The times. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1972-current, February 16, 2023, Image 6
6A Thursday, February 16, 2023 The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | THURSDAY FUN+GAMES CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Jousting weapon 6 Master of ceremonies 10 Has 14 Limber 15 Tien Shan mountains 16 Means of shipping 17 Barge route 18 Horizontal support 19 Contribute 20 Arden and Curie 21 Acted up 23 Feast finale 25 White Sale buys 26 Good connections 27 Juice holder 29 Mongol rulers 32 Wades through 33 Rand of “Atlas Shrugged” 36 — it (improvise) 37 Office kitties 38 Wry face 39 Informal greeting 40 Zesty dip 41 Noted wine family 42 Kin of mandolins 43 Crony 44 Won’t obey 47 Llama cousins 51 In a jubilant manner 54 Cartoon bear 55 Coolidge or Hayworth 56 Lock up 57 Funny Ms. Burnett 58 Political coalition 59 Murray or Rice 60 Not moving 61 Longings 62 Zen riddle 63 Mineral analysis PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED B A L B O A K L M O G L E A X 1 O M S N E E u R A L H E D G E S I R A T E T E A N T A G O N 1 S T I C A V E R S W H Y G I A N T L I N T B A T E N D P G A M A 1 C L 1 E N T S H O C 1 S T A L T A W E A R T E M I S L E E D I N R O E P 1 N R E N D R E A M S B U C C U R E S 1 N D 1 A N A P O L 1 s A V O N O B I A T T U N E T O R E D E L R E 1 N E D A Y E S E S s A S C O T S 2-16-23 ©2023UFS, Dist. DOWN 1 Fastened 2 Tequila plant 3 Softball teams 4 Categorizing 5 Ocean dweller 6 Regular routine 7 Bullfight shouts 8 Volvo rival 9 Interval differences (2 wds.) 10 Instruments for Bach 11 Relinquish a claim 12 British actor David — 13 Goes downhill 21 Bride’s title 22 Leak giveaway 24 Naval off. 27 Type of varnish 28 Entertainer — Polona 29 Utility bill abbr. by Andrews McMeel for UFS 30 Scurry 31 No matter which 32 Shoe part or fish 33 MSN rival 34 — Brynner 35 Recent (pref.) 37 ‘Wheel of Fortune” emcee (2 wds.) 38 Kuala Lumpur natives 40 Tallow source 41 Mountain pass 42 Purple hues 43 Work diligently 44 Horse race 45 Oust 46 Fold-up mattress 47 Steve or Gracie 48 Apple leftovers 49 Where Aesop shopped 50 Like river bottoms 52 Metric prefix 53 Turner of “Typical Male” 57 Spies’ org. Unscramble these Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek CEFTA NREAA Y y -A A DYYAEH SCAAUB ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC AH Rights Reserved. Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. X Y N x y S Y Az Yesterday’s (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: HURRY AUDIO UNWISE FACADE Answer: When asked if he was certain his right angles were 90 degrees, the square said — “FOUR” SURE By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words. BOGGLE POINT SCALE ( 3 letters = 1 point”) ( 4 letters = 2 pointsT) ( 5 letters = 3 points') ( 6 letters = 4 points/) ( 7 letters = 6 point?) ( 8 letters = 10 points) ( 9+ letters = 15 points') Boggle 0 BrainBusters Bonus We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? Find AT LEAST FIVE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS in the grid of letters. YOUR BOGGLE 0 RATING 151+ = Champ 101-150 = Expert 61-100= Pro 31 - 60 = Gamer 21 - 30 = Rookie 11 - 20 = Amateur 0-10 = Try again Answers to Wednesday's Boggld BrainBusters: daooil- * + i t Li k i POLISH ENGLISH SWEDISH SWAHILI BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc, © 2023 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved. WWW.bogglebrainbuStorS-COm SUDOKU DIFFICULTY RATING:★★★☆☆ 2/16 © 2023 Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS HOW TO PLAY: Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 box es must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. PREVIOUS SOLUTION 6 4 3 5 7 1 2 8 9 1 7 2 9 6 8 4 5 3 9 8 5 3 4 2 7 1 6 2 3 6 1 8 4 5 9 7 7 9 4 2 5 6 8 3 1 8 5 1 7 9 3 6 2 4 3 1 7 6 2 5 9 4 8 4 2 9 8 3 7 1 6 5 5 6 8 4 1 9 3 7 2 By DAVID OUELLET HOW TO PLAY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — hori zontally, vertically, diagonally and even backward. Find them, circle each letter of the word and strike it off the list. The leftover letters spell the WONDERWORD. KIRSTIE AT,LEY (1951-2022) Solution: 8 letters GORSSRE EHCWRONG SCP I ERT AOBJOHNM CLSTCCEOWI CH I TA ROECHHLKECDKSED ESYOAAERRRLET I H AE EMSNARLARHALO MTMI ECB IT I PCSLU A I MGLE LOEGTTTOS I RYYPLESBERAEME NWBUIWILLIAMVQI EARAOUE LLOVEEUT BYN®OUREROOPNES SL©LQUARKULSSER C © L E T T E LASTDON I ©NSVERON I CASNSK © 2023 Andrews McMeel Syndication 2/16 Able, Baby, Boat, Bob, Chance, Chase, Cheers, Closet, Colette, Cool, Craig, Deal, Emmy, Eyes, Howe, John, Kirstie, Last Don, Lillian, Lillie, Look, Louise, Love, Madhouse, Maine, Match, Mollie, Parker, Pier, Poorer, Quark, Queens, Richer, Scream, Sequel, Series, Sitcom, Stevenson, Syrup, Talking, Taste, Travolta, Veronica’s, Waylon, Wichita, William, Write, Wrong Yesterday’s Answer: Blessings The NEW Treasury 50 can be purchased online at, or call 1-800-642-6480. CAROLYN HAX Financial hit of husband’s firing was not ‘for the best’ Dear Carolyn: I am so angry at my husband I don’t know what to do. He lost his job and it took months to get the real story. First he was let go because he was old and making too much money, then it was that he was scapegoated for someone else’s mistake, then finally — when I was getting ready to consult one of the lawyers I work with (I’m a paralegal) — I got the truth. Basi cally he’d been extremely negli gent, wasn’t reviewing something that he was supposed to, just sign ing off on it without even reading it. A long-standing mistake came to light, which he should have caught, and it cost his company hundreds of thousands of dollars. I knew he was unhappy at work and had wanted to retire early (he’s 62) but with two children headed for college we just couldn’t afford it. Of course he’s been unable to find another job with this black mark hanging over him and he isn’t remorseful. He’s so happy being a stay-at-home dad while I had to find a higher-paying job with a much longer commute and we had to tell our teenagers that we won’t be able to contribute any more to their college funds. Last night my husband told me that he felt like everything worked out for the best! I was furious and just walked away without respond ing. He’s not ashamed that he was basically stealing his salary for years, jeopardized his children’s future, or put this burden on me. One of the worst parts is finding out about his lack of integrity. I didn’t want our children knowing that so we lied and told them their dad retired suddenly but voluntarily. The secrecy is another strain on me. I still love my husband but I don’t like him right now. Where do we go from here? — So Angry Counseling. Just you. I know this is not the time to add an expense to your balance sheet, but this is a lot of big information to process: Your life partner lacks integrity and empathy, you have children who you either have to lie to or burden with knowledge of their father’s character deficiencies, and you’re having to work and com mute longer hours to absorb the consequences of his failure. And he’s luxuriating in that. And you’re supposed to make sense of this and tend to your own well-being alone? If you were inclined to skip the counseling and go straight to the divorce process, then that is also an option, but it seems as if you still have a lot of conflicting emotions and uncertainty about what you’d like your life to look like, given the raw materials he just handed you. That’s normal, too, in the immedi ate aftermath of a shocking turn of events. Take care of yourself, talk to someone, and let the answers come to you. Chat with Carolyn online at noon each Friday at WORD SALSA ANSWER FOR FEBRUARY 15 ONLINE PUZZLES Co to gainesvilletimes.coni/puzzles to access interactive puzzles online, including multiple varieties of Jumble, Sudoku, and crosswords as well as Hitori and Futoshiki. Once there, click the “More games” button at the top left to view the options. Once a puzzle is selected, learn howto play by clicking the question mark. J][e| s IA N O I S O RIEl A S Tl WORP SALSA by Tony Tallarico Circle these English words and their Spanish equivalents that appear in the grid horizontally, vertically, diagonally and backward. Encierre estas palabras en ingles y sus equivalentes en espahol que aparecen al reves, horizontal, vertical y diagonalmente. STUDIOUS ENGLISH SPANISH COMPREHEND COMPRENDER CONSIDER CONSIDERAR EDUCATE EDUCAR EXAMINE EXAMINAR INQUIRY CONSULTA LEARN APRENDER OBSERVE OBSERVAR RESEARCH INVESTIGAR REVIEW REVISION SCHOOL ESCUELA SCRUTINIZE ESCUDRINAR WISDOM SABIDURIA ©2023 Tony Tallarico. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC LDHMODSIWEIVERE ENCBSRTAPRENDER A E RWV I D Z I VN I U C H RHANARKNALEUCSE NO I S I VERENI MAX E COMPREHEND 1 RR 1 A OBSCONSULTAAAQI M S E Z I NWE I A I G R R R PETACUDEALRIEYA RRE S EARCHOUTDRV EVNOI SYNAOD S I I R NEXAMINARHIESUE DERED I SNOCBVNQS EZINITURCS ANONB RANIRDUCSESICIO