Newspaper Page Text
Gainesville, by reason
location, its pure water, its invigorating and
climate, and its absolute freedom
It is not wanting in any
the ideal home for a great
malaria, is
educational institution
With new buildings and splendid appliances. 25 new Fianos have just been added to Music departme:
Magnificent Pipe Organ just placed in Conservatory, giving us best equipped school of music in the South.
Send for Catalogue. ' A. W. VANHOOSE, 1
XT t -D-d a -orrm l'~ Associate Presidents
The clearings of Atlanta banks
continue to show an increase oyer
last year’s business. For the
week ending Saturday the in
crease oyer - the corresponding
week of last year is $144,468.
The increase for the month of
July is $69,976. For the seven
months ending Saturday there is
.a considerable increase over the
same period in 1896, in spite of the
fact that the first two months of
1897 showed losses.
You Can't
J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PITCHER’S CASTORIA," the same
that has home and does now 071 ^ery
hear the facsimile signature of wrapper.
This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always hought on the
and has the signature of wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H., Fletcher is
President. a - / *
March 8,1897.
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he 'makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients, of which even he does not know. V
“The Kind You Have Always Bought"
to core an; cue of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Lax*. i
tire, never grip or gripe, bat cause easy natural results. Serai i
3 REMEDY CO.. Chicago, liontreal. Can., orNevr York. ai7. >
a White Plume from a
Crow’s Tail, nor a good
Bicycle from Castings.
The Monarch
is good all through.
; r Mottling Succeeds like Success.
The success of the Speer N. J. Wine
Co. in producing an extra quality of
Grape Brandy is marvelous. They rely
alone on the grape for body and flavor,
and hence there is a wide and growing
demand for this Brandy which rivals
the old brands of Cognac, Francp.
Nothing is finer or richer than Speer
Old Climax Brandy and his Old Port
five to fifteen years old. For table use
their Clarets,. Sautemes, Burgundies
and P. J. Sherry are unsurpassed, For
the sick room, hospital and Sacramen
tal purposes their Unfernientes Grape
Juice is recomeded and used by both
physicians and divines. Sold by drug
gists. .....
A St. Louie physician holds the
hot weather responsible for many
of the recent murders and acts of
violence. The blood becomes
poisoned by being overheated.
The gold fever, in one respect at
least, says an exchange, is like an
attack of love—there’s no use in
arguing with the patint. No mat
ter how yivid the stories of hard
ships that are to be encountered,
nor how discouraging the reports
as to the chances of gaining wealth,
thousands of men from city and
are rushing in to swell the ranks
of those who are determined to
learn in the bitter school of ex-
The Population of Klon-
Under the
‘ ‘Be regular and punctul in all things”
was one of the old maxims, taught long
ago. This is not forgotten, but first is
scarce remembered, so irregular is the
life of most-people nowadays. The on
ly corrector of this evil is Simmons Liv
er Regulator, which keeps the liver ac
tive and prevents the ills of irregular
living: Dispepsia, Biliousness,-Consti
pation, etc. It also cures these troubles.
At. Richmond
dike will be limited only by the
means to get there.
The Gainesville Chautauqua has
been a decided success. Many of
the best speakers of the State have
instructed and amused the large
audieftcea that daily assembled^
Gwinnett Herald. - s '
Since the election last year ac
cording to the Financial Chroni
cle, the enormous amount of
$118,668,258 of municipal bonds
have been marketed.
What the Shakers of Mount Leb
anon know more about than anybody
else, is the use of herbs and how to be
They have studiecLthe power of food.
They nearly all live to a ripe old age.
The Shaker Digestiv Coldial is pre
pared by the Shakers from herb and
plants with a special tOnie power over
the stomach.
Its helps the stomach digest the food,
and digested -food is the strength-mak-
Strong muscles, strong body, strong
brain, all come from proDerly digested
fnru\ ‘ '/
Chicago New York
Von and Your Grandfather
Are removed from each other by a span
of many years.. He travelled in a slow
going stage-coach while .you take the
lighning express or the “electric car.
When he was sick-he was treated by
old fashioned medicine,--bhfc ; you. de-:
mand modern ideasjn well
as in eveiy thing else! f Hoodjs Sarsa-
parillais-the medicine of today. It is
No Distress Now.
“After a long sickness I was left very
weak and and my stomach was jn
such a condition that I could not retain
food. I decided to trv Hood’s Sarsa
parilla and I found it gave relief. I was
soon so much better that I could eat
drink anything I wished* and I gained
rapidly in flesh.” Mrs. J. B. Stokes,
North Decatur, Ga.
Georgia Railroad.
parilla is- the medicine of today. It is
prepared by modern methods apd to its
prepration are i brought ; the jskill and-
knpwledge of. modern. science. Hood’s :
Sarsaparilla afita promptly uponthe
blood and by .making: ptfre, rich<; blood
it cures disease -and' establishes- gdbd
A sick stomach can be cured aitd di- : Hood’s
gestion made easy by Shaker Diges- ieathatic.
tive Cordial. '*|| .1jj .
It cures the nausea, loss of appetite/ i<
pain in the stomach, headache, giddi-.
ness, weakness and all other symptoms Ml’S,
of indigestion, and certainly and .per- selected
manently. ksDBftS
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle lOets. i ^ ,
To and from all trains—street
cars and busses-—to any part of
the city, busses or carriage.
Prompt accommodations.
Gainesville Transfer Co.
A. G. Jackson, Gen. Pass.
Joe W. White, Trav. Piss.
Augusta, Georgia.
Kirkland, Pass. Agei
Atlanta, Ga.
W. G. Boykin, Land Agent.
How to Find Out.
v Fill a. bottle or common water glass
with urine and let it.stand twepty-fqui:
hours; a sediment or settling indicates
a diseased condition of the kidneys.
When urine stains linen' it is positive
evidence, of kidney trouble.. Too ‘fre
quent desire to urinate or. pain in..the
It does look hard that -a man
should die before his appointment
«ame, and then be named for a
postoffice a month after he is
dead. Such was the fate of Peter
Yoakley, who has been named
postmaster at Wahoo, Tennessee.
Guaraii tee prompt ; service and will inaugurate
back, is also convincing proof that, the
kidneys and bladder are out of order.-
There is comfort in. the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp Root, the great kidney-remedy,
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder, and
every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold Urine and
scalding pain in passing it, or had effects
following use of liquor, wine-or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant neces
sity of being compelled .to get up many
-Aun£ Rachael's Bitters.
The undeniblje fact that these Bitters
are composed in'the main of Speer’s
Wipe, with Peruvian Bark, j Snake
root etz., annalyzed and recommended
The City Service
June 14, 1897.
Something To Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restor
ing the tired out nervous system to. a
healthly vigor is Electric Bitters. This
medicine is purely' vegetable, acts by
giving tone to the nerve centres, in the
stomach, gently stimulates the Liver
and Kidneys, and aids theese organa
iB throwing off impurities in the blood.
« Electric Bitters improves appetite, aids
digestion; and is pronounced by those
who have tried it as the kept blood pu
rifier and nerv tonic. Trv^it. Sold for
50c or 91.00 per bottle -at M. C. ffiown
& Go’s Drug Store. * ,
counties traversed by the
One second-hand 8-horse po
Portable Engine and Boiler
wheels, in good condition.
And we will sell it cheap.
Schedule of delivery wagons .vill be furnished all
parties desiring shine.
tes, cannot fail in inspirng confide
in the use of these Malarial Bitters.
Charges, 10 cents for delivering
to message, within city limits.
messages, and 5 cents for reply
Have an office boy at’Phone 102, day and night, who will receive and
enter orders to call for baggage and passengers for either denote
Charges same day and night.
Passenger and trunk to Southern Railway, 25 cents; to G., J <fc
S., 15 cents We issue passenger tickets to both depots, which will
be accepted by all bus lines. When you have baggage we will send
chair; was induced ' to try Dr. King’s
New Discovery, and was cured by the
use of two bottles. For past three
years has been attending to business,
and says Dr. King’s New Discovey is
the grandeat remedy eyer made, as it
o one
has done so much for him and also for
others in his community..
New Discovery is guara:
Coughs and Consumption.
faiL Trial bottles free at M
& Co’s. Drug store..
L for
•s near