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Weekend Edition - MARCH 24-25,2023 | $2.00 | GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA |
Honestly Local
Lula man charged with battery, assault
A Lula man was charged with
slamming another man into a fire
pit, fracturing multiple vertebrae
in the man’s back, according to
Wayne Albert King, 42, was
charged with aggravated bat
tery and aggravated assault. He
was booked in to the Hall
County Jail March 14 and
released the following day
on a $5,700 bond.
Hall County authorities
initially responded around
10 p.m. March 8 to the Shell
gas station on Atlanta High
way near Gaines Ferry
Road in Flowery Branch,
where David Wayne Anglin, 58, was
found lying on the ground.
Anglin had a swollen
face, bruising and numer
ous abrasions, and Hall
County Fire Rescue trans
ported him to the hospital
for treatment.
The Sheriffs Office said
said Anglin, who was iden
tified as homeless, was
camping alone in the woods behind
the station.
Sheriffs Office spokesman Der-
reck Booth said King fractured
Anglin’s vertebrae by slamming
him into a fire pit at Anglin’s
“Additionally, King stomped and
kicked the victim in his head and
back while the victim was on the
ground,” Booth wrote in an email.
Booth said King is not homeless,
but he did not have any informa
tion on the motive or lead-up to the
alleged assault.
The case is still under investiga
tion, though the Sheriff’s Office does
not anticipate any further arrests.
When reached for comment,
King’s defense attorney, Brian
Dille, was unfamiliar with the
details of the case but was seeking
further information.
Rail company pays fine
Photos provided by Marine Environmental Incorporated
On July 30,2022, a Norfolk Southern employee reported a three-car freight train derailment. The company has paid $10,000 to the
state Environmental Protection Division after soybeans spilled into Gainesville’s Flat Creek following the derailment.
Editor’s note: This published in
a previous E-Paper edition and is
being provided here for print-only
Norfolk Southern paid $10,000
to the state Environmental Protec
tion Division in the aftermath of
a soybean spill into Gainesville’s
Flat Creek, leading to 443 tons of
According to the EPD, a Nor
folk Southern employee reported
July 30 a three-car freight train
derailment from the day before,
and each train hopper had a max
capacity of 226,000 pounds.
On Aug. 12, the Chattahoochee
Riverkeeper and governmental
agencies started investigating a
A map of Flat Creek shows where the July 30 rail car spill occured and five locations where
■ Please see SOYBEANS, 3A Chattahoochee Riverkeeper took testing samples.
Flat Creek is mostly '
underground here
Headwaters of Flat
Creek to Queens City
Norfolk Southern penalized S10K for soybean spill in Flat Creek
Projects could
ease traffic at
inland port
Hall County has a couple of road projects in
the works it hopes will ease some traffic issues
expected as part of the Northeast Georgia
Inland Port’s eventual opening off Ga. 365 in
northeast Hall.
Design work on improvements to White Sul
phur Road and Cagle Road are “substantially
complete and both projects are being coor
dinated with the construction timeline of the
inland port,” said Srikanth Yamala, director
of Hall County Community Development and
The inland port, which is expected to be
fully operational by late 2024 or early 2025, is
planned at Gateway Industrial Centre off White
Sulphur Road north of Ga. 365. The 104-acre
site is expected to provide a direct shipping cor
ridor to and from Savannah’s harbor by way of
a 324-mile freight rail service.
Plans call for White Sulphur Road to be
realigned so that it runs east of Norfolk South
ern Railway tracks between Sargent Road and
■ Please see INLAND, 3A
Man’s phone
had 300 photos
of child pom
A phone dropped off at a Gwinnett repair
shop led to investigators finding at least 300 pho
tos of child porn on a Buford
man’s phone, according to
Daniel Allen McFalls, 27,
was charged with felony sex
ual exploitation of a minor.
He was booked Wednesday,
March 22, in to the Hall County
Jail, where he remains with no
■ Please see PHOTOS, 3A
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