The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 03, 1899, Image 2

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The News-Herad. Entered at Lawrenfovllle postofllce j •econd-ciass matter. TI'BMSHKM I v KR'V KHIOA\ Official Organ Gwinnett County. Lairenceiille Publishing Co., Proprietors. w. o. McHsiley, Editor. The measles are going the rounds in Guyton. There is hardly n home in town but what has had a case, and all of the cases are very severe- The guauo factory at Cordele has closed down for the pregent. i It has only shipped three carloads of guano this season, and that ac counts for the closing down of the business. The small-pox scare in Miller couuty has about died out, as there have been no new cases for two weeks, and all the patients who have suffered from the disease haverec^^j^ Scrofula’ salt and all dis eases caused by impure. blood are cured by the use Hood’s sarsaparil la, w'hich is America’s Greatest medicine. Social Circle is to have an en tire new block of brick buildings. Mossre. W. T. Knox & Bro. have bpgun to tear away their wooden store rooms on the west side of Main street, and will erect five brick buildings on the block. In addition to these, there will be five other brick buildings erected, making in all ten new brick stpre rooms. Waynesboro is to furnish a very sei sational suit in Augusta. Mr. Weintraub sues by attachment R. G. Dun & Co., who have an agen cy in Augusta. Mr. Weintraub, who brings the suit, alleges that the R. G. Dun & Co. - injured him by false reports as to his standing in Waynesboro and as to the false reports about mortgages on his stock. He sues for $2,000. Mr. George W. Marsh ton, who was about 85 years old, and one of the oldest citizens of Conyers, died there Friday 'from the effects of an overdose of laudnaum, which he took with suicidal intent. He was familiarly known to every body in that section as “Uncle George Marshton,” and has many relatives and friends in Georgia. He leaves a wife and several chil dren, some of the latter residing in Atlanta. A Common Itaaxcr. if you liave ever had a cold which you permitted to “wear away” it uiay interest you to know it was a danger ous proceeding. Every cold and cough which is neglected paves the way for consumption, bronchitis, asthma or ca tarrh. Otto’s Cure, the famous Ger man throat and lung remedy, will core any cough or cold and save you from consumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c. and 50c. per bottle. With a view to putting the many advantages of the South as a resi dence and business section before the people of their respective cit ies, a delegation of newspaper rep resentatives of New England known as the New England Newspaper League, will make a tour of the Southern states this mouth. The party will leave Boston aboard a private car chartered for the tour, Saturday, March 4, and will visit the principal cities of Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Ala bama, Mississippi and Tennessee. Pitts’ Carminative aids diges tion. regulates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Pains, Griping, flatulent Colic, Uunatural Drains from the Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer complaiuts it is a spe cific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. Capt. D. A. Frederick, the chief mustering out officer of the United States army in Georgia, took leave of his friends at the capitol Fri day and regretfully gave up his of fice at the state house, in which he has been located but a short time. Capt. Frederick has beoa or dered to proceed to Augusta, and there begin the work of mustering out the volunteer troops encamped in that city. The mustering offi cer has had his headquarters at the.capitol in Atlanta since the early part of the fall and has been busily engaged in different parts of the state in the work of reliev ing volunteers from duty. He was first ordered to Atlanta upon the return of the Second Georgia and personally conducted the muster ing out of that regiment. AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN. “My health has been very poor in this part of the country. My blood was impure and 1 was sick nearly all the time. Hood s Sar saparilla was recommended to me by an eminent physitiou and af ter taking a few bottles I came out all right and I feel that the bene fit I derived is permanent.” A. J. Vickery, Graceville, Fla. HOOD’S PILES are non-irrita ting and the only cathartic to take ■ with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A BOXB ISSIIK niSCUSSKn. The bankers and financiers of | the country are discussing tho ! probability and advisability of an other bond issue. It is admitted by bankers in about all parts of | the country that the government would have no difficulty in get ting all the mousy it wanted, and might be able to borrow it as low as per cent. . As to the advisability of a bond ( issue there is a great variety of opinion. There is a strong senti ment expressed in the interviews on the subject which are appear ing in the public prints, that the government should be more eco nomical so as to avoid if possible any further increase of the public debt. It is pointed out that this is not the time for making appro priations for public buildings in all the little cities of the country, and that rivers and harbors could get along with less than the river and harbor bill carries for then). There appears to be a very genera! desire that the Nicaragua canal be built as soon as possible, even if bonds have to be issued for that purpose. It is contended that it would be a paying investment from the start. It can be safely said that the 1 republican managers do not want a bond issue, and they are not go ing to have one if they can avoid it. That is apparent from what Mr. Cannon said the other day on the floor of the House. Tuere has already been one bond issue of $200,000,000 since this adminis tration came into office, and an other issue would help greatly to defeat the republican party in the next national campaign. The re publican leaders understand that very well, and so they will under take to get along without a bond issue. Still, the pressure in be half of the Nicaragua canal is so strong that the republicans may consent to a bond issue for the purpose of building the canal. If all the schemes for spending mon ey now before congress were ap proved, however, there would be a [ treasury deficiency even if there should be a bond issue as large as the last one.—Savannah News. WOODRUFF. Special to THE NEWS. Last weeks letter. Some of our citizens are attend ing court at Monroe this week. On account of the snow and rough weather we had no preach ing at Bold Springs on the second Sunday. School was suspended two days Inst, week on account of the snow. Rabbit hunting was all the go in this section last week. Not withstanding the sharp notes of the cold, icy winds that were blowing a blizzard from the north, the boys were out bright and early Monday morning on track of the fleet-footed hares, whose tracks betrayed their whereabouts too plainly on the surface of the beau ftiul snow. The boys were deter mined in their chase and did not give up the sport until over 200 of the cotton-tails were brought to the frying pan. “Rabbit hash” was almost as plentiful as the snow, and it is needless to say that we enjoyed the stew as well as we did the hunt which gave us a relish for those brown hams, big fat biscuits, and that good old hot coffee prepared and served by the hands of God’s noblest creation— the women. Willie Mitchell, son of Mr. R. H. Mitchell, happened to a very serious accident, which may prove fatal, last Friday. While out hunting with a crowd, a tree fell upon him, bruising him up con siderably He was knocked sense less and was carried home in that condition. His ankle was dislo cated, and he received internal injuries besides other bruises. Dr. Reeves is waiting on him, and we hope to note his recovery in the near future. Jbhn Davis is all stpiles at this writing. He is the proud father of another baby girl. Mr. H. T. Peevy visited his sis ter, Mrs. Wilburn, who is still quite sick at thts writing, near Gratis, last Saturday. Prof. Jenkins happened to a very painful accident last Saturday while out hunting by getting his eye blown full of powder and smoke. Dr. Reeves removed the powder, which was a very painful operation. The accident occurred by the plunger bursting through the cap and the powder being blown back through the cavity in his face. His eye, however, is not seriously hurt, and will soon be all right. Last week must have .been a week of accidents. While cutting 1 wood on Saturday morning VV. T. Peevy had a chip to strike him in the eye, which ivas very painful to him. We are glad to note that his eye is not seriously hurt, and will soon be all right. On account of the rough weather two weeks ago, the entertainment at Mr. Booth’s was postponed until last Saturday night. It was un derstood that they would have the I entertainment last Saturday night if the weather waß suitable. The weather was fine, and at an early hour a jolly crowd of merry-mak ers had gathered in, and their merry voices and hearty laughs could be heard out in the stillness of the night until the hands of the clock warned them that it was almost Sunday. Then the merry makers disbanded and went quiet ly to their homes to dream sweet : dreams of the merry time they had enjoyed. It is needless to say j the entertainment was a complete success. (>. \V. Woodruff, of Winder, jcaine out Sunday to see hone (folks, and will spend a day <>r two ' in this section selling guano. Sunday was a lovely day, aud our community was well repre sented in the congregations at Lowery’s Academy and Old Field. >f Mrs. R. T. Woodruff hus Lean quite sick for some time. Dr. Hammond, of Monroe, is waiting on her. We hope to note her im provement soon. It was the good pleasure of your scribe, with a number of friends, to spend the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Booth. The fatted turkey had been killed and a sumptuous din ner was spread before the guests, and it is needless to say that each one did himself justice. Those present were' I’ucle John Smith, of Oconee, Mr. Harris and family, of Bethlehem, Misses Etta Jen kins, Della and Mattie Perry, Messrs. George Perkins, Henry Perry, Edgar and James Wood ruts, and Prof. Jenkins. After dinnei the young people had some music and singing, and the day was indeed a pleasant one. Mr. Booth is one of the leading farm ers of this section and is a sub stantial citizen. He is Walton .county’ssurveyor, and would make the county a good representative next time. Mrs. Booth is an ex cellent woman, equal to her hus band in every respect, and knows how to make her home happy aud pleasant. An Important Ou«**iion. If your friends or neighbors are suf fering from coughs, colds, sore throat, or lung disease (including consump tion),ask them if they have ever used Otto’s < hire. This famous German rem edy is having a large sale here and is performing some wonderful cures of throat and lung diseases. No matter what other medicines have failed to do, try Otto’s Cure. I.arge Bi7.es2f>c and 50c. Hold by all druggists TRIP. Special to THE NEWS. On last Sunday about noon there was a very heavy rain at this place. It seems as if the farmers will not get to do any work soon. Rev. Braziel, of Buford, ctune down Saturday and filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church, but owing to the inclem ency of the weather • there was no preaching Sunday. J. D. Williams went to Oxford last week and reports a lot of cot ton on the way not picked. A number of our young people attended the entertainment at Midway last Wednesday night giv en in honor of Washington’s birth day. Oliver .Jacobs, of Oxford, came up last week and bought a drove of cattle from our beef men and carried them to Oxford, where they will be slaughtered for the Emory hoys. Mrs. Mary-Ann Tribble has been spending several weeks with her daughter in Winder. Misses Mamie Jacobs and Cora Tribble spent Saturday and Sun day with friends in Lawrenceville. There have been several car loads of guano shipped here, but very little has been hauled away by the farmers. W. J. Tribble made a business trip to Atlanta last week. Lee Loveless, of Suellville, was here Saturday. Grady-Hill Debating Society has taken on new life and is now on a boom again. All the boys are re quested to come out and lend a helping hand,and perhaps the pub lic will have an opportunity to hear from the boys again. A Sluggish Liver causes Drowsiness, Lethargy ami a feeling of Apathy. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine arouses the Inver, and cheerful energy succeeds sluggishness. CARL. Special to THE NEWS The boys and men met on the 20th lilt, and made side walkßand set out shade trees, and it has helped to beautify the town. Robt. Sammons, of Lawrence ville,visited relatives here Wednes day. Paul Copeland, of Mulberry,was here Saturday J. R. Mehaffev is attending Su perior court at Monroe this week. Several of our young folks at tended a dance at Mulberry Mon day night. Claud Mehaffey is visiting rela tives at Lawrenceville. Mrs. Pate is visiting relatives at Lithonia this week. Everybody is looking forward to the entertainment to be given at j the College on Founder’s night. The election for the purpose of j incorporating Carl will be held on | the Bth inst. Let every honest I man come out and vote. IKewareof Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never he used except nn prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as tlie damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh (’ore, manufactured by F. F. Cheney A Co. Toledo, 0., contains no mercury,and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuiue. It is ta ken internally, and made in Tojedo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimo nials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bot tle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Norway has recently enacted a law forbidding the sale of tobacco to youths under sixteen without signed orders from adults. CABTOHIA. Bun the _/f Tlm Kind You Haw Always Bought BAY CBKKK. Special (o THE NEWS. The young flood Sunday after noon retarded the farmer" to some extent. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Chas. Townley is not impioving. Dr. J. A. Boss, of Wild Cat, was in our midst Tuesday. M. A. Brooks and family, of Trip, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Sallie Bennett, of this place. Mrs. Nancy Pruett is quite ill with heart dropsy at the present. Johnny Hoofner spent Sunday night at Trip. Rev. J. R. Chandler went to Walnut Grove Sunday to preach the funeral of Mrs. Mary Swords, of Loganville. The dance given by Jim Holt Saturday night was an enjoyable affair. Jesse Smith, of Craig, spent Sun day with home folks at this place. George Cowsert went to Trip Monday on business. R. L. Kenerly is talking of go ing to Atlanta soon. S. F. Bennett spent Sunday with T. C. Cowgert, of Wild Cat. For a'quick remedy and one that is perfectly safe for children let us rec omend One Minute Cough Cure. it is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tick ling in tile throat and coughs. Kagwc! 1 Bros of Lawrenceville,and I)r. Hinton, of Daciila. SNELLVILLE. Special to THE NEWS. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mrs.J. W. Brownlee, who died Saturday mornsng and was buried at Friendship cemetery last Monday morning She leaves a husband and several little children to mourn her loss, as well as the entire community. Uncle Wash Brownie, Uncle Els Rutledge, Tom Haney, Billy Cofer and a lit tle child of Newt Rutledge are those that are seriously sick that are ou our list. R. L. Shell had the misfortune to fracture an arm and dislocate a wrist last Monday morning while chopping, which will give hiih a rest for about a month. We learn that there is a new ba ity gi'-l at the home of Mr. Nabor. The entertainments at the homes of E. T. Nix, F. M. Henderson and W. T. Miller were highly enjoyed by those present. We learn that Haynes Creek Lit erary Society has challenged Snell ville for a joint debate. We will give the particulars in our next letter. Mlbs Estell Mahaffey, of Pen dergrass, is teaching a music class in our vicinity. In mentioning the sick we over looked the name of Uncle Lewis McDonald, father of Col. L. F. Mc- Donald, of your town, who is very seriously ill. It is said that Yellow River was the highest last Monday morning that it has been in twelve years. We do not think that the wheat crop, where plenty was sown o.i the land, is seriously damaged. We think there has been more pine land cut down this winter than usual, the resuit of bad weather. There is yet some cotton in the field and some corn to gather, and March now here. OASTOni A. Beari tu The Kind You Hate Always Bought YELLOW RIVER. Yellow River was the highest known for a long time last Sun day night and Monday morning. It was nearly to the bridge, aid the water was a depth of two and a half feet •in the mill-house. No serious damage done. G. W. Simmons visited friends in bis old town, Conyers, this week. Marion Cain and wife, of ’Pos sum Corner, visited friends near Snellvillo Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Amanda Brownlee died at her home Saturday morning and was interred at Friendship Monday morning. She has suffered for quite a long time with consump tion. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss. The bereft have our sympathy in their sore affliction. Little Pieman, infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Simmons, hap pened to a painful accident lust Friday night. His mother had left him in a rocking chair, when he fell out in the fire. His head wa° badly burned but not fatal, as was feared. “Aunt” Sallie Nash, who has been ill with LaGrippe, is better. “Give me a liver regulator anti 1 ran regulate the world,” said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the fa mous little pills. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville, and I)r. Hinton of Da euia. MEADOW V. F. Coggins went to Buford Tuesday. J.W. Knox, of Duluth, was here Tuesday. Misses Ola and Annie Mewborti. I of Atlanta, were the guests of rel atives here this week. J. W. Coggins and sister visited their parents Saturday. J, B.Gresham and J.J. Herring ton visited Lawreuceville, Trip and Suellville Saturday. No Sunday-school Sunday on ac count of rain. The mumps are about to lake ! possession of the community. | There are about fifteui out of school this week with them. What say the older men to or- I ganizir.g a literary socioty here ? | The boys are ready. Last Sunday at the residence of the bride’s mother Miss Lela Dod son was married to John L. Mew horn, Rev. S. H. Braswell offici ating. We congratulate them and wish them a long and happy life. royal S ▼ Absolutely Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome A Soldier Dies at Buford. William C. Bennett, of Buford, who has belonged to company E of the Fifth regiment of the U. S. army, for the past three years, died at the home of his father Sat urday night at 12 o’clock, and was buried Monday afternoon. Mr. Bennett has been stationed at Santiago for several month and had been sick for some time and had asked for a furlough, hut the time for which he had enlisted was so near out the furlough was not granted. On the 7th of February he re ceived his discharge and was given transportation on a steamer that reached New York the 11th. where the temperature was below zero, a difference of more than one hun dred. Not being well and the change was so great he never recovered troin the shock. He was a young man who was well thought of in the community and stood well in the army. He was 2*5 years old. RKI> 111 Ll,. Manassa Sammons is very feeble. Miss Emily McGee visited Miss Maud Weed last Sunday Jim Hood is very iil at this writing. Misses Clara and Pearl-Yearwood spent last Friday afternoon with Mrs. A.J. Sims- We are very sorry to sa" that Mrs. Grisum is suffering with asth ma. Miss Alma Wood visited friends lust Saturday. A.J. Sims aud wife visited Jim Hood’s family Sunday. Mrs. Waiter is able to be up again after a severe attack of fe ver. John Hood and family visited the former’s parents Saturday night. Next Saturday and Sunday are regular preaching days at Hebron. Miss Mamie Jones visited Mrs. Nuunally Wednesday. Road working was in order Sat urday. Paul Sims visited bis Aunt Sat urday and Sunday near Übet. Joe Wood has gone into the cat tle business. Emmet Williams, of Trip, visit ed friends here Sunday. Miss Sallie Sammons was in our midst last week. As the season of the year when phen monia, LaOrippe, sore throat, coughs, colils, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing “is a fine substitute," or is “just as good” as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible rem edy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously upon hav ing'it if “something else” is offered you. Bagwell Bros, of I.awrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. CENTREVILLt. The many friends of D. I;. McDonald will be glad to learn that bis health is improving. The first quarterly conference of the Loganville work was held at Zoar church, this place, on last Saturday. Presiding Elder Underwood was pres ent and preached a forcible sermon There was no preaching on Sunday on account of inclement weather. T. H. Evans will soon completea new dwelling on his farm. Mrs. D. It. McDaniel is confined to her room with pneumonia fever. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Wesley Clowercame down from Law renceville Sunday to see his mother, who is confined to tier bed with La- Grippe. Mrs. Dr. Guess and daughter went to Stone Mountain Saturday to attend the funeral and burial of their cousin, a Mr. Wells. School Commissioner Tanner was down to see our schools one day last week. J. B. Gresham, of Meadow, paid rela tives a visit here Sunday. E. U. Nix was down at home Sunday to see his mother. C. G. Haunah has purchased a few mules and horses. Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is of fen the result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S. is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out every trace of the disease, and cures the worst cases. My son, Charlie, was afflicted from infancy with Scrofula, and he suffered so that It was impossible to dress him for three years. Hi s head and body were a V mass of sores, and his I - 1 eyesight also became ry affected. No treatment JU' was spared that we y J* 7 thought would relieve V 4 J( him. out he grew worse\l jF Jx ..sJS. until his condition J Indeed pitiable. I hadjKf 1 \ almost despaired of his ever being cured, when \T J | by the advice of a friend Vfj / Irll^* we gave him 8. 8. S. *« VTA/ / (Swift’s Specif!©) A de- ~ v aided improvement was the result, and after he had taken a dosen bottles, no one who knew of his former dreadful condition would have reooguised him. All the sores on bis body have healed, his skin is perfectly clear and Smooth, and he has been restored to perfect ealtfa. Mrs. 8. 8. Mabry, 8«0 Kim St., Macon, Ga. For real blood troubles it is a waste of time to expect a cure from the doc tors. Blood disease* are beyond their skill. Swift’s Specific, S.S.S. r The Blood reaches all deep-seated eases which bther remedies have noetfect upon. It is the only blixxi remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot ash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by Swift Specific 00., Atlanta, Ga. BRADEN. Special to THE NEWS. Mr. Benjamin and Miss Lizzie Pace, of Densmon are visiting rel atives in Braden. The entertainment given at R. C- Lankford’s was indeed an en joyable occasion for our young people. J, C McClain and W. A. Brand made a flying trip to the gate city Saturday. George Lee is quite s ck with fe ver at this writing. S.L Mosley, of near Braden, is suffering from asthma. Thomas Lee, of Atlanta, is s.ok at his father’s near Braden. Braden school is still improving All the patrons are extended a cor dial invitation to visit the school on Friday, March 3rd. Come one, come all, and let’s hold up our teachers’ hands. They are endeav oring to give us the best work p"S sible. We must build Prof. Lester a commodious school building. Little Phil. Carroll, four years old, child of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Carroll, came near being serious ly burned’Friday. John Pickens being near by rescued the little fel low before he reeeihed serious burns. 11. J. Thompson is suffering from the effects of LaGrippe. We hope to see him out in a few days. M. J. Pounds also has LaGrippe, but is improving slowly. J. H. Johnston, of Walace, visit ed his parents at Braden Sunday. S. A. Garner, of Luxomni, visit ed Braden Monday on business. Prof. T. E. Crawford spent sev eral days with friends in Braden last week. He is looking very bad since his recent illness. He thinks he will be able to resume school in a few days. Mr. Dock Acock, one of Tusker’s staunchest citizens, died Monday morning. He had been sic"k for eeveral days with pneumonia, but the direct cause of his death was heart disease. We regret very" much to learn of this death, and tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved wife and heart-broken little girls. To the children we would say that God gives, and in his providence he removes to Heav en those dearest to us. While moth er weeps the angels sing. While you children mourn the angels crown. Success to your Honorable May or and Council. “Nothing suc ceed s like success” is a quotation as old a 9 the nills, and equally as solid; out success does not come without effort, so it is possible with this in view that the later day ex pression was brought in vogue: “When you see a good thing push it along.” The good people of Braden send heartiest congratuia tions to Mayor Brown, and com mend him for his noble and brave work in daring to drive the “tigers” out of our loved and honored coun ty seat, Lawrenceville. Your May or’s name shall be revered and hon ored by the fathers and moth- ORDER YOUR FINE BOURBON, BYE ANDCORN WHISKIES Gins, RuuiSj Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Champagnes, Clarets, Bottled Beers, Port and Sherry Wines, Ale and Porter, Club Soda and Ginger Ale (Cantrel & Cochran’s), and Apoiinaris water from POTTS-THOMPSON LIQUOR COMPANY, 7-9 Decatur St., Kimball House Block, Atlanta, Ga. ’Phone 48. Feb. JO, m-ts FMEML JUSIMUn, No Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. FERTILIZERS THE BIC 4. IROCKMORE AND COOPER’S Blood and Bone. 2 HIGH GRADE ACID. Best on the market. Guaranteed analysis 5 per cent. Potash. 3 “PLANTERS’ SOLUABLE,” a home mixture, and analyses equal to anything on th^ma e rkit LOganVllle, 4jL “BUFFALO BONE,” The Old Reliable. I guarantee these goods to be “THE BEST.” Prices, Low as the Lowest. These goods for sale at Loganville by N.. O. Bennett; at Trip by Jacobs & Williams. M. L. ROCKMORE, Globe Warehouse, LAWRENCEVILLE, - - - GEORGIA. ers not only of Lawrencoville, but of Braden and every district in Gwinnett county. These thoughts we give at the suggestion of many of our citizen l , who have compli mented your Mayor, out of deep regard for humanity and an par nest desire to see this curse of the damnible liquor traffic far removed from our homes and the path ot our children and our neighbor’s ehildten. The good people of our district vouch their approval by saying, “If your Mayor can safely capture the ferocious tigers roam ing about Lawrenceville seeking the yutig and noble, we are ready to place him in our legislative halls, that he may use his grit anti brain in driving from Georgia's sons this wicked temptation.” Ev ery church member of all denomi nations should hold up Colonei Brown’s hands, and cheer his heart with their prayers. Don’t wreck a Life! From Girlhood to Womanhood the monthly oourcses should he regulated with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. WILDCAT. Special to THE NEWS. W. G. Smith and son attended court in Monroe Friday and Sat urday. Alvin Brooks and family, of Trip, spent Sunday with the lat j tor’s mother, Mrs. Bennett, at this place. There was a rabid dog killed here Sunday. A delightful entertainment was given bv M.T.Camp Friday night in honor <>f Miss Bessie Clay and a Miss Anderson. Quite a number of Loganvilie’s young Indies attended the party 7 at Mr. Camp’s Friday night. Mrs. Ora Hewitt, of near Law renceville, spent several days re cently. with her mother, Mrs. Pratt, at this place. Mrs. Elizabeth Reed is still con fined to her bed. John Stephens and Alvin BelJ went to Monroe Saturday. J. A. Camp has moved his moth er from Snellville to his home at this place. Mrs. Townley and son went to Lawrenceville last week. John Patrick visited relatives here recently. J. M. Weathers and family at tended the burial of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Bob Swords, in Walton county Sunday. The waters were higher on Bay Creek Sunday afternoon than they have been in a long time. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacula. A university in Cairo is said to have 11,000 students, more than attend any other two universities in the world. Constipation of the Bowels may be easily cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. It is estimated that fully two thirds of the whole amount of pub lic money held by the London banks does not bear interest. CABTOm A. Bear, the j* The YjjjJ Have Always Bought T” Among the Egyptians embalm ing ceased about 700 A. D. Have You Heard (Hit? You may have heard about SCOTT’S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod-liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures. It is cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it. Nearly all children like it and ask for more. SCOTT'S EMULSION looks like cream; it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby, child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other so-called “just as good” preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypophosphito that are combined with the cod-liver oil give additional value to it because they tone up the nervoui system and impart strength to the whole body. • 50c. and si.oo. all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Senator Francis Wilson has in troduced in the Missouri legisla ture a bill to prohibit attorneys or counselors from soliciting employ ment. The author of the measure is said to he the only member of the two houses who favors its pas sage. Dailies desiring a contented and hap py and happy old age should use Sim mons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, commencing at 40 years old and con tinue during “Change of Life.” Colorado Springs boasts of being the quietest town in the country. No church bells are rung there and tic whistles blown. A local paper admits that dogs bark at night in Colorado Springs, as they do everywhere else, but adds “when they run about they make no noise with their feet in the sandy soil.” Prominent citizens of Lawrence ville tell us they have cured Con stipation and gained 10 to 15 lbs. by using small doses of Nubian Tea. We keejj it. Bagwell Bros. The ci inage of San Francisco Mint for December is the largest ever recorded for a single month, amounting to $10,002,000. The weather continues bad. Your health may continue bad unless you use Nubian Tea. We have it. Bagwell Bros. Administrator’s Sale, By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Gwinnett County, Georgia, will be sold before the court house door in the City of Lawrenceville, county and state aforesaid, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in April, next, the following deseribtd property, belonging to the estate of Thomas K. Bradley, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: One hundred (100) acres of land, more or less, lying and being in Cains Malitia district, said county and state, and bounded as follows: On th«. south by lands of Mrs. Smith, on the west by lands of James Smith, on the north by lands of D. P. Wages and on the east by lauds of Will Thomas, and is the place now occupied by the widow of said deceased. Sold for the purpose of paying the debts of the estate and for distribution among the heiis or legatees of said estate. Terms cash, purchaser paying for the execu tion of titles, revenue, etc. R. J. Kthkidgk, Administrator of the estate of Thomas R, Brad ley, deceased. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.