Newspaper Page Text
Beportorial and Typographical
A correspondent sends ns some
reporters’ errors, says the West
minster Gazette. Mr. Asquith
Once referred to the government's
“pique or temper,” the reporter
wrote “peacock temper.” A speak
er at Exeter Hall, replying tonn
attack, said it was “a double lie in
” which,
About Running Newspapers.
The following from the Mont
gomery Advertiser may be read
with profit, not only by the com
munity at large, but by publishers
of newspapers, great and small :
“A newspaper’s space is its
stock in trade, and the public
should, be educated into not ex
pecting its proprietors to give it
away to everybody and everything.
When this truth is more fully
realized and acted upon, there will
be more newspaper successes.
“The public in days gone by has
made newspapers and newspaper
men a sort of byword for poverty,
but newspapers are learning to
correct this impression; The pub
lic is largely to blame for the es
timate it has too frequently form
ed by outright begging all sorts of
favors from the publishing enter
prises in their reach and by get
ting their cheek rewarded.
“People should be educated out
of this habit. As fast as news-
paper men teach their neighbors
that newspaper space costs money
and labor to produce and has a
market value, just that fast will
the public respect’the undertak
ings at their doors as a business
enterprise worthy of support.
Then the average man will no
Deadening Railroad Noise.
A noise preventive in the form
of iron felt has been devised by a
German brain for deadening rail
road noise.,. It is placed between
the rail and the ties or sleepers,
and not only deadens the sound
and prevents shock,- but dimin
ishes very essentially the wear anc
tear on the rolling stock and on
the road bed. It - is made of
Woolen materials impregnated
Swallowing Buttons.
When children swallow buttons,
coins or other foreign bodies, it
seems to be a natural impulse
a purgative. Gas-
die like is usually
Composition on Man.
This composition on “Man” is
said, to be the production of an
old maid : '
“Man is a tfto-legged animal
that chews tobacco and walks on
the; forked end. Most men are
born; we never heard of but one
that wasn’t/ and he was made or
mud for a. sample. Man’s lite. is
full of disappointments, growls
and pipes. He goes forth like a
lion in the morhing snd leaves the
"wood for .his wife to chop, and in
the evening sneaketh home with
his pants ripped and his heels
gone and raising cane about hard
times. He has the grip on road
working, days and walks twenty
miles to a circus. He will chase a
for -their mothers to
tor . oil or
given under the idea of facilitating
the expulsion of the object from
the intestines ; but, this ik exactly
the wrong course to pursue. Pur
gatives should not be given. They"
only tend to make matters worse,
for they increase the natural
mcyemen ts of the intestines and
makeuthe entanglement of the ob
ject in some loop of the bowels all
the more liable. To adopt an en
tirely reverse, proceeding is the;
proper mode of treatment, giving
a diet which is more constipating
than otherwise, for the aim should
be to lessen the movements oft he
intestines, and. to cause the for
eign body to become imbedded in
the" food given. Solid diet, such
as bread ana butter, mashed pota
toes, rice pudding, porridge and
ettstards, with' as "little "fluid as
possible, should be given- In
the shape of half a truth,
by the ingenuity of the reporter,
appeared as “a double eye in the
shape of a tooth.” Lord Russell,
the then Cannon of Windsor, had
been trying, he said, for forty
years to cure drunkards by mak
ing them drink in moderation:
Women suffering from any form of
female weaknijss are invited to promptly
commnnjcate with Mrs. JPinkham, at
Dyirn, Mass. All letters are re
ceived, opened, read, and answered by
women only. A wdman can freely
talk of her private illness to a woman.
Thus has been established the eternal
confidence Between Mrs. Pinkham and
the women of ^nferi^a which has never
been broken, tout of the vast volume
of experience which she has to draw
from, it is more than possible that she
has gained thefveiy knowledge that
will help your case.! Shi asks nothing
in return except Jrour good will, and
her advice jhas reliXed thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very
foolish if she does not take advantage
of this generous efeer of assistance.
roads. At Berlin and Leipsic,
Where the experiments were made,
the results were highly gratifying.
—New Ideas.
Human Heart’s Action^
The human heart heals seventy
tinn-s per roiente. If in practi
cally a force pump, which forces
two and a half ounces «»f blood
through Hie system at each beat,
or one hundred and seventy-five
Ounces per minute. All the blood
i,i the body, which is aPout thirty
pou,tils, passes tiii"Ugii tLie heart
every three minutes. This organ
pumps every day what is equal to
lifting one hundred and twenty
tons one foot high', or one ton one
hundred and twenty’ feet high.
This marvelous little pump, with
out a single moment’s rest night
or day, discharges the enormous
quantity of 178,850 tons of hu
man blood during the seventy
years of an average life.
moderation, but had never once
succeeded. Sir James Grant, in a
speech in the Canadian House of
Commons, once referred to a man’s
thorax; when in print it read “a
man’s pickaxe; ” and, on another
occasion his reference to “food
for the Gods,” appeared “food for
the cods.” In setting up arspeech
of Sir Henry Irving, the composi
tor made “many journeys in small
boats” read “weary journeys in
small, boots,” but this is not. to
snow and then Borrow a horse to
ride a half mile to the postoffice. ”
■ “It’s no joke” when we say that Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic is superior to
anything offered the “dear .people” as
a dressing for. wounds, burns, bruises,
stings of insects, poison oak, etc. Its
cleanliness, pleasant .odor and quick
cures makes it a universal favorite
wherever known. - Any _ good druggist
Two of the most important
posts under the administration at
present are the controllership of
the currency and the consul gen
eral at Havana. “Both, >-are Vtill
filled by appointees of Mr. Cleve
land. The report of a few days
ago that Controller Eckels had
resigned was ah error.
billon 3 or cos
Casearet, candy catharic.
auteed. 10 and 25 cents.
It’s your own fault if you use old-
fashioned greasy salves and liniments
that soil your clothing and offend your
olfactories, when you can get that very
pleasant and stainless liquid, Dr. Tich
enor’s Antiseptic. It heals cuts, burns,
etc., quicker and with less suffering
than anything. Only 50 cents at your
There is talk and talk of guber
natorial candidates, but they'll
all have to give way‘to that
“grandest Roman ot them all.’’—
Alien D. Candler.
There are- oyer two thousand
patent machines' with which the
vegetable foods used in our homes,
-may bs either e*t er emsijpft i*
preparing them for the table.
Wonders Never Cease.
No one need suffer the tortures of
rheumatism, because that modem lini
ment, Salvation Oil, positively cures it.
“I was a great sufferer from sciatic
rheumatism, and the best of doctors
attended roe without relief. I com
menced using Salvation Oil, and two
bottles helped me wonderfully. It
certainly has worked wonders with me.
Mrs E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield,
Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all
dealers for 25 cts. Take no substitute.
A patriotic, homesick, but some
what short-sighted Scotchman, de
siring a reminder of his native land
planted, some years ago in Aus
tralia, the thistle. Now he and
the rest of the population regret
his foolish act, for the weed has
multiplied and given great trouble.
The greatest triumph of
chemistry is Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic.
As a dressing for wounds, burns, etc.,
it simply has no equal. Prevents in
flammation, preserves the flesh and
heals like magic. Fragrant as the
■ ‘hast- rose of summer” and cooling as
a breeze from off the deep, blue sea..
Sold by all “up to date” druggists.
Bead What .Follows and Save a
The house of Voltaire, the cel
ebrated infidel, who declared that
Christianity would pas? out of ex
istence before the end of 100 years
is now used by the Geneva Bible
Society as a repository for Bibles.
Doctor’s Bill,
Jihree kcore and ten. We cannot
fight this battle continually for
half a century. But really there
are no long stretches. Life does
not come to us all at one time; it
comes only a day at a time. Even
tomorrow is never ours until it
becomes today, and we have noth
ing whatever to do with It but . to
pass it down a fair aud good in
heritance in today’s work well
done, and today’s life welljlived.
Dr. O. Henley Snider, of Atlan
ta, Ga., has successfully treated
various chronic diseases, in all
parts of the countary by mail and
Miss Passee.r—“I
Bradford last night.
nettle rash. I found no relief until I
began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The
first few bottles relieved me and I con
tinued its use until I was cared. I am
now in better health than for years
and my skin is soft and smooth.”—Mrs.
Lucy W. Bigelow, Bushnell, Florida.
Waterproof Cloth
Cloth can be made waterproof
by the following process: Take an
ounce each of powdered alum and
sugar of lead, stir them into a
gallon of rain water, and when the
liquid is clear, poor off and use
the upper fluid; Any closely wo
ven cloth may be waterproofed by
being immersed in this for a day
and night, then dried and pressed.
Tliis propess will not render the
material unsuitably to allow the
heat of the body from being thrown
off, but it will be waterproof.
Neither will the texture of the
cloth .be injured. Many English
womeft are" adopting thisTnethod
of rendering their bicycle suits
impervious to rain.
express for the past fifteen years.
w He treats Old {Sores, Dropsy,
Fits, Catarrh, Asthma,.Bronchitis,
Some men would get alpng
much faster if they didn’t lose so
much time telling other people
how smart they are. “ -
Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Pri
vate troubles and Female Com
plaints, guaranteeing a cure in
every case undertaken, i Treaty
ment furnished at $5 per month
Dr. Snider speedily removes ean-
cbrs, ‘‘roots 'and all” by modern,
“Because, when I refused him,
re said the next time he would
propose to some one old enough to
know her own mind.”
fads In Medicine. .
There are fads in medicine as in^ieve
ry thing else and a “new thing” fre
quently sells for a short time simply
But in medicine, as
HOOD’S PILLS are the only pills to
take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. All
druggists. 25c.
because it is new.
in nothing else, the people demand and
will be satisfied only with positive, ab
solute merit. The fact that Hood’s
Sarsapariila has stood its ground
against all competition, and its sales
have never wavered but have remained
steadily at the top, demonstrates, be
yond any doubt, the intrinsic virtues
of this medicine. The new things have
come and gone but Hood’s Sarsaparilla
rests upon the solid foundation of ab
solute merit and its power to cure, and
its sales continue to be the largest in
the world.
Harrowgate, Yorkshire England,
is said to possess in its new baths
the most perfect baths of any now
extant. In addition to the pump
room, winter garden, Turkish and
Russian baths, etc., there are in
halation rooms with a sulphur
water fountain and a pulverization
room, where medicated waters may
be applied to the nose/ eyes, etc.
The cost of erection was $600,000.
Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers
may be prevented by keeping the blood
pure and the system toned up with
Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
$10.00. .
Opium and Morphine habits
speedily and perm an en tly cured.
Hundreds of testimonials. Ex
plain your case and save a long
sickness. Everything confidential.
Enclose stamp. 1 . .- /
Iake_biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti
pation, sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly
eared by Hood’s Pills. They do Iheir work
An Excellent Invention.
“An Oklahoma man has invent
ed a tombstone with an inter
changeable inscription,” says an
exchange. A great idea, and a
good one—one use in Oklahoma.
In that section ot the moral vine
yard it is probable that the evolu
tions of time and the divorce
court?, not to mention revolvers
and ropes, sometimes make some
epitaphs singularly inappropriate.
With this new invention it will be
possible to make alterations of
the epitaph to suit changed
’J® medicine, cures fcet-»5l
ter, eczema, itch, all \R
JRJ eruptions on the face,
hands, nose, Ac., leaving
fha q**" clear, white and healt
easily and thoroughly. V% n B ■ _
Best after dinner pills. waP {IRS fi*
25 cents. All druggists. Hr ,11 HR w
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
-The only Pill to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
0. HENLEY SNIDER. A- M. M. D. Ph. D.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Yellow Jack Preventive.
Guard against. Yellow Jack by keep
ing the system thoroughly clean and
free from germ bleeding matter. Cas-
carets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the
system and kill-all contagious disease
The Southern railway has com
pleted its report for the year end
ing June 80, 1897. The gross
earnings of the company for the
year amount to $19,079,000. -The
total assets of the company on
June 80 wers $287,824,648. The
report also shows that the common
stock of the company amounts to
$120,000,000, the preferred stock
$54,800,000, and the funded debt
Tbs- Best and Most Economical
Under reasonable ter at any time. Open for both
conditions. . . . sexes. Cheap board. Send for
—t— 1 — “ free illustrated catalogue.
Address J. F. Draughon, Pres’t, at either place.
Dmughon’s ^
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kind in the world, and the best
patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by bank
ers, merchants, ministers and others. Four
-weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to
twelve weeks by the oldkplan. J. F. Draughon,
President, is author of Dranghon’s new system
of bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy,”
Home study. We have prepared for home
study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and
shorthand. Write for pricelist *,‘Home Study.”
Extract. •‘Prop. Dratjghox—I learned hook-
a positron alright tef^^^y^^ratbr.”-^Ci^
T.rade with the advertisers of
the Cracker. They are wide-awake
buiaess men who appreciate your
trade, and as they ask for it
through this paper we want our
readers to do business with them.
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets, worth $2.50, to any one who
may have used as much; as one box of
their tablets without decided benefit.
We have never heard of a single case
where the tablets have failed to give
satisfactory; results, and if there is a
person to be found who has used them
without benefit we want to know who
he is and where to find- him. They
never-fail to cure kidney and bladder
troubles and affections of the genital
organs and overcome all debility and
weakness in both men and women.
They improve the appetite,, aid diges
tion and assimilation and overcome-
constipation.. They have vital effect
on all of the secretory organs and es
tablish a healthy condition of the mu
cous and.gland secretion* in every part
of the body; overcome all torpid condi
tions of the capillaries and secure per
fect circulation of the blood, so that
every organ is supplied and every func
tion is normal and healthy. Being the
only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological
conditions of the human system, it is
no woncler that they give results un
known to medieal science. No matter
if the doctors and all remedies have
failed, try the Tablets and be convinced
that they are superior to all known
remedies. Their effect on the nerve
centres is a complete surprise to phy
sicians who have used them. Cases
that have baffled the skill of best phy
sicians and no remedies seemed to behj
efit, have been promptly controlled and
permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections of morphine
have been resorted to as the only means
of temporary relief have been promptly
controlled by the Tablets and the trou
ble completely overcome by their use.
Price, one box $1; three boxes $2.50. j
If not on sale in your locality, order j
direct from Haggard Specific Co., At- i .
w All made of IBest Ma- Ijgjjt |
terial, with Best Work- §j|jjj||f|i|
■JfVjF manship, in Best Man- .
[rls^ ner. Most economical
ly«P-in use of fuel, splendid^:. -
Ifegjfe steamers, and most free^
jSSfilf jpP from sparks. MoreLISF- -*_ —
w£=r r~’
South than any other make. Kange in capacity
these engines ' in new pamphlfet “ D, 7 ' copy of v
information-desired, furnished free on application
8100 Reward. 8100,
The readers of this paper will he
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment.
Will Believe Every Time,
Sure Cure!
up. All about
and any further
Hall’s Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting direct
ly upon the blood and: mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building np
-the constitution and assisting nature
in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Bend
for list of: testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., To
ledo, Ohio.
Sold by.druggists, 75e.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
Gold Dollar Mo*u*)*c*t.
?asnre to me to recommend your Tetter-
ble remedy and cure for tetter. My wife
“ • about twelve years, and after using
't disappeared entirely, to her great relief.
and I am prepared to contribute
■ ’ 7 name. ”
A. M. HAYGOOD, Evelyn, Ga.
me. Truly, it is an intaniDie ren
has been annoyed by same for ab
the Tetterine for five daysil
She is ready to sing your praise,
my gold dollar in erecting a monument to your
Yours, etc.,
The Father’s Patience,
* The Mother’s Happiness,
The Baby’s Health.
af Honor
Excellency in
id Eve Glasses,
ithe U. 8. Most
Highest Award Diploma
For Superior Lens Grinding and
the Manufacture of Spoctacles ar
Sold in 11.000 Cities and Towns in
Popular Glasses in tho U. S.