Newspaper Page Text
A determined effort will be
made to bring~the Ryder lynchers,
r to justice. Governor Atkinson
has offered rewards for their arrest
l and conviction, and Pinkerton de-
tectiveB r have been put to work.
. Time and money will be expended
> in an effort to bring them
r court for idte purpose of v convic-
. tion. -
There has hardly ever been a
lynching more horrible than this
i one. Some of the parties who
took the most prominent part in
it were recognized and their names
are in the possesion of the Gov-
emor and the 5 ^ brothers of the
dead man, who will do all in their
power to convict them of murder.
Unless the Ryder lynchers are
punished, it is .useless to try and
convict any - who may participate
in such dreadful affairs hereafter,
and Governor Atkinsoh had then
just as well discontinue offering
rewards for their conviction. The
State has never yet had to pay a
reward for the arrest and convic
tion of a lyneker, and if the Tal
bot county lynchers are not ap-
If Professors -Van Hoose and
Pearce had. done nothing else
their work in getting up the South
ern Chautauqua Assembly, the
successful culmination of the first
session of which was seen last Sat
urday, would have placed the
people of Gainesville under obli-.
gations to them.
They have, inaugurated a move
ment which will , not only be of
vast benefit to this city, but will
entertain an.d delight onr people
as-well. It is a movement, that
will receive even greater encour
agement in the next and each suc
ceeding session, than in the first.
It is gratifying to know that
financially it has not come out*
behind. In every other way it
could not have been a greater
Mayor Easton is anticipating ^great
sport this fall. Indications are that
he will not be disappointed. He is a
great hunter and nothing gives him
'more delight than bringing down nice
fat partridges with his gun. Just let him
get out in the fields with his gun and
dog and he enjoys real sport, and for
lorgets the onerous duties of
church here,, Rev. J. H. Braziel is
doing some good work.
||j B Every body here is preparing
for camp meetings next week.
irafc Rev. Mr. Arnold, the Methodist
pastor at this place has just closed
rpe, a good revival meeting. It seems
t of as if good has been done. Several
to professed conversion. ' -
two -
^ or * Candler.
A Miss Mattie McDonald of Gai- -j
ork nesville ib acting as assistent in i
a time
'Mayor and United States Commission
er, which keep his mind in a constant'
strain from one end of the year to the
.other. Mayor Gaston has some very
fine setter pups he is now having ,
trained for use in the fait They are
blooded animals and no little care will
be exercised in giving them thorough
training. He expects lots of fun this
fall and his friends hope his fondest ex
pectations will be realized.
th 0 school of Prof. J. D. Black-
S e well of this place.
nt Master Marshall Bell had the
ld misfortune to get severely cut
“ about the head by one of his little
playmates the other day. It was
e- an accident. Th0 little fellow is
^ getting on very well.
Mr. Jack Lancaster, is very ill
Tvith what is supposed to be ap
Prof. Crow has been teaching a
very interesting class in muBic
this last week.
I' have a 20-horse Boiler . and
15-horse power Engine at a bar
gain for cash, or will take lumber
in the trade. You can see it at
work at my factory. All in tip
The court house square is to he en-
clOsed with a nice fence. The commit
tee from the city council has conferred
with the county commissioners and
the fence will he put up next week.
The posts will be of granite, through
which holes will he drilled and an end
less chain will enclose the square. The
posts will be placed out several feet
further than where the old fence stood-
and will make a neat enclosure. The
new fence will improve the appearance
of the cotqrt house square, which will
always be kept neat and clean. The
improvement is hailed with delight by
the citizens of the progressive little
eitv of Gainesville. The fence will last
for Vears and there will always he a
pretty park in the center of the city.
Two intelligent ladies of good ad
dress to treyel in the South, appointing
local organizers to form musical clubs.
Salary and ;expenses paid* Musical ed
ucation not necessary. Reference and
security required. Those with experi
ence in agency work preferred. Ad
dress J., H. Moore Co.,*Dep’t G., Phil
adelphia, Pa.
Chronic Diseases, Old Sores
Dropsy, Fits, Rheumatism and
Kidney troubles speedily cured by
the leading southern specialist
Blood Poison.*. Private troubles
Lost Vigor and Female Coml
-Fifteen years successful practice
by mail and; express. Cancers
quickly cured by painless method
Without knife or caustics. Entire
treatment for only $10.00. Other
diseases, $5.00 per month.
Opium and Morphine habits
easily cured. No humbug. No
traveling quack. ABSOLUTE
GUARANTEE. Enclose amount
with description of case, to ’
0. HENLEY SNIDER, A M. M. D. Ph. D.,
Atlanta, Georgia.
A colored exhorter enlarging on
the impossibility of rich men get
ting into heaven, said:
“Look at Latlferns: When he
wuz on de airth he ax Diwees -fer
de crumbs dat fall frum his table:
En what did Diwees do to him?
He called his dog, Moreover, en
sick him on Latherus. Latherus
put up a purty good fight, but de
dog licked him I Den, Diwees WUz
so mad dat he took a fit and died
en when he wake up he fin him
self in hell-fire, en he look troo de
skylight en see Latherus en Fath
er Abraham ia a huggin’ match;
en he calls ter Latherus ter turn
on de water en he’d pay de bill.
En what did Lathrns say? He des
lean over de banister en holler out:
Go ,long man, en shet yo’ mouf.
De water wus cut off on de tenth.
Milk en honey is de bes, I got 1 ’ ”
All kind of bicycle repairing done by
Will Summer. He also kee^>s on hand
all kinds of bicycle sundries.
S.S.S. £guaranteed purely vegetable9
is a real blood remedy, and never faili
to core Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other brood disease.
free te.any ad-
prehended, in -all' probability it
will never pay such a reward.
It has been said that it would
be impossible to convict the lynch
ers by a Talbot county jury, and
this statement may not be without
foundation. The officers should
be given every assistance in their
efforts to apprehend Welybchers.
The' day of publication for The
Cracker has been changed from Thurs
day to Saturday.
Bueklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe
ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per oox. For sale by M. C.
Brown & Co.
A number of Gainesville lawyers
have been at Dawsonville this week at
tending Dawson Superior Court. Judge
Kimsey is presiding and mueh'business
has been transacted. The legal.frater
nity of Gainesville take a prominent
part in the affairs of this judicial cir
cuit and nearly every time Judge Kim
sey holds court in the other counties
Gainesville lawyers are present to take
part in some .litigation that comes up
before him. The lawyers of the Queen
City have a reputation for ability and
shrewdness and their services are al
ways in demand.
Watch the Georgia Cracker.
At a meeting of the Epworth League
at the First Methodist church Thursday
night, officers for the. ensuing six
The house of Mr. Ben Landers, on
High street, was entered Sunday night
and several suits of clothes in addition
to a number of minor things were
stolen. As yet the thief has not ^een
apprehended, but suspicions are abroad,
and it is highly probable that, the
guilty one may wake up some beautiful
morning and find himself behind the
The Georgia Cracker is here for
The Georgia . Cracker has
adopted the Georgia Female Sem
inary as its pet. ■ - v V
The seminary is an honor to
Gainesville, to Georgia and to the
South, and The Cracker feels that
in advancing the interests of such
an educational institution, the
paper is doing a service to the
state and country. Notwithstand
ing the success already achieved
by the seminary, there are still
greater things in store for it, and
the privilege of aiding it in achiev
ing even greater success, is one
that the editors of The Cracker
For the future, The Craoker pro
poses, therefore, to have a part in
the prosperity of the Georgia
Female Seminary, the Queen
August is sustaining her reputa
tion well. * -
Gainesville, : : G
The negro contingent: “Post-
offices are dead easy.”
Is guaranteed to cure Piles andJConsti-
pation, or money refunded. 50 cents
per box. Send for list of testimonials
and Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY,
-Registered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa.
For sale by all first-class druggists
everywhere, and in Gainesville, Ga., by
Dixon & Co. (6-17-98.)
A united citizenship causes lit
tle cities to become big cities.
Who Can Measure
The influence of the mother I It
Shapes the: course of unborn gen
erations—goes sounding through
all coming ages and enters the
confines of Eternity.
. With what" care, therefore,
should the Expectant Mother be
guarded, and how great the ef
fort be to ward off danger and
make her life happy.
“Mother's Friend”
arjt.ra .bat diiW-EirtB^niDVI^
easy and the time of recovery
shortened—many say “stronger
after than before confinement.”
It insures safety to life of both
mother and child. All who have
used "Mother's Friend" say they
will never be without it again.
Ho ether remedy" robs confine
ment of its pain.
will be installed,
With good crops in the south
and west and better prices for cot
ton and grain, times will improve.
The people of the south and west
will be in better condition than
they have been for several years.
With good seasons and abund
ant fields of cotton and wheat and
corn and fgjr prices for the main
products, there is bound to be a
decided improvement in business
throughout the south and west.
—Augusta Chronicle.
Small industries help a town
wonderfully: Encourage them.
The manufacturing enterprises in
Gainesville are in a healthy and pros
perous condition. The men at the head
of them are wide-awake and progres
sive, but are conservative enough to
make their ventures successful. The
capacity of most of these enterprises
has been enlarged within the past year
or so as the demand for their products
has been increased. There is nothing
that helps » to v,n more than, "uanufac-
Everybody says so.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10,25, 50 cents. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by ail druggists.
Even lily white face powder is
at a discount, says Editor Bayne.
It is hard to say which is the
worst the Klondike or typhoid
The Cracker does not expect to
“do everything at once.” Its
improvement will be gradual.
For a perfect fit go to
Over 1st National bank.
“The Artistic Tailor.”
Large line to select from. Also
patterns in stock.
Three gentlemen’s bicycles, §15 eacb
at Will Summer’s.
Talk up Gainesville. It will
not hurt you, and it will help the
Queen City.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can.
not be cu red by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in till
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists/
Toledo, O. Warding, Rinnan & Mar
vin, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter'
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surf aces of the system
Testimonials sent free.
City Rot For Sale.
Two acres. 360 feet front on Candler
street, near Green street. Fine loca
tion for a home with a garden and
orchard, about seven minutes walk
from public square. Enquire of C. A.
Dozier, real estate agent.
The Cracker is for Gainesville
whether Gainesville is for The
Cracker or not.
The development of the mining inter
ests of North East Georgia has assum
ed vast proportions. Almost every day
people of wealth who are interested in
the gold mines above Gainesville are in
the city and speak enthusiastically of
the vast amount of hidden treasure in
these North Georgia hills. Numbers
have gone earnestly to work and many
a pennyweight of gold will be extracted
from the fastnesses of its hidden home
in the mountains. This work is noth
ing new for this section however, for
it has been going on for years in a.
quiet way. Pennyweight upon penny
weight of gold has been taken from the
North Georgia mines and carried to the
mints where it has been coined. How
ever, the gold fever has recently spread
throughout the country and many Eng
lishmen have crossed the big pond and
are now here searching for the precious
stuff. Mining has proven very success
ful and indications point to even great
er success than ever.
of the south.
It may not be known to many
j that a small pinch of alum will
make a bucket or pitcher of water
-as clear as crystal. At night on re
tiring fill your pitcher with fresh
muddy water from the hydran t and
sprinkle iii the top of it a little pow
dered alum, such ah amount as
The " .Cracker and the
Law and order must prevail
Uphold-the law and help secure
its enforcement.
Real Estate and Insur-
Mr. Otto FeiL, proprietor of the Queen
City Box Factory will move his plant
over the shoe factory of the J. G. Hynds
Mfg. Co., just as soon as another story
can be added to the building, which will
. not be long. The company will add one
more story to the factory as soon as pos
sible and Mr. Feil, who, already manu
factures the boxes used by this company
will move where he can obtain steam
power, and other advantages, which
will enable him to do more and per
haps better work.
The appointment of Rucker as
internal revenue collector, Morton
as postmaster at Athens, and the
probable appointment of Lyons as
postmaster at Augusta, will per
haps prove a blessing in disguise.
It will have a tendency to solidify
the disgruntled elements m the
South and drive the recent con
verts to Republicanism back into
the Democratic party—the only
white man’s party below Mason
and Dixons line.
After four years with negroes at
tbe head of some • of the most im
portant federal offices in the South,
the people will have had enough,
and a large number of those Who
strayed off into the Republican
camp—more- for the purpose of
getting office than anything else—
will see the error-of their way and
will for ever, thereafter, be found
in the Democratic party.
“Keeping everlastingly at it
brings success,” so just watch the
Georgia Cracker.
dered alum, such &h amount
would be Sasilyand naturally pick
ed up between the ends of the
thumb and first finger, and in the
inornng all the mud will stick upon
the bottom of the pitcher, and the
water can be poured off as clear as
spring water. —Ex.
Price 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
President McKinley is taking a
rest. The people will give him a
rest at the expiration of his pres
ent term.
“A customer whose wife used ‘Mother’s Friend,
says that if she had to go through the ordeal
again, -and there were but four bottles to be
obtained, and the cost was $100.00 per bottle, he
strong. Many gain ten ponnds in ten days.
Over 400,000cured. Bay Ro-To-Bac of your
druggist, .under guarantee to cure, 50c or
$1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
All parties who are. indebted to W.
H. Summer are. requested to take
notice that he will place all accounts
out for collection that are not paid
within thirty days.
Don’t grinble over your misfort
unes. There are others who hav-
much harder times. The Bruns^
wick Times says a young mac
There are now no ladies in
Boston. Startling as this may-
seem, it is nevertheless true. The
oity has tabooed the old-fashioned
word, and even street-car conduc
tors and motormen have been in
structed to substitute the title
The more negro office holders in
the South, the fewer white repub
licans there will be. One in
stance of getting good out of evil.
Hon. A. W. Gozart,jof Columbus,
who lectured atjbhe Chautauqua Satur
day night is growing in-popularity as a
public speaker and orator. Only a few
years ago he was not known outside of
the city in which he lives, but he won
his spurs in a political campaign in
Columbus soon after he commenced
practicing law and since that time has
been, growing in favor as a public
speaker. In the last political cam
paign he was in great demand and
made a tour of the state preaching true
democracy. Mr. Cozartis the present
recorder of Columbus and is one of the
most prominent citizens of that city.
His lecture at the Chautauqua was one
of the best delivered, and the fact that
he was invited to speak from the same
platform with General John B. Gordon,
Sam Jones, and other prominent men is
an evidence that the ability of this
promising.young man is recognized.
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other
diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by
applying ChambeiTain’s Eye and Skin
Ointment. Many very bad cases have been
permanently cured by it. It is equally
efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem
edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil
blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.
TryBr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they
are just what a horse needs when in bad condi
tion. Tonic, blood purifier mod vermifuge. -
board. " He claimed to have walk
ed. 600 miles, asked 5,000 people
for work, and got " $35 .worth for
which he recieved $2.50.
Nothing "is gained by crying
bard times. Individual effort is
what brings success, Keep up the
lick and things will come your
way sooner or later.
new management.
Change public sentiment anc
there will be fewer lynchings.'
The pulpit and press can do more
to bring this change about than
anything else.
fl. M. O’Neal, Prop’r.
property in Kansas. The Kansas
•City Journal declares that * ‘every
dollar of this has been wrung from
‘the blood-sweating people’ in the
forjoa of salary and perquisites.”
so common in summer-time*
paper—therefore an advertising
medium. When an advertiser in-
vests'with The Cracker, he is writ
ten up, talked up and his interests
looked after: We woik lor pur
advertisers. It is'busidessMb do
so. Every shrewd enterprising
Manahan Company,
lack of thought-power, means
a deficient supply of nourish*
ment The vital force is lost.-
It isn’t a question of muscle and
sinew, but of resistance and
rFirst-class Dental Work. Head
quarters for best Tooth and
Mouth Preparations.
Gainesville, : : ^Georgia.
The Georgia Cracker has adopt
ed the Georgia Female Seminary
as its pet, and everything possi
ble will be done by the paper to
advance the interests of tjiis fam
ous institution.
Editor Sweat, who has had some
.'experience in marketing, says
ife differs from a basket of peach
es because very often the largest
and best fruit is found at the bot
tom. ' '
At any agd, buf
especially in youth, it involves
the risk of lung disease: Loss
of flesh and a cough are threat*
\Baker and Confectioner,
2nd door below post-office.
jFresh Bread and Cakes and Home
made Candies.
At the college building to-day begin
ning at 10
o’clock this morning the
Hall" county Teachers’ Association will
hold its regular ’ monthly meeting.
County' School Commissioner Robertson
will be present and will give the teach
ers some valuable points. Prof. Mar
ion, superintendent of the public schools
of Ga inesyille,- will also .be present and
from whom, -no doubt, the . teachers
will obtain soma interesting informa
tion. The teachers from over the coun
ty, will discuss among tliemselyes the
best methods and ideas for theadvance-
ment of students, and the meeting will
be prolific of good results. Education
al interests in Hall county are not lag
ging behind.
Governor Atkinson has offered
rewards for the arrest and -con
viction of the Ryder lynchers
They violated tbe ’aw and 'should
be punished, but it is highly im
probable that nothing will he
done with them.
of God-liver Oil; with the Hypo-
phosphites, meets these cases
perfectly. It tones t?p, fattens
and strengthens.
In Scott’s Emulsion th&taste
of the oil is fully disguised,,
making it almost as palatable
as milk.
For sal© at ©so. and 5*-oo by all dragreiata
Scott A Bowss, Mfg:. Chemut*. Now Yor*
Editor Stevens, of Bradstrset’s
is quoted m the New York Press as
saying the grouhdswell of prosper-
iiylsTon, and? in-less than six
weeks the whole country will be
enjoying it.
Several letters were introduced
showing that she* asked for sam
ple copies of books and Introduct
ory prices, but there was no evi
dence showing that she had ever
received any books in answer to
her letters.
The Somerville Journal suggests
that men who set about making
flying-machines should be careful,
or they would only succeed in
making, their jnoney fly.
nag been annoyed by si
the TetterlnS for five ck
She is ready to sing yc
my gold dollar in erecti
kin county and is highly esteemed
throughout the state. Col. Farrow has
frequently been honored and has held
numerous responsible positions. He is
not taking much interest in politics
these days and is engaged in making
his guests have a good. time at Porter
Springs, which has been a popular
summer resort for many years. There
is a fairly good crowd at Porter this
summer, the Colonel states, and every
thing is moving along smoothly over
A German pianist, who plays
often at private musicales, is ac
customed to say that he. plays
“aggompanimenis to gonveza-
tion s.” ;IH I' ; r ‘'■ Wk
ille ought to have acioth-
lotel, magnificent and
us in all its appoint-
t would doubtless be a
investment, and it
a great institution for
doubt treat
ed more cm
i living Phyi
H ■ ■ k W succees is astonishing.
vM* A We have heard of cases
tle of his absolute cure, free .to any sufferers
who may send thoir P. O. and Express address.
WA advise an7 one wishing a cure to address
If you are afflicted, swap 50 cents for a box.
It will be the best trade of your life.
At all Drug Stores, or by mail
Upon receipt of 50 cents in cash or stamps.
Merely a Suggestion.—Bridget
—Sure ma’am, I wild call your at-
tensun'to the be.autiful sunset out
uv the kitchen winder.
Mistress.—That’s nothing,Brid
get. You ought to see it rise some
morning. _ '
It is said tha t Tom Watson has
forgiven Marion Butler and has
scalled for peace. Butler is evi
dently not much worried about it
one way or the other.
Governor Atkinson: “There is
it one position to take in a case
here the law and the lawless are
niggling for the supremacy.”
'or sale in Gainesville by Dr. E. E.