The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 22, 1898, Image 1

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VOLUME IX GAINESVILLE, GA., SATURDAY, JANUARY as, 1898 NUMBER 39 Company's Great Unloading Sale Begins To-day 1 VVe have just finished counting stock, and find our retail department badly overloaded. We must and will Reduce it During next Thirty Days. [This sale should command the attention of every purchaser in North Georgia who wants to begin the new year on an economical basis. It is money saving—therefore a money 9 S 1 * making opportunity for whoever will improve it. The values shown here will be worth coming many miles to see, and in genuine values this sale will easily distance the most ambitious attempts of a similiar nature. Here are the Cold Facts I We Offer For Cash : Loo© yards nice Dress Checks, in all colors, 3£c a yard. (1,810 yards Ginghams, good quality, 4c a yard. * [2,000 yards Ginghams, best Amoskeag, 4fc a yard. I780 yards Ginghams, Johnson’s Book-fold, finest made, 6^c. 2,780 yards Calico remnants and short lengths 3Jc a yard. ij f jyo yards Dress Prints, fine styles, 6c grade, 44c a yard. goo yards Oil Calico 4c a yard. 1,140 yards Canton Flannel, 7c quality, 3£c a yard. 2,000 yards 4-4 Sheeting, Sea Island, 6c quality, 4c a yard. Every article in this department will be sacrificed in this I known in North Georgia. 1,260 yards 10-4 Sheeting, fine quality for 15c, 10c a yard. 1,140 yards Bed Ticking, A C A quality, 10c a yard. 2,100 yards Cambric Dress Linings, best quality, 3c a yard, 800 yards 54-inch English Repellent, 75c quality, 38c a yard. 740 yards double width plain Dress Flannel, all colors, 15c a yard. 960 yards double width Fancy Dress Flannel, full ass’t patterns, 35c quality, 19c yd. 150 pfcirs 10-4 Blankets, white and colored, worth $1.25 a pair, 69c a pair. 820 yards heavy Twilled Flannel 12^c a yard. same manner without reserve. Come, without delay, and reap a harvest from the greatest sale ever j. Hynds Company’s Groat Retail Stores, Gainesville, Ga. HON. HOWARD THOMPSON. Next Congressman from the Ninth District of Georgia. COURT IN SESSION. Mr. R. F. Quillian Is Foreman of Grand Jury. Hail Superior Court has been in ses sion since Morning mGrning, Judge J. J. Kitnsey presiding. The Judge’s charge to the grand jury was forcible and able, the law and their duty being clearly pointed out. The grand jury was organized by the election of Mr. R. F. Quillian fore man, and Mr. Virgil Beard, secretary. The grand jury is composed of splendid men, and their work is being vigorously prosecuted. A number of civil cases have been taken up and disposed of, and the bus iness of court is being transacted with as great haste as justice will permit. The criminal docket will be taken up j Monday, the first case to be tried being that of W. P. Cape, charged with [ murder. Visiting Attorneys. Among the visiting attorneys at court this week are Messrs. W. I. Pike, of Jefferson; Arnold, of Atlanta; C. R. Faulkner, of Bellton; Geo. K. Looper, of Atlanta; Parks Bell, of Cumming; J. J. Bowden and George P. Erwin, of Clarkesville; M. G. Boyd and Oscar Lilly of Dahlonega. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. The marriage of Miss Mattel Campbell and Mr. Martin Edward Goode was sol emnized at high noon Tuesday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Campbell. Just as the clock rung twelve the bridal party entered, and in an impressive manner, using the Methodist ceremony, beautiful in its simplicity, Rev. Walter B. Dillard made them forever one. Mrs. Jarrett played Mendelssohn’s wedding march, and during the ceremony and prayer, a low soft harmony fell from her fingers. After the congratulations were hap pily oyer, an elaborate luncheon was served. The table was exquisitely dec orated with white carnations, white ribbon and clinging smilax. The col ors throughout the house were white and green. The bride, who is one of Gainesville’s most beautiful young women of the brunette type, wore a stylish tailor suit of army blue, handsomely braided and having a vest effect in white. She carried a large boquet of white carna tions and maiden hair fern. The num ber of presents sent by the many weU wishers of this popular couple was un usually large. After a tour of several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Goode will be at home during the winter months at the residence of Mr. J. C. Hill. * * * Friday evening of last week the “Queen City’s” younger set gathered at the hospitable home of Mr. John A. Smith to enjoy an evening with his popular little son, Edwin, at an “Ob servation Party.” Mrs. Smith, ever a charming hostess, received the guests with such cordiality that each one felt at home immediately. Much merri ment was afforded by a large tray con taining seventy-five articles which was left in the room fifteen minutes. After it was taken out the one who remem bered the greatest number of articles won the prize. The lady’s prize, a pho tograph frame, was given to Miss Har riet Mitchell. For the gentlemen’s prize, a pearl handled knife, James Ru dolph and William Pitchford tied. Drawing straws Mr. Pitchford was the lucky one. Dainty refreshments, so dear to the hearts of the little folks, made the hours fly quickly. Each little guest departed with many thanks to their kind host and hostess for a most delightful evening. Mrs. Smith was assisted by her two charming daughters, Misses Lilly and Lottie. Those present were: Misses Mary Louise Smith, Frances Dunlap, Mary Pillow, Louise Murphy, Harriet Mitch ell, Carolyne Elizabeth Chambers, Ma bel Thompson, Etta May Hynds, Clara Hill, Sadie McConnell, Annie Hill, Ethel Mathews and Carolyne Gaston. Messrs. James A. Rudolph, Joseph Carey Mur phy, Joseph Landers, Howard Hynds, George Hynds, Arthur Mitchell, Wil liam Pitchford, Rafe Banks, Howard Smith, John C. Smith, Raford Walker, Gustin Woodliff and Edwin Smith. * ■* * Tuesday evening a merry crowd of “T. T.” boys and girls enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wynne’s hospitality at .an infor mal gathering. Mr. Wynne is the mer riest of mortals, and he isyoune among the young. Mrs. Wynne’s sweet quiet dignity makes her incomparable as a hostess and a home-maker. These little entertainments giyen by the young men of the “T. T.” set, where stiffness and ceremony are not known, have be come famous for fun and mirth. Special Notice ! Have you taken a bad Gough, Cold or LaGrippe? Do you suffer from Habitual Constipation? Have you Disordered Liver or Heart Trouble? Have you a languid, lazy feeling, with Headache? Do you have Fever of any kind? L* lw. Mrs. Joe Bell leaves today month’s stay in Talbotton. for a Miss Rilla Dozier, whose home-com ing is always a pleasure to her many friends, has returned to Carrollton. A Lively Campaign* ' Hon. Howard Thompson, of Gaines ville, has formally announced his can didacy for Congress in the ninth dis trict, and has invited Col. Carter Tate, the present incumbent, to a joint dis cussion of the issues between them. Col. Tate will meet Mr. Thompson on the stump, and it goes without saying that the ninth will witness the liveliest campaign she has bad m years. The ninth district is noted for her former political contests, but it is pre dicted that the race between Thompson and Tate will be a record breaker and a history maker. Howard Thompson isa great political fighter, and winner too, it may be said, and if he don’t come in ahead he will know the reason. Go in for all you are worth, Thomp son, and Win if you can, for the people Lamar’s Lemon Laxative Is the best suited to your case of any remedy you can find. While the preparation has been on the market a very short time, hundreds testify to the relief obtained by taking it. If you have not tried it, $all at any drug store, or let us know your address and we will cheer fully send you ONE sample bottle FREE. No family, especially with children, should be without this valuable remedy. H. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Georgia, think there should be a division, but remember such things only come by “prayer and fasting.” Col. Tate has represented the ninth district in Congress for several terms, and he can afford to divide with his opponent who is. as clever as any one.— Forsyth Chronicle. “Cross Roads School.” “The Cross Roads School” will be rendered by some of the best local tal ent in the city at an early date, prob ably next week. It will be given at the auditorium, and promises to be highly entertaining. No doubt a good crowd will attend the entertainment when it is given. Try my hot chocolate. It is nice Will Summer, jr. Resolutions. Death has robbed us of one of our members, Jesse Nunn, whose happy disposition and cheerful manner made him a favorite among his mates. He was honest, unselfish and true to his friends, and won the goodwiU and esteem of his teachers by his ready, cheerful performance of the duties as signed him. Therefore, be it resolved: 1st. That by his death we sustain a loss felt by the entire school. 2nd. That we extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy. 3rd. That a eoppy of these resolutions be sent to our city papers for publica tion. Respectfully submitted. Kate Doziek. Mattie M. Boyd. Committee..