cost. "IT'S WHAT'S IN THE SACK THAT COUNTS." HEARD BROTHERS. Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, - GEORGIA. PLANT OATS We have a warehouse full of Genuine Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats that we bought right and will meet any competition. We also have several tons of Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls and can meet any competition. Our stock of Groceries, Hardware and General Merchan dise is complete. Get our prices before buying-. We give Tickets with every dollar spent with us on the Bale of Cotton, $50,00 in Gold and the Ford Car. J. W. BLOODWORTH, The Busy Big Store. Perry, Ga. HEADQUARTERS FOR Steaks and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prompt Service. Phone 12. E. F. BARFIELD & CO. PERRY, GA. We are always in the business for Hay, Corn,Peas, Seed Cotton, Cotton Seed, Velvet Beans, etc.Come to see uswhen you want to see these products, We carry a full line ot Spray Materials for peaches and can take care of your wants in any quantity. Lime, Sulphur, Oil Emulsion, Arsenate of Lead, Automic Sulphur and any kind of Dust. We car ry a complete stock of Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand, Gravel, Shingles, etc., for building. Perry Warehouse Co.