Newspaper Page Text
Messrs. Alton and John, Hoscb, Jr.,
of tho University, aro the guests of
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. If.
Ilosch, for the Christmas Holidays.
Writer Aeserte Cause Is Natural Crav.
ing for Moat Where There Ic a
Scant Supply.
Official Organ City of Gainesville
Watered at Gainesville, Georgia. Post-
office as second class mail matter.
Pigs from 6 weeks
enough to kill. x&h't buy scrubs when “Country Life,” thinks that the cause
you can buy s* good bred pigs as can is constant craving for meat In m land
be found for less money: I ALWAYS "^ mostly grain abounds. He tells
, ' o . - , some interesting things about the ex-
tavo tta. See ».,»» before b»„» 5 , th , native, o( the
if you wont tho best, and save money, jjahr j^ouk hi Africa.
Pigs at daily, Corner W; Washington When they Inhabit a stocWess area,
.and Rainey Sts., Gainesville. l-3p he says, they go for months without
Phone 268. E. A. BARNHART. except of course for an occa-
Eetablished 1888. Published Wednesdays
Snbscription $1.50 per Annum
A. 8. HARDY, - Editor and Publisher
News Bldg. 38 Main St. Phone 159
label on yonr paper shows to what
date yonr subscription is paid.
If it is incorrect, you should
notify this office •
6 per cent money. Under Bankers
deserve System 6 per cent loans may
be secured on City or farm property to
' vy, build, improve, or pay indebted-
pany, 1648 California, street, Denver,
ces3/ Bankers Reserve Deposit Com-
After this date, the minimum ehargo
lor Cards of Thanks will be 50c, pay
able. When presented for publication.
GAINESVILLE, GA., DEC. 27, 1922.
We wish to express to our policy
holders and friends our sincere ap
preciation for the liberal patronage
we have enjoyed during the past,
and to wish for them all that is good
during the New Year.
most unlimited meat, as they do have
when they kill an elephant or a hippo
potamus, they simply gorge them
selves.' A man will eat from fifteen to
.twenty pounds in twenty-four hours..
All night long he will eat and doze and
doze again. As a result 'his skin turns
a peculiar dull color, and his eyes be
come yellow. On the third day he has
completely recovered his natural ap
pearance and is again full of energy.
Mr. Marcus Waterman, who is at
tending school at Tech, iS\ tho guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Wat
6 -per cent money. Under Bankers'
Reserve System 6 per cent loans may
bo secured on city or farm property to
buy, build* improve, or pay indebted
ness. Bankers' Reserve ;Deposit Com
pany, 1648 California street, Denver,
Colorado. '' „ 1-17-23.
In a, short time he wants his grain
food again and if he has the choice
will eat a large portion of grain to a
small portion of meat.
If,; as with the.'elephant, there is
much fat with the meat, the natives
are likely to become extremely fit on
that , diet. For example, for sixty-
tbree days of consecutive marching a
kUangozi, or bead porter, of mine who
was of slight build, carried his mat,
his blanket, fifteen pounds of rations
and a tusk that weighed one hundred,
and forty-eight pounds! The shortest
day was five hours,; and Some days
were very long indeed. For rations
throughout the march he had two
pounds of native grain every day and
as much meat and elephant fut as he
cared,for, His physical condition was
magnificent throughout.—From, the
Youth’s Companion, v .1 '
Midshipman ‘ Russell ^Truslow, wjto is
at Annapolis; is spending the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Mr. Pifman tCarter is the guest of
his parents during the Holidays. Mr.
Carter hnV been attending school at
T. M. I. during the Fall. ■>
,,, . # * • * *
Mr. Linton Carter, a student of Gems
fcla Tech is at fiome for the-Holidays
as the fruofst of liis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. A. Carter, ' \
We are in better position than ever
to take care of your Insurance and
Bond needs, and solicit a continu-
Wood That Will Not Float.
Circassian walnut Is heavier than
water and will not float.
I have moved my office to. the
Bailey House, corner Washington
and Green Sts, second floor.
W.. J. CARTER,' M. 0.
Specialist in Riggs Disease and
Prophylaxis y
ance of your business.
Mrs. J. E. Davis had as her guests
‘during the holidays Mr. and; Mrs. J.-U.
Duckett of Atlanta. The, latter wps for
merly Miss Hazel Virginia Davis.
FOUND: A' package nlaeedMn ear
throtigh mistake. Owner may have
same by describing contents and paying
for this ad. Call ?08-J. ,
Captain Dingle Says Paris Dress
. • Craze Has Hit South Sea Island
Femininity, Too. ,
Bill Wofford
FOR QUICK SALE: 4-room ,house,
electric lights, modern conveniences, in
citv linv’ts on'Green Street Circle, lot
83x200, bam. good garden, all fenced
in. A bargain for quick sale. Terms
to suit. •
1-3 E. P. LEDFORD.
Cgpt. Charles Dingle of the freight
er Bay Port, which arrived in Port
Newark from Hawaii and the South
Sea islands, brought a" dismal tale of
the ravages of fashion in those once
guileless' and innocent regions. It’s
the Paris-born craze for iong skirts,
says Cap’n Dingle and Ids crew,
that has sophisticated the spicy isles.
“They're wealin’ them straw dresses
all right,” explained Skip Slattery,
first assistant chief engineer of the
“but they’re weariu’ ’em
408-9-10 Jackson Bdg. Phone 319 or 61G
like a b ine bottle useta be—from neck
to heels, you might say. Then they
•got a new-styie petticoat made o’
moss. Oh, it ain’t like what it used
to be!"
Even Lucky Bill Fanning, optlmiat
that he is, joined in the threnody. It
was enough to make an old-time sail-
orman shed tears, lie said, to see the
girls ail wadded up in straw and'moss
like that. ) Why, he could remember
when putting in at some of those is
lands was better than a Fourteenth
street burlesque, but now it was duller
than Teaneck.
Be a Doctor of Chiropractic and earn from FIVE TO FIFTEEN
THOUSAND DOLLARS per annum. We have a most ideal location
in the South in a Citv and suburbs of almost FOUR HUNDRED
LEARN. r ‘ * -■ . .
We are offering our $500.00 three year course including X-RAA
Instruction and Practice‘to be given in 18 months for $250.00 each,
if you enroll on or "before Jan. 1st, 1923. .Only one student accepted
from each county at this fee. Winter semester opens Jan. 2nd, 1923.
Write at. once for new annual catalogue.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Atlanta, Georgia
From the Whole Flock
I can tell you if your need is
Glasses. Modem equipment for
proper examination.
It will pay you to get the facts
about your eyes.
W. R. Hughes
Jeweler &Optometrist
Jackson Bldg. Gainesville, Ga.
WE know some folks who
look upon it as a regular
event for their hens to stop laying
during the winter. Just when eggs are
worth the most, their Socks aren’t pro
ducing enough to pay the feed bill.
You can- get eggs right through the
winter if you feed right. You must give
a hen all the elements that make eggs.
Use Purina Hen Chow and Chicken
Chowder on the positive guarantee of
More Eggs or Money Ba$k
Ask for the Checkerboard Bag
-New Yfirk Tribune.
Lost Would be Irreparable
There Is much curiosity and anxiety
to know what has become of the
famous Codex Slnaiticus, which was,
before the Russian revolution, in thq
Imperial library at Fetrograd. This
most ancient manuscript of the Blblo
was discovered in the monastery of St
Catherin, on Mount Sinai, Whence-its
name, and was acquired by Tsar Alex
ander H in 1809. What has become of
this precious document during the Rus
sian revolution?
More than the loss of the jewels of
the last Russian dynasty its destruc
tion would be an irreparable act, even
though there Is another similar, docu
ment-known as the “Vaticanus,” an
uncial manuscript of the Fourth cen
tury, found by Tischendorf in 1844 in
the.samW monastery.
Efficient Banking r Service!
mils Bank offers you every courtesy and all accom
modation consistent with sound banking. We coydia
solicit your accounts, large or small.
State Banking Company
Capital and Surplus $105,000.00
T. E. ATKINS, Pres. W. R. WINBURN, Cashier
We carry a complete line of Dry
Goods, Guaranteed All Leather
Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ladies’ and
Children’s Ready-toWear.
Come and see o,ur value# before
you buy.
J. H. Goldstein, Mgr.
7e sell for Cash and Sell f,or Le3S>
StoW, Belfe& Co
Economio Error.
New Jersey’s forests are being
burned up at the rate of 70,000 acres
a year, which means not only that her
area of growing forests Is being re
duced annually to that extent, but
that land which should become a pub
lic asset of great value is telnig con
verted Into a public liability of un- •
sightly and embarrassing proportions. /
There are 2,000,000 acres of forest J
lnnd in New Jersey almost within
trucking distance of the greatest 'lum-
her market in the world, according to
the estimate of the Americun Foies try
association, which offers the opinion
that sooner or later the people of the
state of New Jersey will awaken to
the economic significance of the fact,
but that the awakening may, come too
late.—Thrift Magazine.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers 1
Open Day and Night « ■ |
Phone 224 45 S. Main St. |
6 25 N. Bradford St
jTor cuttmg; timber
and some with teams for logging; come
ready for work; long job. R. Kewitz,
R. 2 Dahlonega, or W. B. Loggins.
2nd Floor Jaokson Building
No. 216-17 ' -
Our Companies do the big
gest business in
When Merchant* Coined Own Money.
The action of the German govern
ment In allowing certain firms to print
their own money In small denomlna-
tlonsM'ecalls a somewhat similar state
of affairs in the early years of George
JJI in England. /
In those days the amount of/copper
coin In circulation was inadequate,
and tradesmen all over the country
Issued tokens of their own which at
tained almost equal standing with the
regal coinage. One manufacturer iu
Birmingham Issued over 0,000,000 pen
nies and 3,500,000 half-pennies In the
course of a few years and the amount
of “tokens” 1b circulation In 1780
outnumbered tbe genuine coinage.
Fordson Lincoln
till UMI VfiH# Ah CA*
Cars, 7 rucks, Tractors
Parts and Service
Bums Motor Co.
Gainesville, Georgia
The Higher Immorality
From un Exchange—There is only
one way to get ready for immorality,
and that is to live this life bravely
and cheerfully as we can.—Boston
Intricate Piece of Machinery.
A watch is comparatively a simple
machine, containing an average of
about J50 distinct parts. However, by
actual count It has been found that
the production of these parts require
ever 2,700 separate operations.
&|| The “Wall” Storage Batteries
aro made in Gainesville, Ga., and
guaranteed by the manufacturers.
It wi'Ji pay you to get my pries
before you buy another Storage
piattery. v
Cor. College Ave. and Athens St.