Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, September 03, 1902, Image 4

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY .SEPTEMBER 8, 1902 All that remained of bank notes to the value of $240 which had been devoured by a goat have been presented to the National “Bank of Belgium and duly cashed. Besides the skylark a number of other birds sing as they fly.' A- mong these are; the titlark, wood lark, water pepet, sedge warbler, willow warbler FOR HARNESS ment is just what you at once, and you will be astonished to see bow quickly it heaksoSr* INDUSTRIAL Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. DietiDg unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. G. DeWitt&Co. # Chicago^ The $1. bottle contains times the 50c.slzet Short, Sharp Shocks* The Missouri papers are telling this story of Mark Twain’s recent visit to the state: A big crowd gathered at a railway station to meet him. A little boy knew that somebody was coming, but he did not know Mark: Twain from BGSBie Francis. This kid perched him self on top of a freight car, where be could see what ‘happened. The train rolled in, and as Mark step ped off the people became excited and shouted: “Here he is! Here he is!” The kid on the box car thought a great criminal had been caught and shouted: “Git a rope! Git a rope!” Dr. Clemens laugh ed till the tears ran out of his eyes. whin cat. The first stamped envelopes were issued in 1853-of the two denom inations of 3 and 6 cents, and it was not until two years later that the 10 cent envelope was added. We would again repeat that the negro is not the only fellow who sells his vote in Georgia. Many whites do the same thing and no thing is said about it.—Exchange. |Th e Dawson News says: “An At lanta millionaire is a candidate for alderman. When they’re through pulling bis leg he will wish he hadn’t been. It’s this way: You can bum yourself with Fire, with Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Water, but there is only one proper way to cure a bum or scald and that is by using Mexican Mustang Liniment. It gives immediate relief. Get a piece of soft old linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind loosely npon the wound. You can have no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a bum until you have tried it. CALLING UPON A FRIEND, The Way In WiiicU Two English Ac tors Once Paid a Visit. Here is an amusing story of Messrs. Toole and Brough, the English comedi ans. Having appeared conjointly in a drama, “Dearer Than Life,” in which Taking a Cneerful View. “There’s one thing about the king’s recovery that encourages me,” said the man who "was being taken to the hospital. “But his trouble wasn’t anything like yours,” replied' the nurse. “I know it. Still he was worked over by five or six doctors.”—Chica go Record-Herald* The shortest sermon on record was preached at Atlantic, Mich., on a recent Sunday. The pastor bad been requested to make his discourse bn-f on account of hot weather, so he announced as his text Luke xvi :24, “And he cried and said, Father AbraHam, have mercy on me, -and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his fin ger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame.” The sermon was as follows: “ Three persons—Abraham, Dives, Lazarus. It was hot where Dives was. He wanted to get out. So do we. Lei us pray.” photographed m their rags. While 'waiting “between the plates” Toole, who was fond of a lark, suggested to his brother comedian to sally out and call upon a certain mutual acquaint ance, who would be horribly shocked at receiving visitors in such a garb. Brough at once assented, and, popping on tlieir battered hats, out into the street the pair slipped and made for the house of their friend. Of course the neat housemaid and tha ^eater Buttons were horrified gfiid declined even without being asked to purchase matches or the like. “I axes your pardon,” said Toole in an assumed tone. “You’re making a slight mistake. We want to see your master.”. And he mentioned the gen tleman’s Christian name and that of his wife. “We have important business with him,” chimed in Brough. The girl’s face wore a dazed aspect, and she said: “Master nevor sees the likes of you at* his house. He’s most pertickler, ain’t he, Charles?” appeal ing tothepage. “You must be making a mistake.” “Oh, no, we ain’t!” responded Toole with supreme gravity. “But I’m sor ry William”—the Christian name of the gentleman—“is out. I haven’t got a card about me,” pretending*to fum ble among his rags, “but tell your mas ter that liis two cousins from the work- house called as they were passing London Tit-Bits. The Way Now. “Do you think she is going to marry Lord De Broke ?” “Very likely. I understand that the expert accountant who has been going over her father’s books ha3 reported very favorably to his lord- ship.”—Boston Herald. A PnUfJ TIP If you have a bird afflicted with Roup or ivilL ■ other poultry disease use Mexican Must Liniment. It is called a S7J ndaed remedy by poultry breeders, Old Proverb Applied. “I hear you call that runaway auto of yours Circumstances. Hdw did you happen to give it such a queer name?” “Because it’s something ovei which I have no control.”—New York World. On the west'side of Mount Etna there are several villages in the midst of former lava streams and with all the houses built of lava. PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. Delegates Appointed. Atlanta, Ga. Aug.80.—(Special) Governor Candler today appoin ted the following delegates to the Farmers’National congress, which meets m Macon October 7th. to 11th: From the atate as large— Hon, G. M. Ryals, Savannah; The ancient belief that dreams were an important element in the diagnosis of disease has been re vived of late by French physicians. Bad Boy. Teacher—Why did you do that? The mos=t perfect Ife* distilled. Betfetaj ■ Hi the other follows B|$5. Wc are distiller;,d || makes a big ditterrxd || shipments in plaiiifel money back II 5 bottles. $3.45, exper^ 10 bottles. 6.55. exprs-:] 12 battles. 7.50. exp-fsil IF ' IS bottles. 9 7?, ^wssjj A sample h.iir piai&fi PTess prepaid for 50 c 3nts in post agesfcsj AMERICAN SUPPLY CO . DfS 663 Main St., - - >Ier;phK>j ' Pupil—Oh, just for fun. Teacher—But didn’t you know it was against the rules ? Pupil—Sure; that’s where the fun of it came in.<—Philadelphia Preso. Wticre and How Pansies Grow Best, Give pansiesj if possible, a place where they will be sheltered from the hot afternoon sun. Cut off the old flowers as they fade and keep the ground mellow and free from weeds. They will bloom well until the hot days of midsummer. Then their - flowers will be small, and there will /rot be many of them. It is a good plan to cut the old plants back at that time and allow them to v renew themselves for autumn.—La dies’ Home Journal. The mayors are to tneet in Atlan ta on the 14th of October to dis cuss municipal affairs. “His Hon ors” will probably have a good time. There is no reason why they shouldn’t. through London. PENNY POSTAGE The Incident Thdl Led to Its Estab lishment In England. Many years ago, when Queen Vic toria first began to reign, it cost nine- pence to send a letter from one Eng lish city to another. In those days the postage was not paid by the sender of the letter, as is now customary, but by the receiver. So, of course, there were many poor people who could not afford to pay ninepenee when their mail arrived, and, it often happened that they were obliged to forfeit the letters. One day a man named Howland Hill was riding on the outskirts of a city, and he saw a postman bring a letter to a young girl and demand ninepenee for it. The girl took the letter, scru tinized it carefully and then handed it back to the man, saying she could not afford to pay the postage. Thereupon Rowland Hill, being a kind hearted man, rode up and. insisted upon paying it himself. When the postman had gone, the girl confessed to her bene factor that the letter was from her lover, and to avoid paying ninepenee on every letter he made certain marks on the envelope which she alone could decipher. ‘But,” said Rowland Hill, “don’t you know you are doing something very dishonest in thus cheating the government?” The girl admitted she did, but there was no other way to ;do. Hill rode away and meditated over this little incident, and his farfamed idea of “penny postage” was the re sult. At first he was laughed at by every one, but he fought bravely and finally was rewarded by seeing his idea in practice all over the land.—New York Tribune. • . LUHtS WHkfit All tLSE FAILS. r CoiT-zh Syrup. Tastes Good. L* In time %pid fryrirnggists. J next mayor. And he will make a good one as he has always been Darien Gazette. Tested Fruit and Ornamental Trees for the donth. We offer the leading varieties of Ap ples, Peaches, Pears, Japan Plums, and small Fruits for both Home and Market Orchards. Pecans, Evergreens and Shrubbery. Every plant guaranteed true to name. No substitution. Write for prices on what yon want and secure your trees early. Corres pondence relative to. fruit growing true to Atlanta. Ragout of Beef. Few cooks know as good a recipe for ragout of beef as this: Melt and brown thoroughly half an ounce of butter; add an ounce of flour and stir till brown and smooth; pour in slowly half a pint of stock, same quantity of boiled and drained Span ish onions; stir until sauce thickens and add a pound of cold roast beef cut into nice neat slices. Cook slow ly until the beef is heated throtigh; remove slices and arrange on a dish, each overlapping the other; pour sauce over it, garnish with chopped gherkins and decorate with horse radish. Crash Portiere. A unique portiere or panel slide is of heavy, coarse, dark gray crash} in the center of which is painted in tapestry colors a large conventional design of two peacocks on either side of a rosebush, with a back ground of brownish green. The whole is outlined with heavy silk in the prevailing colors. The effect is striking and at a distance bears a resemblance to old tapestry. There are 18,000 more men tha women in Wyoming; which re veals the fact that some of our women might do well to “go West and grow up with the country. ” Within a few weeks Alaska will connected with the states by telegraph, so that a miner who strikes gold can let his family Trains from Atlanta, for to Toccoa, Greenville, Spartsnb Charlotte, Washington and & pass Gainesville: No. 36,1 Mail (daily) 2:28 a. m; (daily) 10:37 a. m; No.;38,lS ted (daily) 2:25 p. m; Express, (daily) 2:45 lb, (except Sunday) 7 :0e l Has Cholly any occupation— does he condescend to work for mopey?” “Oh! yes. He’s courting Miss Milly ons.”-—Detroit Free Press! Trains tic lotte, dtc. for Atlanta, etc., Gainesville: No. 35, FaetJ (daily) 4:29 a. m; No. 17,1* (except Sunday) 7:20a. 39, Expross (daily) 2:45 P* No. 37, Limited, (daily) & m; (daily) 8:28 p.m. Through trains for Waew New York, etc. Connects 8 Lula for Athens, at Tocc “ Elbert on, at Greenville f° T umbia, etc.,| at SpartaDbnJ# Asheville, Columbia, C*** 1 *, etc., and at Atlanta for M North, West and South. ABOVE SEA. Agricultural College = Main Building. Uncle Sam thinks Cuba is a poor loan orphan. That’s why he is so slow about letting her have the money.—Boston Herald. Liverpool boasts' of having one of the best street railroad systems not only in Great Britain, but in Europe. The city owns the system. DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in tlie reacli of all. A.B., B.S., Normal and Business Man’s cot rses. Good laboratories; healthful, iuvig-oratin/cli mate; military discipline; pood moral and religions influences. Cheapest board in the State; abundance of country produce; expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course tor teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of ihe University. A college prepar atory class. Co-ed,ication of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of limited means. Send f-»r catalogue to the President. Jos. S. Sxbwakt, A.M. Malaria! Ever have it? Know all about it? Want to get rid of it? Take Ayer’s ■ Jf . • i -' .Made by Sold by Malaria and Ague Cure. Paris, according to the latest cen sus returns, has a population of 2,650,000 persons, of whom over 1,200,000 are either foreigners or provincial 9.