Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, May 14, 1902, Image 1

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ion is iindoubt' >rkKforBook« prerotv recen INDUSTRIAL OLDIE XIV. GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1902. NUMBER 1. COLLEGE PROFESSOR. . e of Georgia’s Useful Educators is, Grateful For What Pe-ru-na is Do ing For Suffering Humanity. tor pulls a sick man’s leg, the edi tor is glad if he can even ’-collect his bill at all. Revenue only? We are living for tun and to spite the doctors. STUDENTS DECLAIM. | F. A. Curtright, A. B., Principal of the orgia Normal and Industrial Insti- |it*, and editor and proprietor of the (Goorgia Helping Hand” writes the Allowing glowing words concerning feruna, and its efficacy in the oure of ktarrh. ! He says: “I was induoed to try Feru la by the advice of a friend, and. cer- Ijnly believe that suffering humanity puld be relieved if they only gave Pe- la a fair trial. Would that I could words sufficient to express my ratitude for the benefits derived from use.”—F. A. CURTRIGHT, Greens oro, Ga. Hon. W. X. Roach, United States euator from North Dakota, in a letter ritten from Larimore, North Dakota. bays: | “Persuaded by a friend, I have used Peruna as a tonic, and am glad to testify [that it has zreatly helped me in strength, igor and appetite. I have been advised by friends that it is remarkably efflca- :lou3 as a euro for the almost universal omplaintof catarrh.”—W. N. Roach. Senator Roach’s wife recommends Po- i also. She says; “I can cheerfully recommend your excellent remedy, Pa rana. Indeed, I know of no other renv edy as good as yours. It is a grand tonic, and many of my friends have used it for catarrh with good results.”—Mrs. W. N. Roach. The most common phases of summer catarrh are catarrh of the stomach and bowels. Peruna is a specific for summer catarrh. Mr. Wm. Hebley, Duquesne, Pa., writes:—“/ am cured of catarrh of the stomach of two years standing. / had It so bad that / could not eat anything but milk. / doctored pith several doc- tors and they could give me relief for a short time only. I saw Peruna recom mended and thought / would try It, and I now think I am cured of catarrh. I have worked two months and did not lose a day.”—Wm. Hebley. ' Mr. Moses P. Merrill, Columbus, Cher okee Co., Kansas, Rural Route No. 3, writes: “I had been troubled with systemic catarrh, which affected the lower bowels especially. I was troubled with runuing oft of the bowels and troublesome catarrh of the bronchial tubes which cadsed spitting of thick mucus. Since taking Peruna my Improvement hks been wonderful. My bowels are regular as clock-work. lean now eat like other people and my vltnal^ digest.”— Moses P. Merrill. Hon. Willis Brewfir, Representative in Congress from Alabama, writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman: House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen—*•‘*1 have used one bottle of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending it to those who need a good remedy. As a tonic it is excellent. In the short time I have UBed it it has done me a great deal of good.”—Willis Brewer. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr: Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. MAY TERM CITY COURT. [he The May term of Hall city urt will convene next Monday. following jurors have been awn for the term: Stephen C. Jggs. F. F. Meaders, J.. A. Nix, Ellis, w. L. Wood, J. D. witty, \V. M. Cathey, Jas. M. ox, J. J. Braselton, M. E. Stnck- nd, Jasper N. Truelove, T. E. Lighsmith, Scott Moore, U. P. ’Kelly, Jas. McElreath, W. A. r ow, E. E. Kimbrough, T. J'. a yue, jr., J. F. Farmer, J. M. Wilson, Jesse B. Wood, E. H. “ m l>> W. Charley Thompson, J. Heed. Editor Bell On Physicians. editor of The Wiregrass fteae is in a controversy with one the country doctors of Eman- »f r . county and this is the wav jr Bell sized up his opponent “last issue: e doctor from Hurryhill says b running our paper for rev- y• What iu the thunder irs run for, anyway? Do n for glory? One good, ctor’s bill would run nx mouths. Ah editor a day for $1, with au cut of $3,000; a. doctor wise and for $2, with an invesment of 3c. for catnip and a pill box that cost 7c. A doctor goes to college few years, gets a diploma and ■fcring of words that the devil him' self can’t pronounce, cultivates a lot of gravity that he palms off for wisdom, gets a box of pills, a cayuse, aud a meat saw, and sticks out his shingle, a fullfledged doc tor. He will then doctor you un til you die , at a stipulated price per visit, aud put them iu just as thick as your pocket will permit. ' Au editor never get9 his educa tion finished; he learns as long as he lives and stud.ies all his life. He eats bran mas h and. liver aud take his pay iu hay and tur nips. If the editor makes a mis take he has to apologize for it, but if the doctor makos a mistake he buries it. If we make one there is a lawsuit, some swearing, and smell of pulphur, but if the doctor make one there is a funeral, cut flowers, and a"*smCll of varnish. If the doctor goes to see another man’s wife*he will charge the man for his visit. If the editor calls on another man’s wife he gets a charge of buckshot. The editor works to keep , frpm, while the doctor works, to keep off, the gout. The editor helps f m6n to live better, and the, doetpr as- There was an ineresting decla matory contest at Hunts opera house Friday evening by the pu pils of the public schools for the benefit of the Winnie Davis mem orial fund. A large audience was present and the occasion was a very enjoyable one. Master Sid ney Smith and Miss Bessie Har rison won the prizes. £he mem orial fund was considerably in creased by the contest. MRS. N. C- MOODY DEAD- 1.00 Free. CENTS works ten minutes - ^sists them ©asy*- P-h® d,oc«rl5: > * -wet S Jt ... - f ’ .«& i : - Mrs. N. C. Moody died at her home in White county near Pleas ant Retreat, Friday last and her reman.s were interred at Dah lonega Saturday. ..She iB survived by one sou,-who is well known in Gainesville. Real Southern Sentiment. The following from the ation of Mr. John Temple Memorial day address in Atlanta is reproduced by New York Evening Post with the statement that perhaps no utterance more completely ses the “real Southern meat” of today: Ladies and gentlemen, *s I into silence with the setting let me salute the colors that round me: First that dear flag of tender memories, scarred and grimed with glory, consecrated in heroic convictions and furled for ever upon an issue never to be reopened. And then, in the spirit of this happy day, let us salnte that other flag that carries all the hope and glory of the present and all the hope and promise of our future, the flag of our conn try, the flag of oar fa thers, and now, please God, our flag for ever. It is the symbol of liberty and progress, and where- ever it streams men must and Bhall see daybreak bursting on the world. Not another flag in his tory has such a mission as that or goes fprtb to carry such tidings upon land and sea. * It is the ban ner of dawn, the flag of. morning, the emblem of peace, the symbol of liberty—the unbought, un- sbamed, unconquered, glorious— over all victorious—Star Spangled Flag of the free. As we behold it streaming here—we arp veterans and sons of Veterans—we are American citizens, too—with, one blood pulsing in veins nnclotted by a single' bitter memory—can take it to.ohr hearts and lift it high above our heads, and thank God it waves at last above a re united country, with its white stripe broathing peace, its red stripe pulsing kindred, and the azure radient with stars which speak the providence that makes us—now and for ever—one people —in this greatest republic of the world. ’ . • Volcanic Bruptio-n Destroys 40,- ,, ,, . p OOP,BOOlS. m i, faris, May 9.-:The commander f the Trkn&T ‘©riser Sachet has ' V-:'.<■ C :' x l- \ . •, .-JR Bring this Advertisement to Headquarters and Get $1.00 Worth of Stamps FREE to Start it. „. . Leading Gainesville Merchants!., , „ This is the is tamp. v This is the Stamp Who Will Give Saving Stamps to all Cash Buyers Who Ask for them. One Stamp for Every Ten Cents in the Full Amount of Youi 4 Purchase. * J. B. MATHIS & CO. ~~ Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions. Spot Cash. .One Price to all. THE RED GROCERY, M. B. Shiretzki, Proprietor. Staple and Fancy Groceries. We buy aud sell Produce. R. D. MITCHELL & SON. : Wholesalers aud Retailers Beef, Mutton, Pork aud Sausage. W. A. WILSON & CO. Manufacturers aud Daelers Harness, Collars, Leather Goods. Repair ing done on short notice. , ALEXANDER & THOMAS. TK ~—1„_ an< j g U ppii fts> Bicycles for rent. Repairing a specialty. 1 ^■—■—i—■—^^—— * ® DR, R. P. SORRELLS, Physician and Druggist. Drugs, Paints, Brushes and Toilet articles of all kinds. Water and Ice Cream Parlor attachment. Grocers. JOHNSON BROS. Country Produce. C. WHITE, Photographer. Copying and Enlarging. W. H. SUMMER, i ? v! ; ng Jeweler and Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and ing Novelties. Fine Watch Repairing and manu facturer, of Solid Gold Jewelry. cordially invited to see the Beautiful Articles FREE to Collec- Saving Stamps at our Display Parlors, where all Stamps will j THE AMERICAN SAVING STAMP CO- Headquarters at w. H. Summer’s Jewelry Store, GAINESVII.I.E, GA. telegraphed to the minister of er marine, M. De Lanessan, from Fort DeFrance, Island of Martin ique, under date of Thursday, May, 8.' at 10 p. m. v , as follows: - “Have just returned from St. Pierre, which has been completely destroyed by an immense mass of fire, which fell • on the town at about 8 in the morning. The en tire population (about 40,000 souls) is supposed to have perished. I haVe brought back the few sur vivors, about 80. All the ship ping ;u the harbor has been , de stroyed by fire. The eruption continues.” The quavering voice, of an aged Christian mother makes sweeter music to angle, ears than the note of the finest pipe organ ever erected, Soldier nicknames are usually both pointed and /jus^ Butcher Smith, of the Philipine army, is known asHell Roaring Jake.”- This is very appropriate both as to what he is now and as to wbat he will do hereafter.-Exi . ' • • ■:v- , - f. y* .. ; ; '• H. Clay Evans willjgo as consul to London:’ Fraudfclwf applicants for pensions are. noiy safe,’and Re former Rossevelt probably imagi nes himseif.yin^icated.'^As a re former the President of the United States is a ^ humbing.-Spareta Washington’s bank account. But he is putting the devil of an impossible longing into the beads of hundreds of dissatisfied^negros. None is so blind as he who will not see.-Ex. King Edward will distribute 40,000 medals during the corona tion exercises. This ought, to make King Edward medals al most as common as Harvard honorary degrees. V • $ There are 420,000 pension claims pending before the Pension Department, and now that Com missioner Evans has been got out ot the way every one of these claimants think he has a “good thing.” JUST ARRIVED. See Them. COSMOS PICTURES. CARBON . .. _■ V> > f' y- i v . This is the most beautiful lin< we have ever shown. , You are invited to see pur pret ty things, v. '*f : . ^ .. ^ ■ ’V** 4 New Moulding%-JFrar6e s