The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 31, 1899, Image 1

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aosSsosasasßßssasEsa®sasßSißsß«®asagi News-Herald I*™ Constitution, 1 12 Js-£orLtU.s--$1.25. J gaßsgoasasasasaaasssssssssssasiesasaßH! THE GWINNETT HERALD, 1 ... , . .... THE NEws. Consolidated Jan. 1, 1898. Kitoblliihed in 1893. J Here j’ou always find the same goods tor less mon ey, or better goods lor the same money, than you often find at other places. » * 9 9 * Our Dress Goods journey by the “Rapid-Transit” route—as the old pass away the new ones appear. The change is weekly, and beauty—combined with dignity—marks this latest collection. Remember, that Laces and Embroideries, (limited only by the caprice of the wearer), will weave their sweet enchantments around the “summer girl, and make more captivating that beauty of vivacity for which she is already world-fa mous. Then she will smile up at you with a little touch of conceit, for they seem to know their own worth, which means, “they are true beauties!’ We will be glad to show you the coming styles, even though you have no thought ot buying; we don’t blame folks for wanting to see what will be “the go before they buy—we do likewise. In Hats, Neckwear, Clothing and Underwear we can give better quality, and no better styles can be found anywhere. A Hahdful of Money Can be saved by buy ing your Shoes from us. We save you from 25c to One Dollar on every pair of Shoes; or better wear for the same money —either way means a money saving to you. You should take advantage of this store. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, All Widths, and Your Money Back Cheerfully if You Want It! Will not quote prices, for they cannot be duplicated in the same article in town. To get the correct thing and styles, why to the house of style and bargains you should go. G. W. & A. F. CAIN. m Lawrenceville, : Georgia. FERTILIZERS THE BIC 4. IROCKMORE AND COOPER’S Blood and Bone. 2 HIGH GRADE ACID. Best on the market. Guaranteed analysis 5 per cent. Potash. 3 “PLANTERS’ SOLUABLE,” a h d ™f Lo “|; and analyses equal to anything on the market. jm “BUFFALO BONE,” The Old Reliable. I guarantee these goods to be “THE BEST.” Prices, Low as the Lowest. These goods for sale at Loganville by N. O. Bennett; at Trip by Jacobs & Williams. M. L. ROCKMORE, Globe Warehouse, LAWRENCEVILLE, - - - GEORGIA. G. W. & A. P. CAIN. When you visit the store we want to show you the Pique in different colors and shades. For Lawn and Linen we can give not only the best bargains but the prettiest in the city. Remember, as the sun begins to smile more be nignantly, and the warm breeze caresse our cheeks thought turns more intensely toward the lighter dresses for summer wear. We are in the very fore front here, and here we propose to remain the whole summer. THE NEWS-HERALD. Here you never find the shoddy, slip-shod materi al—or the old, gone-out ’o-styles —which you of ten find at other places. See ?«*««-*- LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. A Pie* For Education. Cornelia, Ga., March 29.—Ed itor News-Heralb: Please pub lish the following lines on “Im portance of Education.” Seeing and feeling the great need of educating the rising generation I make an appeal to the parents of my native home and state to look well to the interests of the boys and girls, who are soon to be come the men and women of our land and country, and be clothed with the authority and responsi bilities of life. Who of you would think of let ting your boy or girl leave home and go out into the world to meet the battles of life without an ed ucation ? Now, I don’t mean that you are to send them to a college, and spend auuis of money on them, al though I woula be glad that every boy and girl could have a college education, but the majority of the people are not able to do this. Give them the proper training that you are able to give them, and are accountable to the Great God if you don’t. The Creator has given every child an intellectual power that must be trained or left dormant, and you are responsible to a great extent for the formation of that intellect. Education does not uecessarial )y consist of a college course,neith er is education the mere knowledge of facts, as most people think it is. But true education consists of the right formation of manners, of character, of habits, and dis cipline of mind and body, and re ligious culture. Someone has said that education was the hand-maid of religion, which is a good definition for it. Yet, the thought I want to im press on your mind is that educa tion is simply making the man powerful and Godlike. Education is a power, and if it is the right kind it is a Godlike power. Man is a bundle of habits, and happy is the man whose habits are his friends, and how important it is for you to instill thoughts and habits in the mind that will be his friends when he becomes a man. Teach them the great responsibili ties that will rest upon them when they become men. Of course, they must be taught the text-books as early as possible. They must learn to read, write aud spell, and hare a goneral knowl edge of these things. But how of ten we hear men say, “If my boy could only learn to read and write and work some in arithmetic, that is all I want.’’ But, my friend, if that is all the education your boy gets he will be left behind. Stat istics show that our prisons and penitentiaries are filled up with the ignorant class of people. It is high time for you to take this important matter under con sideration, Teach them to read and study and think for them selves, for he who has learned to think, will some day be a wise man. You could occasionally buy them a good book to read, and in this way arouse an interest in them that will be enjoyed in the home and will do a great deal of good at a very small expense. Now, it is generally claimed that there is not much use in educating the girls, for the reason that they don’t believe in women filling the public places of life; but I say it is of more importance to educate the girls than it is to educate the boys, for we all know that the fe male sect control the morals and the society, and have an influence that cannot be equaled by any thing. “She who rocks the cradle rules the nation.” Whatever grand truth is implanted in the mother’s mind takes root in the next generation, and there sheds its blooms on the earth. When you educate your girls your boys will be educated, and not until then will they be educated. Now, kind reader, you know it is your indispensible duty to look well to the formation of habits and morals of your boys and girls, and when they find that you are interested in them they will take an interest in their own welfare, for that influence that you exert over the minds of the youths will follow them to their graves. Lewis I’, Cross. Plant Corn. The Macon Telegraph is still urging farmers to plant grain crops and to quit depending so much on cotton. In speaking of this it says that the spring boost of cotton —the stimulating pro cess by which the price is advanced a little about planting time in the interest of a large crop—is enough to make not only obserning men thoughtful, but the brown thrush sad. The blizzard cut the worm crop short, aud, besides, old thrasher must divide the pilfering iu the fields of Bproutiug corn with the meadow lark. More cotton means less corn, hence his tears. But it may be depended on that he will get his ration out of whatever acreage is planted. There is no particular concern about the welfare of the thrush, but we were thinking that what is left may not meet the needs of the country. When the harvest comes, and when cotton is plentiful and cheap, aud corn scarce and high, it will be the farmer’s time to be sad. He may wish that he had thrown more grain to the soil —not ex actly to the bird —at the seeding time. If seed wheat was scarce, if oats could not be planted because of the excessive rains, if there are yet fields fallow for the planting, sow corn. It is a great product. It cannot waste. Mouths and mouths are constantly open for it. Man and beast and fowl will yield money for it. Sales of Guano is Georgia. Hon. 0. B. Stevens, commission er of agriculture, states that the sales of guano in Georgia this year cannot possibly amount to more than 75 per cent of last year’s sales, and he considers this a rather lib eral estimate. Commissioner Ste vens is in a better position than any man in the state to give an opinion on this subject, for he re quires every guano factory to re port to him every shipment of guano intended for sale in Georgia; something, by the way, never be fore known in the agricultural de partment of this state. Commis sioner Stevens makes no predic tion about the cotton acreage, but from what he Buys about the sales of guano it is a foregone conclu sion that the Georgia crop will be materially reduced next season.— Macon News. Bud White, a prosperous young farmer living in Dirt Town valley, about thirty miles from Rome, Monday night went out behind the barn and cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor, almost severing his head from his body. White’s mother cut her throat with the same razor, and since the glittering steel was forged, some fifty years.ago, seven persons have cut their throats with it. The White family appear to be afflict ed with a suicidal mania. Bud White was unmarried, 85 years of age, and no cause can be ascribed for his deed. Judge J. B. Mitchell has suc ceeded in obtaining a pension of $8 per month for Mrs. Louisa Wallace of Pulaski county, for services rendered by her husband, the late John H. Wallace, in the Indian war of 1886. In addition to this monthly allowance that she will draw from now on, she has been granted a back pension of $625. Mrs. Wallace is a very aged lady and in needy circum stances. She is almost totally blind and a few days ago had the misfortune to fall and break one of her arms. About two-thirds of infidel phil osophy is merely fool-osophy. Thi Cannibals of West Afrioa. Router s Liverpool correspon dent had an interview with Mr. P. A. McCann, who has resided for nineteen years in West Africa. He recently returned from a pho tographic expedition in the Gold Coast Hinterland, extending over an unbroken period of four years. Mr. McCann’s seven years’ trad ing and residence with the canni bal tribes of the French Gaboon probably forms the most exciting part of his experience in Western Africa. After Sir William Max well returned to Coomassie from Bantuku and finished his Hinter land tour, Mr. McCann, with his carriers, penetrated country much of which had hitherto never been visited by white men. Iu his seven years’dealings with the cannibal Mpongwos Mr. Mc- Cann got friendly with them and thoroughly studied their habits aud customs. Thtv quite believed that the white men ate white men, as they themselves eat their fel low-blacks. A big chief offered Mr. McCann the smoked thigh of a native. This was considered a gracious act. To refuse it would be unfriendly. Mr. McCann was in a dilemma. But he feigned illness, and said he was not eating just then. The chief eventually put the matter off good luimored ly by saying he supposed the white man preferred white man to eat instead of black man. The Mpongwe cannibals of the most profound type thickly in habit the banks and forest regions of the Gaboon and Elobey rivers. Although they kill game for food, they much prefer human meat to any other. When questioned about the practice they speak free ly about it without any embarass ment. Human llesh, they Bay, has a rich flavor about it which is entirely absent from any other kind of meut. They eat all ene mies they kill or capture in war; the latter are tortured before be ing put to death. Iu fighting with an enemy who has pressed them hard and caused them much loss, the bodies are eaten very soon after the capture and when the heat of war is upon them. The bodies of enemies killed by stealth they generally treat dif ferently, for, not being excited by bard fighting or losses, they deliv erate more over the pleasure the eating will afford them, and go more leisurely about the prepara tion of the meat. The flesh hav ing been cut up is cooked in plan tain leaves. The method of doing this is as follows: Several leaves of the plantain tree are cut at the base of their shafts from the trunk of the tree, and the midriff of the leaf, which is thick and full of sap, and so prevents from bending easily, is dexterously pared down with a single cut of a knife. The leaf is then held over a fire, and under the influence of the heat softens and becomes as flexible as cloth. All the leaves are treated like this, and are af terward put one on lop of another, and then gathered up so as to form a basin-like receptacle. A quantity of human meat, cut into small pieces, is then placed in this, some water and dika fat made from the fatty kernels of the seeds of the Mangifera Gabon eusis are added, after which the leaves are gathered together at the top and tied round with the fibrous strips cut from the midriff when preparing the leaves. The bundle is then placed over a slow fire for seven or eight hours, and the flavor of the meat is thus cooked according toMpougwe con noisseurs, surpasses everything in the world’s bill of fare. Pitts’ Carminative uids diges tion. regulates the bowels, cnres Cholera Infantum, Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Pains, Griping, Flatulent Colic, Uunatural Drains from the Bowels, aud all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer complaints it is a spe cific. Perfectly harmless aud free from injurious drugs aud chemi cals. Bob Taylor on ‘‘Sweethearts-'' “Do you want ine to tell you how you may know when a boy has been hit with one of Cupid’s arrows ? He begins to shave his pimpled face, and makes a des perate effort to sprout a mustache; he begins to wear collars bigger than his shirt-, and a necktie like a morning glory, he hue his trous ers creased every day, aud his pat ent leathers polished; he has a dreamy look, and blushes whether he will or not; he feels like a cul prit,and dare not look you straight in the eyeß, lest you discover bis secret thoughts: he cannot refrain from sending boxes of caramels, and French candies, and fruits in season. The effect of the amorous wound is blood poison, producing temporary insanity, followed by softening of the brain. “Did you never see a fair young girl wed a hog and tenderly pat him on the jowl, and did you nev er hear her call him ‘Darling ?’ I have, and she wasn’t my wife, either. Did you never read, in Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer Nights’ Dream,’ how the deluded Titania wove garlands of flowors for the brow of an ass ? I have seen it done manv a time in actual life. “It is common for girls to link their precious lives with good looks and good clothes, rather than with heart and brains. “The world cannot do without you girls ; but before it claims you let me whisper a word in your ears. Have all the fun you can. Giggle and laugh as much as you please. Dance, and skip, and romp, and hop until your hearts go ‘flippity flop,’ and the blood eddies in your cheeks like roses that bloom in the spring tra la. Extract every drop of sweetness out of every passing hour. Sleep and dream, and dream again. Be happy now ; for the clouds of sor row will lower someday, and some day the troubles of real life will come. ” Ad Old Legend. There is an old legend of a man who sold his soul to the devil. The conditions were: For a certain number of years this man was to have all his desires grati fied by his Satanic majesty, at the expiration of which time tiis soul was to be forfeited. When the time agreed upon had expired, this man was unwilling to fulfill his part of the contract, and asked the devil upon what terms he could be released. The reply was: “If you will curse your God I will release you.” “No,” said tho man, “I cunuot curse the Being whose nature is love. Give me something less fearfully wicked.” “Then kill your father,” replied the devil, “and you go free.” “No,” answered the man, "that is too horrible to think of. I will not do that. No other consid eration?” “One more,” replied the devil, “you must get drunk.” “That is very easy thing to do,” the man answered, “aud I accept your proposition. I cannot kill my father, I will not curse my God, but I can get drunk, and when in this condition chanced to meet his father, who upbraded him, which so excited the drunken aud half crazed man that he slew his father, cursed his God, then fell down dead, and the dev il had him without fail. Only a legend this paticular case. But how true to the facts regarding the liquor curse. —T. E. Richey, in Kentucky Star. Scarcely a year ago the First Baptist Church of Americus is sued $6,000 of 6 per cent, bonds, and with the procees liquidated the indebtedness of the church. The semi-annual interest is met promptly, and the bonds, which were easily placed at par, now commaud a handsome premium. The issue is secured by property worth $85,000 to $40,000, aud is considered “gilt-edged” among lo cal investors. News-Herald Journal, w g£i; Y> Only $1.25. VOL. VI-NO 23 Wood, th» Trust Tamer. When Gen. Wood, late colonel of the Rough Riders, assumed charge of Santiago de Cuba, the conditions of the place were about as bad as they could be, says the Fortnightly Review. The city was Americanized from a sanitary point of view. Then the question of food. Meat had gone up to 90 cents a pound, and was scarce at that. Bread sold for fabulous prices. Very soon there came a change; provisions began to come from the ordinary sources. As the supply increased, however, there was no diminution of prices. Gen. Wood sent for the aldermen rep resenting the different wards of the city, and he also summoned the butchers. When they were as sembled in his office he arranged them in two lines, facing one an other. Then, through an interpre ter, he asked the butchers: “How much do you charge for meat ?” “Ninety cents a pound,senor.’’ “What does it cost you ?” There was hesitation and a shuf fling of feet; then one of the men said in a whining voice: “Meat is very, very dear, your excellency.” “How much a pound ?’ “Fifteen cents, your excellency; but we have lost much money dur ing the war, and—” “So have your customers. Now meat will be sold at 25 cents a pound, and not one cent more, Do you understand ?” Then, turning to the aldermen, he charged them to see that his order was carried out to the letter, unless they wanted to be expelled from office. Thenceforward meat was sold in the markets at 25 cents. A sim ilar reduction was made in the prices of bread, vegetables and all food products. It was the first showing of the master hand to the public, and confidence in the American methods of administra tion strengthened rapidly. A Good Word for Him. The New York World has had a great deal of fun with Senator Hanna, after its own fashion, both pictorially aud editorially, but occasionally it says a good word for him, as witness the fol lowing from its Washington cor respondent : Senator M. A. Hanna was walk ing down a corridor of the Arling ton when a little shabbily dressed woman, partially veiled, addressed him: “Is this Senator Hanna ?” “Yes, madam. What can I do for you ?” he replied. “Well, Mr. Hanna, I-er I want you to help me get a place in the census oflice, lam not from your state —I live in lowa—but I un derstand you can get anything you want from Director Merriam. And Ido wish you would help me. A word from you would get me a place, and I have taken the liberty of asking you to help me. Ido not like to hold you up in the cor ridor, but I have been trying for three days to get a chance to speak with you. I have a sick husband and two children depending on me for support and am so much in need of employment. Now won’t you help me—” The remainder of the sentence was spoken amid sobs. “Really, madam,” said Hannah, kindly, “I don’t see how I can help you. I have a thousand and one people from my own state con stantly asking for employment, and I am unable to get employ ment for them, However, if you will come to my office in the morn ing I will see what I can do for you.” With this the little woman wiped away her tears, and thank ing the Ohio senator profusely for his promised favor, she hurriedly departed “ That’s what 1 have to go thro’ with every day,” said the senator to a reporter, who had seen the meeting. “An interview like this is heartrending.”