Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, July 30, 1902, Image 1

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GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 80, 1902 the city of Gainesville and make report on same. The clerk was instructed to ask Dr. K. A. Smith, city physician, to be present at the next regular meeting of the council. No further business, on motion council adjourned. P. N. Pabkek, Mayor. J. Blalock, Clerk. HALL COUNTY BOY WRITES EROM INDIAN TERRITORY. Mr. N. H. Smith of the Pork district, received a few days ago a letter from his son, George, who is living at Chelsea, Indian Terri tory* from which the following ex tract is taken relative to the crops out there: We had 3 weeks rain the last of May^and the first of June didn’t plough but three or four days in three weeks, and the weeds didn’t fool us about growmg. We have had rain every week since then until this week-—had a fine rain last Sunday, Corn sure looks fine. If the seasons hold on I will make 1500 bushels of corn. Cotton is doing very well. Melons are not doing much, the bugs worked on them so long. The wheat crop is pretty fair, oats are fine. We fin ished cutting ours this week and 'V ‘ • - ? • • will stack them next week. I think they will go forty bushels to the acre. We will have the most of them thrashed. Wa have the best garden we have had since we have been keeping house. We had beans and potatoes till we got tired of them, and have been having cabbage, cucumbers and beets, and will have roasting ears in a few days, and tomatoes also. Our sweet potato patch is as fine as I ever saw. I laid them by Satur day. The first setting grew so fast I didn’t get to plow them but onetime. Section 5. The erection of said poles, stringing of wires and the restoration of the streets shall be at all times sub ject to the supervision of the committee on streets and bridges of said city of Gainesville, Ga. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of streets to thoroughly and carefully inspect all said poles erected by said Postal Telegraph-Cable Com pany and if any of said poles shall be found defective or dangerous from anv cause he shall notify the said company, which shall, without delay, so repair, reset or replace such pole as to make it safe. Section 7. The city of Gainesville, Ga , reserves the right at its own ex standing that the city pay for the stenographic w’ork. No further business on motion council adjourned. P. N. Parker, Mayor. J. Blalock, Clerk. CURED. In Honor ofMisses Willis and Mur phy. Miss Nannie Mae Shipp enter tained in a most delightful man ner on last Thursday evening at a garden party, in compliment to her guests, Miss Willis of Hawkins- vi>le, and Miss Murphey of Barnes- ville. Miss Shipp’s attractive home was made even more so by dozens of brilliant-hued Japanese lanterns, and delicious refresh ments were served. The feature of the evening was a Literary Con test, in which quite a number were successful, but only Dr. Logan and Miss Lewis were lucky enough to win the prizes. Those present were Misses Leila and Susie Banks, Eula Hosch, McGinnis, Mabel and Laura Thompson, Misses Minnie and Fanny Dunlap, Hynds, Marie f and Lucile Montgomery, Lewis, Mur phy, Sorrells, Lottie and Lillie Smith, Shelly, Dorsey, Pillow, Henderson, Hemphill of Atlanta, Shipp, and Mieses Willis of Hawk- insville and Murphey of Barnes- ville; Messrs. Dunlap, Pillow, Bergstrom, Logan. Rudolph, Wil son, Gailard, Thomas, Smith, Thompson, Parks, Hynds, Cand ler, Lewis, McDermed, Dodgen, White, Frierson, Ogburu, Banks, Dorsey and Soodhart. Council Chamber, July 10, 1902. Council met in regular sesdson. Mayor Parker presiding. J. M. Hubbard, C. C. Staton, T. V. Eberhart, J. L. Williams and L. D. Puckett present'. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Appeal case of Robert Norris tried, and the judgment of the mayor as to the guilt of the de fendant sustained. The fine was reduced from $5.00 and cost to $1.00 and cost of prosecution. CLERKS report FOR JUNE, 1902. To bal. on band May report, & 18.24 - ” amt. collected from Ad. tx., 6.40 ” ” ” *'* Street ” 298.5C x ” ” ” ” license ” 108.50 ” ” ” ” water rent, 308.38 ” ” ” ” sundry rets. 1.50 ” ” ” ” fines 176.75 ” ” ” ’’cemetery rets. 115.00 ” ” ” ” grave ” 10.50 ” ” ” ” dog tax, ” ~ 17.00 ” bills payable, 2273.81 State Banking Co., interest due at Western Natl. Bank New York, July 1, 1902. $3,334.58 Cr. By amt. pd city Tr. 3,189.95 ” cash on hand 144.63 $3,334.58 MARSHAL’S REPORT FOR JUNE, 1902. No. cases made, 63. Fines worked out on streets, 3. Amount fines collected, $176.75. The following ordinance read first time, the rules were suspend ed . and after .second reading passed: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO. THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN ITS TELEGRAPH LINES ALONG CERTAIN STREETS IN GAINESVILLE, GA., WITH RES OLUTIONS IN RELATION THERETO. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Gainesville, Ga. Section 1. That the right be and the same is hereby granted to the Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, its success ors and assigns, to set poles, string wires and operate and maitain lines of telegraph including all poles, and guys, cables, wires and fixtures thereon, along and over certain streets of this city sm follows, to wit: as selected hereafter by said company with the consent and approval of the mayor and council of this city^**" Section 2. The poles so to he erected by said company shall be of cypress or cedar, and as far as possible be of uni form size style and height, neat, and symetrical, properly dressed and firmly set in the ground, Section 3. The said poles shall, as far as practicable, be erected on the same side of the street, adjacent to and MR8. FRANCES MATOON. u !3 .Frances Matoon, Treasurer of the ' Order of Good - • rg writes from 12 Sixth Street* iinnsipolis, Minn.) as follows. ICimeapolis Independent Cemplars \. ••Last winter I had considerable trouble ffitb my kidneys brought on ifteraberd cold which I had neglected. foeo/my lodge friends who called when was ill tola me of a wonderful medicine illedPertma. I had no faith in it, but iy husband purchased me a bottle, and stedmetotry it. It brought me most atisfactory results. I used three bottles lefore I was completely cured, but I are had good cause to be grateful, for lot only did my kidney trouble dis- ppear, but my general health improved nd I have been in good health ever line,e, I would not he without ft for ten [mes its cost .’’-PRANCES MATOON. Section 9. Any person or person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction there of pay a fine of not less than 5.00 or more than $25.00. Section 10. The said Postal Tele graph Cable Company shall in every and all things done by it well and truly comply with all the terms, conditions and restrictions of this and all other legal ordinances of said city of Gaines ville, Ga., so far as same are consistent with law. Section 11. The said Postal Tele graph-Cable Company shall pay the reasonable cost of the printing and publication of this ordinance. Section 12. The acceptance in writ ing of this ordinance, duly executed by the proper officers of the said Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, and with the corporate seal of said company thereto duly affixed and attested, shall be filed with the clerk of said city of Gainesville, • Ga., prior to.‘the com mencement of the construction of said line, and said acceptance shall he at tached to this ordinance and recorded in the books in which the: ordinances of the said city are recorded. Section‘13. This ordinance shall be v in force from and after the date of its passage arid filing in the office/of the clerk of said city of Gainesville, Ga., by said company, of its written ac ceptance hereof. The following accounts, ap proved by finance committee, were read a second time and ordered paid: Lathem Son, $2-00; T. V. Eberhart, 8.75 ; J. B. Gaston, 8.60; B. H. Merck & Co, $1,00. The following accounts were read first, time and on motion re ferred to the finance committee: S. W. Davidson, $47.49; Queen City Planing Mills, $56.32; W. E. Soule, 1.60 ; The Gainesville News, $10.60; W. R. Mosi?, 45.28 r ; W. J. & E. C. Palmour, 34.55; Smith- ThomasC^, 26.83;E. E. Dixon & Co,, 1.35; Whisenant & Evans, 6.60; B.. H. Parks, dieting acct., 2d quarter, 88.80. H. H. Dean, city attorney, was instructed to begin the work of preparing a new charter for the city of Gainesville with the under emedy she made a quick recovery. Peiunacures catarrh wherever located. jPenmais a specific for the catarrhal Smsgements of women. Address The ’errnia Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, fffree book on catarrh written by Dr. .B. Hartman, YOUNGER SET ENTERTAINED. Quite an enjoyable time was had last Thursday evening by a party of young people who enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Lillian Palmour at her home on Washings ton street. The party was given by Miss Palmour complimentary to Miss Ruth Burt of Atlanta. Refreshments were served and the occasion was one of the pleasant* est the younger set have enjoyed this season. wuncil Chamber, June 26, 1902, Council met in regular session, %or Parker presiding. J. M. toward, C. C. Staton, T. V. '^ihart, J. L. Williams, S. C. ^lap and L. D. Puckett present. Elites of last meeting read and )D firmed. Petition of the Postal Telegraph | Dle Co, asking Mayor and Coun- *° grant it the privilege to ■^struct and maintain its line, t poles and string wires over * tain streets in the city of ^'Desville, subject to the approv- ‘ the committee on streets, ana on motion referred to the : attorney. following accounts, ap- °t e d by the finance committee, read a second time and or- . P a ^ : E. E. Kimbrough, . ’ ^ - J. & E. C. Palmour, )} ~ 0; Gainesville Eagle, 14.15; ■ “^edwine Jr., 31.00; A. A. 10 -50; Andoe & Bell, 1.13; ^ Wilgi Tested Fruit and Ornamental Trees for the South. We offer the leading varieties of^ Ap ples, Peaches, Pears, Japan Plums, and small Fruits for both Home and Market Orchards. Pecans, Evergreens and. Shrubbery. Every plant guaranteed true to name. No substitution. Write for prices on what you-want and secure your trees early. Corres pondence relative to fruit growing cheerfully answered. SOUTHERN STATES NURSERY, Ingleside, Ga. Changed Residences. Mr. J. A, Lyle has moved flpm his place on Spring street to the one which adjoins it, and to which he will add some improvements. Mr. J. B. Lipscomb has moved into the house left vacant by Mr. Lyle. It was supposed to be on pccount of the unsanitary condi tion of the place on Athens street, from which Mr. Lipscomb moved, that typhoid fever entered his family, and as a sad result we have had to chronicle the death of two of its members. Now that those conditions have been left be hind, we confidently hope the two members of his family who are down with the fever, will speedily be restored to health. * SPECIAL - I NDU ClMENTS THE NEW BOOKS , —See Them— ALL THE NEW THINGS IN Picture Frames THE NEW FADS IN PICTURES - ~ v.„., 8 75; Pal- ware Co., 2.58; E.E. , 1.05; Bagwell & Buf- 3; W-E. Soule, 1.20. >wing accounts were he and on motion re- ance committee: La- Son, 2.00; T. V. Eberhart, ’/* B. Gaston, 8.60; B. H. I ^ Co., 1.00. ^mau L. D. Puckett was lotl zed to confer with city at- ^ Dean, in the matter ln S up a new charter for Good Nursery Run By Good Men. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the Southern States Nursery of Ingleside, Ga., which appears else where in this issue. Mr. W. L. Henley is proprietor, and Mr. I. D. Hudgins is manager, of this nursery, both of whom are former citizens of Hall coun ty and favorably known. They sell only the best fruit trees, and what you buy from them can be relied on. o Send them an order for what fruit trees yon need. —See Display— SECOND FLOOR