The Air-line eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1860-18??, September 24, 1869, Image 1
i■> X O . jLa. JU-U.DWINE- ' VOLUME IV.] THE Ai£-LINE EAGLE. Published Every Friday Morning - MrFicE ur st ams in the brick store, south CORKER OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE, ta-ainesville, Oa. v 4 ; i: if U«SO»i:-Ti N: , two DOLLARS A-TEAR, I c y< ■ » 1 a tee .itlvri‘ti<«ing Kates. \ 1 vorti -enieut- will be inMrttil at ONK Ih>[.L \ R ANO FIFTY CENTS per sq«wre t**#r the firstiuseriion, an«l SE\ ENTY-Flv E CF. N r> j>*t Mtjn:\re f»r each continuance.— Ten lines or le«s constitute n squnre. I*n»fesstn»#l of Ten L:n«» or lest Ton Dilli.i- |>"i mourn. \on miietin; Gin tidal *1 District Giii li.fat-s $1" : County Candidates s’>, si Ways in advance. -y Ali ntiiuMi v node*-* ever ten lines fcharged for as ..tlie* advertisement*. ry All money for advertising considered Jllle lifter tlie first il" ltion. jy ,No Advertisement or Subscription .. ill lie .topped until all arre • rales are paid ; tinless at the option of the proprietor. LBUAL ADVKItTtSEMI'NTS—K AYES: Aerii’* sale* pr. levy «l 10 Hnc* or lessen 00 rth'ritt’s Mortage sis» sales , per l ev . v & *'o Tax collector’s -ales,per lev y 00 Oil at ion for betters of Unardiantdiip .1 00 Oitationson Letttrsnf Administration 3.(.(J Oil slions on Dismisiory fi or. Admin fstraii ion * ® 1 f Citations on Di-'toissm v from Guardian .hip ; f " laid Ve to sell blind 6 ()(l Notice to di-Vitors ami creditor * 10 Sales of Personrl Property . ten days. I square * ' J ' Sales of band bv Executors :md Admin istrato s. 1 sq mre or less, j* f ' f ' Kstrays.twn months !• u 0 Fora min advertising his wife advance CON'TUaCT aDVKKTISINO. 1 Column, 12 Months, Jsioti ott 1 •< 6 “ N ™ i 3 “ 4o tit ,■ ]•> •« C<» 00 I .. o “ 40 no 1 - X ’• 5> 00 5 .• 1# •• 4" 00 I o e - 55 00 J. .. Si 15 00 XW All Advertisements duo after thefivs' insertion. Attorney at Low. Gkoscia. , "A TTI 1.1. a' tend promptly to any business \Y entrusted to hi* care. 2-1-ly. » r„ I?. Simmons, ATTORNEY AT LAW , A iy/is VILIE, GEORGIA, ~i. j. r u.,1, attend promptly to the business . V .jntru-t'.d in bis care. 1-ltc JOHN A. WIMPY, •poiilonesa. &a * ,aKAC I 10ES in ti, e Connti sol bumpkin Dawson. Pursytb. Cherokee. Pickens, Gilmer. Fannin and Union in the nine bulge Circuit and Mali and Whitein the Western tlirewt. lie w»U nlMni to tlie collecting ’ I .ecu'vns irfclaim's.' and will give Ins un tn all hu*ru«M e«irtiMe« °>,Ts H ' t-i ts - \. T. W. Lx lie, 51 ») If «»,;» «! ih■; D»ac i e r s Mocijciu*. Jj. .Mi* v ii*»' an * Surgery. R««deftcc (isiWfsvlll!*) Georgia. M,mh 12. IMiy-tf WIER BOYD, Attorney at Lnw DfJitoß<sa, • Georgia M : »4 i ? &. K. Palmer, ms i Cleveland, White County, Qa- Juae 11th, U69-tf E.M. JOHNSON, Al l op » e.y a 1 Law ga., ,rrr f oronntlv rtwml t.. any business id ,V *Weifo. .. or tilne If, l ? e Circuit o, in the l> strict Cmirt of t*<■ ' taU ‘ s ' s-t-fr- _____ PHIL. R. SIMMONS, ATTORNEY AT EAVt WlU.Pr«tio-in .11 ’he Ci.rU of the .Vestern Circuit,** a-the op. tl.rC.'riiU of firsyih PicWene, Gilmer, Gumpitin and Dawson Counties. -ento the co'lec.ioa »fclaims- GCJ-Heference-Tav Me.(2-1-i>) JASPER N. DORSEY, M- E:£Wa Oa»n«vtH<* Ga. ,*-'t \i— r-fw* BRADFIELD & CO., Atlanta, CJa. a BRADFIELDS Female Regulator! HR ADFIELD'sJWe Regulator! ISR ADFI LLO’3 ■•'■u-Te adulator' WOMAN’S Best Friend! WOMAN'S Best Friend ! I WOMAN’S Rest Frif.nd !!! Only $‘1.50 per Bo!tie ! Only $1.50 per Bottle ! Its operation quick «nrl wire, It never foils to enrol Thou*nr<ls have tried it. nml "o re!er with corfiflft co to onv otyp wh« have ffiven it a trial. Wo have hundred* of<*ertificato«, but will only n*k T«u to rent! what Mr .1 W. ono <»f the n opt* respectable citi zens of Bartow county, mVs : Read hla ’etter; C artkrfviLJ E. Oa . April 2fi, 1809. lliis will certify that two nteinhrra of my immodiato family, after having suffer«*d for many y**nrs firm merstrnal irregularity, and having honn treated wilhowt honofit hv : rftuous medical doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Dr. BrndfirM’.’* ‘ Female Regulator.” I dievcforc, deem it mV duty to furnish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attentions! •ulfcrnjr woman kind to the merits of a medi-\ ♦ ine whose power in curinir irregular and * oppressed inen-truation haa been proven under »fv own personal oha« rvation. Is ef fect on such is truly wonderful, a rift W' 11 miv the remedy be called •‘WomartVs Best Friend” Vou v «, rejpcctfullv. Ja°. W. Sirasge, HEAD, read; READ,I READ! READ!I READ i READ ! READ!! TvViihnble Medicine i. pr.'i*r'il ~fer J II ort/f 11 t'xe.fisivciy, and to he used bv wo . thru :u,i\ i! i» adapted * -|m ciallv to those ! -iiGf. y, •i r. r v ±f- 1 V J'td mid >vi|l I eureany ip)N ib*' MiienseN f .except j in such c.ise- as tuquii * a surgical operation, j as these last are very rate, the Ftmalc j liei}tthilt>r\% of almost universal application ’ In a sudden check of the “monthly course*’ troin cold, trouble ol mind or like canse, it I arts like a charm, by the di-ch uge j in every instance, thua relieving the fever, headache, pain in t> e rtnaM of the buck and ; “lower stmt ach. flLshes of heat about the ; face, chilly sensations, burning of the eye lids and general restlessness. Taken in lime all she-e symptoms pass away immediately, without, injury to the constitution, hre- ■ qnently. however, the proper remedy is not applied in time, the disease becomes chronic, and the foundation laid for numbet bss evils to the cumMiTution of il e wonian, Thsmoct “tunn*' comes around and there is no ‘‘.-how” , nr perhaps *hc “wipes’’ will appear There will be some uneasiness about the womb. I ut very little or in,ne of the natural fluid es caping. The conplexion becomes sallow, bowels swollen, a sort of greenish caste al out tl-e face, cons’ar.t dull aching pains in the head, weight In the lower stomach and hack, with or without whites, palpitations of the heart,pallor, exhaustion, in igestion. weari ness, lntigOur, achimr across the loins loss of spf><*titt*, pain in left breii-t tightness across the chest.couyh and giddiness If still al lowed to go on, “ green sickness” will he fully developed—the headache becomes se vere. wiih loss of memory, diminished sibility. s r ck etomach, flyspepsia. ro relish tot foot, loss ol sli. increased fluttering of the heart swelling of th»- feet, legs and h«*dy and occasional spitting of blood.—The slight est effort causes hurried bee thing, almost to suffocating. The skin is flab! y and bus a ‘ donghy fe» 1.” This is a sad | ictuie hut it i.« »he condition of thousands of women be tween the ag»*s 15 and 45. who are brought to the verge of the grave )>y ign race or neglect to take the proper lemcoy. To ell who tre afflicted with any «»» the symptoms above mentioned, in cor. with a irregularity of the “monfhlv uickn w carneftsly 'say Take Dr.J Bradfif. : ’ TV. MALE Br.GUi.ATOR. A few mr >l ■ * , nil will at once experience it* beflefits.and wnh a little patience jron will be fully restored to health. This remedy has been extensively u*ed for of 20 years by many of the most experienced and successful Physicians in Georgia. We repeat, that Bn J BuADFiELn’a Fe male Kfoulator i« prepared for Women, and to be usert by Womeu only. A trial is all we a-k. Prepared and sold in any quantity, by BRADFIELD & Cos.. Atlanta, Ga., Price s!f,so bottle. FOR SAFE by Dru/givt" everywhtfie. July 0 18H9 -ly ('tWirm ftiT I.' ilerx Dismiuwtt. 'STATE OF f EORQIA Onion County. •'HLUi-.AS Jyitß -. F.n:„ aiimii.Ktrai r • R..t N. Aj’M-. rei re.nilr to tl.e eour) in h 3 p. ii'i'.n duly fi.ed «e<l ■ •••er.<l <lO renird, hat lie has fall j »»lu hue N, Am»»* estate. Thi- l.tlievef-iet* rite ,1! p. r.iiw. cat-, cerned kirnlred am* e;«.li i«. to »kv cnu»e fifsnylhev < ali) nhy *>*■ 1 join n '-traWr -houlil net be' from ad.j.ii w alien, sncl receive lerters ..f (lisrmsHonon the flr.t Monday in Oct , 1869 W. R IQGti N, Ordinary. •! me i'.-'-ra GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, W. Cl)i aiv=3JLincl:aglr. j The It m ini of.ißosv*. Rj Ncliob’s lopely pinimini'i, On Ibis side Jordnii's wive.' In n ule in lliet|ai;.i*'f . lfinb. ■ There lies n lonely grnve; And no mnu duu the sepulcher, And no man >»tv it e’er. For ibe angel of God npiorrn and Ibe snd, And lade ihe dend man there T'at was the grandest funeral That ever passed on ennh. But no man heard the tramping. Or saw the train gn (crib. N-lisle .sly as the daylight Comes when the night is done, And the crimsmi strt ak on ocean', che. k . Grows into the great -un. <v Noisle-sly ns the srrmg time Her cVi wd l.f lerddre weaves, And t.ll the trees on ail the hills' Op. n. Hie if thousand leaves— .So, without sound pr-i-rAmic, Or voice rdf tlntn I hat wept, . Silently down from the toountain’s! crown Tli ' great procession swept. i/’erchance the bald old aijgle On gray Bethpeor’s height, Out Irom bis rock eyrie I.rtnked onihe w.'iulrnus sight: j Perchance I he lion, Slal!|ir>g, Still shuns that hallowed spot; For hesat snd bird have seen and heard ’! hat which inajp kiinweth not. Rut wh o tli- warrinr dielh, His comrades in the war, With arms rever-ed anil muffled drum, Follow t he fu i era I cur ; They show ihe haTini rs'Vitken, And alter him lead ms masteries, steed, While peals the minute gun. Amid the noblest of the lond Men Iny the sage to rest, And give the bard an honoted [dace, With costly marble dr. st; In the gieat rninsler-transnpi, Where lights like glory fall, And the choir sings and the organ rings Aloud iho emblazoned wall. This was the bravest warrior That ever buckled sword; This the most gifted poel That ever breathed a word ; And never en.tit’s philosopher Traced with his gulden pen, On the deathless page, ruth half so | ‘age, As he wrote down fur me ' ' , v, !**, ! And had tu no' It gb tumor ? 'I ti • hid side fur bis patl To In- in St e ‘ldle angel-' wait, W Itb -urs fur l : *j,e/s la I ; And lh" dark melt pines, It*" lotsing ninnies, Ove. his bier n> w .ve. And G id’s own hand i" lliat (otlelt land. To lay him in the grat p I In that deep grave, wit hull' an. -", When his one. ffined el y Shall breathe again (most wondrous thought !) Before the judgment day, Ayd stand with glory wrapped around On the hills he never trod, And speak of the strife that won our life With the 'lncarnate Son of God ! O lonelv tuird* in Mnab’s la,id I O dark Befhpenr Hill ( Sppak to these cti' ious heart* of ours And leaeli them to be Hill. God hath If is royso rbs of grace— Ways that we cannot tell; He hides them dei p, lib* the secret sleep Os him he loved so well. Metropolitan Record. • Did you know,” saiika ertnning GVmil" to 9 Jew. ‘ tbgl lliey hang Jew arid jackasses together in tVeifahd ? Indeed l” retorted iSolo non. • den it >an veil dat foo and I ish not Here ” Alls Volnt Proprilß. Duties Which Sane Purenta Neglect rnoat the utOTK-Rtu it of in eminent riiYstei.vN, A"v irt 1 1 tft. * It hi said of nmy. that lie nlwnvs rUpervmet o>. flw IrnHiii.- fit his t-hildrqy, , Tats :n»} justly .he run ■itlei.d the si "tt, ol . ptov. (trial:, •vtj* msii !fi ft-res- etjnd all he ear, sos n'n sst r on. 1 'uirrl lime rlatly to i*ll l- fur : r« it *" ron to the ri-t ols of Uothti g Ufessniy. nml feed ng of , r irirg f i,|! eipldr ioi Such examples’ of tmternid r.nd lilt 1 cure 111 clnhlrln stand anil ill hrigln r oiilrast willr tlie tFecloil iiuliffernu e nf out w.aJihn r el -s s mr p*i»onal at tention to their t.ur erics. ,\]is S— mlo in- ne. vwlhadis deinfill tn** "f 'ln- 1 heal, that 1 imiflj ask the nurse ni rensSri tn ihr cninfiiion of Jierpln and Nl.etii'S not know w hat filial |I hike-, iiow Ol when it i- ha hill, how it sleeps, iir what it wears. She rarely «e>B the clitM except’ when stone, genteel lady calls and requests to se- it. She evyn rrrnarks ■witb wppqretfi pride.. *lh»t her little gif) prefers the nurse, find will cry whqnphe (her ino.iher) aileippie to caress hf-r.'- Such an ncknuwledg ment is one of The many melancholy evi dences that the rapidly increasing wealth and luxury ofuur times are slowly but surely sapping the very Ipund.iiiuiis of doint'B'ic life and happiness, and thereby disiniegniiing our udiole' social struc ture. Being called lo sen the chd4 of Mrs. S , J vvn. as usual referred lo lhe nurse for information. Ihe child was pale and eniaeimerJ, with peculiarly In ilium! eyes, stwmg'y iiulicntive of her approaching phy-ical dissbiliiy. liei hands were unsteady, and win u spoken Pa a convulsive tremor slightly distorted hm>.4eaiures, 1 learn fiowi Hit ntrrse — a thoughtless and inconsiderate young woman—all the pari cglni sos her daily management of I In? child, and, ns 1 had I'eaied. the Idrrher fact iliat ihe motliei never give her any spefillc directions in i eg„re in ihe det ails of i lie misery, This . xamin.iiion concluded, I sought the mother t ' discharge a most serious and soleivi s.difty. W -You neglect of the common duties ol a inoiher,” i pointedly replied to hit inquiries, ‘‘is already la ginning to yield lls legltiinaile fruits. The nurse, though willing to do a- direete.l, has lud no ex in-ritruce with ehildrco cl her own, and lienee has not the lirst malernal fi-eimi: -tor ihe child. To get ihfough Imr work gaily, she awakens In r in ihe muiuing, long before die child has finished hei sleep, and giv. s her a built If there is no warm wa er, wliicft happens as iifie" as every other day. -he gives a cold bath At this hour the vital power ale low and ill adapted to resist tlie depression of a teinperaiureihirty nr forty and, gives lielow tlui of ihe tied fi om which the lies josi tiei n taken. Her system reaets vry feel ly. and al! the forenoon and perhaps all day elm is pals, cold, and languid. This depression of ihe vital loices cimge«ls all 'he internal mg.ns, renders ih m-uLti-m f-i-l.le, mipair-digi’Hiioo aid a similation, and dwtils *ll <ln n,rmve pr-ocesse*. Yon are cor not .ri yqor inn.ion Gist Ihe child is g i.-g ri)!- -iyi-jh'e Ivoqa hul ih <• H»f»M , 'ou u‘»i If (1 rniM toqu with-LHi'd - ' • • ■ n I. tre.-l It., m. :\V 111. 'he on '•* ■’* ' ; ’* -.1,. .] vvit.i lor* e- -.. or -MU,' "-the ,-h; , ■ -I. - ... . J «m i-e „j, .'■ -. gin lea,, i oil e. ,w 41.,- ,t . . p-. She has tint ak. n ai.y " m-k i-r meat in MX tin.nth-, llee v dlty i- iln rel ue m-t only di-pir s-- i, f-iii -In' i- ihpnveifol Ihe ver In,ill 11 ah 111 be- .-g"-ns eon and Rut- a .. e .-I ill" cl-i|o el | tflVrTfi *-« }*- f'-'t ■' .’I 1 I*'!' ul ii, I) .uiL 1 1 i-ineli* ; and to s.,Ve lie-self the incon-enieiic- ol hegin -kepi awake, ihe muse gives tier ala g, anodyne nightly, whrrft, rtie say-. | ms her dead asleep all night. By lb s mis management, your child bus Inc me peevish, irritable, and, fr, tlui, -ml 0,, nurse disciplines her <>’.l.l:o ats of i un ishmenl, siiutitng her t-a dm# r.aioe* 1 etc , etc. The re-uli is itial, fear ai'ltnc -upon a morbidly sensitive in rvotis -y-- lern, is gradually develntHAg -clKun-a ( M- Viius Da nee.) w|ib which she is soon tu he sffli led ui less y, u immeixiately ahaiige 'he wtiob- (">nrra ol her life. You mutt yourself heenme iekpori-ih> for In r dully care and ; y"» most per-U"ally aiteml lo h.-r buih:ng fond, ami dress, and hatots ~f sleeping, if you would lescue her I'rmii-her pies ent perilous C'didilmp. ) tie 6" hb®' threaif of her existence is dailyh. com mg’more aid niore atteniraied hy your neglect, and ii not slri-nglheffi and r.y your maternal care an I sympathy, will SoO'. In- snEpiied in twain by the increasing tension.” the rsolt of this interview will he the salvsimiv of ib- Child; ihe moihrr #,s rini-ed al mice to n keen s< use ot her duty by a feeling of renior-c at her nvglaet, I too?* than ever cvn-j. > tneed that it ii the plain duty of file family tiliysirian, who is always listened in re-pi cilully and considerately, to en deavor hy well-directed arguments m ciWnteraet ihese growing evils. No ■one. not even ilinspi>rual adviser, can so readily appeal to thu mother’s sense ofjns ice, and to her concealed consci nsnes- of neglected du'y, which natural daily firings to her lettoem hrance Wirnk &li me. The Bridal Handkerchief | i o We was all prepared lo go to llu veilduig. I was go-rig, fat her was go ing, the gals was going, and we was going io take die baby, Bit conus to dress theiniby. I eoullln’t find its llflle Irni-n shirt. I’d laid a clenn one outDl lie drawer a purpose ; I knew just ul eie 111 put ill hut come to look f- r ii, it was gone •F- r mercy’s sake,” said I, “gals, lias .ay id y.mi seen that hnhy.s shiit ?” Os emir—; none of ’em had-een it, ami 1 looked again ; hul it ward no where to lie found. •‘lt’s iliqsmiuge-i thing in all nature, %hysi 1 -iieie (liail that sltirt iit rfij hand not nwt'ii ten minutes ago and! now ii’s gone, nobo'ly ktioivs when- !| (JdV," »nys I, “do look urounci, eaii't ye r" But I'retiing and fuming wouldli't find ii ; so I went to tlie btireHU and finished up another shirt, and 01110, 10, ihe Unity, and at last we vvr-ru. ready for a start. Fatih r had homes ed up the doith le team, and ihe gals were all having a good time going-to see Mary Ann mar ried ; bin somehow 1 couldn't git over that baby's shirt j but to have anything sperriied away right from under my face and eyes, 'twas to-> provoking. ‘•What he you thinking shout, rnnm inn V any- S'phrot.y, ‘What makes you so nuber f ’ says she. . ‘Tin |, lolt red lo di-nl b thinking iihoill that tiahy’s shiYi,” aa) s I. -‘One ofjtio must a took ii, I’m sariin ’’ ‘Now, Ilia” says Soph'ony—says she, “you needn’t say that ” And, as [ had laid it onto’em a good many times. I hey was beginning to get vexed, and so wc had it buck aril forth all about that baby's shirt, till w e got to ihe wedding. Seeing company kind o’ put it out n my, and 1 was gullin' good natur ed i.gam. though 1 ciniido'i help to say :n myei-lf, eiery lew minutes, wlnu rmi lit hi! Vi- line of that baby's shirt ? till iliey stood op to be mairi-d, and lurgi-l all about It- Alary Ann w-a-a re-1 mod st creature and was more’ll halt frightened to (tooth when she came into the room with St" phen. and the minister told emjoin hands She fu»l gave her lef hand lo Stephen ■ Your other hand I’ says the minister, and poor S'eve, lie was so bashful, too he ilidn’i know wlmt lie was about ; lie ihought 'twas his mistake, he gave mary nis lell hand Tliut wouldn’t do. ony way bin by ibis lime they didn't know what they was about, nod Mary Ann jined her led hand with his left, then the left with his right, then both their left hands again, till I was all in a frigil, and itioaght they would never gel lixed. Mary Ann looked as red as a Turkey ; and (o hiiike matters worse she began it cough—in ram it off, I s’pose— and called for a glass o r waier. The mm .-ti r had ju-i lieest driiikrng, and the iiimnlgf snud right ihe r e. I was so u rvmis, and in Such a hurry to see it all 'Ver with, Him ( kefe.lied up Hie umtih-r nod run w«ii it to her ; lur 1 Iholfglq to fit -iirfness she was going lo taint, She unileriook to drink. I don't knuw flow it happi-iifid, liut the tumbler dipped, ami gracious uie ! if, between us bptli. wedaln't spill tli« water all over h i collar and sleeve. I was drtiiilfully fi uslrated for it look ed us though twas nil my fault and the ihtlfg I did was to out with my liaodkeretnef iihd give it to Mary Ann 1 ws- i-igely done up. Stic look it cud s .link u i ul. The folks had held in pin ywillup t" this nine, but thin such a giggle amt laugh as there wit*. i ilidn’r know what had given them such ,IS art mil looked' artd see . I’d fi" VI .ry Ah ' 'h" l buliy’s sli rt (iieie Mr- Junes, who is a big fleshy v,,,m n uiidulaied and sh ok iike ~ mlgaly j' lfy wdh inirlli ; and it was mile h. tor- sue could proceed wiih hei uuriatryi.) ‘•Why,” cuntiiiued she, while tears of laughter ran down her cliei-Rs, *‘t’ri tocktd it into my dress pocket, instead handkerchief Thai came of be mg aliseut-mtuded end in n fidget.” "And .Vary Ann arul Step.ien—were they married after all 7” "Rear (lie, yea," »aid Mrs. June-, "and ii lurtnd out the gayest' weddin, 1 ever'tended.” TnMifH'tn read tV fo'loWiiig so as to make good’sense is the inyillery : filled trad see that me, L> ve fi Up w ill i’ll Have Bui that and you have you'll OrieSnd dow-n end yon if A/r a»ar \-ylaii in advance. Cousin Sally Dillard O.itflono- Seen# at t'hoham, durina the s.--s --ion qf tin- Circuit Court, in the e.n*e of commonwe.tlih-v*, f'ussady , on a cfifirge of malicious .-tabbing The vt-nfrb bel'trg iurpunnelleii, noil j the jvry solemnly'charged in anpport of i th# indict ment, the witness, Bock Bry ant, who being solemnly awoui the truth to tell, tesii'fird a* follow* : Questio'is by' commonwealth's at tot uey : Tell all you know about t In clining or the prosecutor, by Cassinly, the prison, r at the bar. Ans.— YVeil gentlemen, it was r)ec« ejection day—twas u dm k, cjuw ily wet sort of di izzly day, and #ays 1 to my old woman, I believe I'll go down to Ringgold und posit my vote And says tny old woman to iue, well Buck, as it is a sort of a drizzly day. saya she, hadn't you Tn-tlyr take your umbrill T Says 1 to i tie i Id woman, 1 sped e had better take, the umbiilf, and odvanci-d down (liwurds Hmgold. and when f got down flier", Mr. C'ljecumetl up arid says he, j mikle HiiAi,, hove you seed any thing of i-ib lul ighpur Harriaf Says I to Mr Cog for why ? Suya --he, IVe’a got my O'librill. The vvilnees was here pitei rupled b the Court and told io coniine hims-ls in the nctual fray lietween the prison er and Cole, the prosecutor. lii nirswbi lo which the witness remarked in a tone of indignant, remonstrance : Well, now, Mr. Judge, you hold on. for lam sworn lo tell thu truth, And 1 am gwifie to lell it my own way—so it ’taiitl worth while for you to say nothing more about it. Whereupon flie court and common wealth's attorney being anxious to rid of ihe witness oil any terms told him to go on and tell the.dale in his own W ‘ T . t \\ ell. a* I was going on to say. twas ot) election day, Buchanan and Fihnn was running fur Hie legislature, smti any* 1 to my old woman, snyfi 1, t Indie Ve I'll go down to Rttigold and pot it my votr: Says my old woman lo me, s»ys she Bock,up tits a snrtpg -g-i k. cloutlv rainy, damp, dr r.zly Amt. r \day, hadn’i your better lube v oic umbrill, days-lie f Slay.- 1 to the old woman, any* 1, 1 spec! I hud bet er tak - my uinlirdl, so 1 tuck the uniDiil! and advanced on towards U iigiild till Well, the firat tiling did wlnu 1 goi thar was to lake a drink of Bucnauan whisky, » hiCh wits iTiotistrotrs good, says t to myself says l, me boss, you feel belter now don’t you 7 And wtul- 1 was advanc ing around Air. Cole, lie curne to ft e ; says unde Buck,-ays lie, liav you s en anything of (itd neighboi Harris 7 y..y» I. fur why T Says lie, tffe old cor k's got my urnbrrtl. Alter awhile, I po-it- it tii, vote, and Mr. Cola and I advanC'd fiai k inward.- home and Mr, Cide was ugh ei I than 1 ever seed him. And so we nd v a*i | veil along till we got lo what the rianl j and path lurked, aid Mi. Cole and un tuck u path, as any ruber genfh nimi , would and alter advancing a wfyile we arri v to old neighbor Harris a yelling on a log with the limbi ill on lit- aim, snd about iti hi lime Eijv It Casually ( * lie prisoner) come Htong, aid we adv ai.ced on till we ariiv at Elijah’s hous#' Elijah is toy in ffew Mild Vl ewise in* soo-in law, lie uimried in* darter Jane which is next toSil. Afier we had mlv.iiici-d in the yard to Elijah's house, we s ood a wiiile tv jaw ing and pre#etilfy ivuiom tiudy’a rid up on h fujse, wh ch was Jidingoii before, and Yi bitfield behind Elijdi and Kmli is brothers, to« Ii bon HI tlie nairal way like orty body rise’s brother#, no gal* between ’em, is about the -amu ng", especially Ktah, wlft wa drutiK, he and Mi, C'ole got to cussin one at.other about politix, and I advanc ed in the house. Whaf w«7 Etij ill’s wife which is my darter Jane, which l* n#Xt to my darter Sally. Well, arter jawing a while wiih 'em my little ti'ffew says Ij •n-. sity* hi- ; uncle Bot-k, lets go b line. Sm s 1 good I’np. no w# pegged on to u,-ihe|, and 1 beard somebody call me, ‘i.itt never u-iitinncd 'em or adv.'nc»-rl buck Wet! , ] fcot aid wus e.o mg upper and Eujdi wti-eti ,*»■ my sou in l.w and married tny diitiei Jane, whtefi la tii-xi to my dafier S.idy. arriv ed and Kays he to me, uncle B u k, aays he I’ve killed a man—Save 1, ihe hai you have- And this is all I know about .he stabbing, because I Wurn’l Mr, Beecher al Henry J R .yn onl'- funeral. Said : ‘'The lawyer ha# a oar row sphere before him ; tlie S* »#•<*' » U4l li-preseutative—the wall# liedge in iheir voices ; the minister has pa> ish w all* about hi# church. But there i# • pulpit that now h«« no limit—ti i# 'he pre-- f fl- re ia. literally, the voice us one Un*' cries in the wilderness ; for. all acros the populous Und, ou Unto the terril" ries, and t# Hie very puCidc ocean, llu daily papers speak—i-nd b -re is not, n modern civilization,# pare of powei i hat can compare wiih ibis.” \ rNFMBFfI 4 1 Fasy Lessons in Geography- YVe liAve ,#veinl a for writing upon ill li, ibe p. itiCq *' one kn ui • Ine imp rlcct faeilities ntt'orded f-r fii i ting upon any n ln-r Ram t to writ# -- .No tiiiii; ptev i Il'S vur willing ii'pi-nlle un i r Hie iiiihui ex— pt the ihtln-ulty of l getting i her#. It ' \ Ii is estimated 'h it about f\vo-thirt iit 1 tie Sill fige ot the glu'ie jv- toVeieif « iih wnti r. Allhnugb millions t>f lo ui- cientiifes slnik their llnr-t dailv,- tlie ipiaiititv of water lias rot been m’ 'ter ally dfmini-beil for ct-nlurie* n*»t, t f least sine# the introduction cf whisk v shops, which prove n great saving < f wa er, »nd tire therefore of ittioien-e lien-fi l to navigation. - The fii eutOfil di-tance ffoni the eurtli' to the sun i* (MJ.OOO 000 iriilc*. and the least di-innee someihing o-t?r 04,000, 000. A saving of 2,000,000 could h-- 1 effecti dlf ever a railioat] sill tild cbn ’ nect tin- two by taking ilia least di-tance I'll its would shorten the time con-uoiei 1 ' in running, and reduce the efipensp very material! 1 /. 'l'he earth turns upon it- axis, task . lug recolu ion every two nly-fuur hour except in M< xico—tlu-re she t:a» a rev olution two or three nmas a day. Ii ain’t every fool us a planet that can’ get around lli« still- Ttle <*«nh does n, however tilie w’oijJd get aioutio ' uio-i any i fling, Tlie C -rfh is ft"! su6h a di.-fna! pine to live upon as (WaiVy if/ to make it uu’i So far a* our knowledge- extends—win! we probably know as much about it av anybody —it is far preferabU*. t'o’shy ot her ti-iier planets lur .« fi- rmain-iu resi dence, At least we nf* satisfied with If. and intend tbj’i-maiii here a’s long as Wc are “on ear'lv^* Josh Billing's Goose Talk- The goose is a gens* animal, but don’t chaw hi-r dud. They ate good Infers : nbottt ono aker io a goose <t enorf', afflni' theri is rtitt' folks Uflio thitfk that on# go'-i*# t<-w about l“S a'.eid tz nearer rite. These tvvb knleiitafioiis are So for apart that it is difficult tei)v tell which w.ll Koally win. Hut 1 think if I had a farm nf I7‘i akeis. aw l paid for, 1 wouldn’t *ell it for half what it ,wa» worth, just becauae f didtih hue- any unnu t 1... ... » Gresc stay well ; >(Utl» of otif t)*St hiographer# say aeieftty yoara, ar.d grow tuff tew tlie last. They Iny one egg ala time, almul tbs size of a pm se egg. in which the goslin In • bid. The findttl Is the go use’s babe. The gtawS don't Mirk !b its yoUog, but (urns them but id pasturd oil somebody's’ v spoilt bo. They eeem lo lack wisdom, but considered i-ouml pit tlie gome, J hey are good eu-iiig. t 111 not good (dmwing , tlie reastni id tins reoiam* a prolutr-'d secret lew Ibis tiny. YY'h it a ft rilut'e gidisi- i* hi work haicfiiog, sin iz - bard bird tew please. She nf- r eh-ar ■rp from the but I Dill id » ttvii.iiif, aid w ill fight a /uke ot nxi-u if they give to l a lii’l Id rt s*. Ib* gni'SH is exi ellt nt for fe.ilkers.' wlnci, »i>e slirds iTtiy year by iki Imndliil. 'fbeyl a’i & also am(Aiili r-usse*, b#nd#s Several otfn r kind* of cusses. Ihe Measurelest Love- I can measure psremal to*#—how In ohd, how long, und how strong and' deep it is ; it is a deep sea which mi'Ch era’ran only frfihnm.' ftot ttie hive di#-' p'aycd on yot liift ami Moody ern-*, w iieie God’s own Sun i» pt-rrahiHfi li»r us, po’r tli an nor angel ha* a tin# tv measure. Tlie riidutiifi renre of ihf j earth, the laiilrd- of the mu', fhedi*- {fiiiide of ihe plencl,— llic-e ha# !»«•*»* ! detei mill-d ; but I Ilf- height. i'rp ||,- |,i end lb and length of tli# love ol God pass"*fi knowledge. Such i- il<# F*Jii -6r tiga rt t whom all id ti’# h'-V'eslftt'Ctf a Ihoti.ail’d tun » ! Walk the »hor# wlii re. the ocean *lee, e mi the -uinrn-r ■ aim, or. lastied into lo*y by the win te 'a tcrtipi (ft, i# tfidfndeih,* on her r*R«'#‘ arid you liave nomheretl the drupe of ihe waves, ti e solid • ti her •funding bench, yon have numbered God’s me#'- riea Mini your sins. Well, tberulufe, j may we go lo FtinJ vdt'b the contrition of the prodigal rrt tint hetifle, and bia Corifi#>i6ri on our b|>k —*’J f ~lh« l r, I ha>4 sn ned Hgatnst He*»eo and in ihy sight, rile Spirit of f?nd Ml|e»,g ue to go »S God, be a-*iin and that the father, who seeing hi* Min *Tar oil', mu to meet him fell oil bis ruck and fii»*hd him. was ul an Itniiiape ot Him w r»n, i-ot s afir.g His own Sun.' ot tunny him up lodes.# i hat we might live, invites and ivi W ,wuiis viuii coning —f Ltr. Guthrit. * The idea mat te.igion i* h kit.d 4 slavery. »o whirli n lie i an sul-n it H'li,- tut swcr.tifijug live mil oral e:|..ym»«it« fl'fe, ha* efn lie- u ilir givaavl hm trance to hi nirvitig man kind. Il'i» niucli W'e#i* slid b#U«r -tiould we be if we cuilld Cair* aiong dfii from Hilarit y u> old agu, tb# nil coi vlction that happiness spring# , roin the eobatantial culti*»lioii >erci*« of tliechrisii m iA its. -