The times. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1972-current, March 26, 2023, Image 6
6A Sunday, March 26, 2023 The Times, Gainesville, Georgia | SATURDAY FUN+GAMES CROSSWORD PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED p R E P X A C T O R O S A 1 O N S L 1 L A C V A N G O Y A S L O T H E N D S M A L L G E O F F R E Y M O B S R A 1 L B L A S T 1 N G L 1 A R S Y E N S T E L E E N D O W T A G S S A U L T G A M E E V E N S K E B A B G A P S E R U M D O C U M E N T F U E L W O R E C R A F T 1 L Y N O B E L L E V 1 1 D A U N T w 1 L E E B O N E M c E E E D 1 E F A N G R A K E D D E A R 3-25-23 © 2023 UFS, Dist. by Andrews McMeel for UFS ACROSS 1 Ex-GIs 5 Voices an opinion 9 PC competitor 12 Study hard 13 Brought to bay 15 Cap part 16 One in a million 17 Persian Gulf sight 18 No-choiesteroi spread 19 Not as crisp 21 Annoyed 23 Weak, as an excuse 25 Meat turner 26 Short sleep 29 Frost 31 Finest quality 35 Compilation 36 Catches on 38 Farm implement pioneer 39 Slight 41 Damsels 43 Tight hold 44 Scrabble pieces 46 Springs up 48 Finish a cake 49 Aches 51 Neophyte 52 Barely make do 53 “Little Caesar” role 55 Where Anna met a king 57 Horse and carriage 61 Drew, in a way 65 Positive 66 Gridiron charge 68 Minute opening 69 Sidekicks 70 Dish up the food 71 A songbird 72 Fabric meas. 73 Posterior 74 “So what — is new?” DOWN 1 Movie rental needs 2 Latin l verb 3 Scarlett’s mansion 4 Odor 5 Raining hard 6 “Exodus” name 7 Canine cry 8 Oracles 9 Exploit to the max 10 Not into the wind 11 Lump of clay 14 Plummets 15 Moonshine 20 Corn units 22 Competed for 24 Click “send” 26 Unpleasant 27 Singer — Lennox 28 Abdul or Zahn 30 Majestic wader 32 Ghostlike 33 Neck annoyance 34 Plains dwelling 37 Leaves laughing 40 Fruits for jam 42 Wine and soda 45 Scissors sound 47 Go hang-gliding 50 Strike ignorers 54 Leering sort 56 Furniture wood 57 Glimpse 58 Campus hangout 59 WWW addresses 60 Ireland 62 Glowing ember 63 Slips up 64 Hockey feint 67 Water power org. THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Unscramble these Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. RIYHA SAAIL CPATEK Y A y ARIPLS ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. j How are you i!? always in such a good mood? It’s just SHE WAS DELIGHTED TO BE PART OF THE AlAUDIDAE FAMILY OF BIRDS AND WAS — Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. ^ Y n Ay ^2 ^2 (Answers Monday) I Jumbles: SIXTY EERIE PETITE BURLAP es er ay s | Answer: Q 0n Rj C ki es had such funny put-downs and insults because it was his — “EXPERT-TEASE” By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words. I iRlAlO linIuIh 3-25-23 BOGGLE 0 POINT SCALE ( 3 letters = 1 poirrT) (4 letters = 2 points) C5 letters = 3 points") C6 letters = 4 points^) (7 letters = 6 pointT) (?8 letters - 10 points) C 9+ letters = 15 points") Boggle 0 BrainBusters Bonus We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? Find AT LEAST FOUR U.S. STATES in the grid of letters. YOUR BOGGLE 0 RATING 151+ = Champ 101-150 = Expert 61-100= Pro 31 - 60 = Gamer 21 - 30 = Rookie 11 - 20 = Amateur 0-10 = Try again Answers to Friday's Boggle* BrainBusters: paccip- * 4 .,ij, , CHAD MALI CHILE INDIA ANGOLA BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc, © 2023 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved. WWW.bogglebrainbUSters.COrn SUDOKU DIFFICULTY RATING: ★★★★★ 3/25 © 2023 Dist. by Andrews McMccl Syndication for UFS HOW TO PLAY: Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 box es must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. PREVIOUS SOLUTION 7 1 2 5 4 9 8 6 3 4 8 3 2 6 1 9 7 5 9 6 5 8 7 3 4 2 1 6 4 7 1 8 5 3 9 2 2 5 1 3 9 6 7 8 4 8 3 9 7 2 4 1 5 6 3 2 4 9 5 7 6 1 8 5 9 6 4 1 8 2 3 7 1 7 8 6 3 2 5 4 9 By DAVID OUELLET HOW TO PLAY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — hori zontally, vertically, diagonally and even backward. Find them, circle each letter of the word and strike it off the list. The leftover letters spell the WONDERWORD. NIELLO ALLOYS Solution: 12 letters HCTAWEDD B G N I L R E T ECRCSTYL LEWUHNLT TEOPFAAW E E R S A L I D ME KUPNUN PHSCPGTS E I H O O R I I RNOPOLLL ALPPLDEV TAHERSTE UYBREVAR RMOLTENT E A R R I N G S I N G S N I P S E N A M E L E S L S T A A C E P (N) B S Q A O E D © U U O M I L X ® E H B V N E F © K S D A S A O J E T L S C B Q E T A O E L T U W T R G A E L E E L A C G N E M L E K N E M A N R O L O O T R A Y © 2023 Andrews McMeel Syndication 3/25 Antique, Belt, Black, Bowl, Boxes, Chain, Coins, Copper, Cups, Earrings, Embellishment, Enamel, Engrave, Gilt, Gold, Inlay, Iron, Jewelry, Karats, Kettle, Lead, Locket, Metal, Molten, Ornament, Pins, Plaque, Plate, Pure, Silver, Spoon, Steel, Sterling, Styles, Sulfur, Surface, Temperature, Tools, Tray, Trophy, Vase, Watch, Wedding, Wire, Workshop Yesterday’s Answer: Pepperoni The NEW Volume 72 can be purchased online at, or call 1-800-642-6480. (In Canada, call 1-855-232-2367) CAROLYN HAX How sad is it when parents stare at their phones? Dear Carolyn: Went to breakfast today at a fam ily restaurant. Sat in a booth next to a mom and dad and two boys about 8 and 10 years old. The par ents each had their cellphones on. The boys had no cellphones. The only time the mom looked up from her phone was to order and once in a while, when she ate, to speak to her husband. The only time the dad looked up from his phone was when he ordered or when he looked at his wife’s phone. There was no communication between the parents and the kids. I watched the kids eat their fruity face pancakes and not talk to their parents or each other through the whole meal. I am very, very saddened by this. What I wouldn’t give for a chance to have a breakfast like that again with my boys when they were small. We had such fun when our family went out to breakfast. Just can’t get my mind around this. What has happened to families? I would appreciate your thoughts. — Concerned Mom That certainly paints a depress ing picture. Except we don’t know what it’s a picture of. You believe it’s a picture of phone-addicted parents and the disconnected children who speak for all modern families in their silence. And you may be right. But your snapshot says nothing of where they came from, where they’re going, why they’re on phones, who they’re becoming. You’ve drawn conclusions utterly out of context. I also note an absence that’s often distressingly present at family-restaurant tables where children don’t get their adults’ attention: desperate ploys to get their adults’ attention. So maybe what you saw as neglect was the eating of meals in peace by two nurtured, well- behaved, listened-to children. Maybe breakfast wasn’t the fam ily event, but the break between events. Maybe they were on the last day of a vacation, relieved not to talk. Maybe the parents were tying up loose ends at their jobs to clear the rest of the day for their boys. Maybe they agreed, “You let us work a bit, we give you fruity face pancakes, then we go on an adventure.” Maybe the parents were looking up children’s museums or walking trails. Maybe their phone time would yield the name of a restaurant that pleases all ages and is halfway between the two road games their kids were playing with their differ ent teams that day, so they could make a day of it together. Chat with Carolyn online at noon each Friday at WORD SALSA ANSWER FOR MARCH 24 ONLINE PUZZLES Co to to access interactive puzzles online, including multiple varieties of Jumble, Sudoku, and crosswords as well as Hitori and Futoshiki. Once there, click the “More games” button at the top left to view the options. Once a puzzle is selected, learn how to play by clicking the question mark. o D A y A G R D A B L E L P D S Y/ a P O L c O R D I A L L 'e u 0 Ic 0 N F I A B L E Q o L IE L B A D A R G A 'e c I T E H T A P M Y S ''B L o T U |L U F P L E H A Y A Z u E L B A M A 0 T T N A S T F R I E N D L Y T E R III T Y L I T "ul|c“ A R I N o S o L I M E o E D U C A D 0 N T N A D P L C O S O T S I M A M T I E A B I u M P A |c 0 R T E S D R P A T S I M P A T I C o| U R C N S o N E L B A T U P E R 0 A [G N I V o JU U F H T U R T C WOfcP SALSA by Tony Tallarico Circle these English words and their Spanish equivalents that appear in the grid horizontally, vertically, diagonally and backward. Encierre estas palabras en ingles y sus equivalentes en espahol que aparecen al reves, horizontal, vertical y diagonalmente. BOTH START WITH AN "L" ENGLISH SPANISH LAKE LAGO LASER LASER LASH LATIGAZO LEMON LIMON LESSON LECCION LETTER LETRA LIBERATE LIBERAR LIME LIMA LIST LISTA LOIN LOMO LOYAL LEAL LUST LUJURIA ©2023 Tony Tallarico. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC LLOZARETELOZALL RESALNOSRETHSAL LTTSFNTTELZGKNI EPSRL I BERATENOB CHULAORITGENOIE CTLMSLSOMOLOTLR OZLAELIETLEIAIJ ZEOLRCWHIOTCLSU ATTRBINARYRJBTL GRNARORIEABRIAS IEOLI STRTLRI L M A tbicjhAutilemil ATCNAMS J EBWOBLL LESSONRULFJMGIN LRENOMILOZNOMEL