The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, April 07, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald 1 Constitution, jfj 12 Hoiitlis-$1.25. i maBagOniciSSBSBgBEBS 55 ji 3553513 THE GWINNETT HERALI), ) T„K v Consolidated Jan. 1, 1898. KHtatiliolied In IHDU. ) CHANGE OF CLIMATE WON’T CURE CONSUMPTION The Slocum System is Needed. A Curative Medicinal Treatment Founded on Modern Scientific Truths is More Potent Than Air Alone. FREE TREATMENT FOR LUNG WEAKNESS. If those of our readers who reside in the most highly favored sections of this country, where the climate is healthy and invigorating, with a dry and tonic atmosphere, will look about them, they will see a greater or less number of their friends and neighbors dying of con sumption, while many others have already been carried off by that dread malady. These deaths have occurred from time to time amid the refreshing prairie breezes of summer; in the fair and mel low days of autumn, and also in the dry and sunny seasons of a southern winter. |Such deaths amid such favorable sur roundings afford positive and convinc ing proof that climate alone will not cure consumption; that neither pine laden breezes nor bracing mountain air will restore weak lungs or build up a constitution that is being undermined and broken down by the insidious germs of a fatal disease. But, on the other hand, many thou sands of testimonials from grateful peo ple all over this country, who have been cured by the Dr. Slocum System of Treatment, and are today in the enjoy ment of perfectly restored health and strength, afford the most convincing evidence that this treatment, aided by favorable climatic conditions and sur roundings, is a positive cure for Con sumption and all other chronic diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Therefore, those who go to the moun tains, the seashore or to southern cli mates, as well as those who already reside in such favored localities, should not fail to take the Dr. Slocum System of Treatment if they wish to derive the full benefits of favorable climatic condi tions and scientific medication. The Dr. Slocum System of Treatment (consisting of Four Preparations) is both medicine and food. The medicines usetL in it allay the cough and lung irritation, heal the soreness and subdue the pains in the throat, overcome shortness of breath, improve the appetite and diges tion, and bring comfort, rest and re freshing sleep, while its food properties are building up the constitution, enrich ing the blood and infusing the sufferer with new life and vigor. No single remedy will accomplish all this, but the Four Remedies embodied in the Dr. Slocum System of Treatment will. More than a quarter of a century has been devoted to perfecting this System of Treatment; every indication, every symptom in Consumption and other diseases of the Throat and Lungs, has been carefully studied in the devel THIS BEATS THE JEWS! Before buying your SPRING SUIT Be sure to see us. In order to call your special attention to Spring Clothing, we offer a limited number of Good Woolen Suits, guaran * teed not to fade, for the un precedented low price of ; < Only one suit to a customer Remember, we have the only exclusively new stock in town ! Respectfully, J. P. BYRD & CO. Everett Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Bush & Gerts Pianos, Strich & Zeidler Pianos. Any of the above makes of Pianos can be bought very close for cash or on installment payments. There are 25 Everett Pianos now in use at the Gai> ;svilJe Seminary, and are giving entire satisfaction. The Harvard Pianos have the “Plectraphone” attach ment, by the use of which you can imitate the Banjo, Guitar or the Mandolin. The new Opera. House, Athens, Ga., has a Harvard in use, and is very satisfactory. Mrs. M. J. Perry, Carl, Ga., has just purchased a Har vard Piano. I also handle the “FARRAND & VOTEY” Organs, and purchase them in CAR LOAD LOTS, having already sold four car loads this year. The Farrand & Votey is the only absolutely Rat-Proof Organ on the market, notwithstanding others claim to handle them. Prices and catalogues will be promptly mailed on applica tion. HOPE HALE, Athens, - - Georgia, THE NEWS-HERALD. opment of this Treatment, therefore those who take it and give it a fair trial, certainly avail themselves of all that modern science and skill have to offer for the cure of Consumption and all forms of wasting diseases. Dr. Slocum’s faith in the efficacy of his System of Treatment is so strong, and his interest in the welfare of hu manity so great, that he will cheerfully send his complete System of Treatment (Four Preparations) FREE to all suf ferers who ask for it. Complete Free Course of Treatment, Consisting of Four Preparations, Formutae of Dr. slocum. Write the Doctor. Simply write, giving your full name, postoffice and express address, to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Laboratories, 96 and 98 Pine Street. New York City, stating that you read this article iu this paper, when the FOUR FREE PREPARATIONS will be sent you, together with free advice adapted to your case. Lawrencevilleand Suwanee. Two Prosperous Towns In Gwinnett County. No better illustration of the growth of this great county of Gwinnett can be found than in her many thriving towns. They appear to have gained a degree of prosperity that is constantly reap ing the reward of thriving indus try, and when coupled with a love for attractive surroundings in dwellings and well kept farms they are among the most inviting places of residence that can be found. The wealth and advance mei t of Gwinnett county has been marked, and in many respects she stands today at the head of the galaxy of counties that comprise the state of Georgia, Her soil produces immense wealth, and upon her broad acres are many towns that are centers of thrift and industry. Among them we name LAWRENCEYILLK. No error is committed when Lawrenceville is rauked among the progressive towns of the south, for its advantages are infeiior to none, and its future possibilities are so beautifully foreshadowed. Its citizens speak of the city as site of coming industrial en terprises, the product of which will Qnd a ready market in all the civilized countries Its institu tions of learning, churches, lovely homes, etc., are unsurpassed. To give a complete list of the many attractive features of the city would involve many hours of la bor, and these few are given that a partial insight may be obtained by those living abroad. As a place of residence Lawrenceville offers all the advantages of health, climate, laws, schools, churches, morality, socsety, public conven iences. The citizens are law-abid ing and peaceful, and are ready to encourage in a substantial way any worth}’ enterprise which is backed by men of money and ex perience. As a place of trade Lawrenceville commends itself most forcibly to the inhabitants of the surrounding country. It offers a good market for cotton, corn, fruit and other staples. Lawrenceville is a healthy, pretty and progressive place, and its bus iness men of the order that builds up a town. They are of an agress ive spirit, and do not confine their business operations to the inhabi tants of Lawrenceville and vicini ty, but attract a trade many miles from the town. Some of the larg est and best stocked stores in the state can be seen here, and the magnitude and quality of their stocks would at a glance attract the visitor. StWASEE. In this progressive age the pros pects for a town for the future are due in a great measure to the en terprise of business interests, and in this issue we wish to present a view of all such. The business houses of Suwanee are as a rule intelligently directed and admir ably equipped; progress and growth having marked the course of each on account of their facili ties being as perfect and complete as they can be made anywhere. Everything in and about the town indicates and gives assurance of a steady, substantial growth and permanent prosperity; a genial climate tempers the summer heat and winter’s cold, bringing to per fection the necessaries and many of the luxuries of civilized life and cultured taste. And now that we have spent columns in endeavoring to describe Lawrenceville, Buford and Su wanee, their business men and en terprises, climate, location and their great natural wealth, we re alize that no amount of descrip tion can fully satisfy the home seeker or capitalist. Naturally he must see with his own eye, and in this case seeing is believing; so that has been the object of this article—to arouse interest and ex cite investigation. Those in quest of home sites have a varied abun dance from which to select—hill, dale, slope, wood and field, all spread out like' a panorama, in viting the home seeker to stay his wanderings and find rest and re pose. The Evans-Uooper Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. Lawrenceville is not behind in the possession of enterprising firms, as may be easily discovered by a visit to the extensive estab lishment of The Evans-Cooper LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1899. iCo., located on Perry street. The business was established 5 years | ago, hut received its present des -1 ignation eight months ago. The stock carried is very large and complete, and consists of dry goods, notions,, shoes, ! hats, gents’ furnishing goods, heavy and fancy groceries, plauta ! tion supplies, crockery and glass ware. A special department is I that in millinery, which is in charge of Mrs. M. L. Moore, one of the most practical and tasteful milliners in the state. The firm ] is also large buyers of cotton, and ! dealers in high grade fertilizers. The business policy of the firm is j characterized by liberal and fair j dealing, and business relations i entered into with it will prove as plessant as they are certain to be come profiitable and permanent. T L. Ambrose. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LAWRENCEVILLE, OA. In reference to the general mer chandise trade of this city, one of the best known houses is that which is conducted under the pro prietorship of Mr. T. L. Ambrose, who commenced operations here nine years ago. The house has al ways been regarded as enterpris ing and energetic, offering to its patrons every inducement and ad vantage. The store occupied is 25x100 feet in dimeusious, thor oughly stocked with dry goods, no tions, clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, shoes, millinery, hats,heavy and fancy groceries, farm supplies, country produce, crockery and glassware. The stock will be found full and complete, and offered to the public at lowest prices. Mr. Ambrose also conducts the Am brose Hotel, which is newly fur nished throughout, and contains 1(3 large, airy rooms. The tables are supplied with the best the market affords, and free hacks meet all trains. Rates, $2.00 per day. Smith & Harris, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SUWANEE, GA. The above firm occupies a prom inent position in the general mer chandise trade, and during its ex istence has maintained a high re pute for uprightness, commercial enterprise and animation. The premises occupied are 80x80 feet in dimensions. The stock carried embraces dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, groceries, hardware and general farm supplies. They also buy cotton and country produce, paying the highest market prices. Messrs. Smith & Harris are young men, born and raised in Gwinnett county, and are gentlemen of high business quality, and the success with which they have conducted their business is proof of their re liability. C. A. Watkins, RERAIR SHOP, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. This well known and skilled mechanic has been established four months in Lawrenceville, but has bad an experience of 48 years in the business, and if there is a man who fully understands his trade, it is this reliable gentle man. Mr. Watkins does all kinds of blacksmith and repair work ou wagons and buggies; also shoes horses. He guarantees all work to be first class, and his prices as low as the lowest. Mr. Watkins is an old army veteran having served all through the war. Brown & Robinson. HEAVY AND FANCY GRO CERIES. LAWRENCEVILLE OA. The above named firm have only been established here one year, but have alreadly built up a nice and growing patronage. They have a complete stock of choice fancy and heavy groceries, flour, meat, sugar, coffee, rice, canned and bot tled goods, country produce, con fectioneries, etc. Their prices are very low, and when in need of any thing in the grocery line, send them an order, and in return you will receive pure, fresh goods, with full weights and measures guaran teed. Cooper & Robinson GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. Prominently engaged in the gen eral merchandise business here is the house of Messrs. Cooper A Rob inson, who have been established three months, but Mr. Cooper has had an experience of 10 years, and Mr. Robinson 15 years in business. Tho premises utilized for the bus iness is located ou Crogan street, and is stocked with a complete line of staple aud fahey groceries, tobacco, cigars, country produce, crockery and glassware,shoes, hats, dry goods, notions and gents’ fur nishing goods. They are also agents for the famous Patapsoo Brands of fertilizers,manufactured by Pat apsco Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. All goods handled are placed be fore patrons at lowest prices. Messrs. Cooper & Robinson, the proprietors, both devote their close personal attention to business,and are eminently entitled to recogni tion, especially so in view of their facilities, and high character for fair dealings and honest methods. J. N . Gouge & Bro. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. Among the enterprising and pro gressive business houses of Law renceville, none in their particular line is more deserving of mention than the establishment of Messrs. J. N. Gouge & Bro. They have been established one and one-half years, and are located on the oor uer of Crogan and Clayton streets. The stock handled embraces staple and fancy groceries, country pro duce, dry goods, shoes and hardware. The reliability of their goods can be depended upon at all times, and all who favor them with their patronage will re ceive full face value for their money. J. C- Harris, M- D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SUWANEE, GA. One of the most important sciences bearing upon the health of mankind is the study of medi cine, and in Dr. J. C. Harris Su wanee has a worthy exponent of this noble profession. The doctor was born and reared in Gwinnett county, and was educated at the Buford High School. He gradu ated in medicine from Atlanta and Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Harris makes a specialty of diseases of women, and has been eminently successful in his practice. He has a large practice, extending over Gwinnett, Hall, Milton and Forsyth coun ties. He is a progressive gentle man, a competent medical advisor, and has earned his well-merited success. R. W. Peeples, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LAWRKNCEVTLLEj GA. Lawrenceville has a large num ber of brilliant young attorneys, and it can be said without any at tempt at flattery that Mr. Peeples is one of the number. He was born and reared in Gwinnett county, where he received his education, finishing up with a course at the State University in Athens. He read law under the tutorship of his father, and was afterward admitted to the bar. Mr. Peeples is a gentleman of rare attainments, and enjoys a good practice in the legal profession. He has the honor of being Mayor pro tem of the city. Suwanee High School- MISS QLIA LAHATTE, PRIN. SCWANEE. Among the educational instu tions of the sectiou Suwanee High School is without a superior. The school is conducted upon the most approved plan by Miss Olia La- Hatte, the Principal. The course of instructions is systematic and thorough, aud embraces all the branches usually taught in first class High Schools. Its aim is to secure thorough scholarships by training and developing the intel lectual powers, that the mind of of the student may become capa ble of correct, vigorous and inde pendent thought and investiga tion. Miss Lallatte has had an experience of eight years, having taught school at Gainesville, also at Wrightsville, and Jefferson, Ga. She possesses all tl\e refined ac complishments attributed to a highly cultured and refined lady, and under her able administration the Suwanee IPgh School will flourish and pro! er. John B. Brogdon, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SUWANEE, GA. This prosperous and widely known concern is in all respects one of the leading and best equip ped houses devoted to the general merchandise taade in 'his section of the state. It has been admir ably conducted since its inception, and steadily pushes its way into public favor and prosperity from the general excellence of goods and econ. my in prices. The business was founded in 1879, and occupies large and commodious quarters 44x90 feet and annex 80xJJ0 feet in dimensions, 2 and 8 stories high in part. The stock comprises dry goods, ladies’ fine dress goods, sheetings, shirtings, wash goods, notions, boots, slices, hats, caps, clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, groceries, plantation supplies, hardware, glassware, crockery, undertaker’s goods and supplies, also the best brands of fertilizers. Mr. Brogdon, the proprietor, is highly esteemed for excellent bus iness qualities, and his house en joys a reputation fully in keeping with its character for fair dealing, enterprise and houoiable business methods. John H- Shackleford. JEWELER AND MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. Among the well known and old established business men of the city, especially deserving mention is the gentleman named above. He began business here 28 years ago, and has built up quite a large patronage. He handles watches, clocks, jewelry, musical instru ments, pianos and organs. He is an experienced jeweler aud, does all kinds of repair wprk in this line. Mr. Shackelford also handles a full line of bicycles, and makes a specialty of repair work. C. V Burch & Son- GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS, ETC. LAWRENCEVILLE OA. Tho gentlemen whose names ap pear above, have been established in business eighteen mouths. They are located on Pke street and their store is replete with a choice line of fancy groceries, country pro duces fresh meats, beef, pork and sausage, fish, oysters and vegeta bles. They also conduct a first class restaurant and serve meals, fish aud oysters iu season at any hours at popular prices. • T. P. Townley, LUMBER, MOULDINGS, ETC. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. A prominent industry is that of Mr. T. P. Townley, manufacturer and dealer in finishing lumber, mouldings, scroll work, turned work, bannistSrs, railings, etc. He also has two well-equipped cotton gins, and a grist mill, and does a large business during the season. Mr. Townley does general repairing, and in this line his prices are very low. He is a thorough-going business man, and has succeeded in building up a most lucrative and successful bus iness. A- T- Patterson. REPAIR SHOP. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. This is the leading shop of the kind in Lawrenceville, and since its establishment 15 years ago has maintained a nigh reputation for first-class and reliable work, and receives the leading patronage of this vicinity. Mr. Patterson man ufactures wagons and buggies to order, and does all kinds of repair Work, either in iron or wood, and shoes horses. He is centrally lo cated, does first-class work, uses the best of materials, and guaran tees his prices to be as cheap as any one’s for first-class and relia ble work. A- N. Shackelford. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEW ELRY. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. Nothing succeeds like success, as fully demonstrated in the career of Mr. A. N. Shackelford, who be gan business here five years ago. He is located on Crogan street, Ambrose block, and has built up apiice and growing patronage. He carries a nice stock of watches and cloeks, and a small line of general jewelry. He makes a specialty of ordering jewelry, and can furnish anything in this line on short no tice. Mr. Shackelford does all kinds of repairing on watches, clocks and jewelry, and is especial ly proficient in this line. M. S- Cornett LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, BUGGIES, ETC. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. One of tho best equipped livery and sale stables in this section is that of Mr. M, S. Cornett, on Cro gan street. He has been estab lished eleven years, and pays spe cial attention to keeping good riding and driving horses and up to-date vehicles of all kinds. Com mercial travelers can also secure good rigs with competant and care ful drivers at reasonable rates. He also handles horses and mules, and buggies of the best makes. Mr. Cornett is a member of the firm of J.P. Byrd & Co., general mer chandise dealers, and is a repre sentative business man. .Juhan & McDonald, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. The citizenship of Lawrenceville is among the best in tho great state of Georgia, inasmuch as it ranks in its midst men of brains, talent and energy. None are more favorably spoken of or morn highly appreciated than the gen tlemen who compose this firm. Mr. Juhan was admitted to the bar in 1854, served through the war in Cobh’s Legion and Brigade, aud at tho present time holds the important position of County So licitor. Mr. McDonald was ad mitted to practice in 1885, aud has represented his county two terms in the Legislature, and has served the city as Mayor two years. They have been associated in the practice of law since 1889, and have made an extended repu tation as able and learned attor neys. Miss Hattie Melton. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. LA WHENCE VII.LE GA. This estimable business lady oc cupies a leading position in the millinery trade of this city. She has been established eighteen years and has always maintained a high reputation for handling the choic est and latest styles of goods. The markets are watched carefully, and nothing.but the latest and most correct fashion grace her counters and shelves. The stock handled embraces a full line of new spring millinery and fancy goods, flow ers, feathers and ribbons, hats and bounets. Miss Melton is an ener getic lady and fully merits the most substantial patronage. J. F Byrd & Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LAWRENCEVILLE GA. The merchantile business is well represented in Lawrenceville by Mess. J. P. Byrd & Co. who estab lished their business January 1898. As headquarters for the business largo and commodious premises are occupied on Crogan street. Here can be seen a full stock of dry goods, notions, clothing, shoes, hats, gents furnishing goods, staple and fancy groceries, plantation supplies, hardware, crockery and glassware. In all departments the stock carried is of the best aud are sold at moderate prices. The house is well known for its general reputation and for selling goods on their true merits, and it is in every way to bo depended upon for fair dealing and honorable principles of doing business. The members of the firm individually are Mess. J. B. Byrd and M. S. Cornet, both prominent citizens of the community. JAMES H. McQEE Successor to Webb & McG-ee GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA This business was established 8 years, but the proprietor, Mr. Jas. H. McGee, has had an experience of 10 years iu business. The prem ises occupied by Mr. McGeo in the transaction of business is 80x60 feet in dimensions, located on Per ry street. A full stock of dry goods, notions, clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, shoes, hats, fan cy and heavy groceries, hardware, farm supplies and fertilizers are handled, and are sold at the very lowest prices. A specialty ißinade of clothing and gents’ furnishing goods, this department being the best in the city, aud sells more clothing than any other house. Mr. McGee conducts his business on a system that meets the ap proval of patrons,the best evidence of the liberality and honesty of the proprietor. News-Herald Journal, | Only $1.25. n , ■ ■.. ■ VOL. VI.—NO 24 MRS. A. WEBB, General Merchandise. LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. The business of Mrs. A. Webb was established in January of the present year, and since its incep tion has deservedly enjoyed the confidence and appreciation of the trading public. A large aud com modious sales-room is occupied on Crogan street, and here is handled a complete assortment of Dry goods, notions, clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, shoes, hats, sta ple and fancy groceries, crockery and glassware. Fleur and stock feed a specialty. A large stock is always carried to insure prompt ness and the satisfaction of pat rons. The management of the house devolves on Messrs. M. O. Ewing and George L. Webb, who give their closest personal atten tion to all the details of the estab lishment, and they enjoy a thor ough familiarity with the business to which their energies are devoted. BANK OF LAWRENCEVILLE. LAWRENCEVILLE OA. This enterprising institution was organized in 1897, with a paid up capital of $25,000, The success it has met with has heed remark able, so that today it stands on a par with the most solid bank in this section of the state. The stockholders are among the strong est financial men in Georgia, and backed by capital, together with energy aqd push, it has worked itself to the front ranks among similar institutions in the state. The bank building was especially constructed for its present use and is one of the finest in this section. The officers consists of Mess. W. S. Witham, Pres. T. M. Peeples, Vice-Pres. and E. Kendrick, cash ier, with the following board of directors; W. S. Witham, T. M. Peeples, E. Kendrick, M. E. Ewing, W. M. Sasser, M. L Rockmore. J. M. Wilson. EWING & SON. General Merchandise, Cotton and Per-' tilizers. LAWRENCEVILLE Ga. Carrying a large stock of goods and transacting an important bus iness in the departments of trade to which its energies are devoted, is the house of Mess. EwiDg <fc Son. which was instituted 16 years ago. The conveniences of the en terprise include the occupation of a store 82x110 feet in dimensions. The business of the house consists of the dealing in dry goods, no tions, clothing, gents furnishing goods, shoes, hats, groceries, farm supplies, lime, shingles and fertil iizers. They are also large buyers of cotton. The specialty of the firm is dealing in a class of goods that shall give satisfaction in every way and yet be reasonable in price. By this means Mess. Ewing Son are enabled not only to gain trade, but in the satisfac tion of their patrons to retain it permanently. Finally in closing this article, let us add that the reputation enjoyed by this concern has been secured by a system of uniformly fair and honorable trad ing, as well as for the excellent quality and fair prices of the goods it handles. Mr. M. E. Ewing of firm also owns and conducts the Hotel Ewing, built of brick and containing 86 rooms which is con ceeded to be one of the best hotels in this section of the State. Free sample rooms. Hacks meet all trains. J. G. VOSE. Staple and Fancy Groceries. I.AWRENCEVILLK GA. This successful business was es tablished in .July 1898, by Mr. J. G. Vose. He is located on Perry street, and carries a full and com plete line of staple and fancy gr< - oeries, canned goods, country pro duce, cigars and Tobacco. Every thing is nicely arranged, and the stock is new and prices reasonable. Mr. Vose was born and reared in the “Old Palmetto State,” and is a veteran of the war. O. A Nix. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LAWRENCEVILLE GA. There is probably no young man in the city better nnown or more widely appreciated than the sub ject of our sketch. He was born and reared in Gwinnett county and received his literary education at Mercer University, graduating from the law department in this well knowu institution with the highest honors. He was admitted to practice some six months ago, and is one of tho youngest attor neys in the state. Mr. Nix has pushed himself well to the front in his profession aud now enjoys a large and lucrative patronage.