The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, February 10, 1899, Image 1

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—| —II u L J I 1 I— T —' ' ‘ News-Herald Constitution, I 12 Konths--$1.25. <j THE GWINNETT HEKALI), ) THE L AWKKNCE vV LLK NEWS, . CoDSolid<lt6(l JftD. 1, 1898. Established In 1893. > “Pitts’ Carminative Saved My Baby's Ufom" Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts' Carminative too strongly, as 1 owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum when five months old, and I could get no relief until I began using Pitt's Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles, and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. It Saved Her Baby—Will Save Your a. m a a aTRY ITa a a a Four items In which we offer “Special Bargains” oFr the next thirty days <Hats> ~4Shoes, -^Shirts. Rutledge & Glower. SALE!*- For the next 30 days we offer our entire stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes and Hats at a discount of 33 1 -3 per cent. We have bought an immense stock of Spring and Summer goods, and must have room for them. See these prices : Suits that sold for $ 1 5 to $22.50, are A now offered at your choice at All of our $lO to $1 5 Suits are now $7 RA offered at choice for ijJl.uu All of our $6 to $lO Suits are now AA offered choice for iJJu.uv All of our 50c to 75c Dress Goods Q7n now going at Henriettas and Cashmeres that sold 4Q QA for 25c to 37c now go at , 10 u Take advantage of this sale and make your dollar do double duty. J. F. BYRD & CO. LAWMCEVILLE CITY SCHOOL, Thoroughly graded. No irregular pupils. I uition must be paid in advance. Regular attendance of pupils is re auirecL All friends and patrons are urged to visit the school. Spring term, January 2nd—June 4th. Catalogues free. JAS. A- BAGWELL, Superintendent. J-awrenceville* Ga. a fun raßESft Wrappers. >li<ie-i, He., always <>n hand. All Calls Given Prompt Attention No Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. C. A. WATKINS, Blacksmith, Machinist and Woodworkman, Lawrenceville, Ga. Repairing of all kinds. W ith two forges, and mechan ics with a thorough knowledge of their business, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in Iron and Wood on short notice. We have a machine for sharpening gin saws, a cutter and threader for working over iron pipe and boiler fittings, and can save you money on jobs of this kind. Old wagons, buggies, carriages, etc., made good as new. Ilorse shoeing a specialty. Give us a call—satisfaction guaranteed. At the old stand east of Cornett’s livery stable. THE NEWS-HERALD. WARNING TO FARMERS AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER STEVENS ON THE RECENT RISE IN COTTON. ONLI DELUSION AND SNARE Dawn of Hettfr Time. In Sight If Farmers Will but Stum! Kirin unit Diversify Crops. Atlanta, Feb. 1. It is to be regretted that many of onr farmers are almost in despair at the outlook ahead of them, and numbers of them (particularly of the tenant class), are talking of abandoning the farms and seeking employment in the cities. This would be a fatal move to the great majority of those who might try it. The cities are already overcrowded with peo ple who cannot obtain regular work, and additional numbers would only ag gravate this already bad condition. Re member how your fathers acted at the close of the war, 34 years ago. Return ing as they did to ruined homes, with out money, without credit, many of them broken down in health, they went to work with the same resolution aud bravery that had enabled them for four years to resist the overwhelming armies of the north, and out of that ruin they built up a great state, and in a measure restored their shattered fortunes. You are sons of those heroic sires, and should not be daunted by difficulties no greater than they met aud overoame. Industry aud economy are bound to win now, as they did after the war. While the results of last year’s opera tions have in very many cases been dis couraging, let us not lose heart, but with redoubled energy and with re newed hope let ns strive for better re sults this year. "Where there is a will, there is a way.” and if we earnestly de sire to be rid of the despotic rule of "king cotton,” we can certainly find a way to do so. I think I can see the dawn of better times coming for our farmers. With the reports of largely increased seeding of small grain; of many flour mills being erected in the state (the largest in the south, now about completed in Atlanta, which will consume 5,000 bushels of wheat and 8,000 bushels of corn daily, and will fur nish a cash market at railroad stations for grain); of packing houses being es tablished, that stand ready to purchase every fat hog and beef that we will raise, I am sure there is reason for the “faith within me” that Georgia has reached the last milestone on the downward road to poverty, and will from this point, steadily, and I hope rapidly, advance towards the goal of prosperity and independence. Do not be deceived if as planting time approaches the men who control the prices of cotton, permit it to advance a little in value. They want a large crop planted aud are even now getting anxious, because of the prospective decrease in acreage. You have been caught by this attractive bail in former years, and experience should teach you to recognize and avoid it now. Don’t forget the caution that I gave in the January letter, viz: to repel the thought, that because yonr neighbors will plant less cotton you will plant more in hope of better prices. This is most danger ous ground to take, for if generally adopted, the logical result would be an enormous crop, with still lower prices. I know that advice on this line is sel dom appreciated, but beihg a farmer of long experience, I deem it my duty to pnt the matter plainly before my brother farmers, hoping that good may result from it. If my advice given last month has been followed the fences on onr farms have been repaired; new terraces run off and old ones mended where nee essary; many compost heaps have been made; as the weather permitted, much grain has been seeded, and the prepara tion of the ground for other crops is fairly nnder way. While the season for wheat sowing is past, there is still time to plant oats, this beiug probably the best spring month for that purpose. As the period for rooting and growth of the crop be oomes shorter as the the season advances, it necessarily follows that the land seeded to oats daring this month shonld be richer, and if possible better pre pared, than land seeded in the fall. The root growth of the spring sown oats will not be as great as when seeded in the fall, therefore if a good crop is expected from the spring planting, there must be more available plant food in the soil. You also need a variety of oats that will mature quickly, and I known of none better than the "Burt.” While they do not yield as heavily as some other varieties, they mature very early and seldom rust. Do not fail to put in a good acreage in oats while there is still time to do »o, for you are likely to need them badly next summer, and yon could have no better feed for yonr work stock. In the southern part of the state corn planting shonld commence before this month expires, particularly on the rad lands of that section. These lands warm up earlier than do the gray lands, and can therefore be planted from ten days to two weeks sooner. Don’t make the mistake (so common among negro ten ants) of planting corn very close. I prefer 7 feet rows and 3 feet in.the drill, with a row of ground peas or field peas in the middles. By this plan as much or more corn will be made than by closer planting, anil aeropof peas also. What- T. B. Rice, a prominent drug gist of Greensboro, Ga., writes as follows “I have handled Dr. Pitts’ Car minative for eight years, and have never known of a single instance where it failed to give perfect sat isfaction. Parties who once use it always make permanent customers. We sell more of this article than all the other Carminatives, sooth ing syrups and colic drops com bined.” For teething children it has no equal. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Caret Pilee. Scald.. Bern*. LAWKENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1899. ever fertilizer is used for the corn should be strewn along the planting furrow— \ no fear but that the corn roots will find it. In planting ground peas in the corn middles, I advise the use of the whole ground pea, dropping one every 16 to 18 inches. Planted with the hull un broken they will take longer to come up, but in my experience you get a bet ter stand They should be planted in this way immediately after planting corn. Many, however, prefer shelling the peas, and in that case the planting shonld be done two to three weeks later. Some good farmers will doubtless differ with me ill regard to snob early planting of the above mentioned crops, but from long observation of results I am satisfied that early planting of any crop gives the heaviest yield. Great care shonld be used iu the selection of seed corn, as there is such a large amount of damaged corn this season, much of which is hard to detect with out careful examination. Many perfect looking ears have a rotten cob, with the germ of the grain discolored anil dead. Yon eaunot be too careful in this matter of selecting seed, as the en tire success of your crop depends on it. In the middle aud upper portions of the state the same general directions for planting will apply, save that the time for planting gets later and later as we go np the country, until there is fully a month's difference between the two ex tremes of the state. Wheu the moun tain section is reached ground peas would hardly be a profitable crop, and field peas shonld be substituted for them. The advice as to 7 feet rows for corn, of course, applies only to uplands. The river aud creek bottoms will bear muoh closer planting. Sugar cane should also be planted the last es this month. The ground should be deeply broken and well fertilised for this crop. If the stalks are long ent them In several pieoes. and in planting let the pieces or the whole stalks lap, for one-third of their length. By this plan yon will get a better stand. Commercial fertilizers are best for sugar cane, as stable manure heavily applied gives the syrup a dark color and an unpleasant taste. There is very lit tle profit iu making syrup to sell at 15 to 18 cents a gallon, as at present; but If greater care were used, resulting iu a fine article of syrup, and the same should be put up in half-gal lon and gallon cans, attractively la beled, I believe cane-growing could b« made very profitable. The maple syrup from the north is put up in this way, and readily sells for high prices, though not a whit better than our best cane syrup. There is great room for im provement here. Irish potatoes should be planted this month, also all hardy garden vegetables. Should a oold snap threaten after they are up, cover lightly with straw or leaves, which will afford ample protection. Don’t fail to make every effort to have a good garden, for no other ground on the farm will pay one-fourth as much on the investment as will a fertile and well-cultivated garden. It is to be hoped that you have given ample care to yonr stock of various kinds duriug the severe weather through which we have passed. A good thick bed of straw or leaves, under shelter, is as much appreciated by your stock dur ing cold and wet winter nights, as yonr own comfortable bed is by yourself. “A merciful man is merciful to his beast,” and will provide for its wants, but many of our improvident farmers will permit their cows to stand all nightln a wet lot, drawn np in fence corners, shivering with cold aud hunger, while their hogs run around squealing for warmth and shelter, which they perhaps finally find in the dust under some old onthonse. This picture is not overdrawn, but can be seen in every neighborhood in the state. There is no profit iu such treat ment of stock, and if yon can take no better care of yonr animals, yon had best sell them to some neighbor who will care for them. This mistreatment of stock is only one of the many curses brought upon ns by the all-cotton craze, and will quickly disappear, when our people learn that there are many farm products that pay better than oottou. The excessive amount of wet weather that we have had during the past three months has very much delayed the work of the plow, bnt we must not on that account become iini>utient and plow onr lands when too wet. This wonld be almost certainly fatal to the crop that follows and might diminish the productiveness of such land for sev eral years. The energetic farmer will always find plenty of work on his place requiring his attention, whether it be wet or dry, and nothing is gained by plowing the land when not in proper condition. This applies not only to the top soil, bnt the subsoil as well. The passage of the plow through either, when wet, will simply puddle the clay and render it, when dry, impervious to the roots of the growing crop. O. B Stevens, Commissioner of Agriculture. How to Find Out- Fill a bottle of common glass with your water and let it stand twenty.four hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence ol kidney trouble; too frequent desirv to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladyer are out of order. WHAT TO DO There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Koot, tne great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumaiism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder acd eve ry part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to hold watrr and scalding pain iu passing it, or bad effects following nse of liduor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being com pelled to go often during the day, and to get np many timss during the night The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a bock that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. When writing be sure and men/ion that you read thi generous offer in the Lawrenceville News-Herald. A new postofiice was established in a small village out west, and a native of the soil was appointed postmaster. After awhile com plaints were made that no mail was sent out from the new office, and an inspector was sent to in quire into the matter. He called upon the postmaster, and staling the cause of his visit, asked why no mail had been sent out. The postmaster pointed to a big nearly empty mail-bag hanging up in a corner, and said: “Well, I ain’t sent it out yet ’cause the bag ain’t nowhere nigh full yet!” To Sweeten the Ureath, Brighten the Eye, Clear the Complexion and Insure the natural Bloom of Health, use I>r. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. News-Herald and Twice-a-Week Journal $1.25 PER YEAR. Cotton Seed J’roe at a! With The Atlanta Ssml-Weskly Journal to every one sending on« doll, r for a year’s subscription. Jackson’s African l.imbless Cotton, grows 8 to 12 feet high, and is saia to produce double the quantity of ordinary cotton, ft costs nothing te try it. The seed are scarce, but The Semi-Weekly Journal has secured a quantity and offers to any one sending one dollar for a year’s subscription 500 of thest seed free. XJalmage, Spurgeon, Beecher. A collection of select sermons by these great divines sent (tee ta any one sending one dollar for a year’s subscription to Tha Ssml-Weskly Joarnal. Sam Jones' jCetters. Sam Jones writes regularly for The Atlanta Journal, and his letters ap pear in the Seml-Waakly editien. Agents 9/Jan ted Svergwhere. Jt A live agent wanted at every tewo and hamlet in the south. Liberal commissions to agents and extra inducements in the shape as attract ive prizes ta thest who tend largo lists of names. In Addition to Commissions In addition te liberal commladaM agents who sand us 100 cash sub scribers for a year before next May ist, will receive a bonus of •!•- Those sending so will receive $•. Extra fifties or hundreds hi tho tame proportion. Send the subscribers along and keep account ot tkem. The Semi-Weekly JOURNAL, Atlanta, Georgia. With every name, accom panied by $1.25 for the News- Ilerald and Semi-Weekly Journal 12 months, one pack age of the African Limbless Cotton Seed will be sent free of charge. Pay What You Oan. The Griffin News says: One of the best cures for dull times is to keep money on the move. Let all tho people who owe small bills they ean pay at any time pay them now, and let people who have the cash pay for what they buy in stead of charging it. It is astonishing how the pres ence of a sufficient quantity of cir culating medium livens up trade. Smith pays Brown, and this ena bles Brown to pay Jones, and Jones in turn pays Williams, who passes it on to Johnson, and so it passes on and on, settling one debt after another and improving the gener al condition of business. It is astonishing how many ob ligations in a community can be cancelled with a hundred dollars kept actively iu circulation and going from one another. Keep the money going on its rounds. Dou’t stop it in bank or hide it in a sock if you owe it to your neigh bor. Discovered By A Woman. Another great discovery has been made and that too, by a lady in this country. “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withrtood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death soemod im minent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s Now Dis covery for Consumption, aud was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept ail night, and with two bottles has been absolute ly cured. Her name is Mrs. Lu ther Lutz.” Thus writes *W. C Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at A, M. Winn & Son’s Drug store. Regular size 50c and $1; every bottle guaran teed • An impressionable young gen tie man in a country town recently 1 me! a charming girl whose grace and beauty took his heart by storm. While conversing with her he madei a discovery which he hoped would enable him to give at one briliiaut stroke an elegant proof of his ready wit and his boundless affec tion. Glancing at a modest band of gold that encircled her finger,he began: “Sweet damsel, I pray you present me with the ring you wear for I assure you it exactly re sembles my love for you—it has no end.” “Indeed sir,” promptly replied the maiden, “you must ex cuse me, sir, if I keep the ring, for it exactly resembles also my love for'yoo—it hue no beginning.” THE EVERETT CONCERT CRANE. j “In the entire history of piano ma ! king in America few instruments have | compelled more critical praise from the trade press and expert musical au thorities than the new scale Everett concert grand piano. It has been just ly said that this instrument marks an epoch in grand piano development. A thoroughly impartial investigation of its merits reveals a volumn and quality of tone, a most delicious touch and a thoroughness of manufacture that shows that no money has been spared to make a perfect instrument architec turally, as well as musically. For all purposes of interpretation, the Everett grand possesses the essential elements demanded by the world’s few great virtuosi. “It is safe to assertthat when this in strument is brought more prominently into public notice, as it will be in due time, it will create a virtual sensation. In these days when commercialism dominates the artistic as well as the everyday world, it is gratifying to all in sympathy with the artistic phases of the piano business to note the con sistent policy of the Everett Co. in con stanly improving their instruments, and completely remodeling their man ufactories and placing them in charge of experts for the purposes of artistic piano production of the highest order. “It is no easy task to make progress even with such creditable and com mendable objects in view, for it is la boring for tile future, so to speak, in stead of today. But for a firm like the Everett Co., who understand that suc cess is simply doing one thing well, the way is clear, the end sure. ‘Blow by blow, through eartti and rock, they will toil till a final stroke shall break through to tile crumbling quartz and lay bare the yellow ore of realization.’ Thus will success be won.” The above criticism of the Ev erett piano and the Everett Facto ries is taken from the Musical Trade Beview published in New York under date of December 17, 1898. Our New Everett piano in upright, adapted for all classes of work has not been surpassed by the magnificent grand of which the Editor writes. These instruments are now offered by the very best dealers in the south at prices which in many cases are very little in ex cess of the cheap commercial pi auos of which the couutry is now well supplied. Investigation costs but little, comparisons are very beneficial. Write us and we will tell you where you can purchase the Everett piano from your near est Dealer and at the smallest price at which the very highest grade goods made can he sold. The John Church Co., Cincinnati, New York, Chicago,99 Peachtree St,, Atlanta, Ga. GRIP’S RAVAGES DOOMED. So much misery and so many deaths have been caused by the Grip, that every one should know what a wonderful remedy for this malady is found in I)r. King’s New Discovery. That distressing stubborn cough, that inflames your throat, robs you of sleep, weakens your system and paves the wav for Consumtion is quickly stopped by this matchless cure. If you have chills and fever, pain iu the hack of the head, soreness in the bones and muscles, sore throat and that cough that grips your throat like a vice, you need Dr. King’s New Discovery to cure your Grip, and prevent Pneumonia or Consumption, Price 50 cts. and SI.OO. Money back if not cured. A trial bottle free at A. M. Winn & Son Drug Store. A Woman's Toast. A very bright little army wo man rose to the occasion well a few days, says a Washington dis patch to the New York Press, when she was one of the guests at a smart luncheon given at one ot the large hotels for some distin guished New England people. It was a large affair, and in an im promptu manner a number of toasts were given. In the midst of it the little army woman with horror heard some one say: “We have among ue the wife of an officer in the regular army, and 1 think it is only fitting that she should respond to the toast ‘The Flag. ’ ” The men applauded and the women smiled encouragement, and, trembling a little as she held up the glass of wine, the officer’s wife spoke: “I belong to a class of women to whom the flag is especially uettr and dear. All day it waves over the roof of our little homes in the far froutier, and at sundown the rustle of its folds, mingled with the notes of ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ is the lullaby of our babies. We know that it will be the winding sheet of those dearest to us. Since the word Santiago has been written in our hearts I see yet more in this flag—in its reu, the blood of our martyrs; in the white, the paleness of their ashen faces; in thp blue, the lips set with the word “Freedom,’ and in the stars the souls that will shine on forever. ” Mother’s Trusted Friend, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, Prepare the System for Confinement, Shorten babor and make Childbirth Easy. ALL OVEI! GEORGIA. ITEMS FROM OUR STATE EXCHANGES After a hotly contested fight, Macon county has gone wet by a good majority. The election oc curred Tuesday of last week. Hon. Richard D. Yow, of Ava lon, Ga., ex-representative of Franklin county, ex-state senator from the Thirty-first district, and tne wealthiest citizen of Franklin county, died last week. M. H. Henly, the Berrien coun ty man who was convicted in the United States court at Savannah for raising a $1 bill to SIOO, was sentenced to spend three years in tho United States penitentiary at Raleigh. Henly will be taken there by a deputy marshal within a day or two. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absol utely certain-:ure for croup such as One Minute Cough cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville. and Dr. Hinton of Dacuia. Esquire J. S. McCarthy, post master at Waltertown, died Tues day night of cancer after a pro longed illness. 'Squire McCarthy was one of the best known men in Ware county, and was honored and respected by all. He was a Confederate veteran and had beeu chaplain of Waycross camp. The South Georgia Baptist, a newspaper that has been published at Waycross in the interest of the colored race, has suspended publi cation. It has been running about theee years. The editor says he will pay back all money that has been paid him in advance for sub scriptions. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases These are immeditaely relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve. Beware of worthless imitations. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacuia. Mr. C. L. Mize, receiver, ap pointed about three weeks ago to take chargo of the store of R. J. Mann, of Toccoa, sold it Tuesday at public outcry. The stock wag bought by Mr. E. Schefer, of Toc coa, at 58 cents in the dollar. It is understood that the business will be in the haude of Mr. Maun in the future. In a letter from Sergeant Chas. D. Hale, of the Third Georgia reg iment, under date of January 23d, he stated that Captain A. J. Burr, of Griffin, had tendered his resig nation and that he was making preparations to go to Havana be fore leaving the island for the states. The company, he stated, was very sad over the resignation of their beloved captain. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds and throat troubles leads rapidly to Consumption, A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a largo amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like it. Bagwell Btob. of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacula. Judge Candler is bringing his millitary experience as colonel of the Third Georgia to bear upon the sessions of his court. He re quires absolute punctuality on the part of bar and witnesses, aud threw out a case in Cobb county because the lawyers were not in their places when the case was called. They arrived a minute and a half later. He also imposes fines that are convincing in their severeity. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suffered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt’s Witch Hazel Halve. It heals injuries aud skin diseases like magic. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrencevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. Marietta Journal: An item ap peared in the Atlanta Journal Sat urday giving the name of a gentle man supposed to be the oldest liv ing graduate of the state universi ty —the date of graduation giv en being 1827. We have in Mari etta Rev. John J. Hunt, who grad uated at the state university in 1825. Hon. Moses Waddell was president Mr. Hunt was made deacon in Ht. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Charleston, S. C., Jan. 2, 1885, and ordained priest Nov. 25, 1886. Mrs, Nancy Hitchcock. Stanfordville, Ga„ writes: My husband Elde D. S. Hitchcock, used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine for ludigeetion, and think its medicicai properties far ex ceed Zeilin’s Regulator and Black Draught. News-Herald Journal, j Only $1.25. VOL. vi.— no to A Georgia nursery shipped re cently $2,000 worth of fruit trees to South Africa. 120 car loads of cattle have been shipped from Dodge county during the past twelve months. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine by expelling from the body the excess of Bile and Acids,lmproves the Assim ilative Processes, Pnrifies the Blood, Tones up and Strengthens. After two years of negotiations Point Park, on Lookout Mountain, has been transferred to the gov ernment to be included in the mil itary park. There is a small epidemic of a mild form of measles prevalent in Macon now. Physicians say, how ever, that there is not the least danger in the type of the disease, as only one or two of those affect ed have had to go to bed with it. A Sluggish Liver causes Drowsiness, Lethargy and a feeling of Apathy. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine arouses the Liver, and cheerful energy succeeds sluggishness. The damage suit of Mrs. Lizzie B. Combs of Ringgold against the Western and Atlantic Railroad brought in Cobb Superior Court for SIO,OOO, has beeu settled by the payment of $2,500. Her hus band was a brakeman, and was killed at Marietta about a year ago. Coughing injures and inflames sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, allays cough ing aud heals quickly. The best cough cure for children. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrencev Dr. Hinton, of Dacuia. Marietta Journal: On last Sat urday Charley Mathis, a nephew of Mr. J. T. Mathis, took his gun aud started rabbit hunting. While in Mr. Sam Burton’s yard he hand ed his gun to Lawrence Burton. The gun was cocked. Young Math is engaged in snow-balling and some one struck him in the back. By some means the gun was acci dentally discharged, the load en tering Mathis’ left arm about the elbow, teiring it to pieces. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it, Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sheperd, Publisher Agricultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden. Mo., says: “No one will be disap pointed in using one Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe.” Pleasant to take, quick to act. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacuia. The first regular court held by Hon. J. W. Bennett, the new judge of the Brunswick circuit, will be held in Appling county in March. Before that time the official ste nographer will be appointed and this position, the only one in the gift of the new judge, will doubt less be tendered Mr. David Gale. The appointment will no doubt be accepted, and it is well understood that it will be equally as satisfac tory to the attorneys of the Bruns wick circuit as it will be to the court. Mr. Gale has been associ ated with the firm of Brantley & Bennet since their existence. Mr. S. A. Frackler, Editor of the Micanopy (Fla,) Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It act ed quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting effects. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrencevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacnla. Columbus Enquirer-Sun: There is no good reason why Georgia should not have a great many more canning establishments than she now has. Vegetables and fruits grow in all sections of the state in the utmost profusion, and if canneries were established in different localities, farmers would be induced to grow fruits and veg etables on a more extensive scale. Little Rhode Island is building a new state house at Providence, and it is to bo a splendid specimen of architecture. Its dome will be au exact model of the dome of the famous and beautiful Taj Mahal, at Agra, India, aud it is to be built, like that grandest of archi tectual triumphs, wholly of beau tiful white marble —and, what is of still more interest, of Georgia marble. In fact, the entire build ing, both superstructure and dome, is to be of Georgia marble. With the single exception of the Taj Mahal’s marble roof, the dome of Rhode Island’s new capitol build ing will be the largest dome built wholly of marble in the world. It will be the only one of any impor tance in this country.