Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, May 28, 1902, Image 6

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! 144am ! 210am J 409 a m J 456am 5 845am ! 10 03 a m ! 12 27 p m I 315 p m For a Spring 1 Tonic and Blood Puri- THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY MAY 28, 1902 Little Candler Smith entertained his friends at a birthday party at the home of^his parents, Mr. and "Mrs. W. 35. Smith, Monday afternoon. Candler was five years old and he in vited about forty little friends to cel ebrate the day with him. Pleasant games were played and delicious re freshments were served. The little fellow had many nice presents given him by his playmates. Warm spring days produce a feeling of drowsiness if the body is loaded with the impurities of winter diet Cleanse the blood, liver and bowels with Prickly Ash Bitters. It creates energy and cheerfulness. DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. Jack Cfreenway Drowned. Jack Greenway, a son of Mr. A. J. Greenway of this county, was drowned near Birmingham, Ala., Sunday and his remains were brought here and in terred at Timber Ridge church Tues day at 3 o’clock p. m. The young man was 22 years of age, and the many friends of the (family sympathize with them in his untimely death. fier try our compound extract of Sarsa parilla. Robertson & Law. Communicated. Col. R. T. Nesbitt. Formerly Taught Here. The Americus Times-Recorder in its issue of the 24th. inst., endorses Hon. Emerson H. George, of Morgan coun ty, as follows: “Hon. Emerson H. George, of Madison, is making a splendid race for the speakership of the next house of representatives. He is one of the strongest young Dem ocrats of Georgia.” Mr. George formerly taught here, as a member of the Gainesville college faculty, and has numerous friends in the city who hope to see him lionored with the speakership. Special inducements and large assortments of* flower seeds at Dixon’s Law’8 Liver Invigorator cures Dys pepsia, Indigestion, and all Liver com plaints. Robertson & Law. “What’s in a name?” The word “hitters”- does not always indicate something harsh and disagreeable. Prickly Ash Bitters is proof of this. It cleanses, strengthens and regulates the System thoroughly, yet it is so pleasant the most delicate stomach will not object to it. DR. E. E. DIX ON & CO. Messrs R. B. Hardie and W. R Singleton had a difficulty over some ehiekens Monday afternoon and sev eral blows passed between them, and Singleton was knocked, or fell to the ground. The gentlemen, who are in the produce business, failed to knock the price of chickens down while they were at it. Mr. Hardie was fined $1 and costs by the Mayor. Mr. B. D. Langford will put the car penter’s at work on the Candler place next week. He will remodel the residence in "such a way as to make of it: one of the most elegant homes in the city. He has rented the place where he now lives to Rev. W. L. Pierce, who will take possession of it July 1st. Says He Was Tortured. “I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk,” writes H. Robin son, Hillsborough, Ill., “but Buck- len’s Arnica Salve completely cured them.” Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by M. C. Brown.* 25c. Total Registration Is 3431. The registration books closed Mon day night with 3421 names. A few ne- gros will have to be taken off, but when the list is purged of all who are not qualified to vote there will be at least 3200 who will be entitled, to par ticipate in the state primary on June 5th. This is the biggest registration in the history of this county. State op Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &.Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day or Decem ber. A. D. 1886. r . ) A. W. GLEASON, | seal j- Notary Public. Hall’s Catarah Cure is taken internally add acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, O From Marrietta Journal: The report circulated by the Dahlon- ega Signal that Col. R. T. Nesbitt would, not carry his own county, Cobb* is far from the fact.. If what we gather is true, Col. Nesbitt will carry the county by a very large majority.. Why shouldn’t he do so? Why shouldn’t his home people and neighbors give him their support? He is an upright Chris tian gentleman, pays his highly educated and worthy of the position to which he aspires. Having filled public offices, it is natural that he should have made some enemies. What man hasn't-made enemies? What lawyer, preacher, doctor, editor, farmer or merchant but what has made enemies some way? This is unavoidable, and Col. Nesbitt expected to find ene mies fighting him, but he has friends, too, who will stand by him and give him such a .safe majority in Cobb coun ty as will be worthy of appreciation. Cobb county shopld not go back on this worthy son, and will not. Col. Nesbitt, if elected, will fill the office of Agri culture Commissioner wisely and well and to the best interests of the people. For the Signal to misrepr esent the situation in Cobb is not right. Claret lemonades, Champagne mist, Champagne soda* Chocolate and cream soda, Pepsinola, Milk shakes, Phosphates of all kinds, „ Soda of all flavors, Coca cola, and anv other drinks, all as cold as ice, served as they should he at Will Summer JB’s.-Dpen day and night. . Right Was Her Tenor T would congh nearly all nW, Writes Mrs. Chas Applegate^ ' andria, Ind., ”and conld harm ^ any sleep. I had consumption I that if I walked a block T wonJ° N frightfully and spit blood all other medicines failed th botttles of Dr. King’s New wholly cured and I gained 58 It’s absolutely gaarnanteed ^ Coughs,. Colds, La Grippe, BrnlSi and all Throat and Lung Trouble?? 50c and 61.00. Trial bottle M. C. Brown’s dmo- bottles -store. Wants to Help Others* “I had stomach trouble all my life, says Edw. Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., “and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment’s peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia | Cure and have been taking I and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hope that I may help other sufferers” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles, You don’t have to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat. Robertson & Law. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Tax Notice—Last Round. Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys For billiousness, constipation and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50 cents and $1,00 a bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Working 24 Honrs a Day. There’s no rest for those tireless tie workers—Dr. King’s New LifeP?j'* l Millions are always busy, curing %\ pid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, F 6T J atid Ague. They banish Sick’ 1W ache, drive out Malaria. Never gnped weaken. Small, taste nice, workwoJ ders. Try them. 25cat M. C. Brow;; I money Loaned On Farms, We make loans on improved fan*! m Hall, and the surrounding- county] on ten years time, with the privilege sI making payments on the principal snd at any time. For further informal) apply to R. P. Lattneb, Room 4. State Bank Building, G&ing.j ville, Ga. I will be at the places mentioned be low, at the time specified, for the pur pose of taking state and county tax returns for the year 1902: Impurities in the blood produced by digestive disorders must be driven put before hot weather sets in, otherwise sickness will appear at a time when a strong vigorous body is most needed. Prickly Ash Bitters will expel all im purities ana put the system in perfect order. DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. Gainesville May 10 to 24 Wilsons i« 26, 9 to 11 a. m, Oakwdod (< 26, at noon. Flowery Branch < t 26, 4p. m. Roberts * .1 i 27, 9 to 11 a. m. Friendship ti 27, 3 to 5 p. m. Clinchem it 28, 10 a. m. Morgans r it 28, 3 p. m" Mose Tanner’s (i 28, at night. Candler 29, 10 a. m. M. M. Reed’s it 29, at night. Jas. D. Blackstock S “ 30, 10 a. m. Rube Whaley’s it 30, • at noon 1 Gills ville- (to wn) rt 30, 4 p. m. Gillsville(court gr’n d) “ 31, 10 a. m. Tadmore 44 31, 4 p. m. Glade June 21 at noon. Lula 44 2, 3 p. m. Bell ton 44 2, 4 p. m. Polksville 44 3, 11 d. m. Quillians 44 3, 5 p. m . Big Hickory 44 4, 10 a. m. Bark Camp 44 4. 4 p. m. Fork 44 5, 9 a, m. Whelchels 44 6, TO a. m. Gainesville 44 9, to 21 GRATITUDE, never had I have at Dr. H. Mozley—Dear Sir: Since using your Lemon Elixir I have another attack of those fearful sick headaches, and thank God that last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. MRS. ETTA W. JONES. Parkersburg, West Virginia. Important To Cotton Ginners. Investigate the most complete and efficient ginning system on the market. The Murray Cleaning Feeder—the best feeder in the world. Plain Gins, Hul- ler Gins, Feeders, Condensers, Single and double Box Presses, Pneumatic Cot ton Elevators, Cyclone lint flues, etc. BETTER PRICE FOR COTTON. Demands l-2c Pound More. F. H. Lummus Sons Co., Columbus, Ga. BOSTWICK, Ga., Feb. 31, 1902. Gentlemen—I wish to express my entire satisfaction with the three 70 saw Battery Gin Outfit, the Cleaning Feeders and Pneumatic Elevator, Double Box Steam Cylendir Press—in fact everything complete. * Everything works as nice and as smooth as can be; the workmanship and material are unsurpassed* COTTON GINNED ON YOUR SYSTEM COMMANDS FROM l-8th TO 1-2 CENT MORE PER POUND THAN WHERE GINNED ON OTHERS. The “Lummus” System is death to competitors in this section, and wins all customers who give it a trial. I have gained custom from a distance this season, growing out of the efficiency- qf your ginning system. In quality of work, of good sample, Clean ing seed and quick work, I would recommend your machinery to all parties thinking of installing a plant for ginning cotton. Yours truly. . (Signed) R. R. Jones. Obtain our estimates and particulars before purchasing. - ‘ A L-CiMirt 8 . Thaw® dmiEhuySMs ^SAL im Between New Tort, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond, Jttati, New Orleans and Points North, Eat, South and West IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th., 1801. SOUTHWARD Dail Lv New York, P R R Lv Philadelphia, P R R Lv Baltimore, P R R Lv Washington, P R R Lv Richmond. S A L R Lv Petetersbmg, “ Lv Norlina “ Lv Henderson ** Lv Raleigh ** Lv Southern Pines “ Lv Hamlet ** John W. Cox, Tax Receiver. F. H. Lummus Sous Go. Columbus Ga. Lv New York, NYP&N Lv Philadelphia “ Lv New York, O D S S C Lv Baltimore, BSP Co Lv Wash’ton, N & W S B Lv Portsmouth, S A L Ry Lv Weldon “ Lv Norlina “ Lv Henderson “ Lv Raleigl\ “ . Lv Southern Pines “ Lv Hamlet “ Lv Wilmington “ Ar Charlotte “ Lv Chester •* Lv Greenwood i* Lv Athens “ Ar Atlanta % “ Ar Augusta, C & W C Ar Macon, C of Ga Ar Montg’m’ry A & W P Ar Mobile, L & N Ar New Orleans, L & N Ar Nashville N C & St L Ar Memphis iy No 31 12 55 p m 3 29 pm 545 pm 655 p m 1040 pm 1131 pm 205 am 230 am 346 am 537 am 630 am No 403 f7 55 a m 10 20 am f3 00 pm - 900 p m 1133 p m 1255 a m 120 a m 302 a m 518 a m 6 45 a m 9 51 am .1008 am 12 07 p m 2 19 p m 3 35 p m 5 10 pm 7 20 p m 9 20 p m 2 55 a m 7 30 am 5 35 a m 4 00 p m Daily No 27 12 10 am 350 am 622 am 835 am 1223 pm 110 pm 330 pm 3 55 pm 500 pm 657 pm 810 pm No 41 855 pm 1126 pm f630pm 630 pm 1005 am 12 36 pm 2 10 pm ’l 45 pm 427 pm 6 43 pm 805 pm 330pm 1045 pm 1120 pm 132 am 408 am 530 am 1110 am 1100 am 4 12 pm 8 30 pm 655 pm 810 am NORTHWARD { Daily No 402 1 00 p m 10 55 p m 7 45 p m 12 20 a m 6 20am 800am a glass Dispensed at following Soda Ms in & Go Will Summer Jr., Cinciolo Bros, Robertson k Lv Memphis, N C <51 St L{ Lv Nashville, { Lv New Orleans, L & N f Lv Mobile, L & N Lv Montgom’ry A & W P! Lv Macon, C of Ga { Lv Augusta, C & W C j Lv Atlanta. {SAL Ry ! Ar Athens, •* j Ar Greenwood “ Ar Chester, “ ; Lv Charlotte* “ Lv Wilmington, “ j Lv Hamlet, “ Lv So’them Pines, ** Lv Raleigh, ** Ar Henderson* ** Lv Norlina, S A L Ry * Lv Weldon, •« Ar Portsmouth, ** j Ar Wash’ton, N & W S R{ Ar Baltimore, BSP Co J Ar New York, ODSSCoi Dai No 3 845pm 930am 130 pm 420 pm 940a m 1200 n’n 2 48pm 450 p m 643pm 630 d m 330pm 950pm 1055 p m 1 00 a m 227 am 310 am 420a m 700am Ar Phila’phia,N Y P & N; f5 46pm Ar New York, *• { 840pm No 44 . 940pm . i 10 32 pm ! ! 12 98 a tn ! 800 pm 1123 pm 204 am 4 25am 500 am 810 am 908 am 11 30 am 100 pm 200 pm 310 pm 5 50 pm 655 am f645am fl30 pm 510 am 8 00 am No 66 920 am 10 09 am 1207 pm 127 pm 215 pm 443 pm 535 pm lllliitlSi