Newspaper Page Text
towering granduer, to the height
of 6,000 feet, with the little
town at its base, 1,300 feet above
the level of the "Atlantic ocean.
The climate of the section of
country is exceedingly mild. It
is not excessively hot in summer
nor cold in winter. The average
summer temperature being about
80 degrees and that of the winter
about 44 degrees Fahrenheit.
It has long been known as an
established fact, that the hills of
North Georgia abound in almost
all the minerals to be found else
where. Gold, silver, copper, lead,
are all
county and president of the North
A Chord In Melancholy.
“We know when moons shall wane,
■v When summer birds' from far shall
cross the sea,
When, autumn tints shall tinge the
; • ripened grain,. - V -
But whorshail teach us when to look
for thee?” A|
These, tender lines come back to
us, invested with pip' bow and
deeper meaning, as we think of
forted, and the firmer fiber of
manhood almost fails beneath tie
weight of a father’s bereavement.
1 But the warmest sympathy of a
whole people was never poured
forth more abundantly than upon
this stricken household, whom,
affection, like an angel of light,
shall follow until their sad pil
grimage is done and God “shall
wipe away all tears from their
eyes.”—Charles J. Bayne, in Au
gusta Herald.
Agricultu r al College,
transferred the mint building, and
adjoining grounds to the trustees
of that institution for educational
The development of the de
posits, (or what are known as the
placer mines) since the war has
proved conclusively that the
quartz lead? are rich in free gold,
and numerous quartz mills have
been established aud at the pres
ent time are in successful opera
tion in Lumpkin and the adjoining
counties, lying along the course of
the Chestatee and Yahoola rivers,
in the immediate vicinity of which
the free gold veins have been dis-
Hydraulic operations
Writing to Mrs. Pinkham,^
Says:—I have been using vour Vege
table Compound and find that it does
all that it is recommended to de. I
have been a sufferer for the last four
years with womb a.
trouble, weak
back and exere-
.tions. I was hard- Y ,
ly able to do my »jSgs|flj|Bgj[
household duties, (7, JmEM
and while about '
my work was so
nervous that _
I was miser- wpgwfcipljigj
able. I had IfjS?
also given, ^
upindes- “
pair, when I “
was persuaded to try Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound, and to
day, I am feeling like a new woman.—-
Mbs. Eixa McGabvy, Neebe Hoad
Station, Cincinnati, O.
. Lydia E. Pint Lam’s Liver Pills
work in unison with the Compound,
and are a snre cure for constipation
and siek-headache. Mrs. Pinkham’s
Sanative Wash is frequently found of
great value for local application. Cor
respondence is freely solicited by the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., aud the strictest confidence as
sured. All druggists sell the Pink-
ham's remedies. The Vegetable Com
pound in three forms—Liquid, Pin a,
pie lines biwfiipb #j^ently an
nounced that; a manly young son
had suddenly passed away, con
veyed bnt a poor ideajbf the blow
which has fallen upon one of the
noblest and best of distinguished!
Wherever the name of Hon. H.
W. J. Ham is known it is a
synonym of mirth and bubbling
humor, but he who has so often
chased away the 'shadows that
gathered about the hearts of
others, is today, together with his
devoted wife and children, bowed
beneath a burden of sorrow which j
no human agency can chase away.
The eloquent lips whose mission
in life has ever been to scatter
sunshine and flowers along the
rugged pathway of others are
closed in the silence qf an over
mastering sorrow and .“the heart
which has bounded so often to the
laughing melodies of -the world
is turned inward to contemplate
its own bitterness, while, power-
lt’s your own fault if you use old-
fashioned greasy salves and liniments
that soil your clothing and offend your
olfactories, when you can get that very
pleasant and stainless liquid, Dr. Tich-
enor’s Antiseptic. It heals cuts, burns,
etc., quicker and with less suffering
than anything.
Absolutely Pure
to be found in and around Flowery
Branch, , in sufficient quantities
to justify the belief* that ere long,
syndicates, who are now prospect
ing the country and securing op
are being prosecuted along the
Etowah river, and the banks of
that renowned stream are found
to abound in gold of a superior
Before milling the ores to be
found in the veins they should be
thoroughly desulphurized. To ef
fect which however, ordinary
kilns should be erUfcted. for the
thorough desulphurization of the
ores, before they aye milled. In
desulphurizing ore containing free
gold, the use of chemicals should
be strictly avoided and should be
roasted to a red aud not a white
heat. By this process the ore
becomes thoroughly desulphurized
and relieved of impurities and
.when subjected to the milling
process is easily crushed, becomes
disintegrated, and the gold being
purified, amalgamates readily with
quicksilyer. X
The base metal ores require to
be treated more scientifically, on
account of the various combina
tions, yetr the same process of
roasting should be rigidly adhered
to before they are * subjected
to further treatment.
All the mountain streams in
North Georgia abound in gold to
be found in the gravel on their
banks, and.above the bed rock on
their bottoms. Uuilhg a' season
of drought, when vhe streams are
very low, it is no uncommon thing
to see the coun try'penile search
ing for nuggets lying ftobedded in
the bed rock. This gold originated
in the numerous quartz leads,
which are to be found in theJots
bnrdetimr *-n the banks of the
•n* m <*. t • r-»cg out the min-
Only 50 cents at your
druggists and he likes to sell it.
Of North Georgia.—Some Inter
esting Information About
taking advantage of the richness
of this section, will be amply
remunerated for their investments.*
With the advantages of climate,
in which mining can be carried on
during the entire year, wood and
water free of cost, and "cheap
labor, there is every reason to
believe, that a large amount of
The Summer Girl.
The summer girl’s our winter
girl, for this there’s rhyme and
reason; and our} breezes freshen
lip and curl, and make the year
her season. Bring her to ug from
cities old, from mountain top and
beaches—-we’ll send her back as
good as gold, and sweet as sum
mer’s peaches.—Jacksonville .Cit
For The Georgia Cracker.
In the mountains of Georgia,
where the wild roses and mountain
laurel unite with the sassafras
buds, in impregnating the atmos
phere with the fragrance of the
balm of a thousand flowers, and
where nature in all his majestic
granduer smiles to think that man
should attempt to analyze the
mysteries in which she is en
shrouded, the ragged miner,
with pick, shovel and pan is to be
found delving among the rocks,
on square stools built of stone, with a
wooden top. - "*'. - ‘
The punishment cells do not appear
to be such formidabte affairs, having a
wooden bed fixed toroe floor, bedding
being supplied at night. The floors
are of polished wood. By an ingenious
arrangement, the amount pf light to
be admitted into the cell can be regu
lated at will from the corridor with
out. Incorrigibles, whom it is found
impossible to employ in the work
shops, owing to their turbulence and
persistent breaches of discipline, work
in their cells. This .sequestration may
be carried on for any period up to
ninety days, and gives no claim to the
reduction of the original sentence.
Out of an Old Scrap Boofc
If. your longue be
in good con
dition for doing a little acrobatic
work, says the Boston Journal,
try reading the following word*
curiosity aloud. It may be famil
iar to some of you, for it is one of
the treasures that we dug up out
of aii old scrap book:
If you stick a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a stick,
Or cross a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a cross,
• Or cross a cross across a stick,
Or cross a cross across a cross,
Or stick a cross across a cross,
. Or stick a crossed stick across a
crossed stick,
Or cross a crossed stick across a cross,
Or cross a crossed stick across a stick,
Or cross a crossed stick across a
crossed stick,
- Would that be an acrostic?
“For five weeks I lived on cold water,
so to speak,” writes a man who suffered
terribly from indigestion.
He could hardly keep anything on
bis stomach.
Fads In Medicine.
There are fads in medicine as in eve
rything else and a “new thing” fre
quently sells for a s^ort time simply
because it is new. But in medicine, as
in nothing else, the people demand and
will be satisfied only with positive, ab
solute merit. The fact that Hood’s
Sarsaparilla has stood its ground
against all competition, and its sales
have never wavered but have remained
steadily at the top, demonstrates, be
yond any doubt, the intrinsic virtues
of this medicine. The new things have
What stayed wasn’t
I properly digested and gave him terrible
I ThLris not an uncommon case. Dys-
! peptics don’t get enough nourishment.
They are generally thin and weak.
They may eat enough, but they don’t
digest enough. Much pf what they
eat turns into poison. If this keeps on
there’s no telling what disease they
may -get next.. .1 J -
That’s why it is best to take Shaker
Digestive Cordial as soon as symptoms
of indigestion appear.
It cures all the evils of indigestion,
and prevents the evils which indiges
tion causes.
Sold by druggists, price 10 cents'to
$1 per bottle.
Bead What Follows and Save a
bIndians. As the wild lands of
'Georgia at that time were pre
emptible, numerous parties al
lured by the reports of these dis
coveries, occupied a portion of
these lands and mined for gold.
The results were so favorable, that
the government established a
branch of the United States mint
at i)ahlonega, and in the course
of a few years a vast amount of
gold was derived fr-mi the alluvial
deposits of Lumpkin, Hail,Haber
sham, .White and adjoining coun
With a view of raising the
means pf paying a portion of the
state’s indebtedness, l^grs-
laiur< '<»f G tvi . c
authorizing ilif lii-j. r*»i o- tu“
wild, lands bv lottery. The In
dians were removed to the West
and the lands were distributed
amongst the holders of tickets in
Georgia and throughout tbejstates.
Although tbiB proceeding
checked general mining, and the
development of the section { the
amount of gold produced from the
lots by the work of the miners,
who had succeeded in obtaining
leases from the owners, was suffi
cient to induce the government to
continue operations at the mint,
until the commencement of the
exciting period which terminated
in the late war. During the war
mining operations were suspended
and shortly after its close the
government, at the earnest solici
tation of Col. Wm. P. Price, mem-
'ber of congress from Lumpkiu
He Tumbled.
He.—“What would you say if I
business I wouldn’t get a chance
to say anything.” —Cleveland
A famous Scotch dean used to tell *
ghost story, the clew to which is in the
question, “Weel, main ter ghaiat, is this
a general rising or are ye just taking s
daunder frae yer grave by yerself?”—
Nature is an arrant democrat and be
stows her gifts impartially. -—Mrs. CL
G. Gore.
In Good Company.
t ^ajapaA--“^Now, -Johnny, you
must remember to use your right
hapd. I don’t want 'you to be
come left-handed.”
Johnny.—“Why, mamma* some
of the best pitchers in the League
are left-handed.”—-Puck.
gave assurance of a distinguished
career. In every way he justified
that parental pride with which wq
view “our little selves reformed
in finer clay.”
And yet, as if death had con
every case undertaken. TreatJ
meat furnished at $5 per month *
Dr. Snider speedily removes can.-
roots and all!’ by modern,
without knife
a cost of only
Yellow Jack Preventive.
Guard against Yellow Jack by keep
ing the system thoroughly clean and
free from germ bleeding matter. Cas-
earets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the
system and kill all contagious disease
painless treatment
or caustics, and at
Opium and Morphine habits
speedily and permanently cured.
Hundreds of testimonials. Ex
plain your case and save a long
sickness. Everything confidential.
Enclose stamp.
0. HENLEY SNIDER; A- M. IffrD. Ph. D..
• Atlanta, Georgia, w
refinement of
grief, the father whose fondness
for him was a paramount passion,
brightening the lives of those who
cheered and listened as he toured
the far WeBt, knew nothing of the j
spectre that had crossed his own
home, and returned only to find
the idol of his household consigned
to the impatient tomb.
There is no earthly anguish
beyond this. The gentle mother,
Crushed and broken-hearted, weeps I
like-- Rachael, refusing to be com-
Causes folly half the sickness in the world. It
retains the digested food too long in the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, fndl-
F -r st-Wisl years past, a system
of drudging has been carried on in
the Chestatee river and a vast
amount of free * gold has been
found and shovelled from the bed
of that stream, and several parties
have been enriched who are now
prosecuting the work with renewed
The Chattahoochee river, of
which the Chestatee is a tributary,
is now being successfully dredged
for gold.
Within 44 miles of Atlanta, Ga.
and distant 9 miles from Gaines
ville, will be found the beautiful,
mountain town of Flowery Branch,
in Hail countyvon the Air Line
railrdhd. , 4 • } /
_ In the distance, tlie BIue Ridge,
a part of the Appalachian range
of mountains, is seen to .rise iu
gestfon, bad _laste, coated _ _ _
tongue, sick headache, in- ES - I If ^
somnia, etc. Hood’s Fills WT I I H
cure constipation and all its ®
results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists.
Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Free tuition. We give one or more free schol
arships in every county in the U. S. "Write us.
WiU accept notes for tuition
v ositeonSf * ©rcandepositnioneyiti bank
. -j until position is secured. Car
cniaranteea fare paid. No vacation. En-
Under reasonable ter at any time. Open for both
conditions. . sekes.Cheap board. Send for
free illustrated catalogue.
Address J. P. Draughon, Pres’t,at either place.
Draughon’s V?
Most Economical Power is Furnislicd by the
For Superior Tens Grinding and Excellency in
the Manufacture of Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Sold in 11000 Cities and Towns in the U. S. Most
Popular Glasses in the TJ. S.
p a il T B |% gffl These Famous Glasses
Will give three boxes of ..their Specific
Tablets, worth $2.50, to any one who
may have used as much as one box of
th eir tablets without decided benefit.
We hive never heard of a single case:
where the tablets have failed to give
satisfactory results, and if there is a j
f All made of Best JSrla- M
g te;rial, with Best Work- E
manship, in Best Man-
fnEfrl Mast economical
in Use of fuel, splendid|jH
steamers, and most free^ffi
from sparks. More LEF-
F^VGINES in use ^
Soutii than any Other make. Range
these cngilies iii ifew pamphlet • “ JD
The most thorough,, practical and . progressive
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized Ones in the South. Indorsed by hank
ers, merchants ministers and others; Four
weeks in hooklceeping with ns are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draughon,
President, is author of Dranghon’s new system
of bookkeeping, “Double ljntry Made Easy.”,
Home study. .We have prepared for borne
study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and
shorthand. Write for pricelist “Home Study.”
Extract. -‘Prop. Draughon—I learned book
keeping at home from.your books, while holding
a position as-night telegraph operator.”—C. E.
LEPFiNGWEnn, Bookkeeper for Gerber & Ficks,
A. K. Hawkes, the famciis Atlanta
Optician, direct from the home office of
this Great Optical house, or one of his
practical * Opticians will remain at the
store of bis agents,
Will Believe Every Time.
Sure Cure!
•ity from 3 liorse-{>ower
of which, witb prices.
igliout the
All about
person to be found who has used them
without- benefit we want to know who
he is aid where to 'find him. They I
never fail to cure kidney and bladderl
troubles and affections of the genital I
organs and overcome all debility} and
weakness in both . men ' and women. I
They improve the appetite, aid diges-1
tion and assimilation and overcome I
constipation.' They have vital-effect j
on all of the secretory organs and cs- j
tablisb a healthy condition of the mu-1
cous and gland secretions in}every part!
of the body; overcome all torpid eondi-J
tions of the capillaries and secure per-1
feet circulation of the blood, so that!
every organ is supplied and every fune<- j
tion is normal and healthy. Being the J
only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological
conditions of the -human system, it is
no wonder that they give results un
known to medical science. No matter
if the doctors and all remedies have
failed,"try the Tabletsand be convinced
that they are superior to all known I
remedies. Their effect on the nerve
centres is a complete surprise to phy
sicians who have used them. Cases
that have baffled the skill of best phy
sicians and no remedies seemed to ben
efit, have been promptly controlled and
permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections of morphine
haye been resorted to as the only means
of temporary relief have been promptly
controlled by the Tablets and the trou
ble completely overcome by their use.
Price, one box $1; three boxes $2.50.
If not on sale in your locality, order
direct from Haggard Specific Co., At
lanta, Ga.
and apy further information desired, furnished free on application
By one of the most renowned and suc-
■ cessful as well as reliable Opticians in
the U. S. Mr. Hawkes has the modem
appliances for scientific adjustment of
glasses to the eye. There is no Opti
cian in the-U. S. who enjoys the confi
dence.of the. people -more than Mr.
>id Dollar HI ornament.
t and a pleasure to me to recommend your Tetter-
an infallible remedy and cure for tetter. My wif©
1 by same for about twelve years, and after using
five days it disappeared entirely, to her great relief,
ing your praise, and I am prepared to contribute
i erecting a monument to your name.
urs. etc., A. M. HAYGOOD, Evelyn, Ga.
is often the cause of headache, dizziness
nervousness arid dimness of vision.
This can be cured in many cases by the
correct fitting of our Crystalized lenses
to the eye. Call early, as we positively
remain but two days, as we have other
engagements for later dates.
CAUTION—-I would caution the
public against buying spectacles from
peddlers, going from house to bouse
with a lot of spectacles, representing
themselves to be Hawkes’, or selling the
same, class of goods. I positively do
not employ peddlers. Hawkes’ specta
cles are wiever peddled. Many of the
inferior glasses that flood the market
are positively injurious to the eye.
cl, svrap 50 cents for a
trade of your life. '
, or by mail jj||;
• cents in cash or st&m
r Dr. E. E. Dixon & Ct
The Father’s Patience,
The Mother’s Happiness,
. The Baby’s Health.
I A ^ I [