The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 26, 1898, Image 1

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V OLUME IX. GAINESVILLE, GA„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1898 NUMBER 44 Wholesalers and Retailers ! invite the trading public to inspect our enormous stock of Spring Merchandise, which has just arrived. We are able to show some special bargains. j OOO . v ■' r( i s w h i te D1 in i ty Re m - Its, 1 to 10 yds lengths. V<ilae [c, 15c and 18c. At ioc yd. |,000yds white Lace Stripe Dim- Value 25c. Special sale 15c yd. 1,000 yards white Lace Stripe Lawn. Value 15c. At ioc yd. 1,000 yds figured Lawn, latest styles and full line patterns, 10c quality. At 7 I-2C. 2,500 yds figured Organdie, more than 100 different patterns, ele gant line colors, value 12^c to 15c. At ioc. 2,000 yds Percale Remnante, 2 to 10 yds; the 10c grade. At 5c. 2,000 yds Shirting Prints, sec onds, remnants. At 2 I-2C. We are having large sales daily of our 4-4 Bleaching Remnants, best goods made. At 6 I-2C. 3,000 yds ** 36-inch Merrimack Percales, perfect goods and beau tiful patterns, over fifty style*. Sold everywhere for 12^c and 15«. At ioc* 10-4 Sheeting worth loc. At IOC« Our line of Laces and Embroideries are said to be tlie Newest, Handsomest and Cheapest ever shown in this city. If you are not a customer of ours already you should he. We offer bargains daily, bought through our wholesale department, which are obtainable by any Retail merchant in ^orth Georgia. * Co's Wholesale and Retail Stores, Gainesville, Ga. it’SOYAL AND SOCIAL. [has been a long time since the esville social world has enjoyed a beautiful and elegant reception [that at which Mrs. Joe*Boone re- fa forty guests Tuesday afternoon. | the Longstreet Chapter Daugh- rcthe confederacy were the guests Biot. Mrs. Boone, the most char ra il hostesses, welcomed her guests jfr peculiarly delightful manner, L each and every one feel so per- r at home. She was assisted in re s' by the Misses Chastain, and loone. This guessing party was le. and especially interesting to I who are so identified with the jderaey. The name of a famous il and the name of a noted battle placed in envelopes. The matrons ;d the name of the general, and )ung ladies guessed the name of htle. Mrs. Sanders received the is prize—a tooth pick stand; and dice Davis won the souvenir which was the young ladies An elegant collection of salads liier trood things daintily served I,' close of the game added to the [oon's pleasure. * * * ’uesday evening, Misses Minnie )hn Dunlap entertained that eon- set of young people known as >rth Side Circle. The beautiful )f the Misses Dunlap was laden ?autiful palms and ferns. The had av, their touch of loveliness, brightest of early spring flowers— Is, which presented a lovely har- jwith the .delicate coloring uf fork and furnishing. This nieet- greatly enjoyed and proved the fuly flourishing condition of the The entertainment was a co ll party, and it afforded untold to those present, who were; -elia and Susie Banks, Misses l s hewmake, Green, Willis of Grille. Brumby of Athens, Arm- aeon, and Wheeler. Messrs, jyers, Hardy, Mitchell, Henley, [Thomas, Jennings, Dunlap and Miss Willis won the ladies beautiful handkerchief, and |L. Henley succeeded in carry ing off the gentleman’s prize—a card- case. * * * Wednesday -afternoon, Mrs. John Hvnds entertained thirty young ladies in honor of her sister, Miss Sadie Wil lis, of Hawkinsville. Within the ornate beauty of this modern home of Mrs. Hynds’, there are so many arrange ments for entertaining—and here too, is found that hospitality that is real and delightful. On this occasion a wealth of ferns and primroses enhanced the beauty of the whole house. The decorations were entirely of pink and white, and the dainty and delightful refreshments were rendered so delicious by the manner in which they were served. One will not wonder at this after being told that Gainesyille’s gal lant beaus donned the apron and waiter and served the fair creatures. Their presence was unexpected and the en joyment thereby gained was equalled only by their chagrin at the disappear ance of the gallant youths through the back gate. The youDg ladies present who assisted Mrs. Hynds and Miss Willis in receiving were a bevy unusu ally charming. They were: Misses Minnie Dunlap, Alice Daniel, Lillie Smith, Montine Sanders, and Shepperd. The party was an initial affair, and the enjoyment of the occasion was so perceptible that one had only to see to know that all hearts were as light and happy as a wedding bell. Miss Lucile Ham received the first prize—a bisque figure, and Miss Moreno the consolation —a cup and saucer. Mr. Jennings was voted the best waiter and was given a volume of “Quo Vadis,” while Mr. Thomas was consoled with a dear little tin waiter. Those invited^ were Misses Minnie Dunlap, John Dunlap, Smith, Lottie Smith, Daniel, Sanders, Sheperd, Banks, Susie Banks, Green, Dorsey, Boyd, Ev ans, Sims, Shewmake, Ham, Wood, Chambers, McConnell, Lillie McConnell, Moreno, Daisy Moreno, Law, Jackson, Carter, Boone, Campbell, Henderson and Hosch. The waiters were Messrs. Byers, Hardy, O’Neal, Dunlap, Dorsey, Sims, Jennings, Thomas, Boone, Hen*- ley, Campbell and White. * The “Young Matron’s Altrurian Cir cle,” a charmingly named and delight fully organized coterie of fair young women, was royally entertained on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Chas. Johnson at her residence on Washing ton street. The club is composed of an exceedingly congenial and popular circle of young matrons, and every meeting held is a delightful affair, but the entertainment on Thursday after noon ranks as one of the most elegant and genuinely enjoyable that they have ever known. Mrs. Johnson, with that graciousness and charm of manner characteristic of her, is an incompara ble hostess. Mrs. Turner won the first prize, a cracker jar, and Mrs. Minor Campbell Brown received the consola tion, a basket of lovely violets. Those present were Madames Bailey, Dunlap, Wallace, Turner, Perry, Pearce, Andoe, Hynds, Brown, Black, Boone, Christopher, Thompson, John son, and Misses Sadie Willis and Alice Daniel. * * * Of the many delightful compliments paid Miss Willis none was more thor oughly enjoyed than the dining given her by Mrs. Minor Campbell Brown on Friday. This was a fine dinner, and was in every respect a most de lightful affair. Misses Sheperd, San ders, Armstrong, Brumby, Willis and Mrs. Wallace were the honored guests. * * * Miss Irene Carter gives a dining to day complimentary to her youDg lady friends at her home on South Main street. * * * •35- Miss Elma Hosch returned home to HoSchton Friday after a charming visit to her cousin, Miss Eula Hosch. * ■» * Miss Trotter, who has been a guest of Mrs. T. M. Bell, left this week for Maysville to visit relatives before re turning home to North Carolina. While in the city she was shown many social attentions. HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. Young Tom Merck’s Body Mangled by Circular Saw. A fearful accident occurred at Boggs’ saw mill, two miles from the city, Tuesday m which Tom Merck, son of Mr. B. A. Merck, lost his life. Just before finishing work at dinner one of the hands threw a piece of lumber on the carriage, and as young Merck tried to dodge it his heel struck some thing and he fell, the piece of timber striking him and holding him down. He was borne upon the saw and fear fully mangled, his left leg being cut all to pieces. Dr. Ernest Ham was sufnmoned and dressed the wounds. He saw, how ever, there was but little chance of re covery, and the young man died at 11 o’clock Tuesday night. He was only nineteen years old, and was well liked by all who knew him. The funeral services were held Thurs day morning, and the remains were interred in Alta Vista cemetery. Don’s Complete PHe Cure. The great, quick and sure cure for piles, without cutting cr pain. Guar anteed the best on the market. For sale by all druggists. Harvill Found Guilty. The trial of Alex Harvill at Jefferson was concluded Saturday afternoon and at 12 o’clock that night the jury re turned a verdict of guilty, recommend ing imprisonment for life. The jury was out six and one-half hours, and it is said nine were in favor of his Beck being broken, two in favor of a life time sentence and one in favor of acquittal. Harvill was charged with the murder of Ed Wright, and while circumstantial, the evidence was strong against him. The defence was repre sented by Hon. T. E. Watson, Col. Ed Brown, of Athens, and Col. R. B. Rus sell, of Winder. Harvill was sentenced to life imprisonment in the peniten tiary by Judge Hutchins. Interesting Services. The services Sunday last at Grace Episcopal church were of an unusually impressive character. Rev. Clarence Wood, who endeared himself to all during the few months he was con nected with the church in Gainesville, was in charge. Miss Louise Gumaur, the contralto of the Mozart Symphony Club, who is a warm personal friend of Mr. Campbell of the Episcopal choir, had kindly consented to assist at the morning service. She sang “Rock of Ages” to an arrangement of her own, accompanied only by the violin, and the glorious voice was never heard to better advantage. Those who were so thrilled by it cannot soon forget the sons'- or the singer. Whether it was the hymn or the strange pathos of the rich deep voice many eyes were filled with tears and one person voiced the sentiment of all when she said: “I’ve always loved that hymn, but never be fore realized there was so much in it!” When morning prayers were ended and the last “amen” came from the kneel ing congregation the sweetast notes of a violin came softly from the region of the choir. Mr. Otto Lund of the “Mo zarts” was there with his famous old violin, and the exquisite strains which his magic bow draws forth were a fit ting close to a service long to be re membered. Work on the buildings at Bradford and Broad streets has been temporarily stopped on account of the material having given out. They will be finished soon, however. Col. H. H. Dean went to Atlanta Wed nesday on a business trip. It is Appreciated. The Cracker is deeply indebted to Miss Marian Chambers, who has so cheerfully contributed to the society columns of this paper the past several weeks, and who has made it one of the most delightful features of the paper. Also to Mrs. Fletcher M. Johnson, who furnishes the social events this week. Both ladies have a style pecul iarly charming, and The Cracker mt- pressAs its thanks for. their much ap preciated aid. Dr. C. A. Ryder, the well known dentist, now has one of the nicest offices in the*city. He has had it re painted and repapered, and other im provements made. He will be glad to have his friends call and see him in his now elegant quarters.