Newspaper Page Text
mmM 1 :
Atlanta a Poor Market,
Atlanta markets are selling
chickens shipped here from Mis
souri. This ought to make Gaines
ville turn purple with rage.—At
lanta Constitution. “But it does
n't, though," -said Agent Terrell
of the Southern Express Company,
who handles all the chickens
shipped from this market, and
who read the above clipping.
“The truth of the business is,”
said he, “Gainesville will not ship
to Atlanta for the reason that we
pay more for chickens here than
is paid for them in Atlanta, con
sequently our chickens are shipped
to better markets. Missouri ships
to Atlanta because she can’t do
but we can reach other
Corn sbuckings are common,
and the crop is very good.
Mr. J. L. Skelton has gone to
see his mother and other relatives
and will return soon.
A good crop of 'when t is being
Mr. G. G. Bennett will bo
off to Texas soon.
Ten bushels of wheat is equal in
value to a 600 pound bale of cot
ton, after deducting expense from
both. Try it and be sure you pre
pare your land well and sow at
least five bushels of wheat.
Potatoes have been dug and the
crop is very short in this section.
Mr. C. F. Knipper started for
Athens Monday.
Mr. J. W. Brown has applied for
the postoffice at Halfway and will
prpbably get it as Mr. Kemp has
resigned. MrtKemp is going to
move down on Squirrel creek, and
in all probability will ask for a
new postoffice at that place.
The quarterly meeting held at
St. Paul Thursday was full of
iuterest and well attended. u
home in Murray county, is dej
scribed by the Atlanta Constitu
tion as one of the most impressive
ceremonies ever witnessed in Geor
gia. The pall bearers were eight
of the old white-haired ex-slaves
of the deceased, and they remain
ed at the grave after every one
else had left, bemoaning the loss
of the master who had been so
good to them in life.
“ HITCHER’S CASTORIA/’ as our trade mark.
X DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of u PITCHER’S CASTORIA/’ the same
that has home and does now s*** on mr ^
hear thefacsimilesignature of wrapper.
This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
and has the signature of wrap
per., M one has authority from me to use mg name ex
cept Tim Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
JMarch 8,1897. &%¥*£** z>.
- Ifot Jtelfasmek
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in-
of the back, and a sensation oi little
rills-of-heat, or chills, running down
this spine, are symptoms of general
womb derangement. -
If these symptoms are not accom
panied by ' V.
leucorrhoea, .
Absolutely Pure
It la Bad,
Very bad policy to neglect symptoms
'of trouble in the kidneys. If allowed
to develop they cause much suffering
and sorrow. Brights disease, diabetes,
and dropsy owe their great prevalence
and fatality to neglect of the first
warning symptoms. Drr J. H. Mc
Lean’s Liver and Kidney Balm is a
certain cure for any disease or weak
ness of the kidneys. A trial will con
vince yon of its great potency. Price,
SI a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown
& Co., Gainesville, Ga.
places and go there.
■ First Woman Carpenter.
, Minnette Slay back Carper,
pted burnt-wood artist, re-
at 4604 Morgan street, St.
[ bears the unique distinction
ing the first woman in the
to enter upon a course of
kl training. She is now
pg to be a carpenter and
|t maker under Prof. Swof-
ttt Washington Uuiversity.
|y, she exhibits an aptitude
largues well for a high de-
pf proficiency in both of
branches. She studied car-
1, as she considered a practi-
lowledge of it a necessary
It to’her burnt-woodwork.
After meals you should have simply
a feeling of comfort and satisfaction.
You should not feel any special indica
tions that digestion is going on. If you
do, you have indigestion, 1 which means
not digestion. This may be the begin
ning of so many dangerous diseases,
that it is best to take it in hand at once
and treat it with Shaker Digestive Cor
dial. For you -know that indigestion
makes poison, which causes pain ana
Mrs. Pinkham’s. Remedies it
thatlhad no strength at all. I was
inpdinallover. I began to feel better
after, taking the first dose of Vege
table Compound. I have used five bot
tles, and I'feel like a new womanl I
know If other suffering women would
only try it, it would help them.**
The Australian ballot, which
the legislature has under consider
ation, provides for elections such
as are hbld in the majority of the
leading states of the union. The
central ;idea of the system is to
secure secret ballot.
Kind to Toimg Authors.
“His big heart melted through
his homely words till they flowed
off in song that set the world to
mnsic and changed the month of
May.” This significant statement,
with its^world of meaning, was
uttered years ago when Mr. Riley
was making a tour of the country.
It is the more readily appreciated
when one remembers that his life
has been crowded with difficulties.
The poet is very kind to young
authors; perhaps it is because he
remembers his own galling experi
And that Shaker Digestion
Cordial helps digestion and cures indi-
destion. Shaker Digestive Cordial does
this by providing the digestive mate
rials in which the sick stomach is
wanting. It also tones lip andstrength-
ens the digestive organs and make them
perfectly healthy. This is the rationale
of its method of cure, as the- doctors
would say. Sold by druggists, price 10
Catarrh Means Danger.
Because if unchecked it may lead di
rectly to consumption. Catarrh is
caused by impure - Blood. This fact * r is
fully established. Therefore, it is use
less to try to cure catarrh by outward
applications or inhalants. The true
way to cure catarrh is to purify the
blood. Hood’s Sarsapasilla, the great
blood purifier, cures catarrh by its
power to drive out all impurities from
the blood. Thousands of people testify
that they have been perfectly ana
permanently-cured of catarrh by Hood’s
I 8100 Reward. 8100,
pTeaders of this paper will be
B to learn that there is at least
readed disease that science has
[pie to cure in all its stages, and
I Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
fenly positive cure known to the
B fraternity. Catarrh being a
rational disease, requires a con-
onal treatment. Hall’s Catarrh
p taken internally, acting direct-
m the blood and mucous surfaces
f system, thereby destroying the
[tion of the disease, and giving
atient strength by building up
institution and assisting nature
ing its work. The proprietors
o much faith in its curative pow-
it they offer One Hundred Dollars
Y case that it fails to cure. Send
b of testimonials,
ress, F. J. CHENEY & CO., To-
• by druggists, 75c.
’s Family Pills are the best.
Gol. Ham at Homo.
Col. H. W. J. Ham returned
Sunday from a three week’s trip
through Pennsylvania and New
York where he filled some engage?
ments in lecture work. He will
leave again to-morrow for A six
week’s trip, returning home in
Jannary. Col. Ham’s lecture
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is prepared by
experienced pharmacists who know
precisely the nature and quality of all
ingredients used.
When poems are sent to
him he reads them carefully and
helps the writers correct their
Beefsteak Toast.
Chop cold steak very fine to
mftke one cupful* and cook until
tender in just enough water to
.coyer; add one teacupful.of cream
or milk, scant half teaspoonful of
salt and saltspoonful of pepper;,
let come ^ba, bpiliiig point; then
add one tablespoonful of butter
which has' been rubbed into one
level tablespoonful of flour; let
boil lip for one feeond and pour
over slices of toast.
It is better to keep children to
their duty by a sense of honor and
by kindness, than' by the fear of
Our acts make cr mar us; we
are the, children of our own deeds.
Chronic Diseases.
Cancers, old sores, rupture, fits and
blood poison speedily and permanently
cured. ; .... ,
Oph.m and morphine habits
Dr. TT J Watts, Barnesville, Ga.,
pern: Sir:—I take pleasure in stating,
that , one. box of Watts* Eczema Oint-
SJl Sickly Women.
Should, consult -the leading specialist
in all female diseases. Dropsy, fits
and blood poisons, and the opium and
morphine habits, quickly cured at
home. Cancers removed in ten days
without knife or caustics. No charges
till cared. Fifteen years success. Dr.
O. HENLEY SNIDER, Atlanta, Ga.
Highest Award Diploma af Honor
For Superior bens Grinding and Excellency in
tho Manufacture of Spectacles and Eyp Glasses*
Sold in 114)00 Cities and Towns in tho IJ. S. Most
Popular Glosses in tho U. 3.
fit fl S3 ? B iR if These Famous Glasses
Wsaty Q QiiJ fca Acs Xeveb peddled.
These famous glasses for sale by M.
C. Brown & Co.
Pains in the small of the baric indi
cate a diseased condition of the kidneys.
Owing to the dangerous nature of the
diseases which attack these organs it is
.important that measures should be
taken to remove the trouble before it
has time to become firmly fixed. Pru
dence would suggest the prompt use of
Dr. J H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney
Balm, which has Specific action on the
liver and kidneys, and will cause an
early restoration to healthy conditions.
Price 81 a bottle.
For sale by M. C. Brown & Co.
itt ten days at home for-$5.00. Female
troubles quickly cured. No charges
until cored*. Fifteen years success. Dr,
O. HENLEY SNIDER, Atlanta, Gfi.
Seldom speak of yourself, and
always with modesty.
Danger for Typewriters,
le new villain poses as an
br. He writes to the tvpe-
ir, saying that he has a great
of manuscript to be copied,
[t is of incalculable value, and
Squires a deposit of fivb dollars
uty for its safety before it can
awarded. Once the trusting
ig woman has forwarded the
Bit, the correspondence with
kithor ends.
A Clever Trick. j
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has lame back and weak
kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles.
We mean he can care himself right
away by taking Electric Bitters. This
medicine tones i up the whole system,
acts as a stimulant to the liver and
kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve
tonic. It cures constipation, headache,
fainting spells, sleeplessness and mel
ancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild
laxative, and restores the system to its
natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters
and be convinced that they are a mira
cle worker. Every bottle guaranteed.
Only 50c a bottle at M. C. Brown &
Co.’s. drug store.
When biliou3 or costive, eat a
Cascaret, candy catharic. Cure guar
anteed. 10 and 25 cents.
Union Teachers’ Agencies of America.
New York, N. Y.
Chicago, HI.,
Pittsburg, Pa.Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La.,
Washington, D.p., San Francisco, Cal..
St. Louis, Mo., And Denver, Col.
There are thousands of positions to be filled during the school
term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies
daring the past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in
every part of the United and Canada, as over 95" per cent, of those
who registered before August secured positions. One fee registers in
The remark that Robert L.
Berner is the handsomest man
running for governor of Georgia
bias made the friends of the pres
ent secretary of state very angry.
—Savannah Press. ‘
Washington, D. p
Did Not Sell Out.
Mr. John M. Oliver Ftat^s^lmt
he again has complete contlol 'of
his bus line and will continue to
operate them on the best schedule.
He says the report that he had
sold out to Mr. A. A. Hope was a
mistake, as he only allowed Bob
Hope to run his busses for a per
cent, of the business,, and as tliis
proved unsatisfactory he will
again run
Buckleo’s Arnica Salve,
best salve in the world for cuts,
s, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
and all skin eruptions, and
r ely cures piles, pr no pay re-
I. It is guaranteeed to give per-
atisfaction or money refunded.
25 cents per box. For sale by
Brown & Co.
as formerly.
nently correct in saying: “Would
it not be just as well for the leg?
islature to leave the regulation of
schoolboy games to the college
faculties and to the parents and
guardians of the boys?”
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.
The most thorough, practical and progressive
schools' of the kind In the world, and the best
patronized ontsin. the South. Indorsed by bank
ers, merchants. ministers and others. Four
weeks' in bookkeeping with ns are equal to
twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F, Draughon,
President, Is author of Draughon’s new system
of boolckeeping, "Double Entry Made Easy.”
The’greatest Discovery.
W. M* Repine, editor Tiskilwa, Ill.,
“Chief,” saw**' “We won’tkeep home
Without EhC?^KjItg’a New Discovery for -
dongwnptiojpm^l* andj j^Ws. _ Ex- -
perimented 3jd$h btft
never got thr^pm ^gfied y until «tir
other remedy can hab its place in our .
home, as in it - we have a certain and
sure euro for en|iffi, whdbping
cough, etc.” It hsfcllb t»e*pciiment
ne people will never learn
ting; for the reason that
understand everything too
1 P&11 give three boxes of their Specific
Tablets**worth 82.50, to any one who-
may have used as much as one box of
.their tablets without decided benefit.
We have never heard of a single case
where the tablets have failed to give
satisfactory results, and if there is a
person to .be found who has psed them
without benefit we want to know who
he is and where to find him. They
never fail to cure kidney and bladder
troubles.and affections of. the genital
organs and overcome all debility and
weakness in both men and women.
They improve the appetite, aid diges-
. tion and assimilation and overcome
constipation. They have vital effect
on all of the secretory-organs and es-
1 tablish a healthy condition of the mn-
^ cous and gland secretions in every part
t of the body; overcome all torpid condi-
t tions of the capillaries and secure per-
j feet circulation of the blood, so that
every organ is supplied and every funor
* tion is normal and healthy. Being the
1 only remedy ever compounded that
t fully meets the logical physiological
D conditions of the human system, it is
9 no wonder that they give results un
known to medical science. No matter
1 if the doctors and all remedies have
9 failed, try the Tablets and be convinced
B that they are superior to all known
remedies. Their effect on the nerve
- centres is a complete surprise to phy
sicians who have used them. Cases
that have baffled the skill of best phy-
gj sicians and no remedies seemed to ben-
• efit, have been promptly controlled and
i permanently cured by the Tablets.
r Cases where injections of morphine
, have been resorted to as the only means
mmHm All made of Best Ma-
■jfBHng Serial, with Best Work-
manship. in Best Man- *
ner. Most economical
* in use of fuel, solendid
steamers, and most f
from -sparks. MorA T.FF.
throughout the South than, any other' make. Range in capacity from 3 horse-power
up. Ail about these engines in new pamphletcopy of wbigb, with prices,
and any further information desired, furnished free on application to
Headache had? Get Dr. Miles* Pain Fllhi.
Sure Cure!
(Mention this Paper when writing?)
If you are afflicted, swap 50 cents for a box.
It will be the best trade of your life. /
At all Drug Stores, or by mail
Upon receipt of 50 cents in cash or stamps. i-
UPTRINE, Savannah, Ga.
ixon & Co., M. C. Brown <fc Co.
controlled by the Tablets and the trou
ble completely overcome by their use.
Price, one box 81; three boxes 82.50.
If not on sale in your locality, order
direct from Haggard Specific Co., At
lanta, Ga. -
For sale in Gainesville by Di
Richards Drug Co.
Ill 1 1 1 I i l l i 11 I I I 1TITil 111 i 11 111 11!