Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, July 23, 1902, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY JULY 1'HE GAINESVILLE NEWS The Other Wouldn't Care. Maurice Barrymore, the actor, ouee journeyed from a hunting camp where he was a guest to a small Maine town for the purpose of seeing “Hamlet” acted by a company of barnstormers, says the Philadelphia Times. The perform ance was to be fascinating; and Barrymore and his friends remain ed until the very • end. As they made their way to the village ho tel, one ot the kind managed to ex ist. “Don’t know, ” said Barrymore: “but they serve an educational purpose,,** < * “They do? How?’* lt Well, if I had the time and money, :I*m sure I could decide the Shakespear-Bacon controversy after seeing to-night’s perform ance/’ “Why, Barry, what was there to night to make you think so?” “My dear fellow, if the bodies of Shakespear and Bacon were disin terred, you’d find that the real au thor ‘Hamlet’ had turned in his grave.” And now comes Samuel Spencer, chief mogul of the great Southern, and gives the new depot scheme for Atlanta a sever biff on the solar plexus. Between Joe Hill Hall and the aforesaid Spencer Atlanta wis hes for something new in the line of a carshed * are having a rocky time.—News Herald. Man. Man that is born of woman is of few days and full of microbes. Sorrow and headache follow him all the days of his life. ? He hoppeth from his bed in the morning and his foot is pierced by the tack of disappointment. He sitteth himself down to rest at noonday and is lacerated in his nether anatomy by the pin of dis aster. He walketh through the streets of the city in the pride and glory of his manhood, and slippeth on the banana peel of misfortune and unjointeth his neck. He is stung by the mosquitoes of annoyance by day and his frame is gnawed by the bed bugs of af fliction by night. What is a man but the blind worm of fate?* INDUSTRIAL LEMON ELIXIR Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidne For billiousness, constipation and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir 50 cents and §1,00 a bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Pa Had His Say. ,A young woman who prevailed on her parents to send her to one of the fashionable seminaries 'un derwent a social evolution inside of a year that made the old folks wonder just where they were at, says the Philadelphia Times. Her .letters grew less affectionate and more affected with the passing of the months ; she mapped out and carried into effect an itinerary for her vacation of last- summer that gave her exactly seven nights at home in more than thirteen weeks; her clothes for the period cost her father nearly $600; and her moth er found herself principally en gaged in keeping track of the blooming scholar’s gowns. When she returned to the seminary in September there waB no improve ment from the parents’ viewpoint. She graduated, however, with some honors, and bounced home a few week ago to inform her fa ther that she now was ready to un dertake a special coarse “psychol ogy, sociology, bib ” The old man stopped her right there, and said: “Now, see hero, girl, we’ve put up with this sort of thing nigh on to two years, and we’ve had enough. I’ve no doubt you’ve done yourself proud after a fash ion ; but mother and me has con cluded that you’ll stop at home, let her have a bit of rest, and that you’ll take up ! roastology, boilol- ogy, stitchology, .darnology, wash- ology, and general domesticology- and you’d best begin tomorrow, girl, by gettin’ breakfast ready for dad/’ A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, an,d am now a well man. REV. C. C. DAVIS, No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. Elder M. E. Church. South. Important To Cotton Ginners, seeing that his days are numbered by the cycles of pain and his years by seasons of mourning. In his infancy he ru&neth over with worms and colic, and in his old age he groaneth with rheuma tism and ingrowing toe nails. He marryeth a cross-eyed wo man because her Pa has a bank ac count, and findeth she is ridden wiih hysteria and believeth in witches. He exalted himself among the people and swelleth with pride, but when the votes are counted he finds he was not in it. He trusteth in a man who claimeth to be filled with right eousness and standeth high in the synagogue, and gets done up. For behold his pious friend is full of guile and runneth over with deception. From the cradle to the grave man giyeth his alms to him that smiteth him. His seed jnultiplieth around him and crieth for bread, and it his sons cometh to honor he knoweth it not. What is man but a painful wart on the heel of time?—]A^.gusta Herald. Investigate the most complete and efficient ginning system on the market The Murray Cleaning Feeder—the best feeder in the world. Plain Gins £ , - -- - * £ • Plain Gins, ler Gins, Feeders, condensers, Single and double Box Presses, Pneumatic ton Elevators, Cyclone Jmt tines, etc. Jim Griggs will have to get off that Kansas Cit^ platform if he expect* to give the republicans that knock out blow next fall a- Jbout which be is saying so much in the newspapers.—News Herald. Cuba now claims the Isle of Pines^ but Uncle Bam has hisf eet per manently thereon and will hot get off. Cuba will do better than expected if she is not also swall owed up.—News Herald. Columbus Ga. TO THOSE WHO DESIRE TO BE ALWAYS WELL DRESSED nay be perplexed regarding the means for gratifying that desire at!- sible cost, we suggest our Mail Order Department. YVe fill oufof ers the day the* are received. Money sent with order is prompting y refunded if goods sent do not please, or we send C. O D subiot f ipn; or when satisfactory references are sent w^ send goids on: Write for handsome rllustrated booklets—sent free; ask for nnmbr Mother Always Keeps It Handy. “Mv mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health, due primarily to indigestion,’ says L. W. Spalding, /erana, Mo. “Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy-six, eats anything she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy.” Don’t waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It is nature’s own tonic. Rob ertson & Law. 2— Tuxedo Dinner Jacket. 3— Prince Albert Frock Coat. 4— Riding Clothes. 5— Single Breasted Business Suit. 6— Double-Breasted Sack Suit. 7— Norfolk Suit. 8— Flannel suits. 9— Top Coats. 10— Liveries and Uniforms. 11— Furnishings. 12— Shoes. 13— Suit Cases, hags and Hat boxes, What Do You Know? Here are some questions about things you’ve seen every day and all your life. If you are a won der you may possibly answer/one or two of the queries 5 bff-hau d. Otherwise not. What are the exact words on a 2-eeut stamp, and in which di rection is the face on it turned? In which direction is the face turned on a cent? On a, quarter? On a dime? • - • How many toes has a cat on both fore feet? On each hind foot? Which way does the crescent moon turn? To the right or left? King Edward is about convales cent from the operation perfomed on him for appendicitis and ex pects to be crowned next month.-— News Herald. 15—3-Piece Suit. 15— Norfolk Suit. 16— Boys’ Sailor Suit. 16— Peter Thompson Sailor suit. 17— New Columbia Double Breasted. 17— Double-Breasted Jacket as Pants Sait. 18— -Bovs’ Coatee Suits. 18— Full-Dress Tuxedo. 19— Irvington Suits. 19— Russian Suits. 20— Wash Suits. Acts Immediately, Colds are sometimes, more trouble some in summer than in winter, its so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Ab colutelv safe. Acts immediately. Sure sure for coughs, colds, broup, throat and lung troubles. Robertson & Law. EISEMAN BROS Department A. Atlanta, Georgia. Character is largely formed by companionships. The old proverb, “Show me your company, and I will tell you what you are,” is as true as it ever was. Young people cannot be too careful of their asso ciates, for the, influences of early years last all through life. Many a hopeful, promising life has been ruined by unworthy fellowship; many a most unhappy marriage ha9 been brought in the same way, many a wretched home is the re sult of associations formed thought lessly.—LaGrange Reporter. Green and Gavnor are making a stiff fight to keep out of Judge Speer ’ court on the idea that the case against them has already been judgmented.’’ Sensible men t-hese.—News Herald. The.time a woman begins to wor- py for fear her husbanp might get ill is when he is absolutely sound and well. Washington, D. C. Baltimore, After a man has learned to be managed by his wife be is in a fair way to make a good husband. The price of cotton is as sensitive to the weather as a thermometer Every time it thunder now the price jumps down a point or two. News Herald. - It is reported that President Roo sevelt will appoint General Leon ard Wood to boss th6 construction of the proposed isthmian canal. The rough riders are certainly in the swim under the present admin istration. —News Herald. F, J. Cheney & CO. Props., Tol edo, o. -.j-". plllll YVe the undersigned, have known F. j. Cheney lor the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all | business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made ; by their firm. j West & Truax, Wholesale Drug- , gists, Toledo, O. j Walding, Kinnah & Makvix. Whole- } sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood, and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 70c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s family Pills are the best. Bryan followed his defeat by star ting a newspaper for the ventila tion of his views, and now comes ex-candidate Guerry with the Geor gian for a like purpose. Verily when these politicians hit the down grade there no telling what they News Herald. will come to ■ Pierporit Morgan having gobbled up about all that is worth having on this side of the sphere is now trying to get a first mortgage on the Turksh Empire with a view to an earlv foreclosure.—News Herald. It takes a whole lot of will power to love a woman enough to thank her for calling you half an hour early m the morning so you will have time to stop in on your way down town and match some silk for her. There are three ways to win a wo man’s affections; one is to keep telling her how mteh you love her and the oth er two is to keep telling her how nice she looks.