The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 03, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald [anL Constitution, I 12 $1.25. tub OWIHNETT HKRALI), ) thk Consolidated Jan. 1,1898. Kstubllahed in 1893. ) NEW SHOP. Bring me your — Wagons, Buggies. Carriages, Bicycles,. Guns, Pistols. And all repair work ot any description. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. 4~ All work guaranteed, and done on short notice. Give me a call and be con vinced. Respectfully, c.c.wall. Crogan St., next to Oakes’ livery stable, Lawrenceville, Ga. COWETA FERTILIZER COMPANY. A X XO UNCICM IvNT WW* Cf A OCVD GENERAL AGENT . 111. SaSSIiK, FOR THIS SECTION. FOR 1800. With the opening of the new year, we desire to call the atten tion of our farmer friends to the undiminished popularity and the excellence of the various brands of fertilizers manufactured by our company, as evidenced by the following comparative statement for the past five years, to-wit: In 1893-94 we sold 6,000 tons; in 1894-95 we sold 7,500 tons; in 1895-96 we sold 9,400 tons; in 1896-97 we sold 12,000 tons; and in 1897-98 we sold 14,100 tons. This appears to be pretty good evidence that our fertilizers have given satisfactiom to our patrons; and it is peculiarly grati fying to know that this satisfaction has been most complete where our fertilizers have been used in competition and alongside of other brands. Our fertilizers are absolutely free from worthless adulter ants. We furnish more plant-food for the money than any other fer tilizer conoern whose goods are offered for sale in Georgia. We deal with the farmers direct, through reputable agents. Our company does not belong to the Guano Trust. We are free and independent, and expect to hold, aloof from all entangling alliances. No combina tion will be allowed to dictate to us the prices we may see fit to charge the consumer. Our dealings are open and fair, and we stake our reputation on the quality of the goods manufactured and offered to the public. ■Do us the kindness to examine carefully the official analyses of the State Chemist- printed below. These analyses were made from samples drawn by State inspectors after the goods had been shipped from the factory, and are officially certified. Read the official analyses, accord to us such merit as we deserve, and then give us your trade. Available BRANJ>W | Phos.Acid Ammonia | Potash. W. 0. C. (A Pure Blood Guano.) H 52 268 8 41 Georgia official analysis for 18915-4 10 SSB 8 42 4 42 Georgia official analysis for 1804-5 1090 3 88 2 153 Georgia official analysis for 1895-0 n qq 8 41 3 07 Georgia official analysis for 18J0-f.... jj g 3 305 260 Georgia official analysis tor 1801-8. . .. • . COWETA HIGHGRADE FERTILIZER. 8 05 245 Georgia official analysis tor i»9o-±. . 10 q 7 2 87 2 84 Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 jQgg 2 80 2 59 Georgia official analysis for 1890-0 11 ‘>3 2 59 2 29 Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 •' 9 « 9 23 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8. . . ' ’ CCWETA ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZER. , 994 2 15 2 14 Georgia official analysis for 1898-4 jj gg 2 65 8 80 Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 11 70 2 44 2 01 Georgia official analysis for 1895-6 Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 „ a 9 7c, 0 «i Georgia official analysis for 1893-8. ........ ••••„••• ’ ’ 1228 “** AURORA AMMONIATftD PHOSPHO. K)fi2 201 220 Georgia official analysis for 1888-4 10 07 2 50 2 40 Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 1135 2 oj 2 77 Georgia official aualyßis for 1895-0 1116 2 ~>4 2 59 Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 ..\- 7 9 JU. 7 74 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 • • • • • A. A. P., (Bone, with Ammonia and Potash.) , Georgia official analysis for 1893-4 Jrfg 133 2 08 Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 • - 74 1 «« Georgia official analysis for 1895-6 . -• „ 9 in Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 • ’ 9 01 *1 33 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 ■ ILB ° ‘ U 1 COWETA HIGH-GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE. Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 Georgia official analysis for 1895-6 Jt. Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 ,7 <7 I Georgia official analysis for 1897-8.. COWETA DISSOLVED BONE AND POTASH. Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 * 12.3 b - Georgia official analysis for 1895-6 14-°f 9 m Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 • -• % 4 .) Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 __ •••• ■ 14.15 • “18 X 4” DISSOLVED BONE AND POIASH. Guaranted analysis for 1897-8 14.44 ■ • These goods for sale in Lawrenceville by myself, J. P. Byrd & Co., the Evans-Coop er Co., at Trip by H. A. Nix, at Loganville by J. R. Wilson, at Gloster by W. T. Miller, and at Luxomni by Samp Garner. Give us your order, and we will guarantee satisfaction. W. M. SASSER, Globe Warehouse. Lawrenceville, Ga. THE NEWS-HERALD. “PHts’ Carminative Saved My Baby'e Life.” Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. LAMAR k RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too strongly, as I owe my baby's life to it. She had Cholera lofantu® when five months old, and 1 could get no relief until I began using Pitr s Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottle*, and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. 1 advue all mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. It Saved Her Baby-Will Sava Youra. ... .TRY IT. ... OF LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH R, 1899. From the Wire grass Section. Bkoxton, Ga., Feb., 20, 1899. Editor Nkws-Herald : As quite a number of friends have asked me to write a few lines from the wiregrass region, I concluded to ask space in your valuable columns to comply with their wishes. On short notice I was asked to accept a position as principal of the school at this place. With hardly time to turu round, I was on my way, and a ride of about eight hours landed me at Hazlo hurst, a distance of about 200 miles from Atlanta, thence a drive of 26 miles westward lauded me at the above place. Its useless to say that the long-bodied pines, the wire grass, scrub palmett.oes, cy press swamps and slash ponds were new to me, since all who are acquainted with the writer are aware that he never went from home before. The longest slash we found was not over one half of a mile, not much less. The people here are hospitable—like old times—and cause one to turn back in mind to historic times of long ago. Farm products here are, sea island cotton, bringing 10 to 14c; CUT PRICES FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY NEWS-HERALD and TWICE-A-WEEK JOURNAL $U 0 NEWS-HERALD & WEEKLY CONSTITUTION Sl.lO NEWS HERALD AND SUNNY SOUTH SI .75. These Rates Good Only During the Two Weeks of Court. LOOKING BACKWARD. Items Gleaned From Gwinnett’s Court Record 79 Years Ago. The old record of the Inferior Court of Gwinuett caunty is an interesting book. Its time-worn pages contain the names of Gwinnett’s pioneers, who served 08 officers and jurors sos the county in its earliest days. The Record begins with the May term of Inferior Court in the year 1820, and continues to the June term, 1882. *** Tins. A. Dobbs was Clerk of the first court. William Blake was Sheriff in 1820 and James Lough ridge was his deputy. At the June term, 1820, the fol lowing jurors were empaneled and sworn, to-wit: * 1. Daniel Harris. 2. Henry Mathews. 8. George Brogdon. 4. Wm.Tumlin. 5. John Gaddis, Jr. 6. Samuel Baker. 7. Gaderell Pierce. 8. Benjamin Baker. 9. Isaac Towers, Sr. 10. Benton Abbott. 11. Obadi&h Gluago. 12. Willis Rawiand. One of the cases disposed of at this term was as follows: Benj’m. Merrill j It appearing to the vs. / Court that a negro Joseph Hughey ) boy has been levied on by notice of the above stated attach-1 meet, the property of defendant, and whereas it conies under the denomina tion of perishable property, it is or dered by the Court that the Sheriff proceed to sell the same and deposit the proceeds in the Clerk’s office sub ject to the further order of the Court. ♦ . * * The luferior Court Deo. 10,1821, was presided over by five Judges, to-wit: Wrn. Green, Thos. Monk, Jas. Morgan, H. P. Greenwood and Edmond Strange. Order No. 86, of December term, oats, bringing 20c pdb hundred in the straw; hay, worth 75c per hundred; rice, coru, potatoes. The cotton grows from five to ten feet high. It seems strange to see the boys climbing the cotton stalks to get the staple, but such is the case. We have no hills like the up country; no rocks, no red soil, and creeks flow along low swampy places through the piney woods and cypress swamps. Feeding along the road side may be seen flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, -and slim, piney woods rooters, as they call them. One man who ran a two-horse crop last season told mo he made over one thousand dollars worth of products. Of course he did not sell it all, for people live princi pally at home here. For fear this paper-should find its way to the trash basket, I must stop, but must say the blizzard struck us about 4 o’clock p. m., Sunday 12th, mst. It sleeted at first, and about 7 o’clock the soft snow came, which continued until we had about four inches. The temperature registered 2 deg. be low zero. Rabbits froze to death in their beds. The third day we had a heavy rain and the snow 1821, reads as follows: “Ordered by the Court that Wni. Towers re ceive out of the county funds the sum of S2B for laying off the lots in the town of Lawreneeville.” * * * - June term, 1822. Elisha Winn vs. George Reid and James Lough ridge- We, the Jury, find for the plaintiff the sum of S2OO, with in terest and cost of suit. Jas. Hamilton, Foreman. * * * The first jail in Gwinnett coun ty was built by John Cupp, and by order of the court in January, 1822, he was paid the sum of $450 there for. *** Wm. Maltbie was Clerk of the Inferior Court in 1821. by order of the Court, June, 1822, John Cupp was paid $48.75 for cleaning the public square and well. » * * Order No. 79 of the December term, 1822, reads as follows: “Or dered, that the Clerk of this Court be authorized to contract with the County Surveyor or some other fit and proper person to lay out and plainly mark off 10 acres of land on the hill northeast of the pres ent plan of the town of Lawrence ville, and that the same be set apart and reservod for the seat of the county Academy.” Not one child dies where ten former ly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Minute Cougli Cure .and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops coughing. It never fails. Kagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and l>r, Hinton, of Oacula. Whitefield’s famous tabernacle, in Tottenham Court road, Loudon, is being rebuilt for the third time. disappeared. » T lease excuse my prolonged monotony, and I will end it for the present. Respectfully, Jno. A. Mkwborn. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D: •‘Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Cousump tion. Four doctors gave me up saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery forCoii sumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial—took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and I thank God I am saved and now j a well and healthy woman.” Trial .bottles free at A. M. Winn & Son’s Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1 Guaranteed or price refunded. The guiuu pig grows more quick ly than any other quadrupe !. It is fully grown when six weeks old, and begins to bear young at two months. No other medicine builds up and for tifies the system against, miscarriage as well as Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Another Letter From Cabs. Bakacoa, Cuba, Jan. 21, 1899. Editor Nkws-Herald: —Please allow me space in your paper to give my Gwinnett county frieuds a short description of Cuba, its in habitants and soldier life here. Cuba is a small island 700 miles long aud 90 miles wide. Its chief products are tobacco, bananas, or anges, lemons and cocoanuts. Its inhabitants are mostly negroes, who live in caves in the mountains, and in small huts built of palm and cocoanut trees. They hunt and fish mostly for a livelihood. Soldier life in Cuba is bad. Since our arrival at Santiago on August 18th, last, I have not seen a bit of civilization. The inhabitants live mostly on dry bread aud wild fruit. On our arrival at Santiago we pitched camp on the field where the great battle of Santiago was fought. We failed to arrive in time for the fight- The Spaniards were taking transports for Spain, aud such a horrible looking set of men I never saw before. They were marching at the rate of one half mile per hour, and some had Scarcely any clothing on at all. They were all pale and sickly look ing, and were glad the war was over for they had been in this country three years and seven months in active fighting. 111 looking over the San Juan hill I found a number of relics, among them being a machette, be longing to an officer of the Span ish army, a mauser rifle and a lot of others too numerous to mention. It was a sad sight to look over the field aud see so many young boys who were just in the prime of life that were slain. On August 24th the Frst Battal lion, Col. Ray commanding, were , ordered to Guautanimo, and Co, D. to Siboney, to guard the hospitul, , aud on Aug. 81, the Second Bat tallion, composed of Co’s. A.. M., . I. aud G., were ordered to this A I.KMSON r»R OKOBOIA MIIMKKN. Mr. J. E Maddox, of Atlanta, writes the Atlanta Journal the fo!-1 lowing that will be of interest to j Georgia farmers: I “We have received today from Canada a carload of turnips and will send about S3OO of cottoD money to the dominion to pay for them. We would rather buy the turnips in Georgia, but cannot get them here. “This is no unusual transaction. Wo are spending our money ex tensively for turnips, potatoes, beans, cabbage and other similar products, which would grow in the greatest abundance in overy inch of soil in our state. I believe the merchants of Atlanta buy four or five carloads of cabbage every week from the state of New York, five or six carloads of potatoes every week from Now York, Ohio, and western states, besides several carloads of beans. We send to California for dried peaches, notwithstanding the fact that Georgia produces the best peaches in the world. “As an evidence that those tilings will grow in Georgia we of fered last year a prize for the best place. On our arrival here on September Ist, 575 Spaniards sur rendered their arms to us, and on September 2nd we planted the American flag here. Two compa nies, A and M. went on to Boco De Tanimo and sailed 12 miles up u river in a small sloop to Estron, and then inarched nine miles to Sagua de Tanimo, where they took 900 Spaniards. We pitched camp on a plateau of a high mountain, in a nice, muddy spot. The dirt was red,and that made it a great deal worse. We splept up there in the rain and mud for two mouths, and had ex tremely good luck not to lose but one man.* His name was Chas A. Stebbins, from Darien, Ga. Since Co’s A. and M. returned from Sagua and \3o. G. relieved them we have been occupying a large fort, which was used as a Spanish hospital, but has been remodeled. Co. M. had the misfortune to lose a nice young man last night. His name was Miller, from Brunswick, Ala. lam afraid all of us will go the same way soon if we are not taken away from this uncivilized place. It is not an unusual thing to walk along the street and have a chill or see other soldiers having them. I have had them so much that I don’t care for them. I think we should be relieved, as we have been over here five months, and stood many hardships, of be ing half-fed, sleeping in rain and mud, and standing extra guard so much, on account of the other boys being sick. I have been in the hospital seven different times since 1 have been here, and all the rest about the same number. I weighed 186 pounds when I enlist ed and now I weigh 100, aud get ting poorer every day, 1 hope the readtrs will not criti cise this poorly-pomposed letter as it is my first undertaking. I enclose a song, “The Warrior’s Return,” taken from the Denver Evening Post, and every word is the truth: News-Herald Journal, Only $1.25. VOL. VI.—NO 19 turnips from seed which we sold, i Our office looked like a county fair lor a country editor’s sanctum, with numerous turnips that had been sent in from all over the country. Some of them weighed fifteen pounds and looked as large as pumpkins. “If this goes ou and people raise cotton to the neglect of everything else, it will not be long before we will have to import our much be loved Georgia ’possum. ” Mrs. J. Silvers, Doogan, Ga., writes: Rev H. C. Ilaiiock had torpid liver so bad he could scarcely leave his room, and was cured by Dr. ML. A. Simmons RiverMedlcine, which he recommended to me, and it ■jurcd me of indigestion. I think it Draught, dome idea j v td’e educational in fluence of the British Museum can be gathered from the fact that over 1,000,000 persons visited it last year. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Burus, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively sures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or mouey refunded. Price 25 cents perjbox. For sale by A. M. Winn A Son Lawreuceville, Ga. __ THE warrior’s RBTURM. From the field of war I come, .Sweet Marie, Will you kiss me welcome home Love to thee f I am only skin and bones, All my sweetest songs are groans, And I’m full of army prunes As can be. Ol I got it in the neck, ■Sweet Marie. I am but a battered wreck, Don’t you see ? In the rain and mud 1 slept While the very heavens wept And the buzzards vigils kept Over me. When I ’listed I was fat, ■Sweet Marie, Never was a Thomas cat .Spry as me. I could lift a barrel of tieer, 1 could run like a deer, And there never was a tear Ln my eye. Now I’m thinner than a ghost, Sweet Marie, You could make a hitching post out of me. Every joint that in my frame Is with fever stiffness lame. O! Gehenna was no name For the spree. Now I’m with you once again Sweet Marie, Though you seem not to iden- Tify me. Now that I’m on my feet And will have a chance to eat I'll accumulate mure meat Than you see. From the bitter quinine pills Ugh, 01 Gee, And from Santiago chills 1 am free. Now I’ll live almighty high, And will soon be as spry As the boy you kissed good-bye. Sweet Marie. Jewell Reinhardt. Co. I. Brd Reg’t. U. S. I. I or frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially Piles, DeWitt’s Witoh Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It’s their endorse ment of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Da cula. The lighthouse at Coruuna, Spain, is believed to be the oldest one now in use. It was erected during the reign of Trajan, and rebuilt in 1684.