Newspaper Page Text
mi z ■ '-y ** - ■ *•' - •, ■.■ •’ .
On Thursday afternoon",\ „|flrs. John
lady friends, at. a reception given in
honor of' her guests, MifstlBenson and
Mrs. Henry Hynds of Atlanta. Her
HhJLy appointed,
digJfHurn shows
o$:hg mistress,
||Sd -ithe * deeo ? -
iv add green,
fionious color
where each little b£n<| ai
the touch of its *beauty-l<
was brilliantly lighted,
aBalgons in ' pihk, ireH<gi
\ . Kug-ene F, Mayne is coming
tradk to Gainesville. Mr. \V. P. r Epper
son; received a cablegram from Captain
Mayne vy ednesday stating that lie
would sail from London this weqk.
r The return of Captain Mayne will*
create something of a sensation, inas
much as so much has been said about
him and his connection'with the Brit-
is?hrGeorgia Corporation, •••• :
^jQ^p^in Mayne lias said h<^p^]u]^l rfg
turn and show that his intentions iyere
not bhly good, but that ali his promises
would be redeemed. His return clearly
indicates that this will be true;
The return of this much talked of
gentleman is a source of deep gratifi
cation to his friends, who have all
A petition vis; bmiigasinciilatea^by. the Dejpo^rats,ofv|fcfte city urg
ing Col. H. H. Bean jto kmyfojr Mayor of t.Ijg city ©f IG^in§sy^%.*
The petition haeiiaany signatures and will perhaps bee pEplefrtecr
to Coif Bean to-day or Monday. : It contains th^ names of leading
citizens and Bemocr^^^' yr ; - i ' ' : •
Judge J. Bv ,incumie#^{is ineli^blej^ suc
ceed Jiimself/a^pT^ribe^^^^^ ‘the code. The bill, iptrndiiced at;thb
present session of the legislature for the purpose of ^making him
eligible, will be defeated in the senate.. This practically removes
Judge Gaston from the race, and even though he should continue on
Kind receive a. majority of the votes, he could not hold the office,
■for the charter of the city of Gainesville as amended in 1898, plainly
lavs no mayor can succeed himself in office. The people, therefore,
prill elect Col. Dean and save the trouble and expense of another
in green, with* pblms aficp ferns,
the lights and draperies carrying out
the leading tone; The parlors were in
pink and yellow. In the host the color
scheme was effective in La France
roses, , rose shaded condelabra and
hangings, soft and clinging. The
amusement -was a progressive ' game,
for which the score cards were ex
quisitely hand painted in suggestion of
the predominating tints, accentuated
by dainty bows of lemon, rose and
green. Mrs. Henry Hynds was hand
some in a rich costume of blue brocade
silk, with mousselline corsage decora-
Mrs. Benson wore a strikingly
See them fitid note prices. FAMILY BIBLES.-—’Latest editions.
Lowest prices. Special sale on OXFORD TEACHERS and HOL
HURD’S FINE PAPERS.—Latest Novelties.
are pretty and cheap.
lovely gown of cream satin and ruby
velvet. Mrs. J. M. Hynds. was mag
nificent in nile green brocade and cut
jet. Misses Dunlap and Daniel assisted,
the gracious hostess in receiving.
Those present were: Mrs. J. W. Bailey,
Mrs. J. C. Boose, Mrs. E. E. Kimbrough,
Mrs. J. M. Oliver, Mrs. Chas. Johnson,
Mfrs. Howard Thompson, Mrs. Fletcher
M. Johnson, Mrs. H. H. Perry, Mrs.
J3. *XL^Dunlap, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs.
J. €r, Etynds, Mrs. C. J. Wallace, Mrs.
J. T. Telford, Mrs. W. Manahan, Mrs.
Have you taken a bad Cough,* Cold or LaGrippc
Do you suffer from Habitual Constipation?
Have you Disordered Liver or Heart Trouble?
Have you a languid, lazy feeling, with Headache?
Do you have Fever of any kind?
Miss Cutter leaves next week, after
visiting Miss Gaston, as whose guest
•she has. received marked social dis
tinction, aqd her winsome face and
charming manner have added scores of
admirers to her already lengthy list.
Col. Dean was informed by The Cracker of the petition being circu
lated requesting him to run for Mayor, and was asked whether or not
She would accept the nomination. He replied t >at, although he had
•not had time to consider the matter and did not know what he would
do, he was always willing to respond to the call of the Democratic
party, and if he did enter the race and was elected, he would serve
the people to the best of his ability. He believes that Democrats
should control the city government, and thinks the movement is
timely and proper, though he would have much preferred seme one
8lse to make the race for Mayor. Col. Dean will decide as soon as
the petition is presented to him whether or not he will run. It can
safely be stated, however, that he will be in the race, for the petition
has already been signed by three-fourths of the leading citizens of
The registration books close Monday night, and Democrats are
larged to register today and Monday, that the election of Col. Dean
imay be absolutely sure, and that he may be given a large and com
plimentary vote. Democrats should see that all Democrats register.
■?his election of Col. Dean means that a staunch Democrat* and a
Public spirited, enterprising and high toned gentleman will be Mayor,
pnd he should be given a flattering vote by his fellow Democrats.
The North Side Circle was delight
fully entertained by the Misses Dunlap
Tuesday evening. Much pleasure was
added by'the presence of Mr. J. A.
Brogan of Boston, who brightened and
enlivened the already jovial crowd by
his remarkable variations to plain old
whistling. His skill in this direction is
entitled to the prefix, professional. His
singing too was a happy feature of the
evening. The circle will gather with
Miss Green next. time around her
hearth, where genuine Southern cheer
reigns undisputed.
Lamar’s Lemon Laxative
A Genuine Madstone.
Mr. James Crocker of Banks county,
brought to Gainesville Wednesday, a
genuine madstone, which he gave to
Dr. Dan Fowler. The stone has been
exhibited to many, and every one pro
nounces it to be genuine. It is about
the size of an ordinary thumb, and is
said to be one of the best stones ever
exhibited. .
Dr. Fowler prizes it very highly and
Is tbe best suited to your case of any remedy you can find. While
the preparation has been on the market a very short time, hundreds
testify to the relief obtained by taking it. If you have not tried it,
call at any drug store, or let us know your address and we will cheer
fully send you ONE sample bottle FREE. No family, especially
with children, should be without this valuable remedy.
Among the many compliments to
Miss Cutter, Miss Gaston’s much ad
mired .guest, was an elegant six o’clock
dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Hynds Thursday at their home on
Aspen Hill. Mrs. Hynds is a hostess
of tact and ease, and when she, throws
open the doors of her hospitable home
right merry are the bidden. An elab
orate dinner of seven courses was
served in a dainty and tempting style,
and wit and mirth held high carnival..
Miss Cutter and Miss Gaston added the
charm of their singing to- the happy
gathering. Miss Cutter’s voice has
been carefully trained and beyond this
there is a sincerity and richness in her
tones that is dear to the heart of a
inusic-loving listener. Gainesville is
gjjfifc ready tP r be attentive when Miss
GajPafesings, and on this occasion she
was eminently herself. Those present
were: Misses Cutter, Gaston, Sims and
Sanders. Messrs. Hardy, Sims, Ham,-
Webb, and M r. and Mrs. C. S. Webb.
hopes to be able to effect a cure of a
mad dog bite or a rattlesnake Bite, if
anyone suffers such a misfortune in
this section.
Balter and Confectioner.
2nd door below post-office.
Fresh Bread and Cakes and Home-
made Candies.
Selling Buggies.
Mr. J. D. Bagwell, of the Bagwell &
Gower Manufacturing Company, has
been off this week on a trip through
middle Georgia selling the famous
vehicles manufactured in Gainesville
by this company. He has placed a
number of orders and will ship out the
vehicles in a day or two. The Bagvvell
& Gower vehicles -give.. satisfaction
everywhere they are used, and their
sales are certainly increasing.
Real Estate and Insur■
Office No, 1 State Bank Building,
50 cents dozen. 1;
ets 25c.
BANANAS, 10c and 15c do;
on account of the inclement weather
the past few days, but little headway
has been made. The granite blocks to
be used in the front foundation haye
arrived and will be put in place as fast
a*is possible, p" *, : - • Vr'
NICE ORANGES, SOa and 40c doz.
COCOANUTS, 5c and 10c each.
CRANBERRIES, 15e quartgjji . i
RAISINS, 15c lb. W ' ' llip-fl
NUTS, 16c lb,
1, 2 and 8 lb cans of BOSTON
BAKED BEANS, 10,15 and 20c.
15c quart; sweet at 25c quart.
Buy your goods from me. I
will save you money.
Getting Spring Orders.
I The Hynds Manufacturing Company
low have their men on the road with
lew samples soliciting Spring orders
pr shoes. —- . . . . fm --
Returned to Washington.
General and Mrs. "James .Longs
have returned to Washington. '
ational bank.
Their line; is one of the
est and most complete ever
at, and their business
itisfactory this season. The”
ille shoe is the. best made, and The
[ynds Manufacturing Company’s busi-
bss is constantly growing.
ISpeeial attention is ealled -to the ad.
IT. S. Campbell & Son this week,
ley have received a line of # Christr
K*>s Books, Christmas Cards. Christmas
poklets, Calendars etc., which are the
pettiest and cheapest they have, yet
town. Their prices oh Oxford, Bag-
ler, Holman and “International”
teachers Bibles are eye openers. They
re putting out new. lines every' day
p, and are fast displaying for the
Jblidays. They announce special sale
f Dolls, Toys etc. next week. Note
heir prices. Y*'L'. r M f/rf
went to Atlanta Tuesday afternoon and
remained uiitil ’ Thursday at the Kim
ball, where they were shown mheh
attention. General Longstreet has
Wound un all hie Jmsiness affairs in
Large line to select from
patterns in stock.
manent residence in Washington as
United States Commissioner of rail
not able to cope with all the tigers
found in the mountains, so it is said,
and Henry Rucker, the internal revenue
collector, is going to make an effort to
secure an increased force. There are
at present only ten divisions deputies
and six raiding deputies to cover the
entire state. The deputies in this part
of the district seem to be doings a fiour-
ishing business, and it is an unusual
thing for them to make a raid without
bringing in a moonshiner or two &nd
getting a gopd load of whiskey.
Moore & Co.’s Restaurant
Will Summer
Evening With Juveniles.
Tomorrow evening at half past seven
o’clock, thejpvenilemissionary society,
under the managemement oiM Mrs.
Gardner, Mrs.. J. W. Smith, and. Miss
Lily White, will give an entertainment
at the First Methodist church. All are
invited ihost cordially to attend, but be
certain, if possible, to be punctual.
Thfs exercise would have occurred last
Sunday evening, but rainy weather
Or you can pay 25 cents and;get
all you can eat. /..*•: -
■HR ^ HOURS. mmmmM
Class in Book-keeping and Commercial
.- % i methods taught by fi.,)' '
First-class Dental Y ork. Hes
- quarters tor best Tooth and
Mouth Preparations.
E. P. Mitchell
They also keep on hand Cigars,
Tobacco, Candies. Potorica t Mo-
lasses, 20c gallon.
Expert Accountant. A few more ]
desired. Call or address No. 2
Bank building.
■ -•
. -