The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, January 27, 1899, Image 1

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rife CjfgOjfOgl News-Herald i*™ Constitution, i | 12 Months-S3l.2fe. I roTraCifO Pi iil Pi OfOPngCiTSl THE GWINNETT HERALD, ) the iSSnuniuW [ Consolidated Jan. 1,1898. Established in ) GWINNETT’S OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Sheriff—J’homas A. Hasletr. Deputy Sheriff, R. T. Martin. Clerk Superior Court—l). T. Cain. Ordinary—John P. Webb. Treasurer—C. D. Jacobs. Tax Receiver—Eli P. Miner. Tax Collector—Arbin W. Moore. Coroner—James H Wilson. Surveyor—Robert N. Maffett. Board County Commissioners—James T. Lamkin, Chairman; J. P. Byrd, Clerk; J. T. Jordan, S. H Hinton an t M. A. Born. Board of "Education —W. T. Tanner, Commissioner; A, M. Winn, President; B. L. Patterson, W. P. Cosby, Thos. C. Shadburn and E. C. McDaniel. ' Superior Court—R. B. Russell, Judge; C. 11. Brand. Solicitor-General. Con venes Ist Monday in March and Ist Monday in September. City Court —Samuel J. Winn, Judge; K. F. .1 üban, Solicitor. Convenes 2nd Monday in January, 2nd Monday i n April, 2nd Monday in July, and 2nd Mon day in October. JUSTICES OF PEACE VXD NOTARIES PUBLIC: 1295 —Bay Creek, (Ist Saturday) Thos. Langley, J. P., W. P. Williams, X. P. 316—Ben Smith, (3d Saturday) J. s. Pate, J. P., .1.0. Hawthorn, X. P. 405 Berkshire, (3d Saturday) J. K. Cain. J. P., W M. Jordan, X. P. 550—Buford (3d Friday) W.W. Wilson,.!. P., G. Legg, X. P. 562—Cams, (3d Saturdry) J. M.Pool, J. P., J. R. Cain, X. P. 408—Cates, (2d Saturday) T. A. Pate, J. P. J. A. Hannah, X. P. 1564—Daonla, (T'hurs. before 4, Sat.) J.W. Freeman, J. P„ J. 1). Hood. X". P. 1263 —Duluth, (Thurs. before 4, Sat.) (!. H. Barker, J. P„ A. H. Spence, N. I’. 404—Goodwins, (Fri. before 4, Sat.) J. T Baxter, J. P., W. J. Maxie, X. I’. 478 —Harbins, (Sat. before 2. Sun.) A.. 1. Bowen, J. I’., Kobt. Ethridge, X. I’. 444—Hog Mountain, (4th, Saturday) Cicero Maffett, J.P., .1.1.. Mauldin, N. I’. 407 —Lawrenceville, (Ist Friday) W. M. Langley, J.P., J. M. Mills, X. P, 544 —Martins, (4th Saturday) J. F. Wilson, J. P., Dallis Corley,X. P. 406 Norcross, (Wed. before 3d Sat.) A. J. Martin, J. P., J. W. Hayrtie, N. P. 1397 -Pucketts, (2d Friday) Win. Wallace, J. P., C. B. Pool, X. P. 571—Rockbridge. (3d Saturday) J. A. Johnson, J. I’.. E. T. Mason, X. P. SPECIAL CUT RATE Gi-oocL ’Till T’e'b. Ist, 1899. sl.l0 ~Niii>oM ' KAm>A ■■sl.lo GETS THE News Herald AIIE Weekly Constitution. Twelve Months. This cut price is made to enable the people of Gwinnett county to read two of the best papers in the South during the year 1899. Bring along your dollars and dimes and let us enroll you as a subscriber NOV/! /f* f nr SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. {lt If HR Vl\ 7 K WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. \ ' /|\ lj> 1, j J NEWS-HERALD. lj> lil 1/ ~~AII For si.7s : il^ (MS V«/Tra»^ 5 ' TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST, Schedule in Effect Deo. 11. 1898 SOUTIIIIoI Nil. fr 0.408. N 0.41. Lv New York, via Pa. It. K. *ll UUara * » OOp in Lv Washington “ “ 4 40pm 430 am “ Richmond, via ACL ___ 900 p m 905 u Portmoutb SAL • *8 45 p m *9 20 “ Ar Weldon, 1110 pm 11 no am Ar Henderson 12 57 am 150 p m Ar Raleigh, 216 a m 334 p m “ Southern Pines 4 28 “ 5 58 “ “ Hamlet 5 07 “ 6 58 “ W ilmington SAL j *l2 Papin | “ Monroe, UAL I*6 48 am | * 9 12 * Ar Charlotte, via S A L | * 7 50am } *1025 pm Ar Chester, via S A L *BO 8a m *lO Sttpm “ Greenwood 10 85 “ 1 07 am u Athens 1 13 pn* 343 “ “ Atlanta. 350 - 6'20. Lv Lawrencev 1 lie | *2 31pm | *.> <)4am NORTHBOUND. No. 402. No 38. Lv Atlanta; SAL,' I*l 00 pin | *BSO pm Ar Athens 818 p m 11 19 “ “ Greenwood 541 “ i 208 am “ Chester 758 “ 4 25 “ A r Monroe, 980 pmj .>55 am Ar Charlotte, via aa l T*1025 pm |*7so a m u Hamlet SAL *1115“ *7 45 “ Ar Wilmington, SAL *l2 05 pm “ Southern Pines SAL *l2 (»8 ainj*9 00 am “Raleigh 210 ! 1118 “ u Henderson, 328 ! 1250 pm ** Weldon, j 455 a m 250 pm Ar Portsmouth I 725 “ 1 5 2(> pm Ar Richmond ACL |*345 “ 1*712 “ “ Washining, via p r b 12 31pm ill 10 u “ New York [_ 623 “ |653 am Lv Lawrenceville J 207 pm I*lo spm ♦Daily. +DaUy, Lx, Sunday, j No 403 and 402.~“T1ie “Atlanta Special.” Solid Pullman Vestibuled Train of Pullman Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and •Chester.S.C. „ _ Nos. 41 and 88, “The S a E Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between ■ Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Immediate Connections —At Atlanta for Montgomery,New Orleans,Texas, Mexico,Cali fornia, Macon. Pensacola, Selma and Florida No extra fare on any train, For tickets sleepers,and information, apply to ticket agent or to B. A. Nkwland. General Agent, Wm. B. Clements,T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga E. St. John, Vice Pres, and Generai Manager. V. E. McBKK, Gen. Superintendent. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. L. S. ALLEN, General Pass. Agent, General Offices Portsmouth. Va. A woman who lives in Atlanta is having a well bored 1,000 feet with the hope of striking oil. A spiritualist claims to have had a talk with her father in the spirit land, who revealed to him the fact that oil could be found at a cer tain spot, and she has faith in the so-called revelation. Buckien s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cha;v ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively sures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis jaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. M. Winn & Sou Lawreuceville, Ga. THE NEWS-HERALD. The one thing that make a true artist is a clear perception and a firm, bold hand in distinction from that perfect mental vision and un certain touch which gives us the fpeble pictures and lumpy statues of the mere artisans on canvas or in stone. —Holuvs. Mr. S. A. Frackler, Editor of the Micaiiopy (Fla,) Hust er, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minuie Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It act ed quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting effects. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrencevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacnla. Who knoweth the mysteries of the will, with its vigor ? For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness. Man doth not yield himself to the angels, nor unto death utterly,save only through the weakness of his feeble will. —Joseph Glanvill. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds and throat troubles leads rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Miuute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like it. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacula. Give vour life, your energy,your enthusiasm, all, to the highest work of which you are capable. Cannou Farrar said: “There is only one real failure in life possi ble, and that is, not to be true to the best one knows.” —Selected. The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are unequalled for overcoming constipation and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe pill. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. Once make up your mind never to stand waiting and hesitating when your conscience tells you what you ought to do,and you have got the key to every blessing that a sinner can reasonably hope for. —Kehle. Women’s Complexion depends for beauty upon Digestion. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine Keguiates the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys and secures the blessings of good Diges tion. Oldest Man in Wayeross. Wayeross, Ga., Jan. 25. —Rov. William Howard Thomas, the old est man in Wayeross, if not in Ware county, celebrated his eighty ninth birthday recently. He was one of the four men who laid the foundation for Wayeross, the other three being Dr. Daniel Lott. Dr. j Wiliiam B. Folks and Dr. BeDja tnim F. Williams, all of whom are dead. The first sermon ever preached in the town was delivered by Mr. Thomas, and his son, Hon. Charles C. Thomas, a promiueut lawyer of ; Macon, was the first child born in , the place. He is a native of I Franklin county, Ga. “Uncle Thomas,” as he is famil iarly called by the people -here, was a power in the land in the days of pioi.eer Methodism in this and adjoining states. He joined the old Georgia Conference in 1849, in the same class with Bish op Key and Rev. A. M. Wynn, and his first appointment was the state line mission, which embraced four counties located in three dif ferent states, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. His salary from the mission board was SIOO that year, and his people paid him $44 in produce, such as home-knit socks, home-made clothes, iron bars, and other article. He was next sent by the conference to the Ellijay mission. Here he rode on horseback fully 200 miles each trip. In 1857 he was given an ap pointment in the wiregrass section. He served for a time as presiding elder of the Brunswick district. After his superannuation he took up bi& residence in Wayeross. Mr. Thomas has been a powerful singer in his day, and at the camp meetings years ago he made the welkin ring. He partly ’omposed and arranged two songs, "The Happy Sailor” and “When the World’s on Fire,” are favorites of the old man. The ladies of Trinity Church, to which he belongs, arranged a big birthday dinner at his home on Church street to-day,, and the Methodist ministers of the city were invited. Those present were Rev. Dr. George. G. N.MacDonell Rev. J. O. A. Cook, Rev. E. M. Whiting and Rev. J. M. Glenn. A bountiful repast was provided, and the participants enjoyed the day. As a testimonial of their high es teem for him, the ministers pre sented him a handsome umbrella. Mr. Thomas is the father of Mrs- D. L. McDonald, of Rockbridge district, and grandfather of Hon. L. F. McDonald, of Lawrenceville. Turning White- By far the most interesting sight the peoble of Nashville have ever seen here in a long while was on our streets Saturday evening. Wiley Howard was originally of a dark ginger cake color until twenty-four years ago patches of white began making their appear ance upon his lower limbs and the changes have continued gradu ally until he is white as any man with the exception of portions of his face and neck. The strange looking contrast upon the face gives him quite a hideous appear ance and at a distance he appears to have on a false face. Upon the arms the blue veins show us clear ly as they do upon tho clearest and fairest Anglo-Saxon. He has a progeny of eight,every one of whom is dark as ever their father was and 6how no symptoms of the most wonderous change- Wiley was born in Alabama and has claimed at times three other states as his home, viz: North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. He is at present employed by Messrs. I. E. Yarn & Co., in up per Lowndes county. It is the opinion of those who have seen him that he could make more money traveling with some museum and exhibiting himself as one of the curiosities of the 19th century than he makes by pursu ing his present calling.—Berrien County News. It is said that a man who won’t take a paper because he can- bor row one, has invented a chimney by which he can cook his dinner by the smoke from his neighbor’s chimney. The same fellow sits on the back pew in church to save in terest on his contribution, and is always borrowing a ride to save wear on horse flesh. Yes, we know him. He is first cousin to the man who never winds up his watch for fear of breaking the spiing. He is undoubtedly a near relative to the man who went into the back yard during the recent cold snap, soaked his head in water, let the hair freeze and then broke it off in order to cheat the barber out of a | haircut. LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRI DAY. .JANUARY 27, 1899. The Georgia Girl’s Kiss. This idiotic paragraph is going the rounds of the northern press: “A Kansas City newspaper man who has evidently had some ex- J perieuce, says that it costs $5 to \ kiss a Georgia girl and sls to kiss a Pennsylvania widow. “Expe rienced men who have sampled ; stock in both states,’ he adds, ‘say i that the latter is worth the dif j ference. ’ ” And it causes the editor of the | Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer-Sun to | put on his fighting clothes and ! mark: “That Kansas City newspaper man is a fraud and never saw a Georgia girl, or he would know that her kisses are too dear for money to buy. A Pennsylvania widow is all well enough in her way, but if her kiss is worth sls, a try at the lips of a Georgia girl would be cheap at s2s.’’ The Dalton Argus continues the argument by Baying: “Right you are, brother. We have never kissed a Pennsylvania widow, nor girl, ‘as we know on,’ hut we know how sweet and juicy the lips of a Georgia girl are, and we know her kisses can’t be bought —God bless her!—but are the homage her heart pays the gallant and chivalrous knight of her choice. But why dwell on what all Georgians know so well ? It would take a ream of paper to tell the half about the sweet kiss of a Georgia girl. But, if the cheerful Kansas idiot will refresh his mem ory he will be aware of the fact that it recently cost a rude Maine soldier boy SSOO and a twelve months seatence in the chaingang to kiss a Georgia woman on the streets of Savannah —because against her will the deed was done.” An Echo From Westminster Abbey. It was never known who com posed the following description *f the Bible. It was found in West minster Abbey, nameless and date less ; A nation would be truly happy if it were governed by no other laws than those of the Blessed book. It is so completely a system that nothing can be added to it. It contains everything needful to he known or done. It sets a husband as a lord of the household, and a wife as a mistress of the table, tells him how to rule, and how to manage. It prescribes and limits the sway of the sovereign, the ruler, and the authority of the master, com mands the subject to honor and the servant to obey, and promises the blessing and protection of the Almighty to all that work by its rules. It promises food and raiment, and limits the use of both. It points out a faithful and eter nal guardian to the departing hus band and father, tells him to whom to leave his fatherless children, and whom his widow is to trust, and promises a father to the form er and a husband to the latter. It teaches a man to keep his house in order and know his will, it appoints a dowry for his life,and entails the right of the first born, and also shows how the young branches shall be kept. It defends the rights of all, and reveals vengeance to eveiy default er, overreacher and tresspasser. It is the first hook and oldest hook in the world. It contains the choicest matter, gives the best Instructions, affords the greatest pleasure and satisfac tion that was ever enjoyed. It contains the most ancient an tiquities, strange events, wonder ful occurrences, heroic deeds, and unparalleled wars. A Booi Story, Guests had arrived unexpectedly at the country parsonage on Sun day morning, says an exchange. The weekly supply of butter had run short, so the hospitable host dispatched old Joe, the colored man, to his neighbor, Mr. Paul, whose dairy always boasted a sur plus. The parson proceeded to church, with his well prepared ser mon on some of the best sayings of the great apostle, and was well under way with it, when old Joe, returning empty handed, conclud ed he would quietly slip iu and hear his master preach. Just as he entered, the preacher stretched forth his hand in a most impres sive interrogation of voice and manner, and called out: “Aud what did Paul say?” Distinctly sjuuded through the church old Joe’s reply: “He say, marster, he ain’t going to let you have uo more butter till you pay for dat last you got. ” Things a Eaby Can Do. It can heat any alarm clock ev er invented for waking a family up in the morning. Give it a fair show, and it can smash more dish es that the most industrious ser vant girl in the country. It can fall down oftener and with less provicatiou the most expert tum bler in a circus ring. It can make more genuine fuss over a simple brass pin than its mother would over a broken back. It can choke itself black in the face with great er ease than the most accom plished wretch that was ever exe cuted. It cau keep a family m constant turmoil from morning till night, and night till morning, withou' once varying its tunes. It can be.relied upon to sleep peacefully all day when its fathor is down town, and cry all night when he is particularly sleepy. It may be the naughtiest, dirtiest, ugliest, most fretful baby in all the world, but you can’t make its mother believe it, and you had better not try it. It can be a charming and model infant when no one is around ; but when visits ors are present it can exhibit more bad temper than both of its par ents together. It can brighten up a house more than all the furni ture ever made, makes sweeter mu sic than the finest orchestra or ganized, fill a larger space in its parents’ breaßt than they know they had, and when it goes away it can cause a greater vacancy and leave a greater blank than all the rest of the world put together. The Moor ia the Spaniard. H iving seen something of Spain I h ive my theories, and they are as follows: We are acc .stomed to look upon the Spaiuurd as a Euiopean. Ho is not one: he is largely a Moor m blood, and much more in character. The Moor did not possess his country for 800 years ai.d leave it as if ho had not been there. It is from him the Spaniard of today gets his religious fanaticism, his fatalism, much of his architecture and music, his pride and ceremonious manner, his social oharaoterist icts, (appear ing chiefly in his treatment of women,) his tribal instincts, and want of administrative capacity, which have made it impossible for the various pretty kingdoms of Spain ever to really unite under one stable government; his want of capability of preparation, and finally his blood-thirstiness, laet, unhappily, cannot he deuiad.— Scribner. The crime for which Handy Rachaels, a negro merchant of this place, is in jail is a serious one, and unless Rachaels can tell what has become of his step daughter he will have to stand trial for her murder. The police are hard at work on the case and believe they have some important evidence against the accused man. In August of last year his 17-year old daughter suddenly and mys teriously disappeared from home and nothing has been heard of her since. It was claimed that she was off staying with some rel atives, but her long absence has caused the neighbors of the ne groes to grow suspicious, and it is now thought she has met with foul play. It is said that one of the negroe’s small children has made the statement that her fath er killed the girl and carried her off and buried her. The Deadly Grip. Is again abroad in the land. The air you breathe may be full 1 of its fatal germsl Don’t iie fe !ect| the “Grip’’or you will open tbo j door to Pneumonia and Consuun tion and invite death. It’s sure signs are chills and fever, head ache, dull heavy pains, mucous discharges from the nose, sore] throat and never-lot-go cough. Don’t waste precious time treat-j ing this cough w ith troches, tab-I lets, or poor cheap syrups. Cure} it at once with Dr King’s New Die- j covery, the infallible remedy for bronchial troubles. It kills the! disease germs, heals the lungs and prevents the dreaded after effects from tho malady. Price 50 cts. and SI,OO. Money back if not cured, A trial bottle free at A. M. Winn & Son’s Drug Store, The town of Washington and the Mary Willis library have each received $5,000 from the executor of the lamented Dr. Francis T. Willis. These are half of the leg acies left by his noble benefaction. The other half will be receieved later. Judge E. E. Youmans, of Tif ton, killed a couple of pretty pigs Monday, one tipping the beam at 820, the other 290 pounds. The Judge thinks they would have done even better thpn this had they lived to get full grown. Some Great Lovers. Byron was foolishly jealous of every woman he ever loved. His loves ran well into two figures, and he managed sooner or later to make every one miserable. Heinrich Heine,the poet,was al so terribly jealous. One day he poisoned a parrot belonging to his lady-love for fear it should claim too much of her attention. “The Rivals" is a true story of Sheridan’s courtship, the charac ter of Lidia Languish in the life play being taken by Miss Lindley, who after became the author’s wife. Thomas Moore was always in love. If one looks through his poems one may find the names of some sixteen different ladies to whom he swore fidelity. It is said that when Goethe was first in love he carved upon a tree in the neighboring forest a couple of hearts united by a scroll, and a little later he received a sound thrashing from the forister for thus damaging the hark. Mt. Vernon experienced a sensa tional runaway marriage one night last week. The contracting par ties were Deputy Sheriff A, Britt and Miss Vela Morrison, daughter of a prominent merchant in this place. It is reported that the fathor of the bride objected se riously to the union, lienee the runaway. Love alwuys wins. The parties are prominently connected. Some trouble is (eared. Emperor William uses the larg est visiting cards of any member < f Europe’s royal families. They are of heavy card, six inches long and four inches wide. On the up per line is the single word “Wil helm,” and on the second line are the words “Deutscher Kaiser und Koenig von Preussen.” A crusade against American chewing gum has set in in Loudon the health authorities issuing a warning against its use, and de claring that it is more dangerous than the ice cream sold from the penny carts. Resolve and chouartfree.—Long fellow. He that hath u trade hath an es tate, —Franklin. It is part of the cure to wish to be cured.—Seneca. ’Pis the mind that makes the body rich. —Shakespeare. God never made his work for man to mend.—Selected. Nature fits all her children with something to do.—Lowell, “Many a man pays for his suc cess with a slice of his constitution. —Selected. A profound conviction raises a man above the feeling of ridicule. —J. Stuart Bill. A healthful hunger for a great idea is the beauty and blessedness of life. —Jean Ingelow. Be what nature iutended you for, and you will succeed; be any thing else and you will be ’ ten thousand times worse than noth ing.—Sydney Smith. Let men of all ranks, whether successful or unsuccessful, wheth er triumphant or not, let them do their duty and rest satisfied.—Pla to. A man must master his under taking or let it master him. He must have the power to decide in stantly on which side he is going to make his mistakes.—P. D. Ar mour. * • He who wishes to fulfill his mis sion must be a man of one idea, that is of one great overmastering purpose, overshadowing all his aims, and guiding and controling his entire life. —Bate, Thoughts are mightier than ar mies. Ideas go booming through the world louder than caunon. Principles have achieved more vic tories than horsemen or chariots. —Paxton. Health is the holiness of the body. Girls should be as much ashamed of illness, brought on by : their own folly, as of being whip ped by the teacher for disobedience. —Mrs. Cheney. Youth is the only time to think and decide upon a great course. Manhood with action follows; but ’tis dreary to have to alter cue's whole life in age—the time past, the strength gone.—Browning. To insure a happy year, keep the liver clear and the body vigor ous by using De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and liver trouble. Bagwell Bros, of Law renceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Da cula. ALL OVER GEORGIA. ITEMS FROM OUR STATE EXCHANGES The I.aGrange Banking Compa ny has declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. Dr. J. C. Hardy, who killed a negro in the lower part of Troup county in 1897, has been acquitted by the jury. Hon. Stephen Boney, of Telfair county, died last week. He leaves a large family, all married, and have nice homes. The Georgia Insane Asylum has about 11,000 inmates, and yet all the crazy people in the state are not there by any means. Throughout its whole length, from Savannah to Montgomery, the Georgia and Alabama railway runs through a belt of dry coun ties. A movement is on to secure a national military park for Atlanta which will be commemorative of the battles fought about the city during the civil war. Harmony Grove Gazette: The merchants of Harmony Grove re port a very unfortunate year. We do not hear of arty of them who claim to have made any money. Grier’s Almanac don’t say any thing about snow either in Janu ary, February or March. Neither does it say much about rain, but the raiu comeß in spite of Grier. CommissiouorofAgriculture Ste vei s gives the farmers this piece of advice: “Never go to town with an empty wagon, but always carry something to sell, if only a load of wood.” The Rock Warehouse and Com press Company, Hewkinsville, has pressed 18,000 bales of cotton so far this year, and expects to get 2,000 bales more before the close of the season. Commissioner Stevens held out as long as he could, but even the department of agriculture had to fall in line. Mr, Stevens is too ill with the grip to attend to the duties of his office. The estimated expenses of the Georgia penitentiary system for 1899, including salaries of prison commissioners, superintendents, physicians, guards and other em ployees, amounts to $194,400. Dr. Shackelford, of Linoolnton, while out driving the other day, put under the seat of the buggy his purse containing $195. He for got to remove it when he finished his drive. It has not been recov ered. Fire Chief John E. Maguire has been turned down by the city council of Savannah. Michael Hanley was elected. The South eastern Tariff Association had lodged complaints against Ma guire. The Bteamer Ida, built by Brown & Ham, the barrel manufacturers, left Macon Saturday afternoon for Abbeville, after a cargo of hard wood. The boat is a stanch craft and is said to be the fastest on the Ocmulyee river. Moultrie Observer: It is to be hoped that Georgia and especially Colquitt county, will not use as much commercial fertilizers as was used last year. It is oue of the prime causes of such a stringency of money among farmers. Tho election for prohibition in Macon county has been called by the ordinary for February Ist. The antis are putting up a hot fight, paying up a good mauy of the de ■ faulters’ taxes, etc. At present it is hard to foretell the outcome. Mrs. W. H. Felton has written to Secretary of State Phil Cook of fering her services to aid him in arranging and classifying the old Georgia records which have been slowly perishing through neglect iu the basoment of the capitol. The register of the University of Georgia at Athens shows at the opening of the second term a de cided Increase in the attendance. Already several new names have been enrolled and the list contin ues to grow each day. The chief of police of Atlanta has taken steps to see that the city ordinances regulatiug the liquor traffic are rigidly enforced. It has been reported to the chief that some of the saloons are not carry ing out the provisions of the city laws just as they should, and this has induced him to issue a special order instructing the captains to read out to all the policemen the liquor ordinances and to see that the laws are enforced. News-Herald 1 Sand .|oiim;il SEMI- | | aJUUI 'loll, WEEKLY, | Only $1.25. n. ■ —— ■ VOL. VI.—NO 14 Rev. Sam Small, chaplain of the Third engineers, has been honora bly discharged from the services of the United States, It is thought he will take to the platform in fi vor of the prohibition movement, unless he perfects plans to edit a prohibition (taper somewhere in Georgia. Mr. J. B. Hunt killed recently a hog that weighed 524 pounds. This winter Mr. George T. Hunt has killed seven that weighed 1,657 pounds, an average of 251. These two most excelleut farmers are father and son, and live in the Tenth district. Any woman at the head of a family in the state of Georgia can take care of enough hogs, feeding them with the refuse matter at hand around the house, to bring in more money than will the cot ton crop made by her husband and four or fivo children amount to when brought into market. About thirty prominent plant ers of Spaulding county met at the court house recently for the pur pose of seeing what could be done toward securing a creamery for Griffin. All present entered into the scheme with enthusiasm, and the promoters are confident that it will be carried to a good success. The committee of Atlanta citi zens appointed to appear before the public buildings and grounds com mittee of Congress to urge an ap propriation for a new federal build ing in Atlanta, has returned. The general opinion of the committee men seems to be that the appropri ation will be made. In putting down a new floor in the union passenger depot at Ma con it has been discovered that all of the crossties that were put down only a few years ago had complete ly rotted. Not a sound tie could be found, and there was not one that could not be crushed to dust between the fingers. Cordele Hornet: Cordele’s next administration can do nothing more beneficial to the city than to bore an artesian well or remedy the one wo now have. Our spring water is good, but it can be im proved upon. We believe that in less than a year a well with suffi cient flow for drinking purposes will be put in operation. It is an interesting fact that the number of mules sold in Colum bus this winter is smaller than has been known for years. Usually the stablemen sell from 1,500 to 2,000 mules, but this time it is doubtful that more than 500 will be sold. r l his is due to the finacial condi tion among the farmers. Two Misses Bryan, who live with their mother two miles east of Adel died of la gripped last Tuesday night. Their death occurred with in a few hours of each other. Both were buried at Adel in the same grave, a coffin being made to hold both bodies. Their mother ,is also very dangerously ill, with little chance of her recovery. Covington Star: The Star is in favor of taxing pistols SI,OOO a year. That would be a prohibition on their use. It is what ought to be done with them. Wedo not be lieve any man is justified in carry, ing a pistol in a civil and quiet community like ours The carry ing of a pistol has been the cause of many a man getting into seri ous trouble, and the practice ought to be suppressed. Athens Bauuer: Hon. William C, Oates and son left yesterday for their home in Montgomery. On March 10th Gen, Oates will, at his own request, retire from the ser vice of the United States. He has already resigned his commission as a brigadier general in the volun teer service and his resignation has been accepted, to take effect on Murch 10th. He received orders from the war department Satur day to return to his home iu Mont gomery. A fearful accident occurred at the Creighton gold mine, sixteen miles east of Cantoq, Friday after noon, resulting in the instant kill ing of Dare Dooly and mangling almost beyond recognition the face and body of Julius White, who, it is thought, will die. Some other men were also more or less shocked. The accident was caused by an ex plosion about 1,600 feet under ground, in one of the tunnels of the mine, where the men were at work blasting.