The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, January 20, 1899, Image 4

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The News-Herald. ' issued Every -Friday. Guaranteed Circulation 2100. r~ 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year (on time) •• * l -^l Cash with name Six months • Three months CLUBBING RiTKS: Constitution and News-Herald $1.25 Journal and News-Herald *•*? N. Y.World<3 times a week) l- 60 Cash with order. JANUARY 20. 1899? Your friends may smflt But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. Thia condition may Lead to serious illnesa. It should be promptly Overcome by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Hood’*. REPLIES TO INQUIRIES INFORMATION AS FURNISHED BY TMK STATE DKFARTMEJW or agriculture. POINTS ON MANY SUBJECTS •art Months t. Saw Wheat la North aad Middle Georgia, Probable Peach Oatput, Etc. Qu bstion.—Pleaea publieh i> yaor j monthly “Anewere to Qneetiom” aome formulae tor making rora poets, and also for mixing fertilizera Axswxa. The department takes pleasure in answering the above re qneat, as it shows a disposition to dt miniah the oost of yonr gaano bills, and HU to be hoped that the s&ms intention exists in the mind of every farmer in Georgia. FORMULAS FOR COMFORTS. Stable manure 600 lba Add phosphate 606 lbs Opttonseed 400 lbs ■ainib 800 lbs or Stable manure. TSO lbs Cottonseed meal 150 lbs Acid phosphate 800 lbs Hardwood ashes (nnleached).. 000 lbs or Stable manure M 0 lbs Acid phosphate 800 lbe Nitrate of soda 100 lbe Muriate of potash 60 lba Kaiait, or hardwood ashes.... 190 lbs Total 8 000 lba To mix, pnt down a layer of stable manure t-« inches thick, on that plaoa a thin layer of cottonseed, or meal, or nitrata of soda, on that a layer of kainit or ashes, and on that a layer of acid phosphate Repeat the layers until the pile is as high as you want it, and then cover with 6 inches of dirt to prevent leaching. Wet each layer thoroughly as yoa go along. If too much heat should develop wet thoroughly again. The compost will be ready for use in six to seven weeks. Before hauling to the Said cut the pile down vertically with heat or spades and mix thoroughly. A GOOD MIXTURE Kin COTTON, WU, BTO, Acid phosphat* (16 per cent available) 1 UOO lb* Cotton need meal (8 per cent am monia) SOO lb* Kslnit (12 percent potash).... 4001b* Total 8 000 1M TOE SAME ON HANDY SOIL. Add phosphate (16 per cent available) 900 lb* Oattoneeed meal (8 per cent am monia) 600 Ib* Xaialt (18 per cant potaih).... 6001b* Total 8 0001b* FOR TKACH, PEAR AND PLUM TREKS. Add phosphate (16 per cent available) 900 lb* Cottonseed meal (8 per cent am monia) 600 lb* (12 per cent potash).... 600 lb* Tptal 2 0001b* Mix throughly with hoes or shovels, on a tight door, making sure to pound np the lump* yon are certain to find in the kainit. By mixing the fertilisers yourself you will save not leas than $2 per ton, and such work can be done under shelter on rainy daya State Agricultural De partment. The]Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from the dreadful malady if you will ODly get thejright remedy. You are having a pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up, Electric Bitters are the only remedy that give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on Your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at A. M. Winn «fc Son’s Drug Store. Only 50 cents per bottle. German university students have increased in number from about 10,000 25 years ago to 32,241 last year. The increase is out of pro portion to the population. Women’s Complexion depends for upon Digestion. Dr. M. A. i Simmons Liver Medicine Regulates the Stomach, Liver and kidneys *nd secures the blessings of good Diges-1 tion. The Sidney Complexion. The pale, sallow, sunken-checked, dis tressed-looking; people you so often meet are afflicted with ‘Kidney Complexion. Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color. So is their complexion, j They may also have indigestion or suf Ifer from sleeplessness, rheumatism, neuralgia, brain trouble, nervous exhaus tion and sometimes the heart acts bad ly. The cause is weak, unhealthy kid ne\s. Usually the sufferer from kidney dis ease does not find out what the trouble is until it is almost too late, because the first symptoms are so like mild sickness that they do not think they need a medi cine or a doctoi until they find themselves sick in bed. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root will build up and strengthen the weak and diseased kidneys, purify their diseased, kidney poisened blood, clear their complexion and soon they will enjoy better health. You can get the regular sizes at the drug stole, at fifty cents and one dollar, or you may first prove for yourself the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Root, by sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. for a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly men tion that you read this liberal offer in the Lawrenceville News-Herald. Peach Output In Georgia. Question —Is peach culture in Geor gia likely to be overdone? Answer —I think not. It is true that the acreage of peaches will be greatly increased by this season’s planting, aud that the demand for peach stock can with difficulty be tilled by the nursery men. There will not, however, be a greatly increased acreage of bearing trees, and the corresponding increase in additional markets, and in the popular ity of the Georgia peach, will more than offset the increase. There moat be a large planting annually to keep up the present acreage, as peaoh trees are short lived and many die each year from various causes. It is probable that fully one-third of the trees planted this sea son will never oome into bearing. To grow peaches profitably requires the greatest attention. Proper cultivation and fertilization, careful pi nning and treatment for inseot pests and diseases, are necessary to success, and at least one-third of the orchards of the state do not receive snch attention, and they go down. The Ban Jose scale has caused the destruction of over 100,000 trees dar ing the past season, and probably as many more will be destroyed before the winter is over. If the borers are neg lected for two or three years, and dar ing that time the trees produce a heavy crop, the drain made upon their vitality by the borers and the productien of the crop, will cause a large proportion of them to die. Intending planters should not be dis oouraged by these statements, for they are encouraging to those who intend to give their orchards the proper oare. Money can be made in Georgia by the intelligent fruit grower. It is estimated that the peach growers alone have net ted over 11,000,000 during the post sea sou. One party sold four cars of peaches for 96.468, and his entire shipments ■mounted to 90 cars. Some growers re ceived poor returns on account of bad handling, poor packing aud rascally commission merchants, but good fruit, well handled and properly shipped, gave very satisfactory rstnms. I be lieve there will never be an over pro duction of choice peaches.—State Agri cultural Department. SIOO Seward 3100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that isCatarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers, that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall’s Family Fills are the best. ~ Mule* With the Stagger*. Question. —Two of niy mule* hav* died with staggers. Is there any rem edy for it. aud what causes it? Answer.— There are two varieties at this disease, knowu generally as blind, aud sleepy staggero, according to th* symptoms displayed by the sick animal In blind staggers the animal rushes around recklessly, running against or falling over any obstruction in his veay. In sleepy staggers the affected horse or mule appears dull and stupid, standing quietly with lowered head, or perhaps with its head pressing against a fence or wall. The disease, however, is the satn* in both cases, and being a brain disease, is very hard to relieve or central. Some of the horse books assert that it is caused by over gorging, but from ray own ex perience lam sure it is brought oa by eating damaged or rotten corn. It is the general sentiment among farmers that there is more damaged corn this year than they ever knew before, at tributable no doubt to the continuous rains of last summer. Numerous com plaints of this disease are coming to this department, and I fear that the loss on this score will be heavy throughout tile state. In feeding horses and mules be very careful to see that they get no damaged corn, or you are likely to meet with losses from this very fatal disease. Wheu the disease is fully developed lit tle or nothihg can be done to save the animal, but if upou its first appearance proper treatment is resorted to many cases can be cured. The treatment con sists in promptly bleeding the animal freely, aud giving a good dose of salts or oil. If the medicine (lees not act to two and a half or three hours the dose should be repeated. Prevention, how ever, is better than cure, therefore you should use every care to keep damaged com out of the horse stable.—State Ag ricultural Department. To insure a happy year, keep the liver clear and the body vigor ous by using De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipatiou and liver trouble. Bagwell Bros, of Law renceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Da cula. Among the Chinese a cofiiD is considered a neat and appropriate present for an aged person, espe cially if in bad health. Wheat Sowing so Georgia. Question —Is it now too late to sow wheat? Answer —Good crops of wheat hare been raised in the middle and northern sei ms of the state sowed as late as the middle of January. You should have sowed about tl., middle of Novem her, provided the cold weather had by that time destroyed the Hessian fly, which is very apt to ruin a wheat crop sowed before frost. To hope for a fair crop, planted at this late date, your ground must be rich, either naturally or by the liberal use of fertilizers. Prepare the land with extra care for the reception of the seed, and do not fail to broadcast frets 60 to 100 pounds of nitrate of soda to the acre when the spring growth com. mences. Then with a favorable season you may make a fair crop of wheat. Be sure to follow your wheat crop with peas sown broadcast; they will not only give yon a splendid crop of hay, Bhl will also enrich yonr soil with nitrogen, the most costly of plant foods. A Narrow Escape Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D: “Was taken with a b id cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gave me up saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial—took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at A. M. Winn & Son’s Drug Store. Regular size 50c and sl. Guaranteed or price refunded. Truguy has determined to deep en the harbor at Montevideo. The fifteen colonies under the French rule have a population of 51,015,427. Canada exports to England 90 per cent, of all the cheese manu factured there. The smallest thiugß may exert the greatest influence. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are unequalled for overcoming constipation aud liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe pill. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. Ants have brains larger in pro portion to the size of their bodies than any other living creatures. Stockings were first used in the eleventh century. Before that cloth bandages were used on the feet. Miss Alice Palmer, Wadly, Ga., writes ; Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons Diver Medicine 20 years. It is the best remedy for Dyspepsia,Sick Head ache, Sour Stomach, iudigestion, Bil iousness and Constipation i have ever used. In my opinion it is much bet ter than the medicine put up by Zei lin, and Black Draught, which 1 have used. Zurich is the great distributing point in Switzerland of American imports. It is said that the ordinary carp, if not interferred with, would live about 500 years. Morning Sickness, or Nausea from Pregnancy, is dispelled by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The forest of Belgium comprise 16.61 per cent, of the total area of that country. If Irritable, Out of Sorts, Depressed in Spirits, have a Dull Headaches, take a few doses Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicicine for quick relief. It took seven years to make a handkerchief for which the Em press of Russia paid #5,000. To subdue Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Hysoeria, St. Vitus’ Dance use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Lichens have been found grow ing on the Himalayas at an eleva tion of 17,000 feet. A few doses of l)r. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine will do more for a weak Stomach than a prolonged course of any other medicine. Probably the oldest operative treaty is the Concordat of Horus, which has governed the relations of the Catholic church in Germany since 1122. Coughing injures and inflames sore luugs. One’ Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, allays cough ing aud heals quickly. The best cough cure for children. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Daoula. The House of Capet has 'the longest unbroken succession in the male line—from Hugh Capet, king of France in 987, to Louis Philips's abdication in 1842. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases These are immeditaely relieved and quickly cured by De Witt’s Witch Haxel Salve. Beware of worthless imitations. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, aud Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. More than five hundred thous and sewing machines are made in this country annually, which is 90 per cent, of the production of the world. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sheperd, Publisher Agricultural Journal and Advertiser, Eldeu. Mo., says: “No one will be disap pointed in using one Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe.” Pleasant to take, quick to act. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, aud Dr. Hinton, I of Dacula. “Pitts’ Carminative Saved My Baby's Ufa." Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. LAMAR 4 RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen; I can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum when five months old, and 1 could get no relief until 1 began using Pitt’s Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles, and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. It Saved Her Baby-Will Save Youra. am. .TRY IT w a a a Everett Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Bush & Certs Pianos, ; Strich & Zeidler Pianos. Any of the above makes of Pianos can be bought very close for cash or on installment payments. There are [ 25 Everett Pianos now in use at the Gaii isvilie Seminary, ' and are giving entire satisfaction. 1 The Harvard Pianos have the “Plectraphone” attach k ment, by the use of which you can imitate the Banjo, Guitar I or the Maudolin. The new Opera House, Athens, Ga., has I a Harvard in use, aud is very satisfactory. ? Mrs. M. J. Perry, Carl, Ga., has just purchased a Har ’ vard Piano. < I also handle the “FARRAND & VOTEY” Organs, and i purchase them in CAR LOAD LOTS, having already sold | four car loads this year. The Farrand & Votey is the only II absolutely Rat-Proof Organ on the market, notwithstanding 5 others claim to handle them. | Prices and catalogues will be promptly mailed on applica g tion. [ HOPE HALE, i Athens, - - Georgia, Eiseman Bros. ATLANTA.— The largest stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishings in the South. Thousands of styles foi you to select from and prices here are from 25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than anywhere else, that’s because we are manu facturers and do not pay a profit to mid dlemen. »**»***«* Men’s Nobby Suits $5 00 to $25 Boy’s Long Trouser Suits 450 to 15 Boy’s Knee Trouser Suits 150 to 10 We buy the best fabrics and choose the newest and handsomest patterns and coloring that are produced. J J t t +'t + t■ t Buy here once in person or through our mail order department, and the satisfaction you’ll re ceive will make you a permanent customer of Eiseman Bros. PWATiEO (ATLANTA, 15-17 Whitehall Street H lln LJH WASHIEGTON, Corner Seventh and E Streets- Ui v w / BALTIMORE, *l7 W. German Street. 15-17 WHITEHALL.—Our Only Store in Atlanta. le: Prudential INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. HOME OFFICE-NEWARK, N. d J. aydeNi Assets July i, 1898 $26,029,137 04 Surplus July 1, 1898 Income for 1897 I ”5 Insurance written in 1897 143,900,000 00 Insurance in force in 1897 00 Paid policy holders to date 34,000,000 00 The PRUDENTiaL has torged its ——————— —= way ahead until it stands in the a front rank of the gre;it lite insur ance companies of the world. It offers all that is good in life insur ance, and under the best eondi- . SOUTHERN INSURANCE AGENCY, Manager Sout'n Dept., Atlanta. [ 33. C. LESTEE, Special Agent. HOTEL VICTORIA. ATHENS, GA.‘ Now open, under entirely new management, for the especial benefit of the traveling public. Many changes have been made that add attraction to the house. When you go to Athens, you cannot do better than to stop at the Victoria. Every effort made to please our guests, and saiisfaction guaranteed. P. W- SUTHERLIN, Proprietor. J A. AMBROSE. Lawrenceville, Ga., MANUFACTURER OF Harness Saddles, Bridles & Collars. DEALER IN Furniture, Buggies, Lap Robes, Whips, Etc. No house in Georgia can down me in prices of these goods If you want a Buggy—Ambrose will make you the right sort of prices. PEAR BLIGHT. Soutl.«»rn Trrfttmcuf For l.e Conte nuil KlrVrr f'fur Tree*. When ,t puar orchard is badly blight ed, the owner writes to everybody who claims to know anything on the subject, hi. I every one will write him to prune, prone, prune, when really the truth'll that the more he prunes the worse will be the blight. When an orchard is badly blighted, the thing to do is to let it alone as completely as possible. Don’t prune a limb, doD’t plow it or do anything else to it that will stimulate the trees. The trees are certainly in bad shape for two years. Let them aloue till the trees make but a small growth. Don't oultivate the land. Then fertilize with phosphorio acid and potash (no nitrogen). Kaiait and acid are good forms. Apply broad #g"t 600 pounds of each to the aare. Less will do good; more will do more good. Plow it in lightly, say three or four inches. This shonld be done in the winter between Deo. 1 and Jan. 16. If done earlier, vegetation is too mnefa in the way. If done later, there will be danger of causing the trees to bloom too early. In May give the orchard another cultivation, most advantageonely done with a ontaway harrew, plowing about the same depth as before. The season following give tbs same fertilizers and the same plowings. If the trees are rather vigorous, leave off the May plow ing. When you have atarredoutthe blight and have got the trees to where they make but a small growth annually, whloh will be just before you oommenoe the fertilizing and plowing described above, then is the time to prune, prune, prune. Don’t prune with a knife or shears, bat with a saw. Saw off the worst blighted limbs, the straggling limbs, the chafing limbs and the very tall limbs. Ont them half in two, re ducing the tree nearly one-half. Apply kainlt and acid annually; give the orohard two plowings; never plant peas, beggar weeds or turn under a heavy erop of any vegetable growth. Then count blight a blessing, nr yon will have studied the reqairaaeofe of pear trees and supplied their needs, says fi. W. Stone of Georgia ia The Rural New Yorker. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absol utely certain :ure for croup sucb as One Minute Cough cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacnia. DeWitt’s Witch hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. CHEAPEST MUSIC ■% HOUSE IN THE SOUTH T. C. CONOWAY’S, Athens, Oa. -#BIANOS (MB OREANS#?- - —AT LOWEST PRICES For Cash or # * # * * for Catalog”u.e. “Head not to Contradict andßefute, N either to Believe and Take for G-ranted; But to Weigh and Consider.” He who offers Two dollars for One comes properly under the category of being either a rogue or a dolt, for he offers the impossible. It is manifestly impossible to give more than is received, else one finds he has broken all laws of common sense; yet this is often made the new catch-penny inducement to intending piano purchasers. We often read in the daily papers statements of offers made on pianos of high class, “containing every known inducement,” for an exceedingly small sum of money and on ridiculously low monthly or quar terly payments. The impossible is proffered, and he who does it knowingly falsifies himself and assumes that the purchaser is incompetent or foolish, else he could not be caught in such a net of fraud and deception. There is no oc casion for deceit, yet the history of the piano trade shows it to be crowded with miss-statements regarding the grades and prices. We have found it nec essary in the management of our wholesale trade to withdraw the sale of our pianos from some of our country dealers. In order to close the accounts -with these particular dealers we have found it necessary to take from them a num ber of pianos of various makes and place them on our floors for sale, applying I the proceeds of such sales to their accounts in order to settle the account with them. We do not expect to give Two dollars for One. but we have in these I instruments pianos of Standard makes, many of which could not be detected from new instruments directly from the Factory w hen placed side by side with ' new pianos in our store, and which these dealers have been asking a reasonable profit for, that will be offered during the next few days at very much lower I prices than these goods have ever been sold. We shall make an extraordinary \ effort to close out every instrument on our floors of this class between now and ! January first. In order to do this w’e find it necessary to ofler these instru ments at wholesale prices to dealers, or even less. We would advise any' one ? who expects to purchase an instrument during the next few years to consult us in regard to prices on these pianos at once. In addition to a large stock of the above described instruments, w r e have probably’ the most complete stock in the j South of Everett and Harvard pianos which are perfectly new and direct ; f rom our two Factories. These instruments are made in all of the fancy w’oods and are unequaled in tone, quality and durability. Remember that the Everett 5 piano is the only piano guaranteed for the entire lifetime of the instrument. This guarantee is not by’ a salesman or a local dealer, but is a signed guarantee \ furnished by the Everett Piano Company themselves. . Would you like to see | a partial list of the Everett pianos sold in the territory tributary to Atlanta ? i We have such a list and it would probably interest yoU. THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY. ' General Factory of the Everett and Harvard Pianos, Cincinnati, Chicago, New 1 York and 99 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. I CASTOR IA The Kiutl You Have Always Bought, and which has beeD in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature ol * _ and lias been made under his per j//ya sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex perinients that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Sienature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUW COMPtNV, TT HUMIY STHUT, WIWYOARCITt. This splendid three piece suit, mahogany finish frames, upholstered in fine silk figured damask for $12.50. We carry the largest stock of Furniture, Car pets Bugs, Mattings and Draperies in Atlanta, and guarantee lowest prices. R. S. CRUTCHER FURNITURE CO. 53 and 66 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.