The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, February 17, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald Constitution, I 12 iMloaatiie--$1.25. | [ Consolidated Jan. \, 1898. thk ’•asssssTiys NKWB, s “Pitts’ Carminative Saved My Baby’s Life •" Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too strongly, as 1 owe my baby's life to it. She had Cholera Infantum when five months old, and I could get no relief until I began using Pitt’s Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles, and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. It Saved Her Baby-Will Save Youra. . . . .TRY 1T.... Four items In which we offer “Special Bargains” oFr the next thirty days 4 Clothing, iHats, tShoes, Shirts. Rutledge & Glower. SALE!*- For the next 30 days we offer our entire stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, Shoes and Hats at a discount of 33 1 -3 per cent. We have bought an immense stock of Spring and Summer goods, and must have room for them. See these prices : Suits that sold for $ 1 5 to $22.50, are J j A now offered at your choice at All of our $lO to $1 5 Suits are now J 7 Rfl offered at choice for * All of our $6 to $lO Suits are now JR AA offered choice for All of our 50c to 75c Dress Goods 37C now going at Henriettas and Cashmeres that sold tQ <Xi for 25c to 37c now go at Take advantage of this sale and make your dollar do double duty. J. P. BYRD & CO. LAWRENCEVILLE CITY SCHOOL, Thoroughly graded. No irregular pupils. Tuition luust ■ be paid in advance. Regular attendance of pupils is re quired. All friends and patrons are urged to visit the school. Spring term, January 2nd—June 4th. Catalogues JAS. A, BAGWELL, Superintendent. No Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. A. WATKINS, Blacksmith, Machinist and Woodworkman, Lawrenceville, Ga. Repairing of all kinds. With two forges, and mechan ics with a thorough knowledge of their business, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in Iron and Wood on short notice. We have a machine for sharpening gin saws, a cutter and threader for working over iron pipe and boiler fittings, and can save you money on jobs of this kind. Old wagons, buggies, carriages, etc., made good as new. Horse shoeing a specialty. Give us a call—satisfaction guaranteed. At the old stand east of Cornett’s livery stable. THE NEWS-HERALD. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY RULES GOVERNING THIS BODY IN ITS EFFORT TO STAMP OUT INSECT PESTS. NEW REQUIREMENTS IN FULL Laws and ICrgulutions That Are of Supremo Importance to Every Fruit Man la Georgia. Rules and Regulations For the Govern ment of the State Entomologist In the Enforcement of the Act of the General Assembly of Georgia Provid ing for the Control and Eradication of Insect Pests and Fungous Diseases Which Threaten the Fruit and Other Agricultural Interests of the State, and For the Prevention of the Intro duction of Dangerously Injurious Crop Pests From Without the State. Adopted Jan. 18, 1899. In pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, ap proved Dec. 20, 1898, amendatory to an act of Assembly approved Dec. 21, 1897, creating a Board of Entomology, and au thorizing and directing the same to take action for the suppression of certain hereinafter defined injurious ineects and fungous diseases, and for the prevention of the further introduction, increase and dissemination of the same; the follow ing rules and regulations are hereby enacted and promulgated: 1. In accordance with section 11 of said act, the following insects, fungous diseases and parasitic plants are hereby declared individually and severally, to constitute infestation in trees and plants; this list to be revised at the will of the Board of Entomology: List of dangerously injurious insects, fungous diseases and parasitic plant: The San Jose Scale (Aspidiotus per niciosus). The New Peach Scale ( Diaspia amyg• tiali). The Cabbage Wob Worm ( Ilellula undalis). Black Knot (Plowrightia morbosa). Peach Yellow's. • Peach and Plum Rosette. Mistletoe (Phorodendron flavescens) — parasite. 2. The State Entomologist is hereby charged with the enforcement of the said act, and as Inspector is directed to lo cate by personal investigation, corres pondence and in such other manner as he may deem best, the above named pests so far as they exist in this state, and give proper directions, and take snch steps in accordance with the above cited act as he may deem necessary to con trol or eradicate the same. 8 In accordance with section 6of the above cited act, the State Entomologist is hereby endoiv6d with power to condemn and destroy any infested trees, shrubs or other plants that in his judgment are not worthy of remedial treatment, when such infestation is, or is likely tobecome a menace to the agricultural interests of any section of the state, or when the owner or owners of infested premises shall refuse or neglect to properly exe cute the treatment prescribed by him. 4. Any trees, shrubs or other plants, commonly known as nursery stock, shipped within the State of Georgia, without each box, bundle or package in every car load, or less than car load lot, being plainly labeled with an Offioial Entomologist's certificate, to the effect that the contents of the same have been inspected aud found to meet the require ments of the Board of Entomology, in accordance with section 10 of the act cited above, shall he liable to confisca tion upon the order of the Inspector. 5. Each aud every box, bundle or package of trees, shrubs and other plants commonly known as nursery stock, shipped in car load lots, or less than car load lots, into the State of Georgia from any other state or coun try, shall be plainly labeled with a cer tificate of inspection furnished by the Entomologist, Frnit Inspector, or other duly authorized official in the state or country in which said stock was grown, and also with the official tag of the Geor gia State Board of Entomology, herein after provided for; said certificate and tag to be valid for only 12 months from the date they bear, in accordance with sec tions 9 and 13 of the act cited above. Snch shipments not so labeled shall be liable to confiscation upon the order of the Inspector. fi. Upon the filing of the proper certi ficate as above prescribed in accordance with section 13 of said act, and upon re quest of any person or persons residing in states or countries outside of the State of Georgia, dealing in or handling trees, shrnbs or other plants in this state, the certificate of the State Board of Entomology will be issued to the game without charge, and official tags bearing a sac simile copy of such certifi cate, and the seal of the said Board, will be furnished such applicants »t oost, viz: BO cents for the first 100 or pari thereof and 26 cents for each additional 100. 7. No transportation company or com mon carrier, shall deliver any box, bun dle or paokage of trees, shrubs or other plants commonly . known as nursery stock, shipped from any other state or oountry-to any consignee at any station in the State of Georgia, nnleßs each snob box, bundle or package is plainly la beled with a certificate of inspection furnished by the Official Entomologist of the state or country in which said stook T. B. Rice, a prominent drug gist of Greensboro, Ga., writes as follows ■ , “I have handled Dr. Pitts Car minative for eight years, and have never known of a single instance where it failed to give perfect sat isfaction. Parties who once use it always make permanent customers. We sell more of this article than all the other Carminatives, sooth ing syrups and colic drops com bined.” For teething children it has no equal. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, burns. LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1899. was grown, and also with tho official tag of the Georgia State Board of Ento mology, hereintofore provided for. Snch shipments of the nature designated above originating in the State of Geor gia, need only have the certificate of the State Entomologist, and unless his cer tificate is attached to every box, bundle or package, of trees, etc., they shall not be accepted for transportation. 8. Transportation companies shall im mediately notify the State Entomologist (Atlauta, Ga.), when by oversight, neg ligence or otherwise, any shipment of uncertified nursery stock is reoeived at any station or wharf in the state, and it shall t>e his duty to proceed as speed ily as possible to investigate and dispose of such stock as provided for in the act cited above. 0. The State Entomologist shall have power to require any nurseryman of tha state to fumigate his stock with hydro cyanic acid gas, when in his judgment, the presence of any pest in the nursery or in the neighborhood of the nursery warrants such treatment for the better protection of the agricultural interests of the state. Upon the failure of any individual, firm, or corporation to com ply with this requirement, the State En tomologist is hereby authorized to with hold his cirtificate from the same. 10. Th. State Entomologist is hereby authorized to publish in the form of bulletins, reports, or through the press of the state, any matter pertaining to the distribution, life-history, habits, and treatment of insect pests and fun gous diseases, or other matter that may be instructive, or aid iu the suppression of snch pests. U. The Board of Entomology may ap point temporary il-puty inspectors when it appears to bo necessary to as sist the Entomologist in the enforcement of the act cited above, and such deputy inspectors shall have full power to enter on premises and inspect and report to the State Entomologist. 12. Appeals from the decision of the Entomologist should be addressed to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga., who shall notify the appellant of the time and place of hearing such ap peal. 18. All inquiries relative to the pro visions of the above cited act and the subject matter of the same, should be addressed to the State Entomologist, Capitol building, Atlanta, Ga. O. B. Stevens, Commissioner of Agri culture, Chairman. P. J. Berckmans, President of State Horticultural Society. J. Pope Brown, President of State Agricultural Society. Board of Entomology. • Iu order to bring the requirements of the law and these rules and regulations before interested parties, the following circulars were issued and sent out: Circular No. 1. Jan. 18th, ’99. To Nurserymen and Flnrists of tha State of Georgia: Your attention is called to sections 13 and 10 of the Act of the General Assem bly of Georgia, creating a Board of En tomology, approved Dec 20, 1898, which sections read as follows: * Section 12. Be it further enacted that any person or persons residing in the State of Georgia, dealing iu or handling trees, etc., shall be compelled to have his or her stock inspected annually, on or before Nov. lof each year. If upon such inspection, such stock is found to conform to the requirements of the Board of Control, the Inspector shall fur nish a certificate to that effect, and any such person or persons making a ship ment before the filing of such certificate with the Chairman of the Board of Con trol, shall be gnilty of a misdemeanor Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any grower, nurseryman, or corporation, to ship withiu the State of Georgia any trees, shrubs, cuttings, vines, bolbs or roots, without having been previously inspected by either a State or Experi ment Station Entomologist, or Govern ment Officer, within 13 months of the date of said shipment, and certificate of inspection to accompany each box or package. Violation of this clause will be considered as a misdemeanor and punished as such. Attention is also directed to rule 4 of the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Entomology, Jan. 18, 1899, which rule reads as follows: Rule 4. Any trees, shrubs, or other plants commonly known as nursery stock, shipped within the State of Geor gia, without each box, bundle or package in each car load or less than car load lot, being plainly labeled with an Official Entomologist’s certificate to the effect that the contents of the same have been inspected and found to meet with the requirements of the Board of Entomol ogy, in accordance with seotion 10 of the act cited above, shall be liable to confis cation upon the order of the inspector. immediate compliance with these re quirements must be enforced, and we trust that we shall have yonr hearty co-operation. O. B. Stucvens, Chairman of the Board. Women Should Know It- Many women suffer untold agony and misery becuuse the nature of their disease is not correctly undeistood. They have been led to believe that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort is respon sible for the many ills that beset woman kind. Neguralgia, nerveousness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, rheu matism, a dragging pain or dull ache in the back, weakness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or scanty supply of urine with strong odor, frequent desire to pass it with scalding and burning sensa tion, sediment in it after standing in Dot tle or common glass for twenty-four hours, are signs of kidney and bladder; trouble. The above symptons are often attribut ed by the patient herself or by her physi cian to female weakness or womb trouble Hence so msny fail to obtain relief, be cause they are treating not the disease itself but a reflection of the primary cause, which is kidney trouble. In fact women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trou ble and both need the same remedy. I)r. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is the great discovery of the emineut kidney and blad der specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar. To prove its wonderfuf merits you may | have a sample bottle and book telling all I about it both sent absolutely free by mail ! Kindly rnentionJTheUf.awrenc evjll News- I Herald and send address to Dr Kilmer & j Co. Binghamton, N. Y. It is customary in China to con* i giatulate a fat man because it is j taken for granted that he must be ' rich. THE CHRONICLES OF CECItSIA. From the DeKalb New Era And the ancient expert said un to the modern tyro: My son, for many yenrs the gov ernor’s office has been sore pressed to make buckle aud tongue meet. And many have been the shifts to which they of the kitchen cabi net have been put to carry along the deficit from one year till the shekels come in from next year’s gathering of the tribute. Now do thou let Allen, The Plowboy, send messengers before his face to them of the rulers and elders of the people that jower 50 days every year ut SI4OO a jower. And let Allen send writings by his messengers saying unto the jowerers : Lo the governor sayeth, even Al len The Plowboy doth give you to wit, that the buckle will not buck le aud there is no more room to bore another hole. Selah. Theu said the young man unto the sage: And how, Oh paterfam ilias, does this let me onto a snap or how doth it hit any biff unto Bill, whoge surname I misscalled Kit with offensive prefix ? And tho old man wuuk his eye and said, Go to. Dost thou sup pose anybody will stop to think of this, and canst thou not create a miration in the paper ? And the youth got onto the curve and said, Verily, Dad, thou art a bute. Selah. And after some days were passed and the council of the rulers and elders from the uttermost parts of the land were gathered together and had jollied each other a long time in the Kimball house rotun da, and had finished handing round the solicit! rship, pie and the judgeship cakes for tho last time and Allen had been duly anuoint ed governor; that Allen sent a message unto the boys who wore assembled together in the great hall. And Allen said untc the hoys, Lo the spondulix are out. There are many things to be paid even ns the same have been ordered by the assembly of the elders and the wherewithal is lacking. Neither is it in sight. Lo, ye must squander less mon ey and find some new trick to raise more wind or the exchequer will bo in the soup. And the next day tho paper came out with scareheads even an inch and a half in length. And while it did not say so in plain terms it was understood to mean that Bill, whose surname was Atkinson, had been a very wasteful governor. And Bill’s withers were not un wrung thereby, but he did wince, even as the galled jade winceth. And for all that was known per haps he needed to wince, but Bill had not been any worse than the rest. But Bill, whose surname was At kinson, was ever a belligerent cubs and failed not to hit back. So much so that Bill himself wrote a message and went over all the figures and did completely prove that two and two are sixteen, arithmetics to the contrary not withstanding. And Bill’s message was printed in the papers, but it wub too long and nobody read it but the boys. And Clark, whose surname was ap Howell, did chuckle with glae and said something about his ad versary writing a book. And Clark did cause his hench men to prod Bill full sore about his post mortem message, And Clark did holler so loud about spending less money and re ducing the tribute that many there were who really believed he meant it. And thej'e were in those days guileloss and unsophisticated peo ple who really expected the rulers and the elders to give relief. Se lah. But verily they did not get on to the game. And the elders and the rulers counselled together as to where they could make a cut. And one malcontent said unto the orthodox, Lo, my brethren, go to. Is it not clear that ten per j cent, off all round will square the: game ? I say unto you, therefore, let us begin at the top and cut ten per cent, off of the governor’s soap,and go down even to the bottom and cut ten per cent, off of everything, and the game will be square. And the name of this sinner was Watkins, and he dwelt in the mountains of Gilmer. And, therefore, great clamor arose, and some said he was fool and some called him a Marplot, and there were those who said he was uo better than a pop. But Clark, who was also ap How ell, wrote in the big paper and said, verily, he is a Demagogue! And he spelt it with a very large I). And Clark said, know ye not that if ye took off, not ten, but 100 per cent., of all tbe salaries there would still not he enough to cash the chips? And some said, Yea, Boss, verily but we can begin 1 But Clark and all his henchmen did cry out with loud yells and ‘said, Away with him I so much so that those who favored beginning with the office holders could not so much as be heard. And after the space of mime days tho rulers and elders said, Let us take a little bit from the school children, so that the people mav he appeased. And this they did, and increased all the extravagance, and fixed a rate for the tribute that would not meet the emergency. And thereupon they went home and Clark said, It is well 1 And he said to himself, I have left Bill to bear the brunt. But Bill, whose surname was At kinson, hied him to his home,even to Coweta, and said, All things comes to hnn who waits. Let us abide even unto the next meeting of the assembly and see if the buckle and tongue ain’t fur ther apart. Selah. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Tho best Salve in the world for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively suros Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis jactiou or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. M. Winn & Son Lawrenceville, Ga. The Weather Man. Well, yes, I must confess That I’m no less A personage than The weather maul Weather j Is a thing that cares not whether You like the feather j 111 its plume or not; You’ve got To accept it, hot Or cold, And all your gold Will not prevail against it. Old Man Jupiter Is on to his biz, And when he wants to whiz He whizzes, Or sizzes, Or busies Himself in other ways, Constructing hot nights and cold days, And plays Thunder with a big T! But he Can’t fool me — More than a few times a day, Anyway, I get gay And predict rain, And watch in vain, And pain, Till it —snows ! Then it goes And overthrows My prediction of a snow storm By turning warm In great form 1 1 tip A blizzard to come and nip Us, and every clip It catches a case Of spring fever, and in place Of icicles we have a vase Or two full of roses, And old Sol poses, And up goes his Mercury ! And then me, Standing there to see What his next move will be, Get hit By the cold wave. I knit My eyebrows over in a fit Of inspiration, just as I Have called for clear sky And balmy weather! By The eternal, This infernal, Goldarned, supernal, Sort of contrariness That makes me guess Always wrong, is little less Than treason I The reason Men have lost faith iti me this Season is because I Lie! That is why They insist That I desist Altogether, and resist All tempation that smaks Of almanacs It lacks In justice And mercy, Aud— There comes auothei fool cyclone! . —Kufus McClain Fields. ALL OVER GEORGIA. ITEMS FROM OUR STATE EXCHANGES The last payment for stock in the Bank of Adairsville has been made, and the money is now on de posit. The lot has been purchased from A. M. Cox. Ed Warren, a brakemnn on the Central of Georgia railroad, while coupling cars at Carrollton, was caught and so badly injured that he lived only a few hours. John W. Brocke, a member of the Southern railway bridge gang, fell between the cars at Attnlla and w r as instantly killed. His body was cut in half. He made a mis step in the dark. Paul Berry, of Columbus, Ga. suffered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt’s Witch Ifazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrencevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. At a meeting of the directors of the Brunswick Publishing Compa ny at Brunswick recenty, the lease of tho Brunswick Times, newspa per plant, job office and all con nections, to Clarence W. Brantley and C. W. Demming was approved and ordered signed. Judge Fite, in Bartow Superior court at Cartersville, has directed a verdict against the Southern Express Company for selling and furnishing liquor in a dry county. This case grew outof the jug trade. The case will he appealed to the Supreme court. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases These are immeditaely relieved and quickly cured by De Witt’s Witch Haxol Salve. Beware of worthless imitations. Bagwell ' Broß. of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. Americus Times-Reoorder: The Consolidated election returns in Macon county show a majority of 852 votes for the sale of whiskey in the recent election there. Mon tezuma and Oglethorpe are now tho only towns on the Central railroad between Macon aud Al bany where liquor can be bought, barring the blind tiger article sold in Americus. Darien Gazette: A settlement has been reached between the Darien and Sapelo Towboat Com pany and the British steamer Gar ton. The amo nt paid the tow boat company was $0,625. The Garton is tho steamer which went ashore on the north breakers on Jan. 12. This is probably the largest salvage ever paid on the southerg coast. We heartily con gratulate the company on a satis factory settlement without going to the courts. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it, Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J, Sheperd, Publisher Agricultural Journal and Advertiser, Eldeu. Mo., says: “No one will be disap pointed in using one Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe.” Pleasant to take, quick to act. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. The next annual convention of the Travelers’ Protective Associa tion of Georgia will be held in Augusta. April 18 and 14 have been selected as the dates by Post E of Augusta, and it is more than probable that these dates will be confirmed by the state board of directors. This will be the first time that the new organization lias ever met in state convention in Augusta, and the local post will exert itself to make the event a memorable one. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds aud throat troubles loads rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a lurge amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like it. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacula. Sunday night Deputy Sheriff Hugh Keber, armed with a war rant and a posse, made a raid on the house of Mrs. Dora Billwillor, at Mt. Airy, to arrest a young man who is said to have been hid ing there for several months. He was found above the ceiling, where he entered by means ot a hole prepared for this purpose, but made his escape bafefooted, and, some say, in woman’s attire. In the back yard he encountered oue of the posse, with whom several shots were exchanged. To Sweeten the Breath, Brighten the Eye, Clear the Complexiou and Insure the natural Bloom of Health, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. News-Herald l*"i Journal, w Stv, I Only $1.25. VOL. VI.-NO 17 Greensboro News: We havn’t seen a sack of guano yet. It looks strange, but perhaps the farmers are coming to their senses. It has been so for two years that the renters could not pay their rent and guano bills, with the price that cotton was bringing. It would be a blessed thing to this country if another pound of com mercial fertilizer was never sold. The farmers would then spend these wet winters saving home made manure and compost. Mr, S. A. Frackler, Editor of theMicanopy (Fla,) Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It act ed quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting effects. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrencevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacnla. A large meeting of citizens was held at Home Saturday and after several speeches hv prominent men an organization was formed to be known as the Citizens’ Club. Three hundred and eighty-seven white voters were enrolled as mem bers. Fx-Mayor S. S. King was chosen as president; J. D. Hanks, vice president, and Aimer Davis secretary. Resolutions were passed that no member of the club would vote for any candidate who ran in the so-called Democratic primary. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand-a safe and absol utely certain nre for croup such as One Minute Cough cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville. and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. An attempt to murder Sol Har den, a negro man 90 years old, was made last, Tuesday night on Mr. B. F. Hutchinson’s place, about six mileß east of Quitman, by shooting him at his house. Three negroes stole a cow from Sol, but for the want of positive proof the grand jury failed to find a true bill against them, which omboldened them to make an at tempt on the old negro’s life. Several buck-shot entered his thigh, hip and body. The sheriff has arrested one of the negroes. i)r. M. A. Simmons Diver Medicine by expelling from the body the excess of Hile and Acids, Improves the Assim ilative Processes, rarities the Blood, Tones up and Strengthens. Hon. Thos. E. Watson has en tered the field of literature and added fresh laurels to those he had already won on the stump and in the courtroom. His “Story of France” haß made quite a sen sation in literary circles, and is spoken of in eulogistio terms by reviewers. Mr. Watson had some thing to say, and has said it in such a way as to attract general attention. Mrs, Nancy Hitchcock. Stanfordville <ia„ writes: My husband Elde D. S. Hitchcock, used Dr. M. A. Simmons I.iver Medicine for iudigestion, and think its medicinal properties far ex ceed Zeilin’s Kegulator and Black • Draught. Senator Bacon, of Georgia, will be the Democratic leader in the senate in place of Senator Gor man, who will step down and out after the 4th of March. He is one of the ablest statesmen In that body, and assumes the leadership of his party by right of preemi nence. Mother’s Trusted Friend, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, Prepare the System for Confinement, Shorten l.abor and make Childbirth Easy. Probably within the next two weeks nearly all of the army wag ons that need repairing and stock • hat need attention will be concen trated at Savannah. The work of preparing the expensive army cor ral that will be located here was begun in earnest today. All of the lumber loft on the deserted camp grounds at Savannah has been moved to the site of the new corral and will be used-in putting up kitchens, mess halls, stables, blacksmith ehopr, etc. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than A. M. Winn & Son who spare no pains to secure the best of every thing in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is produc ing such a furor all over the coun try by its mauy startling cures. ! It absolutely cures Asthma, Bron chits, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Luugs. Call at the above drug storo and ; get a trial bottle free, or a regular size for 60c and sl. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.