The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, January 20, 1899, Image 3

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THE NEWS-HERflhB. J- A, PERRY, Local Editor. JAN. 20, 1899. Tawrenceyille cotton market - Quotations by the Globe Warehonse Co. STRICT MIDDLING %% MIDDLING 5% ■ 1 1 •' m> 1 'ii 1 m-.i.i: ALL TEA IN 3 RUN ON EASTEEN TIME. SEABOARD AIH LINK RAILWAY. ■LBKRTON ACCOMMODATION: Soulh bound arrive* 0:20 a.m. North bound arrives . ... 0:48 p, m. VESTIBULE TRAIN: .South bound arrives 2:43p.m. Northbound arrives 2:02p.m. NIGHT EXPRESS: South bound arrives 5:00 a, m. North bound arrives 0:57 p.m. LOGANVILLE & LAWKKNCEVILLE K’Y. Arrive Depart N 0.32 from Loganville 0:10a. m. 2:50p.m, No. 34 from LogAitville 6:20 p. m. 0:55 p. m. LAWKKNCEVILLE BRANCH R’Y. For Suwanee 7:00 a. nv From Suwanee 11:06 a. m* For Suwanee 4:00 p. m. From Suwanee 7:48 p.m. LOCAL AFFAIRS Money at 6% interest. Oscar Brown. Tom King and family have gone to Arkansas. All kinds of legal blanks for sale at this office. Mr. D. G. Sudderth, of Buford, was in town Tuesday. If you are hunting bargains aim your gun at Cain’s. Z. T. King has moved to his farm in the country. Mr. H. J. Porter,, of Augusta, was in the city Sunday. Call on W. O. Cooper for cotton seed meal and hulls. John W. Hooks, of Lula, spent Sunday in Lawreuceville. Cabbage and turnip seeds and onion sets at G. W. & A. P. Cain’s. Mrs. J. A. Bagwell has charge of the B"hool at McKeudrie. The “grip” has struck our towu, and the sufferers are numerous. Mules and horses for sale, cheap; easy terms on time. G.W. Ambrose See change of the Seaboard schedule on the first page of this paper. Bagging and Ties always on hand at G. W. & A. P. Cain’s. Mr. George Bloodworth, of At lanta, has been in the city for several days. Mr. J. A. Ford, of Trip, was mingling with his many friends here last week. «. A tine lot of mules just in at Cornett’s stables. Col. R. W. Peeples was in Con ye’rs one day this week, on pro fessional business. The friends of Mrs. A. N. Rob inson will regret to learn of her continued illuess. If you want cotton seed hulls and meal see W. O. Cooper. Mr. M. O. Ewing has accepted a position as traveling salesman for a tobacco firm in Atlanta. Work on the new Baptist church has been suspended until the weather becomes mpre settled. If you are In need of collars, cuffs aud shins you will find them at a great reduction at Cain’s. Perry-Rainey College continues to boom. Two new teachers have recently been added to the faculty. Miss Minnie Peeples entertained a party of young people at her beautiful home Tuesday evening. Just received car load cotton seed meal and hulls. Cheap. W. 0. Cooper Miss Nellie Vaughan has re turned home from Cartersville, to the delight of her many admirers. The spring fights opened a little in advance of the season this year, but they were interesting never theless. Shoes, Shoes 1 The largest and cheapest line in town. G, \\ ■& A. P. Cain. There will be preaching at the Mothodist church on the fifth Sunday in this month, by the pastor. George Webb bought his father’s interest in the late firm of Webb & McGee, and will continue busi ness at the old stand. Come in and see my tine mules! M. S. Cornett. Miss Corine Winn returned to her home at Jackson Wednesday, after a most delightful visit to relatives at this place. The people of Trip say there is a fine opening in that community for a physician. It might be well enough for some young doctor to locate there. Going out of the furniture busi ness. Fer the next 30 days our furniture will be sold at a great sacrifice. G. W. & A.P. Cain. Several members ot the Law renceville Bar were in attendance at the Supreme court this week. “Bunk” Cooper was there, repre senting several important crimi nal cases. I am turning mules loose y this season at unprecedently low figures; come in and see them. M. S. Cornett. Look At Your Name On the label of this issue, ami if the (late following shows that your time is out, please renew at once. Remember, you get The News-Herald and Consti tution 12 months for only sl.lO, or the Semi-Weekly Journal and News-Herald for $1.26. At these low prices every body in tbe county can afford to sup ply themselves with good reading mat ter, notwithstanding the ‘‘hard times” and scarcity of money. M, T. Adams, of Carl, was here Saturday. Go to C. C. Wall for your black smithing. Judge N. L. Hutchins was in Augusta this week. Solicitor Brand is in Jefferson this week, attending City court. Mr. C. P. Kilgore, of Rosebud, was here ou business Tuesday. Messrs. J. A. and Oliver Wages, of Carl, were in town Wednesday. Horse-shoeing a specialty at C. C. Wall’s shop. You can buy jeans from Cain cheaper than ever known to be sold before. Miss Anna Cooper is the guest of relatives in the city for a few days. Dr. M. A. Boru will soon have his office open in the Cain build ing. Messrs. J. R. Stanford and S. A. Carter, of Windsor, were here Saturday. All kinds of repair work executed on short notice at Charley Wall’s shop. Willis Holland is attending a business college in Atlanta at present. You will find children shoes cheaper than ever sold in Law renceville at G. W. & A. P. Cain’s. There is strong talk of a hand some brick business house going up here within the next three months. Miss Anne Winn leaves today for Atlanta, thence to Jackson and Madison, where she will visit for several weeks. Charley Wall invites you to call at his shop when you want any thing in his line. A meeting of the creditors of G. M. Brand was held in Atlanta last week. No change was made from the course already adopted. Hats! Hats!! Hats M! to fit ev erybody, and cheaper than the cheapest. Always nobby. G. W. & A. P. Cain. The weather has about cleared up. A man’s mind clears up wheu he takes a good dose of Nubian Tea. Trv. it and see for yourself. Bagwell Bros. Mayor Brown held two or three important meetings within the last few days, and you can safely expect a great change in our streets at an early date. If you want your buggy or wag on worked over take it to Charley Wall. He will make it good as new. Owing to a recent act of the legislature, the February term of the City court will not be held. It has been changed to quarterly sessions. The next term will be gin second Monday in April. MULES—Just received 26 fine young mules. If you want one or more at low prices come in and get them. M. S. Cornett. Possibly the first official act of Judge Russell in his own circuit, except cases at Chambers, was granting a charter for the Hood Fonndry and Machine works of Harmony Grove last Monday. Mrs. Jack Tramble, near Cruse, died Saturday night, after a short and severe illness. She was only sick from Thursday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. The trouble over the Philippines is about over. Your liver troubles will be over if you take a good dose of Nubian Tea. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Bagwell Bros. We are quite sorry to announce that Rev. L. T. Reed is moving from Lawrenceville to Watkins viile this week. He will retain the pastorate of the First Baptist church at this place, however. Our immense line of clothing must be closed out by February 15 1899, and to do so, we have de cided to sell same at bargains that'is surprising to the consumer. G. W. & A. P. Cain. Preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and night. There will be an important meet ing of the members at the close of the morning service, and it is the earnest request of the deacous that every one be present. Maj. Simmons can boast of the biggest hog in this section of the state. It ib a monster in size aud will weigh something like 700 lbs. It will be slaughtered the first cold spell, when its exact weight will be ascertained. We still have a few more bottles of Planter’s Old Time Female Regulator that we can guarantee. If y o u need it you had better get L bottle. It does the work right. Ragwell Bros. | Mr. D. Y. Hodges, ot Loganvilie, passed through the city Monday An his way to Winder. Mr. Hodges lias recently moved to Loganvilie i i*i, d opened up a new mercantile ; business. Any town should con gratulate herself upon having him a i a citizen. ~ fit If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart burn, or Constipation, take a dose of Hood’s Pills On retiring, and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, active and ready lor any kind of work. This has been the experience of others; it will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. W. F. Maxey, of Goodwins dis trict, was in town last week. Miss Mamie McCracken of Nor cross is in the city visiting rela tives. Miss Addie Sellers, an accom plished young lady from Charlotte, N, C., is the guest of the Misses McKelvey, ou South Clayton St. Sheriff Haslett went to Gaines ville this week and took into cus tody a young man from Caines district, who is wanted in this county on two warrants for mis demeanor. Griff Johnson, of Centreville, is all smiles over the arrival of a pret ty girl baby r»t his home. Griff for a long time lived the life of a jolly old bachelor, but uow that he is a papa, his friends feel that he can well sustain himsef in his new role. MARRIED—On the Bth inst,., at the home of the bride’s parents, Judge W. M. Lattgley officiating, Mr. R. L. Keheley and Miss Nina Clack. After the ceremony a fine supper was spread, and the sump tuous repast was htghly enjoyed by the invited guests. The new city dads have taken the oath of office, and the follow ing gentlemen comprise the board : Oscar Brown, Mayor; R. W. Pee ples, mayor pro tern; J. A. Am brose, clerk; J. D. Rutledge, treas urer; R. J. Bagwell, chairman street committee; J. G. Brown, chief of police. Judge Webb went up to Buford Wednesday to meet the Confeder ate pensioners, that he might aid them in fixing out their papers. The Judge is a patieut and obliging officer, and the thanks of the old pensioners go out to him from all over the comity, in his efforts to help them. M. L. Rockmore is “still in the fight” buying cotton. He went down to Dacnla Wednesday and bought 40 bales, aud yesterday bought a lot at Loganville. Marsh is a hustler, and has bought more cotton for the Lawrenceville mar ket this year than any other buyer in the town. The sermons by Rev. H. A Hodges at the Methodist church on last Sunday were" very inter esting and instructive. At the close of the morning service the following officers were elected for this year: R. W. Peeples, secre tary; John M. Wilson, treasurer; J. W. Chipley and C. U. Born, collectors; Miss Nellie Vaughan, organist. Thld Penny Magazine, New York, which is the lowest-priced magazine in America (20 cents a year), and which is owned by Hon. Chauncey M, Depew, the eminent American orator, wants a representative in this vicinity. It is a good opportunity for one of our ambiti >lB young men or young women. Applications should be addressed to The Subscription De partment, The Penny Magazine, Temple Court, New York City. The editor and family returned Tuesday from a week’s visit to rel atives in Knoxville, Tenu. Times are good up that way, and money is plentiful. Knoxville reaped a great harvest from the soldiers en •cainpea there, and the expenditure of $240,000 for the splendid bridge recently built across the Tennes see river benefited the business in terests of that city very material ly. Knoxville is a bustling, enter prising city, and is making rapid stfides, both as a manufacturing and commercial center. She has a population of about 50,000 people. Besides being a capital officer, Ordinary Webb enjoys a joke as well as the next one. His latest is on Clerk D. T. Cain. He says that one day last week a negro boy walked into the Clerk’s office and began to unfold his tale of woe, of how the rains had kept him out of work, and that he had no money aud his larder had run dry, whereupon the charitable Clerk gave the coon an order for twenty-five cents, aud resumed his work. Ou going home that night he inquired of the merchant if the negro had presented the order. Receiving an affirmative answer, he asked; “What did he buy ?” “He bought a pocketbook and a cocoauut.” Whereupon the genial Clerk vowed vengeance on the next coon that played the pov erty racket ou him. Johnson-Snell. The marriage of Miss Ellen Snell of Suellville to Mr. G. Mil ton Johnson, of Lithonia, was sol emnized at the beautiful home of the bride’s mother Wednesday at 11:30 o’clock, at Snellville. Im mediately after the ceremony was performed the happy couple left for Lithonia, thence to Atlanta! where they joined Mr. and Mrs. l Johnson, a newly married couple, cousins of the groom, for a bridal tour through Florida. Miss Snell is one of the most prominent young ladies in this sec tion of country, and has a host of admirers in Lawrenceville who wish for her a life of real pleas ure. She is the only child of the late Thos J. Snell, one of the most suc cessful business men of his day. The groom is a young man of prominence in the commercial world, being at present the senior member of one of the largest mer cantile firms in Lithonia. The News-Herald wishes the young couple every happiness. $1.50 ROUND TRIP. Lawrenceville to Atlanta, via Lawrenceville Branch Ry. Pat ronize your home Road. Why ? Because it is cheaper, and besides, it is to your interest to do so. Exercises by Laughters of the Confederacy The Daughters of the Confeder acy will hold a meeting at the Methodist church this (Thursday) evening in honor of Robert E. Lee’s birthday. The public cor dially invited. A Gwinnett Ham. Hon. N. L Hutchins, Jr., pre sented his friend, Hon. Thos. J. Peeples, city treasurer of Atlanta, with a toothsome home-cured Gwinnett raised ham for hisChiist mas dinner, that tipped the beam at 51 pounds. It was from Sam Craig’s big hog, exhibited at tbe Fair, aud which weighed 696 lbs. net. It is needless to say that Mr. Peeples enjoyed such a fine piece of meat, aud that he readily voted Gwinnett the “Empire” county so far as hams are concerned. FREE DELIVERY. The Lawrenceville Brauch Ry. will furnish storage rooms and de liver all fertilizers shipped over their road free of charge and guar antee satisfaction. CASTOniA. Bwn the _/f The Kind You Haw Always Bought The State Fair. A movement is on foot by At lanta’s enterprising business men to hold the State Fair in that city this fall. We trust the Fair will be held, and Atlanta will get it, as that city is pre-eminently the place for it. If it is held, we put the counties of the state on notice beforehand that Gwinnett is again going to carry off first prize for the best display of agricultural and horti cultural products, just as she did at the Exposition. J- D. Garner Burned Out- A bold robbery and destructive fire occurred last Wednesday uight at John D. Garner’s home, ou the Chattahoochee river, three miles from Flowery Brauch. The safe was blown open and robbed of a considerable sum of money. The papers in the safe were either destroyed by the fire that followed the robbery or were stolen. The store house, stock of goods, the barn and its contents, including corn and fodder, were burned. The loss falls very heavy on Mr. Garner. It is reported that there was $2,700 in the safe, be sides valuable papers. These were a total loss, as was the barn. The store house aud stock of goods were insured for SI,BOO. Mr. Garner has no idea as to who the thief and incendiary was and there seems to be no clue left behind him.—Eagle. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST# Signature of C /LaS c /jfc7<z4lZ*U&i Prize for High Sohool Girls. ■ The Seminary Signal, a month ly magazine published by the young ladies of the Georgia Fe male Seminary and Conservatory of Music at Gainesville, Ga., has offered a prize of a years hoard and tuition in said institution to that girl of auy high school in the South, who shall write the best short story for publication in said magazine. This is one of the leading female institutions in the South, and a scholorship there is very valuable. Full information concerning the terms of the con test may be had by addressing “The Seminary Signal.” Gaines ville, Georgia. Teachers should encourage their pupils to write. OASTOniA. B«a« tU Kind You Have Always Bought The Cowboy In Town- W. W. Wilson, of Buford, spent Sunday in the city, the guest of his son, W. A Wilson. Mr. Wil son has just been elected Mayor of Buford, and was feeling unusually well. He was quite modest about how he told his friends of his suc cessful race. He would at least tell them howdy, first. In his paper, the Plow Boy, Bro. Wilson is probably the fiercest and most rantankerous and bloodthirs ty populist now at large. From reading his paper you would think he ate rattlesnakes and railroad iron and slept in tress, but you would be sadly mistuktn. He is the most amiable and “mildest mannered man that ever scuttled ship or cut a throat.” He came up to the Editor’s house last Sun day aud the children climbed up on his knees and warmed to him as they would to old Santa Claus himself. We confess we felt a lit tle jubus at first, lest a political spell might come on him and he would swallow them. But be didn’t, and the little misguided things cried after him when he came to leave Aud let us tell you that Brother Wilson is not halt as bad as he lets on. — Gainesville Eagle. Eiuolution of Pirtienhip. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore exisiting between Bryant, Kemp & Nash, in the operation and ownership of saw mill tnd gin machinery, is this day dissolved, by mutual con sent; W. R. Nash retiring. All persons indebted to the late firm will make settlement with Bryant & Kemp. This Dec. 21, 1898. l-G-3t W. R. Nash. Royal k t Absolutely 'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO-, NEW VOWW. News Notes Prom Noroross- From Tile Tribune. Mrs. Pearl Born-Edwards lias been very sick for several di^ys. Clarence Dean says Hilly Nelson came here to take photos, but in stead he took off one of our fairest living pictures. Noroross public school, under the able management of Prof. R. Johnston, is progressing finely. The enrollment is rapidly nearing the hundred notch, and every one seems well pleased. The town electiou passed off very quietly, with the following result - Mayor, J. E. McElroy. Councilmen: A. A. Martin, J. R. Boyd, E. C. Dean, H. V. Jones, F. B. Nesbitt. Mr. Gulledge, an aged and high ly respected gentleman, died at his residence in town Sunday morning. Mr. Gulledge had been sick for a long time. He was the father of Section Master Gulledge. His wife, who survives him, was reported seriously ill yesterday. The “God of Love” has again invaded the ranks of Norcross’ sweet women and taken from ns one of our fairest and best girls. Last Monday evening at 8 o’clock, at the residence of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. Florence McAfee, Miss Mary Thomas, the eldest daughter of Mrs. J. L. Brand, became the bride of Mr. W. F. Nelson, Rev. T. T. Twitty pronouncing the magic words that made the twain one. The match was one of love at first sight, the couple having met but a few days previous to their marriage. Mrs. Nelson’s many friends wish her a long and happy life. “We of the Tribune,” with whom she was so long and so pleasantly associated, wish our fair fellow-laborer of the past a life of joy and happiness supreme—a life that will forever be one grand sweet dream. Wasting in Children can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, in SCOTT'S EMULSION it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with fthe hypophosphites, which supply a food not only for the tissues of the body, but for the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. See that the man and fish are oo the wrapper. All druggists; 50c. and SI.OO. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. YELLOW KIVER. Special to THE NEWS. W. D, Simmons, of High Point N. C. visited his parents here a few days of last week, accompanied by his new bride. They married in the Methodist church at High Poiut and immediately left for At lanta, and arrived at Yellow Riv er Friday night. An elegant tur key dinner was served on Sunday at the home of the groom’s pa rents. • The young people enjoyed a dance at Mr. Gosa’s last Saturday night. The school at this place is pro gressing nicely. Prof. Garner is a splendid teacher. Rev. George Jacking will preach at Friendship next Sunday. Get a Start On Catarrh And Save Endless Suf fering which Winter Brings. The most offensive of all dis eases becomes more intense as cold weather approaches. In fact, many who have been under treat ment for so long, and during the summer feel little discomfort from the disease, are almost persuaded that they have been cured. But the first chilling blast of winter proves that the disease is still with them, and as the winter advances, their Catarrh grows in severity. Those who have felt only a slight touch of Catarrh may be sure that only cold weather is needed ' de velop the disease. What appears to be only a bad cold will prove more difficult to cure than for merly, and will return with more frequency, until before long the disease is fully developed. “For year* I Buffered from a severe case of Catarrh, and took several kinds of medicines and used various local ap plication*, but they had no effect what ever. I was induced to try 8. 8. 8. (Swiff* Specific) and after two month* I waa perfectly well and have never felt >Q< aflecU of the disease since. **B. P. MoALLirraa, "Harrodsbcrg, Ky.” It ia easy to see the importance •f pmmfl treatment for Catarrh. BERMUDA. Special to THE NEWS. Miss Addie-Lee Mason, one ol Centreville’s lovely girls, is visiting I Miss Mary Minor. C, I. Deshong and Wiley Chenoy made a business trip to Atlanta last week. Prof. Johnson, who has just re turned from Athens, opened school at this place last Monday. The young people enjoyed a very pleasant singing at the residence of Tom Farmer Sunday afternoon. Miss Minnie Smith has returned from Luxomni. Misses Madge Moore and Exa DeShoug made a pleasant visit to Snellville last week. There was no preaching at County Line Sunday, consequently a large crowd was disappointed. J. H. Wallace has invented an incubator which has proved quite successful. Mrs. S. B. Cheney will soon re turn from South Carolina. OASTORXA. Beam th« The Kind You Haw Always Bought SUWANEE. Special to THE NEWS. Preaching at the Baptist church Sunday, as usual, by the pastor, Rev. B. B. Sargent. The services were very interesting, the music and preaching both being highly enjoyed by the congregation. The church, though small, starts off with the now year with every ob ligation liquidated. This is a fine record, considering the strin gency of the times. Mißs Clio LaH&tte, our newly elected teacher, opened sohool Tuesday morning with Mattering prospects. Miss LaHatte is a lady of the highest character, superior education and culture, and is ac knowledge to be one of the most successful teachers in the state. Mr. Guy S. Hutchins left for Charlottesville, Va., Sunday morn ing, where he goss to claim his bride, Miss Hill, formerly a teach er, and one of the most popular ladies in this community. The bride and groom are expected to arrive here Thursday morning, when congratulations will be or der. Hines Born left for Landham, Texas, Monday evening, and ex nects to make his future home in the Loue Star State. Miss Maud Latimer, a beautiful and charming young lady of Wood stoCk, Ga., is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Wilson, NEW SHOP. Bring me your—- Wagons, Buggies, * Carriages, Bicycles, Guns, Pistols. And all repair work ol any description. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. All work guaranteed, and done on short notice. Give me a call and be con vinced. Respectfully, C. C. WALL, Crogan St., next to Oakes’ livery stable, Lawreuceville, Ga. Card of Thanks- We feel very grateful to the peo ple of this community for their valuable services rendered us dur ing the long illness of our father. We also feel indebted to those who so faithfully assisted in the funeral service. And to the undertaker, Mr. Dexter, we tender our sincere thanks for the gentle and sympa thetic manner in which he han dled the remains of our loved one. We hope these good people may be duly rewarded for their courtesy. T. L. Hahhis. Those who get a start on the dis ease before the cold and disagree able weather aggravates it, will find a cure less difficult, patarrh increases in severity year by year, and becomes one of the most ob stinate and deep-seated troubles. But it is equally important that the right remedy be given. All local applications of sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., can never cure Catarrh, for they do not reach the dis ease. Catarrh is in the blood, and YQ remedy can eure JT cations only reach the irritated TTO. Bur^ace ! the right remedy must be taken internally. Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) is the right remedy for Catarrh. It cures the most obstinate eases by going direot to the eause of the trouble—the blood—and forcing out the disease. Those who have met with so much disappointment from local treatment should throw asids their spray*, washes and in haling mixtures and take S. S. S. A core will result. Send for free books. Address Swift Speeifie Company, Atlanta, Georgia. New Year Jew Store, New Goods IS THE STATE OF AFFAIRS WITH OS ROW. Webster says, “When you choose for your self, try to make a good choice.” This we think we have done in securing the new and spacious building just vacated by G. M. Brand. There are three very strong reasons upon which we base our claims for your trade: xst, We strive at all times to give our customers the very best values that money will buy. Even in small items you always get your money’s worth. 2nd, We always try to treat our with courtesy and politeness, without regard to color or standing in life. 3rd, When trading with us, you always trade with one of the Hrm, as we have no clerks; therefore, we absolutely guarantee everything sold to be as represented, or money refunded. We have always made Hats one of our special- R IrtLS ties, and we bought for this season’s trade the largest and best selected stock we have * ever carried. Wo keep up our reputatiou on selling the BEST SHOES FOR WINTER WEAR. We have just replenished our stock of heavy Shoes. If you appreciate health keep your feet dry by supplying yourself with a pair of our “WINTER KINGS.” We carry A GENERAL LINE OF MERCHANDISE, and will this year offer special inducements for cash and barter trade. We will at all times pay the highest market price for any country produce that we can handle. Our stock of Plows and Plantation Supplies is complete. We have added Cooking Stoves to our stock, aud are selling them fast and cheap. We haven’t time and space to say more, hut ask you to keep your eye on this space this year, and we will tell you something that will do you good. Respectfully, RUTLEDGE & CLOWER. LAWRKNCKYILLE CITY SCHOOL. Thoroughly graded. No irregular pupils. Tuition must be paid in advance. Regular attendance of pupils is re ciuired. All friends and patrons are urged to visit the school. Spring term, January 2nd—June 4th. Catalogues free. JAS. A. BAGWELL, Superintendent. C. A. WATKINS, Blacksmith, Machinist and Woodvorkman, Lawrenceville, Ga. Repairing of all kinds. With two forges, and mechan ics with a thorough knowledge of their business, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in Iron and Wood on short notice. We have a machine for sharpening gin saws, a cutter and threader for working over iron pipe and boiler fittings, and can save you money on jobs of this kind. Old wagons, buggies, carriages, etc., made good as new. Horse shoeing a specialty. Give us a call—satisfaction guaranteed. At the old stand east of Cornett's livery stable. Al . _ rii&Sd&Jk FUNERAL ,RECTOR AMD EMBALMER ’ A bill lino of Colli tin, ( aukoU, ('*«ea. Suit*, V> rttppons slum)*, (ilov«n,etc n always oo hand. All Culls Given Prompt Attention No Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. BRADWELL # ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL. Wr prepare voung men for Sophmore class iu College, or to take their place in life with a good High School education. Notice the studies our Senior class pursues, to-wit: Higher Algebra, Geometry, Physics, General History, American Literature, Zenophon’s Auabasia (optional), and a combined course in Cmsar, Sallust and Cicero. Pupils who complete the prescribed course will receive a High School Diploma. For any desired information, address SAMUEL W. DuBOSE, LUXOMNI, GA. PRINCIPAL. " After two years Premiums have been paid Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. Of NEWARK, N. J. f Your Policy is 1. N on-forfeitable, 2. Has Cash Value, 3. Loan Value, 4. Paid-up Insurance, 5. Extended Insurance that works automatically. 6. Will be re-instated within three years after lapse if you are in good health. After Second Year 7. No Restrictions, 8. Incontestable. Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each succeding year, pro vided the premium for the current year be paid. They may be used 1. To reduce premiums, 2. To increase the insurance, or 3. To make policy payable as an Endown ment during the lifetime of insured. [Note.] Every member of the MUTUAL BENEFIx is SURE ol fair and liberal treatment under ALL circum stances 5 and no matter what happens, he will get his money , s worth in insurance, lor it is all put down in black and white “in the policy.” J3TCASH ASSETS OVER $63,600,000. CLARENCE ANGIER, 23 1-2 Whitehall St.. 04.-4.- A ~ ATLANTA, GA. 0t3.t6 AgCflt* L. M. BRAND, Agent, Lawrenceviile, Gaj