The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 12, 1898, Image 1

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^ 1 A rs a „ y 1 111 Oil IMM m mm'fip in ii li e y ; - - - ~ £*'6 C* VOLUME IX. GAINESVILLE, GA„ SATURDAY, MARCH 12. 1898 NUMBER 46 Wholesal and We invite the trading public to Inspect our enormous stock of Spring Merchandise, which has just arrived. We are able to show some special bargains. 3,000 yds 36-inch Merrimack scales, perfect goods ai d beau- ; neats, yards white Dimity Rem- 1,000 yards white Lace Stripe 2,500 yds figured Organdie, more 2,000 yds Shirting Prints, sec 1 r<! 10 yds lengths. Value Lawn. Value 15c. than 100 different patterns, •ele onds, remnants. 5c and 18c. At ioc yd. gant line colors, value 124c to 15c. At 2 I-2C* At ioc yd. At ioc. • • 1.000 yds figured Lawn, latest We are having large sales daily yds white Lace Stripe Dim- styles and full line patterns, 10c 2,000 yds Percale Remnants, 2 of our 4-4 Bleaching Remnants, Vine 25c. quality. to 10 yds; the 10c grade.' best goods made. Special sale 15c yd, At 7 I-2C. At 5c. At 6 i-2ci Percales, pe tifnl patterns, over fifty sty ie ». Sold everywhere for 12jc and 15c. At IOC* 10—4 Sheeting worth 15c. At ioc. Our Hue of Laces and Embroideries are said to tee tlie Newest, Handsomest and Cheapest ever shown in tliis city. If yon are not a cnstcnier of ours already you should tee. We oiler bargains daily, bought through our wholesale department, wteicfi are [not oMaiiaatele toy [any Retail mereliant in JSortli Georgia. T r ■ I y i CHAUTAUQUA ORGANIZED. [§2,000 Subscribed and Chautauqua will be a Grand Success. Application for Charter Made.-—Two or Three Week’s Session to be Held.—Attractive Program to be Arranged.—Prof. A. W. Van Koose Chairman Board of Directors- A FINE SPEECH. Howard Thompson Enthusiasti cally Received in Rabun County. STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The Gainesville Chautauqua for 1S98 has been organized. Vv 'il that unanimity characteristic of her people when the city's interests Beat stake the citizens of Gainesville met in the parlors of the Arlington Fri- P.v aficrnoon and organized a Chautauqua association, which promises to be lr Tetter and much more elaborate than the one of last year, though that one fas so eminently successful and pleasant that the citizens of the Queen City fere amazed. The scope and usefulness of the chautauqua was explained by Professor lan lloose, and Mr. Z. T. Castleberry, the chairman, asked the meeting to decide [hat the amount of shares should be, the number each could hold and the lount necessary to be paid in. It was decided that $2,000 was needed to be Used, and that the shares should be placed at $25. In a few moments $1,400 [as raised and the chautauqua was assured. Saturday morning a committee canvassed the ■city for subscriptions to aiplete the necessary number of shares aggregating $2,000. In a short time amount was secured, and when the meeting was called to order Saturday fternoon to perfect organization, the committee reported the success with [hich it had met. Aboard of directors was chosen consisting of the following members: ^of. A. W. Van Hoose, chairman; Col. H. H. Dean, secretary 7 ; Dr. J. W. Bailey, H. 11. Perry, Prof. IL J. Pearce, Mr. H. D. Jaquish, Mr. T. S. Campbell and c. is. Webb. Colonels 11. H. Perry and II. II. Dean were appointed to draw up an appli- ftion for a charter for the chautauqua association. Profs. Van Hoose and fanv were also appointed to correspond with talent relative to engaging same I 3 " the chautauqua, and they are now in correspondence with Dr. T. DeWitt [Image. Dr. ,J. L. M. Curry and a number of other big men, and lyceum asso- ckms to see if they can make engagements. It was the sense of the meeting that those having more than one share of Mi should surrender a share or more to any who desired to come into the fociation. It is intended to liaye as many people as possible interested in the pociation that its usefulness and beneficial effects may be broadened. People every section of the county are invited to join. A season ticket is given ;v erv share of stock. it has not yet been decided how long the chautauqua will he held this sum- l r - D may be held two or three weeks—not less than two, and each session [- be held in the auditorium. The program will be an exceedingly fine one, will no doubt attract great crowds. Tlie Gainesville chautauciua will be very extensively advertised. As soon f l is possible advertising matter will be gotten out and distributed broadcast r the country. The people of Gainesville are enthused over the prospects 1‘tir chautauqua, and are determined that it shall be a great success. I tool's Van Iloose and Pearce are thinking of having a summer school here [M* the chautauqua is in session, at which normal school work will be given ptattention. The summer school will he an adjunct to the chautauqua, °ne will help the other. This has not yet been fully.determined on, how- r t :,tot it is very probable that the summer school will be quite an attraction, fbe following officers of the chautauqua association have been elected: ptoent, A. VV. Van Hoose; Vice-President, Dr. J. VV. Bailey; Secretary, H. H. ^Treasurer, T. S. Campbell, kah for the Gainesville chautauqua! The Clay ten Tribune has the follow"- I ing to say of Hon. Howard Thompson's ’ speech there last week. Col. Thomp- j son was cordially received and Rabun 1 county will stand by him in the eorl- test. The Tribune says: The Hon. How r ard Thompson delivered an address to the people of this county at the noon hour of court in behalf of his candidacy for the democratic nomination for con gress from this district. To attempt to give any synopsis of the speech w T ould be futile. The whole must be read or heard to do the orator justice. Our people have for twelve years known him as an able and fear less prosecuting attorney and a court house orator, above the ordinary, but have never had the pleasure of hearing him on the hustings and it is no ex aggeration to say that they were more than pleased. The court house was packed from be ginning to end and the enthusiasm w 7 as all the speaker could desire. lie de monstrated his thorQUgh familiarity with the history of the democratic par ty and of the questions which are now presented to people of this country for solution. Every word he uttered w T as food for thought—no stale jokes and anecdotes—but solid arguments and facts, so grouped that every word was eagerly sought and carried conviction to the mind of his audience. No one, whether he be. for Tate or Thompson, can say aught against his speech. We consider the speech a vote winner. Vive le Thompson. Great Gathering of Sunday School Workers in Gainesville, April 18th.—County Association to Meet Here April 2nd. The committee on arrangements for the approaching - Sunday School Con vention appointed jointly by the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools, met recently and organized by electing Mr. J. T. Telford, Chairman, and Prof. H. J. Pearce, Secretary. They determined to begin immediately an active canvass to secure homes for the delegates to the convention and for that purpose appointed the following sub committees: First ward, Messrs. J. T. Tel ford, T. H. Robertson and II. J. Pearce; second ward, Dr. Daniel, Judge Estes and Col. J. C. Boone; third ward, Prof. Marion, Mr. -J. N. Twitty and Mr. Jno. Ilosch. , The convention will be composed of the most cultured and active Christian workers in the state. Their presence will be a benediction to Gainesville. The committee most earnestly urge the citizens to be ready to answer them favor ably on the first call, which will be made in a few days. Mr. VV. S. Witham, of the State Sunday School Association has consented to address the people of Hall county, especially Sunday School teachers and super- intendants, on Sunday, April 17th, afternoon and evening, in the Auditorium of the Georgia Female Seminary. Mr. Witham is noted as a speaker, a successful Sunday School worker and a business man of phenomenal success. He will dis cuss ‘"That Busy Peoples’ Class” and “The Freight Train Sunday School vs. The Vestibule Limited .Sunday School.” Judging from Mr. Witham’s reputation, it may be predicted that the occasion will not be a dull one. Arrangements are being made for the County Sunday School Association to meet in Gainesville April 3d. It is expected that delegates will be present from every Sunday School in the county, and a rousing rally will be held. The people of Gainesville should spread themselves to make the State Con vention a great success. About three hundred delegates will be present, among the number being some of the most prominent Sunday School workers . in the state. Homes must be provided for them and no doubt tlie people of Gaiuesvillej "with their accustomed liberality, will open their homes and make them enjoy their stay in the “Queen City.” At The Auditorium. The Boston Ideals were at the audito rium Monday night, and the program rendered was a very fine one and was highly enjoyed. A verv good audience was present and the military boys were out in full force, as the show was given for the benefit of the Rifles. Genuine South Georgia Ribbon Cane Syrup 35 cents gallon at Will Sum mer’s. At Work on the Bridge. Work on the new bridge at Keith’s Ferry has been commenced, the foun dation for the pillars having been laid Wednesday, the county commissioners being present. The contract for the rock work is ih charge of ^Iessrs. M. D. Hudson and J. R. Coker, and the wood work will be done by Messrs. T. P. Hudson and J. M. Nunn. The con tract for the rock work is to be com pleted by June 1st., and the wood work will be completed as soon thereafter as possible. The bridge will be a good one when completed, and will be a great convenience to the people of Hal4, Daw son and Forsyth counties. Wanted! Two hundred children between the ages of six and ten to meet at audito rium Sunday afternoon at 3:30. We want a chorus of children for the Sunday School Convention. Come and bring your little ones. If it is bad weather the meeting will be postponed until Sunday week. A. W. Van Hoose. The friends of Mrs. John F. Little regret that she continues quite ill, and was no better yesterday. She is being given eyery attention, but - little hope is entertained for her recovery.