The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 12, 1898, Image 1

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J> ^3T jfr+jArJ olUme ix. GAINESVILLE, GA„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1898 NUMBER 43 Wholesalers and bite the trading public to inspect our enormous stock of Spring Merchandise, which has just arrived. We are able to show some special bargains* vards white Dnnity Rem- [ j to 10 yds lengths. Value [15c and 18c. At ioc yd. i vds white Lace Stripe Dim- Ylue 25c. Special sale 15c yd. 1,000 yards white Lace Stripe 2,500 yds figured Organdie, more 2,000 yds Shirting Prints, sec- Lawn. Value 15c. than 100 different patterns, ele 0 ids, remnants. At 10c yd. gant line colors, value 124c to 15c. At 2 I-2C. At ioc. 1,000 yds figured Lawn, latest We are having large sales daily styles and full line patterns, 10c 2,000 yds Percale Remnants, 2 of our 4—4 Bleaching Remnants, quality. to 10 yds; the 10c grade. best goods made. At 7 I-2C. At 5c. At 6 i-2C. 3,000 yds 36-inch Merrimack Percales, perfect goods and beau tiful patterns, over fifty styles. Sold everywhere for 12^c and 15c. At ioc. 10-4 Sheeting worth 15c. At ioc. Our line of Laces and Embroideries are said to toe ttie Newest, Handsomest and Cheapest ever shown in tills city. Ii' you are not a customer of ours alreadv you should be. We offer bargains daily, bought tlirougli our wholesale department, wliieli are Obtainable lay any Retail merchant in North Georgia. Co’s Wholesale and Retail Stores, Gainesville, Ga. 10NAL AND SOCIAL. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bell were at home to the young of Gainesville’s four hundred, rht royally was each guest wel- Miss Trotter, Mrs. Bell’s liaud- hitor from North Carolina, was [ored young lady present. Dur- Ltay in our mountain city she ten constantly entertained and polarity increases as her new tances made here ripen into and admirers. Mrs. Bell is |y every member of her wide jf young friends, and her kind thoughtfulness of their pleas- fether with her own lovable dis- liave made every lad her |and each lass her willing hand- Aboitt one hundred guests Id in a happy throng. The en- pt floor was thrown into one im- [reception room and filled with tughiug faces was every nook mei* from the stair-way to the nail. The decorations were un- rich and effective. Great, Pi palms and drooping ferns; lights and shades and radiant |wers made the rooms and halls on which the beauty-loving lgered long. The dining room. j;ay rendezvous, and here an ele- |upper was served temptingly. l rotter, Dr. Winburn, Dr. and tyder assisted the hostess in the evening one whose memory one of happy hours. Among kts from a distance were Miss Inan of Harmony Grove, and leperd of Social Circle. luesday evening. Miss Marian Vs entertained the North Side k her palatial home on Green phis home is one of the lovliest s hlle, and is especial]} adapted gaining. On this occasion Sabers was becomingly attired ► anchy costume of cream and ^liss Lucille Ham, who assist- reiving the guests, was lovely [flowered silk, A luxury of the daffodils made the luncheon ke of the prettiest that has been 1 season. The score cards were dainty hand painted affairs and are charming souvenirs of tl>e occasion. The prizes were beautiful hand painted picture frames where again were found clusters of daffodils. These were won by Miss Ham. and Mr. Theo. Miller. Those who were honored with an in vitation to this meeting of the Circle, declare Miss Chambers an ideal hostess, and all who were present say that this was one of the most delightful meet ings the Circle has had. Although a number of games were played, scarcely an hour seemed to elapse between the time the guests arrived, and the time for departure. Those present were, Misses Alice Davis, Lelia Banks, Susie Banks, Estelle Sims, Effie Shewmake, Carrie Green, Minnie Dunlap. Mary Dunlap, Lucille Ham, Wheeler, Trotter of N. C., Mrs. W. L Williams, and Messrs, J. N. Dorsey, A. S. Hardy, S. C. Dunlap, Jr., Byron Mitchell, G. G. Byers, Tom Sims, Will Thomas. Theo. Miller, W. L- Henley, Bennett, of Bennettsville, S. C i Guy Hutchins of Suvvanee, and Will Hutchins, of Lawrenceville. Gainesville's society girls have never been so repeatedly and charmingly entertained as during the last few months, An occasion fully as pleasur able as any of the many was the Pro gressive Domino Party given by Miss Beulah Evans at her home on K. Wash ington street, Friday from 3 to 5. This old game, honored through its antiquity was reviewed and played interestingly by the fair contestants. Miss Evans proved a hostess of tact and her enter tainment was pronounced by each favored guest a success in every respect. Those invited were: Misses Trotter, Banks, Dunlap, Green, Sanders, Moreno, Dorsey, Law, Jackson, Can ning, Hoscli, Boyd, Sims, Carter, Mer ritt, Ham, Smith, Palmour, Dozier, Boone, Annie Boone, Campbell, Daniel, Hudson, Wood, Annie Williams, Mont gomery, Shewmake, Chambers, Bailey, McConnell and Davis. and music were features of the occasion. Delightful refreshments were served and a most enjoyable evening was spent. *- * * Last Friday evening Mrs. A. M. Jack- son gave a delightful dining in honor of Rev. J. A. Wynne and his gentlemen friends. The hostess is a woman of rare culture; a lady in the manifold meaning of that little word, and as such was perfect in the role of the lady of the home. The little body of rep resentative men gathered around the bountiful board were: Rev. J. A. Wynne, Dr. Dixon, Judge Estes, Judge Prior, Dr. Bailey, Prof. Van IJoose and Col. Dunlap. * * * Miss -Sheperd of Social Circle, is the guest of Miss Montine Sanders. She is a young woman of striking appearance, and her stay will be filled with a series of social attentions from Miss Sanders* many friends. Miss Trotter, Mrs. T. M. Bell’s fair visitor from the “Old North State,” has receiyed the homage that Gainesville knows so well to render to beauty and intellect. Her long list of friends here hope this visit is only the beginning of a succession. OFFICERS INSTALLED. Daughters of Confederacy Are At Work. Saturday evening last Miss Martha Boyd entertained at the stately home of Dr. and Mrs. Ham a small but conge nial party of friends. Crokinole, whist The following officers of the Gaines ville Chapter Daughters of the Confed eracy have been elected for 1898, and were installed at the last meeting: President, Mrs. S. C. Dunlap; first vice president, Mrs. A. R. Smith; second vice president, Mrs. J. B. Estes; Secre tary, Mrs. Moreno; Treasurer, Mrs. J. R. Boone; Corresponding secretary, Miss Maud Boone; Historian, Miss Minnie Merritt. The chapter is in excellent shape, and has a large and enthusiastic mem bership. There will be good work done the present year by the ladies, as heretofore. A CANDLER CLUB. Organized at the Court House Last Saturday Night. Judge J. B. Estes, President; and Col. J. C. Boone, Secretary.—Large Mem bership Enrolled.—Committee Appointed. Candler In vited to Open Cam- pain Here. A Candler club was organized at the court house last Saturday night with a very large membership. Judge J. B. Estes was elected president, and Mr. J C. Boone was elected secretary. Last w r eek a call was issued for the organization of a Candler club which was signed by a large number of citi zens. The list for signatures was cir culated and when the meeting was called to order Saturday night an en thusiastic crowd of Candler men were present. A committee of five consisting of Dr. J. W. Oslin, chairman; A. R. Smith, W. B. Sloan, J. N. Dorsey and William Spencer was appointed to look after the local end of the campaign. Also one man from each of the militia dis tricts of the county will be appointed by the president to assist the central committee in the management of the campaign. The club also invited Colonel Can dler to open his campaign in Gaines ville at such date as was suitable to him. This invitation was conveyed to Colonel Candler by Secretary Boone Tuesday, and it is expected that Colonel Candler will accept the invita tion and name a date for the grand rally. It was the sense of the club that the distinguished Georgian should open his campaign in his home town and allow his home people to start the work off with a grand jubilee. The club will meet again tonigjit at the court house at 8 o’clock, and a cor dial invitation is extended every friend of Colonel Candler to be present. RIFLES HAVE ARMS. Have Given Bond to the State For Thorough Equipment. The Piedmont Rifles have given bond for their arms and accoutrements and in all probability they will arrive from Atlanta today. Mr. Jasper N. Dorsey went to Atlanta Wednesday for the purpose of laying the matter before the authorities and succeeded in having the following arms issued to the company.: 45 Springfield rifles with bayonets and scabbards; 45 campaign hats; 45 pairs leggins; 45 canteens and straps; 45 blanket bags and straps; 45 haver sacks and straps; 45 web belts; 45 gun slings; 1000 rounds ball cartridges; 500 rounds blank cartridges. The officers of the company will? probably stand an examination before the board next week when commissions will be issued them. The company is getting in fine shape now and will be gin work in earnest to become the best company in the state. The members will doubtless take more interest now than ever before. It is understood that the Rifles will attend the unveiling of the monument at Chickamauga in May. Dr. A. C. H. Russell of Washington, D. C., was in the city a day or two this week visiting his cousin, Mrs. H. II. Dean. He is a surgeon in the United States Nary. A Big Still. Deputy Collector E. L. Bergstrom made a big haul in White county Thursday. He captured m the middle of the Chattahoochee river a seventy- five gallon still and 2000 gallons of beer. The still was situated on an island and was covered with heavy undergrowth so that it would probably have never been discovered had not the smoke been seen curling up. Col lector Bergstrom was accompanied Vv Mr. E. Martin and as soon as the officers were seen the operators of the still plunged into the river and -.warn to the opposite shore. It was rather a cold swim but the men got away. The owners of the still were Alonzo and Ben Smith, John Tmnhn and John Dalton. Mr. C. S. Webb returned Thursday- from a business trip to Augusta a*d Atlanta.