Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, December 13, 1922, Image 1

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Tk^ funeral of Benjamin P. Dale, **
ox-servioo man and disabled veteran,
who lied Of tuberculosis at 12 o’clock
Monday December 11th,
(tainosvilW High School has a
in basket ball this sea-
E j it is hoped that most '.of, the
. ,. an be wen. The girls won a
v j, ,nry last Friday in' the defeat
latisliooehce High apd will'- ,mqe£
,'ji'ln girls here Thursday night,
H i„.ys must bo content with prae-
^ U;U S mitil January/ 5. The girls
bavc a few more games than the
to the fact that baSkotbiift
, form'of athletics in which
participate.. :>•'
nf „f the best- teams in this soe-
w iU |,i met by the Of. H. S,"tod?n'a
th«' schedules' are as follows:
,s'TEAM. Illlll
citiihm 8, Ghattahdoehe High here;'
Cv-raber 14, Winder here. ' •
mnuy fi , LawrencevUlo here,
unary 12, open; • - •'
juary 20, Piedmont College at Dcm-
*, w# miciiii . i.m H held wt*
der the auapiccsi of the American L®.
?ion, from tho Gaiucavillo Cotton Mill,
•jnorec Sunday evening it was unai.i-
mouhly t(iecidod to endeavor to secure
h Coutity Agent and a Homo Economics
Agent .foil Hall county for the'ensuing
'"cv I V K - c * % accordance therewith coin-
n! ’'Aee was, appointed to.- appear before
the County Commissioners and ask that
body ta make appropriations of a suf
ficient amount to secure agents.
■ In view of the destruction already
wrought in Hall by the. boll weevil, it
was deemed wise to uso every means
to' assist the farmers, in fighting the
peat, it is believed' a splendid Co.uhi.y
Agent, tee well-vorsed in the best meth
ods of fighting the boll weevil,'could be,
(if great help to the farmers in the dis
semination of information and- in .prac
tical illustrations in lighting the weevil.
In addition, crop diversification, mar
keting and other problems require the
tl...t. i »e 11 •_
church, , at 3 P.M., December 12th.
tA Soluchraent of soldiers from J&v-.
ersidb acted as a firing squad.
The band from the Gainesville Mill
ployed the funeral dirge and the mgra-
’•pts of the American Legion acting as
pall-bearers; vft . ‘, ‘A i
The body of Mr. Dale wfis buried on,
i he American Legion lot, which has
been, dedicated by thAcity for tho bur
ial of |oldief dead. '
This lot will bo immediately bcautv
fled by ^hc local Post of the . Americas
Legion ^nd be a great pride to ifc*
town amlv community.
pinfeiuiee of an agreement between
thesfo gentlemen, and clio|jo the. one to
rur., Mr Pilgrim retiris^, and avoiding
■■ i-onfc*<.; , ; A? '•
Miss Fay Clark and Mr. Herbert Hi,.
Gaines were happily married last Ban-
day at the home of the bride’s parents;
Mr. am. Mrs. W. A. Clark, of near
’Flowery Branch, Rev. L. A. Coker, of
The, brido is a lovely .young wamam
who has ahost of friends to wish fan
.y It has been noticed that Chief Lay ’s
bdafdiitg hotiseiin now occupied by.^some
of Gamcsvillo’s most prominent “eul-
January 26, Buford' High here.
Pehniary’ 2, Athens in Athens
jforuurj.9, Washington Seminary in
[ Atlanta. - . „ \ -.
February 16, Now Holland here.
February 23, Athens here,
j&rcli 2, Washington Seminary here,
borfi* TEAM.
Fjwuary 5, Chattahoocho High here.
I Jaarney 13, Wincler in Winder.
I January 19, Athens here., . ' 1
I January 26, Fulton High in Atlam
of Gainesville’s most prominent
tion with tho. business men, hence it,is••ud” citizens. It is said they had, the
to. be urged upon the
tics to provide half tho
lUnty authori- niisfi
lary necessary m0,,<
to secure a good County Agent. A S aittl
Homo Economics Agent is likewiso W® c
deemed- essential to help in Canning •
Club work and other , methods, among
Uio women and schools of the county..
It is confidently bellovod the : G0m~ v i-^
missioneva will do their part in making flayt
provision for, the carrying pn pf this .'5|S
work in Hall county. \ J a b 1
* * * * died
On Friday evening at 8:30 o’clock
in the Brenau auditorium the CuBhman ' ■*
Club will present a very interesting re- er * s
ei’tal of short stories, followed t by a not
pantomime entitled “The Statue of
Love. ” °* \
This promises to be an miusually at-
tractive program, which no ofi£ can Of- gatl
ford to miss. . nail
Mr. jijohn W. Cash died at his home
near Flowery Branch Thursday t morn
He was 79-years of age and was a
manrof very high standing among the
people of Hall county ip. which ,hp has
made his home since birth. During the
civil wat he responded nobly to the call
of the tMtath. Funeral services were
held Friday morning ats. 11 o’clock at
Ada’s Chapel, conducted: by Rev. Coll-
v ay of Flowery Brunch. Besides his
iwife he is survived! by I'one daughter,
Maude, nud’five sons, Mark, John,, Char-,
lie, Noke, and Allen.- Jntermcnt was at
Ada’s Chapel. Hansford-Newton, un-
^-.•iort-akevs Of Gainesville, had-chargo of
- 'the funeral t arrangements.,
.itevens, now of Atlanta. One brother,; uappines-..
Mr. Robert Prater of Cleburn, Texas,
and two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Parks of
Brinkman, Oklahoma, and Mrs. P. B.
Bolding ol 8t. Louis, Mo., also survive
Funeral seivies were held from the
first Methodist church at 3 o’clock
Sunday afternoon, conducted by Revs.
W. P. KrtJg, E. F. Campbell and E. M.
jMunroc J.r. A large, concourse of sur-
: rowing friends assembled to pay a last
! tribute of respect' to her memory. In*
(torment was-at Alta Vista cemetery.
februaiy 2, Commerce in Commerce.
February D, open.
February 16, Commerce here'.
Pebraary 24, Athens in Athens.
Gainesville friends of Dt. J. E.-Hamp-
Hu, fonrirly pastor of the First Bap
tist church of this city, will regret to
[know that Dr. Hampton has recently
[been quite ill with the flu at his present
llomo at Murfresboro, Term. It is hoped
[that he will soon entirely recover,
Mr." A, S. Erwin died at his home,on
i fiumpnt street Tuesday after an illness j
I of five mouths. Mr. Erwin was. f»9j
jyekrs of age and was well known to the |
Jrcople of the city and county. Funeral 1
services will-bo. hold at. jfhe FiRst-Bup-l
tist church Thursday afternoon at S
O’clock. Roy. Ernest Campbell officiat
ing. Iiiiormefit will bo in Alta Vista
cemetery. He-is survived by his wife
and S&veial ehiidreii.
’' The Gainesville.High School feminine
basketiers are not resting bn their repu
tation from Friday when thoy won
over Chattahoochee High 40to 4,
ta^JhuiPVr HMbK Hlglf:
ing over- next Thursday, December 14,
and at 7:45 at the Fair Building‘will
be pulled tiff another contest, in which
no loafing will bo-allowed.
No scouts have been out but rumors
have come to us that the female athletes
j from our nighBoring city have been
( training long and hard for Gainesville
j High. :: iV ! ' ' V • 'v? -' n . ,
The efficient tutilagc of Coach Page,;
(and-Page is ati old Auburn man, aud
l llnit is enough said in these parts,
j It’s poor math to count chickens be-
j j i'orc tho eggs aro hatched, so wet will
j irot prophesy as to' the score. However,
(after seeing the game.last Friday we
arc safe in promising all who com a
i great time and somo real basketball.
Added to the uncertainty as to the
MTcngth of the Winder tcain, is tbo
friendly rivalry that has existed so
i long between the two schools. Few
I games will be played this year in whibh.
I there moro real interest demon-
I strated on tho part of the supportpra
I of each team than in this game.
I A large delegation
Sir. L. Moody, general sales man*;
ger of iho J. B. Shclnutt Co.^ op«n tfaris.'
Gaincsvillf/ store for business ¥irh&5j^,
Decembex 15th, with a big saTv,. ■wbS'dfci
will prove interesting to tho bnjp*.vir : ir 4
this territory. This ecmpan.r haa b«rev,
considering tho establishment of *,
Gainesville store for.* year or warn,
knowing that this is a good town.- aadi,
has a fine territory from vkkb to dJra*
; This firm believes in the use of jprw.-.-
tor’s mk as is ovideneed by their dii«>
ble-pago advertisement appearing; rr.
this issue of The News. litz. M«s%
is An experienced sales-manogct asul fas-
proposes to give tho people good jRpsiifc
at tho right kind of prices. They tom
'll ally invito tho public ta visit: tikriV*
store, which is a member of thv SbdP-
nut ennin qf stores, where spIeakiiaLi «8J-
l’Clings uwint tho'buying- public. ■
(occupy the former Gould stand.
We are prepared to deliver your
meats, and give you quick service.
So when you need meats call 0*7
us. Watch our ads and our L I 0
is expected from
Winder and it goes without saying that
the student body and tho Gainesville
fans aud the High School folk of former
days wili be.ou hand pulling for G. H.
THURSDAY—Wesley /Barry in
'‘1’enrod ” Also a Comedy.
FRIDAY 1 —Norma Tttlpmdge in
“Wonderful Thing. Also a Comedy.
SATURDAY—Jack. Holt and Dorothy
Dalton 'in “On High Seas.’’ Also a
The Thnlian Dramatic Club of the
University of Georgia presented “Mu’.
Tempi’s Telegram,’’ a three-act farce,
:;t tho Brenauauditorium' Saturday ev
ening under pie auspices of tho Cush
man Cluii of Brenau.
. Tho play made a decided hit and
was thoroughly enjoyed by a 11 pres
, ..... .. o -- 1 ■ - r - .
On Sunday afternoon, December 17,
at 4 o’clock, the music lovers of Gaines
ville will again bo given tho privilege
.of hearing tho chorus class of Brenau
in a sacred coucort under the direction
of Mr. Goorgo. A. Rogers
I The public is cordially invited to
' uttond:
. Attention is called to the fact that
I the hour is four o’clock instead of four
♦ kL.1aa1. - »J
Rev. i.nd^ Mrs. E. M. Munroe, Jr.,
have returned from Texas, whore they
<-cro c a 1 1 < ■(! by tin- doaih of Mr, Mub-
roe's step-mother, which occurred somo
-lays ago. In their sorrow they have
the sincere sympathy of their Gaines
ville frionds.
special prices
Dear Santa Claus:
Please bring me a eversharp- poroiSU.
Please bring me a suit of clothzv., awS-
a big Constor wagon, and please.
Clauc, bring me lots of candy and- kra.iV;.
Yours lovingly,
Eugeme Bagwell, Jfn.
,Mr. Claud Williaius of Tifton, Ga., a
lorn-vr Gainesville boy who has i|ado
good in 1.ho.wholesale grocery business
at Tifton, was a visitor to tho city last
Saturday and was cordially greeted by
We Take Orders For Dressed Chickens
Gnincsvillle, Gt.^ Do<r M 10^ S-K58k
Dear Santn Claus:
Please tiring me a pair ef
some nuts, candy, apples,
■j guoss that •» alt Please, (fa. m*h
get mo. ' -- ■.-• l’
I am in tho fifth grad*. Mv frvwefacs!
is Mrs, Cftstlebeny; I fa'if «w"lT
much. Please do not foe got far. WijjB.
write you again next fStrialaanm.
i\,r. uuo Mrs. n. K. wmourn nim
Rev. nuu Mrs, Luther Bridges liavo re
turned from a motor trip through Flori
da lasting for two or throe wodks. Tlmy
lmd a most qnjoyahlo trip and were
greatly benofitted by their stay in the
The regular annual Communication of
Gainesville Lodge No. 219, will he held
Tuesday, December 19th, for the pur
pose of electing officers.
A large attendance is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tabor and
children motored to Washington, Ga.,
last, v/eek for a short visit to relatives
and friends.
SjflM'WH’Mnw m ft* a*