Newspaper Page Text
“Wo have parted forever,” said
the young man sadly, “she is
never going to even write to nae
“Are you sure of that?” asked
his sympathetic friend.*
“Yes;, she' told me so in each
of her last three letters. ’ ’—^Wash
ington Star.
Royal makes the food pure,
the district are very encouraging.
There have been some notable
revivals during the year. About
600 conversions, and 341 additions
on profession to date, and several
meetings not yet heard from.
Considerable strength, both nu
merical and financial, has been
added to some of the churches.
One churqh, Bold Springs, Gwin
nett county, doubled its member
ship and proposed to double its
assessment for the preacher. This
is as it should be. The church
should give the Lord’s cause the
benefit of the rise. Buford hat
paid tfll assessments ordered by
the conference, and has a surplus
for missions. Trinity, Hall cir
cuit, paid entire assessment for
the preacher at the third quarterly
meeting, and since) paid more.
Norcross and Winder charges are
contemplating asking to be made
half stations. This shows the
The following is taken from a
a letter in The Henry County
.Weekly written under the horn de
Sut” from GainesviBe:
fegfhcS tamachs andBowels of
plume of
When Dolly Higbee wrote her
novel called “In God’s Country,”
she must have been in the Klon
dike region of Northeast Georgia,
for this is certainly th<T garden
spot of the union. Under nature’s
gentle touch everything thrives in
this section but a dude. I don’t
know whether it’s the chilling De
cember winds that sweep over the
Blue Ridge that find their way
into a dude’s whiskers, or whether
it is contact with the people.
Their dress, manners and talk are
not exactly suited to an up to
date dude. These mountain peo
ple don’t care whetbsr John Wes
ley issued the Edict of Nantes or
whether Louis XIV was the
founder of the-Methodistchurch,
But there is one thing certain,
your uncle Russell Sage can’t give
them any pointers on finance.
They are plain people, economical
and are hustlers 12 months in the
Five cent cotton cuts no
known to
Absolutely Pure
“The man who marries me must
never to use
health be* J
came so / £ |/\ ^3^.
poor that I A . j*’
had to \ l A
leave J - rt***
school. I
was tired all the time, and had dreadr
ful pains in mysideand back and head.
I was also troubled with irregularity of
menses, and lost so much flesh, that my
friends became alarmed.
“ My mother, who from experience is
a firm believer in the Pinkham reme
dies, thought perhaps they might bene
fit me. I followed the advice Mrs.
Pinkham gave me, and used Lydia E;
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound' and
Liver Pills and am now as well as I ever
was.”—Miss Mablb F. Johnson, Cen-
fcralia, Pa.
ness. andEest.Gontains neither
Ctonun,Morphine liqr Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
promise never, never,
profuse language^”
“That settles it.”
* ‘Settles what ? ”
“I’ll give my. bicycle pum{
away tomorrow.’’-—Chicago Post.
drs. Americus Whitmire was
ried Saturday at Dewberry
irch in the presence of a large
mber of sorrowing friends. She
| been ill some time and her
tth was not unexpected. Her
th was caused from paralysis,
luaband and ten children are
I to mourn her loss.
|he school at Concord academy
I opened up with a fair atten
dee. Indications are good for
irge•■enrollment. ..Prof., R. L.
pkwell, who is principal of the
bol is an excellent teacher.
Yetlinr Jack Killed.
-Cascarets. Candy cathartic kills Yel
low duck wherever they find him . No
one who takes Carcarets regularly and
systematically is in danger ’from the
dreadful' disease. Cascarets kill Yel
low fever germs in the bowels 'and pre
vent new ones from breeding, 10c. 25c.
SOe. all druggists.
tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
WoTnis .Convulsions .Feverish-
Literary Theories.
“Napoleon’s autograph .is about
as bad as Shakespeare’s.”
“Yes; I’H wager that "Bacon
wrote both of them.
here during the past several
months. Dr. Allen has just com
pleted a fine residence, Mr. Hosch
has done likewise, and Dr. DeLa-
perriere has built two large* stores
and a livery stable.
Mr. L. F. Finger and his-son
John of Gainesville, have been
with us some time.
Our school is progressing nicely.
Full attendance, and good work
is being done.
Chstaia is put up in one-size Lotties only. IB
Its not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell
you anything else on the plea or promise that it
Is M tn«t an nvjo M -nr511 ...... ■ -
®IOO Reward. *100,
■he readers of this paper will Tie
S-a&ed lo leiira that there is at least
H|dreaded disease that science has
Hn able to cure in all its stages, and
Kt is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
■he only positive cure known to the
Bdical fraternity. Catarrh being a
Rstitutional disease, requires a ebn-
BnMcina.i treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Ke is'-aken im-ci-iially. acting uirect.-
■pp'. .1; : ifl.UlfitCCS
Rtiie system. then ->y destroying the
■ndation of the ’•liacase. and giving
Se patient strength by building up
le constitution and assisting nature
I doing its work. The proprietors
Ive so ranch faith in its curative poiv-
ps that they offer One 1 undred Dollars
fr any ease that it fails to cure. Send
>r list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., To-
ido. Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
figure with them. With the largest
wheat and corn .crop that has been
raised since the Cherokees left the
country, with more than enough
meat to do them, with “apple
jack” at 15 cents a gallon, their
cattie, chickens, cabbage and
chestnuts as a reserve fund, Carter
Tate’s consituents are a longways
off from a drouth or famine. The
average middle Georgia farmer
would net stand as much showing
as a bare footed boy at a frolic in
making a crop against a farmer
here, for middle Georgia would
want to make a bond about Jan.
1st., when North Georgia would be
fixed. The merchant’s motto up
here is: “ ‘In God we trust,’ all
others cash.” So you see middle
Georgia could not make it over.
A mountain wedding is a quiet
affair, that is the ceremony is
quiet. No Parisian diamonds
shine in the bride’s hair, carnation
pinks, bride’s roses and orange
blossoms are conspicuous by their
absence. There has been no family
consultation as to how Worth
should make her trousseau, but
like our grandmothers of long ago,
she steps to the center of the room
with the man of hear choice and
the good parson makes them one
in short order. No friends send
plated silverware wi^h^au affidavit
attached that it silver.
They march not 6 a cSuor the thun
der tones of a pipe organ, but to
the tune of a fiddle, (a hoqjftf
product at that.) then the fun
begins. One of the neighbors has
already fixed the ginger 6tsw, and
after the parson has had a shot,
From then until
Football in Georgia is doomed.
The. bill introduced by Represen
tative Cole passed the House last
Monday by a vote of 91 to S. This
looks a little like the Georgia leg
islators are opposed to the brutal
game. . ■' * - , : .
Are features peculiar to Hood’s PiHs. S mall in
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
Something to Know.
It may be worth something 1 to know
that the very best medicine for re
storing the tired out nervous system to
a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters.
This medicine is purely vegetable, acts
by giving tone to the nerve centers in
the stomach, gently stimulates the
liver and kidneys^ and aids these or
gans in throwing off imparities in the
blood. Electric Bitters improves the
appetite, aids 'digestion, and is p>ro-
said: "You never know you •
have taken a pill till it is all Ell ^
over.” 25c. C. L Hood & Co., I j%-
Proprfetors, Lowell, Mass. ■ liPhs
The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Hearing Was Affected.
“I was troubled with catarrh for
five years and my hearing was affected
so that I was nearly deaf in one ear.
The first bottle of Hood’s Sarsapa
rilla- did me good and I contin
ued taking it until I was well. 2
have no symptoms of catarrh and my
hearing is all right.”—E. A. Willough
by, Marietta 6a. ~
HOOD’S PILLS are the only pills to
Dr. T. J Watts* Bamesville, Ga.,
Dear Sir:—I take pleasure' in stating
that one box pf Watts’ Eczema Oint
ment cured me v pf an eruptioneaused
by poison oak, removing it entirely in
three days. Yours,' -.Mr
Ohas. M. Bbutain;
Student Mercer-University.
Barnesville, Ga., Sept. 9, 289*7.
For Superior lens Grinding and Excellency fa
the Manufacture of Spectacles end Eye Glasses.
Sold in UJOOO Cities and Towns in tho XT. S. Most
Popular Glasses in tho U. S.
ASgl These Famous Glasses
UMU 1 SlUeg Aee,Never Peddled.
These famous glasses for sale by M.
C. Brown & Co. .
The farmers are gathering the
ast of their crons, and are pre-
jaring to sow wheat. There will
ie plenty of corn and pork raised
h our section to do them another
rear. The pea crop is very large,’
Mrs. J. W. Reed is quite sick.
Mr. Charley Sargent is very low
nth malarial fever.
Mr. Parks Bell of Jackson coun-
y visited our community recently.
Rev. Mr. Sheffield will preach
,t Poplar Springs the third Sun-
lay in this month at 11 o’clock
I m. The public is invited to
tear him.
The Sunday school at this place
p progressing finely and the ab
undance is good.
take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
reliable, sure.
Agricultural Geography.
First Western Farmer, (at rail
road station,}—“You’re a farmer,
too, eh?”
Second Western Parmer—“Yes;
been farmin’ a good many years.”
First Farmer—“That so? Glad
to meet ye. Where is your farm
located—-in the flood district) the
drought section, the grasshopper
region or the cyclone helt?”—New
York Weekly.
Union Teacliers’ Agencies of America.
., New York, N. Y.
Chicago, Ill.,
Household Gods
The ancient Greeks believed that the
Penates were the gods, who attended
to the welfare and prosperity of the
family. They were worshipped as
household gods in every home. The
household god of today is Dr. King’s
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds, and for all affections of
the throat, chest and lungs it is invalu
able. It has been tried for a quarter
of a centnry and is guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. It is pleasant to
take and a safe and sure remedy for
old and young. No household should
be without this good angeL Free bot
tles for trial at M. C. Brown & Co's.
drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1.
New Orleans, La.
San Francisco, Cal*, -
St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col.
5 There are thousands of positions to -be filled during the school
term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies
duriag the past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in
every part of the United and Canada, as over 95 per cent, of those
who registered before’ August secured positions. One fee registers in
irg, Pa., Toronto, Can
Washington, D. C ,
The Best and Most Economical Power is Furnished by the
conditions .... sexes. Cheap board. Send lor
— "——'free illustrated CrtiteUB.
Address J. F. Dxatjghon, Pres’t, at ether place;
D mughon’s ^
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting/ etc.
.The most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kind, in the world, and the best
patronioed.ois'zs in the South. Indorsed by bank
ers, merchants, ministers and others. Four
weeks in /bookkeeping with tis are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Uraughon,
President, is author of Draughon’s new system
of bookkeeping:, “Double ^ntiy Made Easy.”
Home study. We have prepared for home
Domestic Expenses.
“Dreadful that your husband
broke his arm falling over Mrs.
Fitz-Brown’s baby-buggy.”
“Yes; and we had to buy the
Fitz-Browns a new buggy.”—De
troit Free Press.
Guard against Yellow Jack by keep-
ng the system thoroughly clean and
ree from germ bleeding matter. Cas-
arets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the
ystem and kill all contagious disease
the dance starts,
daybreak the boards fly from the
shack like a south Georgia cyclone
had hold of it.
We get 12,000 bales of cotton a
year and our territory extends 75
miles north of here into North
Carolina. Think of a man coming
from McDonough to Gainesville
to buy goods and you have . it.
St live, bn a . street; thalybas-three
privates—-not like, in Kentucky,
all colonels—but majors, judges,
captains, and at the farther end
of the street we havp-a lieutenant-
general. A man has to live on- it
All made of Best Ma- i
j-terial, with Best Work- I
’ mans hip, in Best Man- i
ner/ Most economical
in use of fuelj ; splendid jgs
'steamers, and most frees
[ from sparks. More LEF- "ySj
FEL ENGINES in use ^
Will give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets/ worth §2.50, to any one who
may have used as much as one box of
their tablets v^ithoYit decided benefit.
We haviy never heard of - a single case
where the tablets have failed to give
satisfactory reshlts,;; and - if ‘ there is; a
person to be found who has used them
without benefit we want to kiiow who
he is and where to find him.. They
never fail to’ enre kidney and bladder
troubles and affections of -the genital
organs and overcome all debiffty and
weakness in both uien and'women;
They improve the appetite, aid diges
tion and assimilation and overcome
Constipation. They have vital effect
on all of the secretory organs and es
tablish a healthy condition of the mu
cous and gland secretions in_every part
of the body; overcome all torpid condi
tions of the capillaries and secure per
fect circulation of the blood, so that
every organ is supplied and every funor
tion is normal and healthy. Being the
only remedy ever compounded that
fully meets the logical physiological
igiiout the South than any other make. Range in. capacity from 3 horee-pow«r
All about these-engines in new pamphlet “D,” copy of which, with prices,
ray further information desired, furnished ficiee bn application to
Miles* Nerve Plasters.
“It is due you and a pleasure to me to recommend yo
ine. Truly, it is an infallible remedy and cure fer tetter
has .been annoyed by same for about twelve years, and
the Tetterine for five days it disappeared entirely, to
She la ready to sing your praise, and I am prepared-to'
my gold dollar in erecting a monument to your name.-
Yours, etc., A. M. HAYGOOD, m
another over onr back fence and
are quite chummy. On the night
of Clevelands second election Col.
Candler was addressing a crowd of
enthused Cleveland sh6uters,when
a good populist brother from For
syth county asked the colonel
how about Forsyth county. The
colonel answered the brother that
everything had gone democratic
except hell and Forsyth county.
conditions of the human system., it is
no wonder that they give results un
known to medical science. No matter
if the doctors and all remedies have
failed, try the Tablets and be convinced
that they are superior to all known
remedies. Their effect on the nerve
centres is a complete surprise to phy
sicians who have used them. Cases
that have baffled the skill of best phy
sicians and no remedies seemed to ben
efit, have been promptly controlled and
permanently cured by the Tablets.
Cases where injections of morphine
haye been resorted to as the only means
of temporary relief have been promptly
controlled by the Tablets and the trou
ble completely overcome by their use,$
Price, one box SI; three boxes $2.50.
If not on sale in your locality, order
direct from Haggard Specific Co., At-
If you are afl
It will be the
sores,-tetter, chapped hands, chilbli
corns, and all skin eruptions,
positively cures piles, or no pay
qnired. It is guaranteeed to give
feet satisfaction or money refun
Price 25 cents per box. For sah
M. C. Brown & Co.
•es, or by mail
50 cents in cash or stamps.
by Dr. 35. E. Dixon k Co.,
The Mother’s Happiness,
The Baby’s Health.
At b months oltl
? s hoists — Lv Ci::
Mi fe
: j. ' . - . >
1 ULmB ; i P-umH**' ~t