Newspaper Page Text
lanta this week.p'-'7'.
Mr. J. B. Lipscomb, of Bell Lon. was in
the city Thursday.
Mr. C. BL Parks of the Atlanta’ Jour
nal tyas in the city Tuesday.
Interesting services were held Sun
day at the Episcopal church.
Mrs. J. EL Jackson made- a business
trip to the Gate city Wednesday.
Advertise in the Georgia Cracker and
get your business before the people.
The Cracker will keep you posted.
Bead it and find out what’s
Profs. Van Hoose and Pearce
Working for the Seminary.
_ Prof. A. W. Van Hoose and Prof. H.
J. Pearce left Tuesday on a two week’s
tour in the interest of the Georgia Fe
male Seminary and Conservatory of
Music. The former goes to Southern
and Middle Georgia, , and the latter will
visit Augusta and- points in South Car-.
f Miss Lula Humphreys has gone to
Apple Valley to spend a few weeks.
Mr. B. L. Hardage, a well known
commercial man, was in the city this
week. ->,
J. Kelly and wife of Win-
or two as guests of Judge .T. B. Estes’
family on Bradford street, haye gone
on a trip across the mountains for a
week. Col. Estes always takes this
trip when he comes up this way and
invariably finds it pleasant. Since he
went to Macon to practice lavghe has,
been quite successful and is reeqgnjzedi
as one of t^e leading, attorneys of ithe'
Central City. ' “ .
Last Saturday was Children’s Day.—Gov
ernor. Atkinson Delivered a Great
Speech.—Prize Declamation Contest,
—Cozart and Underhill Lecture. '
—New Members Added to
V- the Chautauqua Circle.
which ended Monday. There is not a
more hospitable and congenial family
in the city than Judge Dunlap’s and
those who were fortunate enpugh to at
tend the house party knpw what a great
pleasure Itis to be, -en tfertained; at this
homfe. Judge a-Jid. Mrs/ Dunlap and
"Misses Maggie, Minnie, Mary and Fan
nie Dunlap, Messrs^Jaines and Samuel
Dunlap with Master Edgar as their
mascot, made their guests have a royal
time. Those who attended the house
party were: Misses Nell, Callie and
Pauline Nowell, of Monroe, "Miss Julia
Dean, of Borne, Miss BelL-Sffott, of At
lanta, ’Messrs.. Hal Nowell* Emmett
Lunsford, Albert Mobley and Ben Wat
kins, of Monroe; H. N. O’Neal, Jasper <
der, were registered at the Hudson last
Mr. John Blats spent Saturday and
f Sunday in the Gate City with his wife
and daughter.
Mr. R. L. Puckett, one of the
staunch citizens, of Strickland, was in
town this week.
Mrs. Dr. Sanderson of Haysyille, N.
C., is in the city visiting the' family of
J. H. Pitcliford.
Mr. L. A. Redwine and wife, of At
lanta, will be in the city today, the
of relatives,
Mr. R. D. Grigg Jr., who has been in
the drug business at Eatbnton, has ac
cepted a position with Dr. E. E. Dixon
& Co. and arrived in the city Monday
to assume the duties of his new posi
tion. He is a licensed and experienced
pharmacist and no doubt will be very
successful in his work here. He was
accompanied by his wife and children.
going on.
Miss Jennie T. Kramer, of Atlanta, is
spending some time at the Hunt House.
Bey. T. A. Jones conducted the ser
vices at Myrtle street church ^ Sunday
night. .
__ Col.J. N. Twitty, with his little sons,
spent a day or two in Jefferson this
Miss Myra Birdsong, of. Columbus, is
the guest of Miss Jadie Matthews, on
Green street.
Mr. B. G. West, of Atlanta, visited
relatives and friends in the city Satur-
prof. J- W. Marion, superintendent
of the public schools, has returned
■from a trip to Marietta.
Mr. B. IP Roberts, with his wife and
child, of Buford, spent Monday in the
citv, on a visit to relative;
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Humphreys, of
Apple Valley, visited the family of Mr.
A. C. Humphreys this week.
The friends of Mrs. L. T. Fuller are
glad to know that she is recovering
from a severe attack of fever.
Mr. W. D. Candler has gone to Shi
loh, Ga. to teach school. He is a splen
did teacher and has served in this
capacity in several places, and each
satisfaction. Gainesville
boys always do well, and Mr. Candler’s
friends know he is made ont of the
stuff that never gives out until success
is attained.
day and Sunday.
Mrs. Eisman and her charming
daughter, of Atlanta, are in the city
at the Piedmont Hotel.
Mr. A. A. Hope has about completed
work on his livery stable on Main
street. He has a nice stable.
Miss Addye Hayes, with her mother,
of Hamburg, S. C., is visiting Mrs. Geo.
Counts on North Green street.
Mr D. Frank Smith is now in Ala
bama selling fruit evaporators, and is
meeting with fairly good success.
Has Been -Ill Several Months with
Consumption. -
Mr. George H. Brice, who has been
a sufferer for a long timer passed away
Saturday night. He has’ been in
Gainesville'for some tune, and has been
a victim of that dread disease—con
sumption.. He was a young mah; about
twenty-fiye years of age, and a son of
Mr. John B. Brice, a prominent man in
business circles.
At four o’clock Sunday afternoon the
funeral services were conducted from
the residence oh North Maple Street by
Dr. J. A. Wynne, pastor First Baptist
chureh, in a most fitting manner. The
remains were interred in Alta Vista
A loving father and mother and sev
eral brothers and sisters, with a host
of friends, are left behind to mourn his
Mrs. G.,C. Dunbar died at her home
in this city Wednesday morning. She
has been a sufferer for several years
with dropsy, and her death has been
expected for some time. She had
reached a ripe old age, and death was
a great relief to the sufferer.
Mrs. Dunbar was a member of the
First Baptist church, and the funeral
was conducted by her pastor, Rey. J.
A. Wynne. The remains were interred
in Alta Vista Cemetery at 5:30 o’clock
Wednesday afternoon.
To call at Lee Parnell’s Barber Shop,
Arlington Block, for'the best barber
work. Hot and cold baths.
Mr. T. M. Gay and wife of Eu-
faula, Ala. are in the city stopping at
Mrs. John Kendall’s on Green street,
Mr. Gay is a—large and successful
planter and has made good money out
of farming. He will return home in a
day or two but Mrs. Gay will remain
here the remainder of the summer;
tion. lne preliminaries were gone
through with and then the Governor
was introduced by Judge J. B. Estes,
in a beautiful little speech. For more
than an hour did the orator *please his
large audience with excellent good
sense, beautiful rhetoric and fine
language. More than once did the en-
Rev. W. T. Hunnicutt, pastor of the
M ethodist church at Dahlonega, has
returned home after attending the
Chautauqua in this city. His visit to
Gainesville was very pleasant and he
enjoyed the Chautauqua programmes.
He is a very successful minister and is
doing good work at Dahlonega.
Miss Meyer and Miss Florette Meyer
of Selma, Ala., are at the Arlington.
Mrs. W. W. Blair, with her family of
New Orleans is in the city at Judge J.
B. M. Winburn’s on Washington street.
Mr. Jerome Castleberry,
■agent of the Pennsylvania Life Insur-
jptnee Company, was in the city a day or
two recently.
F Mr. D. D. Simpson offers for sale his
[residence at 11G Pine street. He will
[either sell cheap, or exchange for good
[farm lands.
| Mrs. W. W. Stovall and her three
[children, passed through the city Tues-
[day last on their way to Forsyth coun
ity to visit relatives.
I Mr. .lames Sims of charlotte, N. C.,
k s spending some days in the city the
Ignest of his brother, Squire George
|sims, on Aspen Hill.
Mrs. M. R. Kendrick of Greenville,
|s. C.. was a guest of the Hudson last
■Tuesday. She went up to Dahlonega
A Reliable Specialist.
We direct attention to the card of Dr.
O. Henley Snider of Atlanta, Ga Bead
the card he presents to the readers of
this paper. We commend him to the
consideration of any who may need his
services. Write to him for any infor
mation you may want.
the echo. He paid especial attention to
the book trusts, and advocated the pub
lishing of school hooks by the state,
saying- that they could be furnished at
ai much less price than is now being
paid for them.
After the speaking was over a big
baskef dinner was enjoyed by all out on
the Seminary campus.
In the afternoon occurred a declama
tion contest, free to any pupil of the
public schools of Hall, Jackson and
Gwinnett counties. Quite a number of
the young folks entered this contest.
A gold medal was offered to the best
male declaimer by Prof. A. W. Van"
Hon. Douglass Glessner, who spent
last week in Gainesville a guest at the
Arlington, has returned home to Griffin.
Of course he was charmed with the
Queen City of the Mountains as is every
body else who comes here. He spoke
one of the Gainesville hoys, hut now of
Pilot’s Point, Tex., was in city Sunday.
For Sale or Exchange.
51 have for sale one 5-room house, out
houses and lotat 116 Pine street.: Will
sell cheap, or will exchange for good
farm lands. For farther particulars
call at the above address or write me at
Gainesville, Ga.,
D. D. Simpson.
Col. H. W. J. Ham left last week for
his annual tour of the Western Chau?
tanquas. He Was at Mont Eagle for
three days and from there welat to
Nashville, where he took in the Expo
sition for a day or two going from
there to Piasa Bluffs, Hli, and on
urday will reach Maysville, Mo.,
where his own Chautauqua opens with.
friend Miss Louise Jackson, on Wash
ing street.
Mr. John M. Oliver returned Sunday
night from an extended business trip to
Washington, Baltimore, Charlotte, and
other points.
A very interesting meeting of the
Junior Leaguers was held at the resi
dence of Mr. G. E. Gardner, on Thurs
day evening.
Mr. Ike Lipstine, an erstwhile citizen
of Gainesville, now in business in the
Gate City, was in the city a day or two
this week on a visit.
The pastof of the Presby terian church
Rev. J. A. Young, is spending the week
in Banks County, assisting in a
protracted meeting.
^ Mrs. Dickenson of Summersville, ac
companied by her daughter, .Miss
Carriers in the city the guest of the
family of Dr. E. E. Dixon.
Mr. Ed Nunn, or.e of the jolliest of
the boys here, left Monday with his
father, Mr. J. M. Nunn, on a pleasure
trip to -the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Walker, with
their son, of Spartanburg, S. C., will be
the guests of the family of Mr. E. P.
Chambers, on Green street.
Miss Jessie Smith, a charming and
attractive young lady ox Atlanta, is. in
the city on a visit to her friend, Miss
Pearl Goudelock, on High street.
Col. A. R. Smith, clerk superior
court, spent several days the early part
Dawson county, at-
[of the week.
[tending to business.
| Mr. If. A. Terrell, of the Southern
Express Co., is taking holiday for a few
days, and is spending the while in
Asheville and Murphy. »
Messrs. R. G. Welby, Winston, N. C.;
It’. A. Garrison, W. D. Burch and W. T.
Harrison, Atlanta, were registered at
ftlie Hudson last Monday.
, Mr. Jeff Stovall of Atlanta, spent a
■ew hours in the city last Tuesday, and
Bts warmly greeted by many friends.
Brwas autographed at the Hudson
Hr. J. J. Lancaster of Bellmont, one UjflrlQ'll/jO ||PT1n j'A
of the best citizens of Hall county, died IIP i/l U.Q vVij
at his home Tuesday night and was * ;;
1Hopewell Baptist Tchim*. .Yoaeau rest assrtred thafrymr will
Rev. W. G. Woodbridge, who was here
last week and who delivered a sermon
at the chautauqua that was highly en
joyed and appreciated, has returned
home to Griffin. He stated that he had
traveled over the country pretty well
and it was seldom thatdae found as nice
an auditorium as the one here in which
the chautauqua was held. Mr. Wood-
bridge spoke very highly of Gainesville
and her* hospitable people and commen
ded the spirit of the citizens who
secured the Southern Chautauqua As
Read prices on a few
Full Havana cigars, among wl’.i
Third Quarterly Term the Third
- Monday In August.
Sheriff Muddy has finished serving
the papers for the third quarterly term
of the city court of Gainesville, which
will convene the third Monday in this
month. Quite a great deal of business
is on hand to be disposed of.
The jurors drawn for the term are:
A. W. Van Hoose, George W. Hill,
Virgil M. Beard, W. D. Whelchel, sr.,
Wm. P. Sloan, J. P. Harman, George L.
Street, W. H. Ogle, James M. Crawford,
Felix W. House, Wm. J. Pitman, B. M.
Chambers, M. O. Gilmer, Harvey C.
Parks, J. R. Riley, James W. Smith, G.
N. Owens, John N. Puckett, J. C. Mc
Connell, B. G. Mooney, W. K. Merck,
-John A. Cleghorn, Zack Collins, J. J.-
Pool. "
■Rs. T. R. Sawtell, with her two
'Hren. of the Gate City, came up
frr 1 * 3 '' ar >d spent a day in our city in
Blbltation with and under treatment
!§. J. W. Bailey.
JHesday was the day for the regular
; ^^R;lv It-gal sales. No property was
Rsj but the property which was to
ES been sold will be disposed of on
■first Tuesday in September.
: Hps. Mattie Merritt has gone to
tjSiesville to spend a few days with
■tives at her home. She is the popu-
Hnatron at the Seminary, and her
will prove to be a pleasaut and en
gS&ble one.
H>1. Bill Findley has been at Daw-
IBvilie this week attending court and
Bning after the interests of his clients
Hliat section. Incidentally he talked
Httlc politics and found out how the
H’b. were getting on over that way.
Buy Evans, the bright young clerk
B the firm of R. E. Andoe & Co., has
Ben confined to his - room sick this
Bek. We trust that the illness is not
I a serious nature, and that he will
Sain he at his post of duty ere long.
■The state meet .of the League of
luerican Wheelmen held at Macon
lednesday. Gainesville did not enter
by of the contests but she has some
pcpert riders. Perhaps no other town
i the state of its size has a larger
lumber of bicyclists.
Confederate Veterans will Have a
Reunion First Tuesday
in October.
A meeting of the old soldiers was
held in the court house Tuesday after
noon at two o’clock. There was a very
fair representation of the veterans, and
it was decided that bn the first Tues
day in every month a meeting be held;
On the first Tuesday m October a big
basket dinner will be spread at the eity
park, and a good time will he experi
enced. Several good speakers have
been ^secured, and - all the old sOldiers
who fonght for the lost cause will en
joy the day* if they will come and join
in the exercises the occasion;'
All members of the Daughters of .the
Confederacy are invited and requested
to come.
Every old. soldier who is not a mem
ber of the veteran’s association,^ re
quested to join at once.
Hon. H. M. McIntosh and wife Of
Albany, were in the city recently! The
boys over the state usually refer to him
as - Hog and Hominy” McIntosh but
his political friends sav unless all
signs fail it will be ’‘Governor” Mc
Intosh before a great while. His name
has been promniently mentioned in
this connection and there is no doubt
about the genial editor haying a very
strong following.
Mr. T. S. Campbell, and his son John
Henry, made a business trip to the Gate
City this'*week to make investigations
concerning the baying of some holiday
Mr. Dan G. Bickers left Monday
morning on an extended visit to friends
in the Carolinas, and relatives scatter
ed over the Old Dominion state. He
will have a big time.
The family of Mr. Wiley W. Stovall,
now .of Atlanta, is in the city on a visit
of a few days. These good people were
once regular residents of our eity and
have many friends here.
Howeyer, it is
thought that he would much prefer ed
iting his excellent paper and devoting
his attention to his mining interests
aboye Gainesville, where he has been
for the past week.
^ielpards Dru£ Qo.
North Side Public Square,
Dr. R. V. Cotter of Barnesville was
in Gainesville this week 1 fen route to
Dahlonega and Porter,Springs where he
will spend a montfcormbre. He always
comes up this way about this season Of
the year and says there is not a better
section of Georgia. For several years
his health has been poor, brought
about by overwork" when practising hiis
profession at. Macon, where he did a
large practice. He is one of the best
known specialists in Georgia and is a
gentleman whose companionship is con
genial and charming. His stay in the
the position of foreman of one of the
fire companies, and has made a good
The cause of his untimely death was
due to consumption.
Mr. Fleming Law, the father of Mrs.
HI H. Dean, -died very suddenly early
Monday morning of heart failure.
Mr. Law has been in our city quite
awhile visiting his daughter, who lives
on Race street. He has shown himself
to be a good man during his stay here
—quiet, affable, kind. His sudden
death is a seyere shock to fcheentire
Sunday Mr. 'Law appearedto he hale
and hearty, but at four o’clock Monday
morning very suddenly the end came.
The remains were embalmed by Cor
oner A. B."~C. Dorsey, and sent to Un
ion Springs, Ala., where he formerly
lived, for burial.
Relatives and many friends lare'left
to mourn thelloss of a pure and good
man. *
mountains will no doubt greatly benefit
The Gainesville Transfer Co.,
issue the following tickets, which
will be sold- at the rate of 28 tick
ets for $1.00:
I Mr. J. E. Murphey of Atlanta,
[was a citizen of Gainesyille for many
years, has been in the'yeifcy this week.
H-:s friends here 'would-be glad tb:wel-
[eome him back asa-citizen of the Queen
jC?ty and hope hfe'.WiH; decide to go in
•cosiness here again. ■
r .Vork is going ahead rapidly, on -the
* tory building of the' J, G. Bynds
[ ’f?. Co., sitnatocl. oh'- Maide^-Street,"
L ’L t beyond the ^shbfe Ifactory. The
iding, when cbmjjiefed. win bp thifee
ki<‘ ies in height, and R2x?5 feet in s: ze.
fet -ill be used by*’-the cohapaby as a
I* <ing and shippmg f aj»rtinent. .. ; :
I lossy Creek csimp. meeting begins
Wednesday night and, as ds
■Wtfi-lly he case, thi#bjecesipn- w?U he
BaJoyed by a great-.^anyt "TMr. Chris
Pt&Lm, and‘ a v
Bfever lived;-•sa^T' ; titartciBe! c *lS..n3reaJ.y
B J e* iring- -meeting and^that he
not missed a season in thirty years.
Prof. J. S. Stewart, formerly super
intendent of the public schools of
Marietta but recently elected president
of the"North Georgia Agricultural
College at Dahlonega, was in. the city
this week en route to his new horde.
He is a weli known educator and was
formerly vice-president of the Georgia
sociatioh^fie iS^qjjpf
neW woEk“he ;v had unmeet
; The funeral services of Mrs. Harvey
Puckett were held at the residence on
Maple street yesterday afternoon. Sh’e
was a good yvoman and many friends are
left to mourn her death. Her death
occurred Thursday night at 11 o’clock,
j A big game ot ball among.the colored
boys occurred here Saturday afternoon.
Jefferson and Gainesville crossed bats.
After a great deal of lighting and a
great deal more of quarreling, when
the game was finished the score stood
9 to 9. . - - ' .
5 Mr John M. Oliver has purchased a
brand new up-to-date switch-board for
the telephone exchange which will
arrive, in a day or two. He states that
the Gainesville Telephone Company
Will not charge full rates for-’phoues
siuee the date of the damage to the old
s witch-board by lightning. ;
Mr. Louie- Bigsby who b ^ n >
the jewelry business, .here for qui.e a.
while has gone ter Augusta whece
father liyed some years ago, and iu all
'probability will enter business there
His friends here regret exceedingly to
give him up.
Miss Norrine Lester Cochrane, the
talented teacher of eloeut.on .n the
teachers. She has been aiding m con
ducting an institute there and is mak-
-for herself quite an enviable repu-
Mrs. E. M. Willingham of Atlanta,
will arrive to-day to' spejid several
weeks in the ei^y, the guest of Mrs.
E. C. Chastain. .
*** J '"
v Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Wilkins ancTTVIiss
^ilkins of tVaynesboro,.. arrived in the
city Tuesday to spend some time, and: are
among the charming guests at the
Arlington. ...
: Mrs.' B. i). Render and Miss Sallie Ren-
der of Greenville, Ga. are in the city for
the. summer and are guests at. the
Miss Cairie Ward, a young lady of
Selma, Ala.. has been at the Langston
House for the past week.
ified for the
taken and will no doubt greatly advance
the interests of the . college at Dahlon--
ega. ;*
Sheriff A, J. Mundy is»^ Jonesboro
visiting his father’s family. He goes
down every few months and spends
several days with Lome folks: For
twelve years he has been sheriff of Hall
county and though there, have bean
many Hard -battles to fight he has
always come out on top and won a
decided victory. He is a true blue
Democrat but' n otwithstanding^this f act
he has imany friends in. the other polit-
iral . parties who admire him and who
have caNt their ballots for him in the
past. -
There is a an old saying- among the
barbers, in regard to shaving; “I’ll
get ’em.if.the handle don’t break. The
other day a certain young fellow, -Who
is learning the art of tonsorial-ism was
sci-acthing away on a customers face at .
a great rate, when suddenly, "pop,
went something, like a powder mill ex
ploding, and the razor lay on the floor,
the stub of the handle only remaining in
the Hands of the amatuer, hut a sort
of.a determined expression was on> his
5 cents fare to Belle trains, both
until fur-
morning and evening,
ther notice. * \
- Mr. A. B. Hatfield. and Miss Leila;
Cooper were married at the residence .
of the bride’s mother, near Jarzett, ■
last Sunday morning at 9 o’clock, Judge
J. Z. Hudgins performing the ceremo
ny. Only a few friends and the rela
tives of the family were present.
The bride and groom are popular
young people of the community in
which they Eve, and have many friends
whn extern! warmest, nrmerrat,illations
and othi
tion of
tooth a:
Pfof. j. Holmes J
‘ tte Molena High
was in Gaiue
1 mite to fiaBlqnejga
le mvtion
a Nighty goHcf ra ^^
B(a ¥ia school teache
Jordan will be. I
in front of the residence of Prof! C. J.
Wallace with no one in the buggy ex
cept Mrs. OEyer. The horses became
frightened -and rah" down the hill i
towards town. At the juncture of :
Sycamore street a young lady, who
Cols. Perry and Dean left Sunday
evening for Dawsonviile to attend
court. Col. Dean returned Monday,
however, on account ^of the sudden